I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1166: My lord, times have changed! (2 in 1)

What Han Cheng said, as well as the actions made by the members of the Qingque tribe, immediately moved the fire tribe people present.

However, these touches are not long-lasting in some people's hearts.

Because the moving emotions were in their hearts, they were replaced by other things.

For example, competing with Fotan for the new leader of the Fire Tribe.

At the beginning, he did indeed come here for the Qingque tribe, and he was particularly delighted and moved.

But soon, when he realized that the people of the Qingque tribe, including the most noble son of the Qingque tribe, were also familiar with Fotan, the emotion in his heart disappeared all at once!

Because he realized that such a situation is extremely unfavorable to him.

Originally, he and Fo Tan were evenly matched in the tribe.

But now, because of the arrival of the Qingque tribe, this state is about to be broken.

Originally, he had thought in his heart more than once, and quickly settled the matter of selecting the leader.

Regardless of him and Fotan, whoever can become the leader of the tribe can be successful.

But now, such an opportunity finally appeared, and when the deadlocked situation was really about to be resolved, he didn't think that way anymore, and he became full of worries again.

It turned out that he thought this way before because he had the opportunity to become a leader.

And now, under such circumstances, he has no hope of becoming a leader.

This is selfishness at work.

But this kind of selfishness, many people have.

Huo Miao stared blankly, it seemed very complicated and unspeakable.

Amidst his unspeakable complexity, he shook hands with Fotan, and the respectable **** of the Qingque tribe, who seemed to have a good relationship with them, came to him and stretched out his hand to him.

The stunned flame reached out and shook hands with the **** child of the Qingque tribe who had met for the second time.

The hands of the **** child of the Qingque tribe are thinner, longer, and very warm.


Han Cheng said with a smile looking at Huo Miao.

The flames looked dazed, and felt very flattered.

"Mud number, mud number"

He followed Han Cheng's appearance, and said in words that seemed very strange.

After Han Cheng shook hands with Huo Miao, he patted Huo Miao's shoulder by the way.

"Can you tell me what happened to you here?"

Han Cheng asked Huo Miao and Fo Tan with a smile.

In fact, he already knew some of these things through trade before, but this did not prevent him from asking these people like this at this time.

On the one hand, I want to know what happened to the Du Yihuo tribe. On the other hand, it is not easy to ask this question to reveal that they have been peeping in Ma Di for a while.

How can he, the **** son of the dignified Qingque tribe, such a bright and stalwart person, be able to do such things that have no taste and do not conform to his status? !

After hearing Han Cheng's question, many of the Fire Tribe people who were present couldn't help but shine.

Choosing the new leader of the tribe, in their tribe, has now reached a deadlock.

Now, the people of the Qingque tribe are here, and among those who come, there are also the **** sons and leaders of the Qingque tribe, these are extremely important people.

Ask them about such a problem, it should be able to usher in a turning point and be solved!

People with bright eyes think so in their hearts.

"The leader of our tribe died. He was fine when he slept the first day. When he got up the next morning, he died. There was no movement. Just like that, he died while everyone was asleep..."

Fo Tan began to tell Han Cheng.

His eloquence is better, at least he is more organized.

Being able to tell things completely without making people confused.

This way of narrating all the way, the things that will happen in their tribe are told one by one.

Including the death of the leader, as well as the various things they have done in order to elect a new leader these days, as well as the disputes and difficulties they encountered because of this.

While talking in Fotan, the flames beside him seemed a little nervous.

Because he didn't understand what Huo Miao was talking about.

Worried that Huo Miao will distort the facts there.

I knew that the language of the Qingque tribe was so important, so I had to find someone to study it and learn it.

Learn it early, and you won't be so anxious now, there is no way!

In the future, I must learn the language of the Qingque tribe as soon as possible!

After experiencing the flames of "Hate less when the book is used", I made up my mind to think like this...

In the extremely entangled and uncomfortable torment of Huo Miao, Huo Tan, who has not stopped much in his mouth, will also tell the story of what happened in their tribe.

"My son, that's it. We haven't settled the matter until now, and haven't elected a new leader..."

Fo Tan looked at Han Cheng and said with such entanglement.

Han Cheng nodded to him, standing here quietly sorting out what he heard from Fo Tan.

After a while, it is considered to be straightened out.

"I know what happened to your tribe and the problems you are facing now, so what are you going to do now?"

"Do you need help from our tribe?"

Han Cheng, who straightened things out, said as he looked at Fotan and the rest of the fire tribe.

"Need, need."

Fo Tan nodded repeatedly.

"Ask them again if you need it."

Han Cheng smiled and pointed at Fotan and others.

To do this kind of thing, it is best to obtain the consent of both parties before proceeding.

In this case, the future sequelae will be relatively small.


After hearing Han Cheng's words, Fo Tan began to convey Han Cheng's meaning to Huo.

After Huo Miao understood the meaning of Fo Tan, after a little thought, he subconsciously shook his head and refused.

He felt that Huotan and others were familiar with the Qingque tribe, but they were not familiar with the Qingque tribe.

The people of the Qingque tribe will protect Fotan and others.

Will make Fotan the new leader of the tribe.

After seeing him shook his head and refused, Fo Tan and the others who belonged to Fo Tan suddenly became angry.

They quarreled with Huo Miao, and asked Huo Miao to reject this proposal and not let the people of the Qingque tribe help them do this. Then what else could he do to do this thing well?

Huo Miao was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

But he still scratched his neck and shook his head vigorously.

"God, or let's just make Fotan the leader of the Fire Tribe."

When the people in Fotan and Huo Miao were communicating, the older brother approached Han Cheng and said to Han Cheng in a low voice.

In fact, at the beginning, the big brother didn't think so in his heart.

However, after seeing Huo Tan conveying the meaning of God's Son to Huo Miao, Huo Miao's attitude, the big brother suddenly became particularly angry.

Their tribe **** son, what a capable person!

How respectable they are in their Qingque tribe.

Now, the son of God has taken people such a long distance and spent such a long time for your business, before he came.

At this time, you have proposed to solve the problem for your tribe, but you still don't appreciate it?

Really think that our tribe needs to consult your opinions when doing things?

Really think that our tribe does not have the strength and ability to completely settle this matter?

Standing on the side, Mao nodded in agreement when he heard what the senior brother said.

He also felt very dissatisfied with Huo Miao's attitude.

Han Cheng couldn't help but smile after hearing the meaning of the two big brothers.

He thought for a moment, and shook his head at them.

"Can't do this."

Han Cheng said this to the two of them.

"This is not a question of whether our tribe has this ability, but if we do this, it will have a very bad influence on the fire tribe."

As Han Cheng said, he pointed his finger at the fire tribe people standing behind the flames.

"These people account for almost half of the Huo tribe people. There are too many.

If we do it forcibly, we can indeed suppress these people, but we cannot stay here for a long time.

After we left, many of these people would take some actions to resist this incident.

For a long period of time in the future, the Fire Tribe will become endless.

This will affect the people of the fire tribe to grow hemp and use hemp to weave cloth.

Such a thing is not good for our tribe. "

Han Cheng softly explained to the two of them.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, the two big brothers nodded after thinking about it.

Things are indeed as the son of God said, that is not safe to do.

"It's just that, looking at that guy like this, I feel so angry in my heart."

The big brother said so, and Mao nodded once again.

When Han Cheng heard the big brother say this, and saw Mao nodding his head, he felt very funny, so he couldn't help but smile.

"I have a better way to solve this matter."

He held back his smile and said to the two big brothers.

"If the method I think of cannot succeed, then I will use the one you mentioned and directly appoint Fotan as the leader of the Fire Tribe.

If the others dare to object, then use force to suppress them!

Take them directly from the Huo tribe and scattered them in the main tribe, Tongshan residential area, Qinling sub-region, Jinguan City, Tieshan residential area, and Sanxingdui.

So there is no fear that these people can make waves.

And we can send some people from the tribe to live in the fire tribe and provide protection in these aspects of force. "

Han Cheng said to the two of them.

Big Brother and Mao, two people, after listening to Han Cheng's words, their eyes brightened involuntarily.

They felt that the solution that the son of God said was very good, so it was better to just do it directly, and save trouble.

Of course, in this case they would only think about it in their hearts, and would not say it.

After all, the son of God had already said just now, he still has one way he didn't use.

From what the son of God said, they could understand that the method said by the son of God should be more appropriate than the method he just said.

"You guys stay quiet."

Han Cheng said this to the Red Tiger tribe who had already quarreled again.

Fotan and the others were arguing fiercely and devotedly at this time, so the Shang did not hear what Han Cheng said.

It is still full of quarrel here.


A muffled sound suddenly sounded at this moment.

But the big brother on one side became angry after seeing this.

He sickened the weapon he was holding and slammed it against the trunk of a small tree nearby.

The people of the Fire Tribe who were startled by the sudden sound, subconsciously closed their mouths, and turned to look at Han Cheng and others, with surprise in their eyes.

"Just stay quiet, listen to what I'm talking about before arguing."

Han Cheng smiled and said to the fire tribes who were looking at him. He looked very kind.

Fo Tan understood Han Cheng's meaning, and Huo Miao on the other side, with the help of the other Huo tribe people, understood Han Cheng's meaning.

Although he felt a little flustered about this, he felt that the **** son of the Qingque tribe would help Huotan, who was more familiar with and closer to the Qingque tribe, but at such a time, he still did not dare to shake his head.

Because the person who came and said these things to him at this time was the **** son of the Qingque tribe.

Moreover, the Son of God did not come alone.

In addition to him, there are many Qingque tribe people.

These Qingque tribesmen, one by one, look strong, and they all have extremely sharp weapons...

"I already understand your situation."

Han Cheng looked at these people and said aloud.

"You each support one person and want them to become the new leader of the tribe, for which no one is willing to regress.

This matter seems difficult to solve, but in fact there is no other way.

You can choose two leaders from the tribe, two of them, one for one. "

After Han Cheng's words were spoken, the Huo tribe people who understood Han Cheng's words ~www.NovelMTL.com~ instantly brightened in their hearts, but soon became weird.

Such an idea seems very good at first, but it is not reliable at all.

Because their tribe has never had two leaders.

The leader has always been held by only one person, how could there be two people.

Han Cheng seemed to understand the shock and doubt of the fire tribe people.

At the moment, smiling and explaining to the fire tribe's people: "Perhaps you think the two leaders are very strange, maybe before you, your tribe has never seen two leaders at the same time.

But what I want to say to you is that things are different now, and times have changed!

In the past, your tribe only relied on hunting and gathering for food, but now, it mainly relies on weaving for food...


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