I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1165: Being able to speak Mandarin can be 1st class (2 in 1)

The quarrel continued in the fire tribe.

Similar things have happened here many times.

These days, there have been a lot of competitions and discussions, but whatever it is, it will eventually become the current quarrel.

The matter will once again return to the original point, back to the dispute between force and weaving.

The two people who were selected by the people in their respective camps to compete for the leader seemed helpless at this time.

Faced with such a thing, they can't find a good way to solve it.

No matter how they play or negotiate, in the end things will become what they are now.

If they really bow their heads to the other party, they really feel unwilling in their hearts.

After all, they all feel that they are reasonable and should be the new leader of their tribe.

Moreover, this is really done. Not to mention that they feel unwilling. The people standing behind them will definitely jump out and oppose it immediately!

Why do they make such an important contribution to the tribe and make the tribe so powerful, yet let those inside be the leaders of the tribe?

Even, many times these two people have thought about it, or just bring their respective supporters and divide the tribe into two.

In this way, there will be no more quarrels like now, there is no end!

However, they can't really do it with such cruelty. .

The guilt that divides the tribe is one, and more importantly, they are reluctant to give up what is good for each other.

People who are physically strong and hunters are reluctant to give up the ability to weave.

Because the facts are the same as those in the tribe who can weave.

Up to now, most of the food in the tribe is exchanged from the Qingque tribe by those who can weave cloth.

Without these weavers, life in the tribe would become very uncomfortable.

Those who weave are also inseparable from those who can hunt.

This is not just because hunters can get some food to supplement the food in the tribe.

More importantly, these hunters are generally more powerful and courageous, and they are more reliable when they are in danger.

With these people, they can feel a lot of peace of mind.

It is also bolder when starting things.

Without these hunters, they would be very uncomfortable.

It is precisely because of this that their tribe has not split up yet.

However, under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to restore the tribe to the state of unity before.

Because until now, they have not elected a new leader.

It's all because the old leader died so suddenly.

When he died, he left no words about it.

If there is a word about this, then when they start these things now, it will not be as difficult as they are now.

This situation will not appear in the tribe.

Now, what should I do...

The two people felt very embarrassed and troubled in their hearts.

They all felt great distress about how to solve this matter.

But one thing is clear, that is, neither of them is willing to give in!

The matter froze like this, and there was no way to solve it.

Seeing the noisy and yelling group of people, a sense of powerlessness and helplessness also rose in their hearts...

"It looks very complicated, let's go out and have a look"

Here in Madi, Han Cheng who had been watching him for a while, said aloud.

After staying here for a while, with a professional translator like Youmao, Han Cheng knew a little bit about the fire tribe.

It's just that this place is far away from where everyone in the Fire Tribe is, and coupled with the mess over there, even if it's a trade, under such circumstances, the information you can get is limited.

So after staying here for a while, Han Cheng said this aloud.

He didn't plan to stay here anymore, he was going to take the people directly and go out to ask the people of the Fire Tribe, what happened in their tribe and why they made things like this.

This is more direct and can know these things faster.

As for the security issue, Han Cheng didn't feel that the people of the Fire Tribe would dare to treat the people of his tribe after such a long time of contact.

Even if these people dare to treat their tribe with so many armed tribesmen with them, the people of these fire tribes can only suppress all their careful thoughts.

This is also the biggest reason why Han Cheng dared to do so at this time.

After all, in many cases, when he starts to do things, he is as stable as an old dog, who likes to keep his hand when he is okay.

After receiving the signal from Han Cheng, the members of the Qingque tribe who were present were no longer hiding their bodies.

The hidden green sparrow flag was raised high, Han Cheng and others walked out of Ma Di, with many people behind.

All armed


In the chaotic Fire Tribe, there was a person who pointed at the location of Ma Di, speaking loudly.

What I mean is that these hemp are also grown by people like them. These hemp can make a lot of hemp cloth in time. When the time comes, the hemp cloth will get a lot of good things from the blue sparrow tribe. Lives more prosperous...

He said loudly, his hand still pointing towards the Ma Di on the side.

The eyes also move with the pointing of the fingers.

There are some people next to him, listening to him.

Everyone's heads also moved with the movement of his fingers, sweeping over the hemp planted on the side.


The person who seemed very high in emotions spoke very passionately.

After saying this for a while, I was suddenly stunned, unable to speak.

Not only that, but the eyes are a little big.

The wide-eyed people were not only him, but also those who kept moving their heads as his fingers moved.

They looked at the green sparrow flag that emerged from Ma Tei, and the people who appeared continuously from Ma Tei with the appearance of the flag were all stunned.

For a while, I didn't understand what was happening before me.

Why suddenly the flag of the Qingque tribe and the people of the Qingque tribe appeared from the Ma Di of their tribe?

"Green bird! Green bird!"

Immediately, there was a shout.

With surprises and surprises.

Such movement attracted the attention of the entire Huo tribe.

Hearing these shouts, they looked around in surprise, and quickly caught the direction of those shouting.

When following their direction and seeing what they saw, these people couldn't help but stunned.

On it is a flag made of linen with a blue sparrow, a hairstyle that is basically the same as that of his tribe, and a unique armor made of rattan.

These are all confirming to them that the people who came are indeed from the Qingque tribe.

Especially after seeing one of them, they are more certain of their thoughts.

Because the person they saw was not someone else, but the leader of the Qingque tribe!

The leaders of the Qingque tribe are here, why can't it be from the Qingque tribe?


After a brief stupefaction, among the group of people who were weaving, someone shouted in such a surprise, and greeted the Qingque tribe people who appeared suddenly and were full of surprises.

Following his lead, there were a lot of people running towards Han Cheng and the others.

These people are the people who used to brace rafts and other tools to go upstream all the way to the Qingque tribe and exchange the cloth woven by their tribe.

Because they go to the Qingque tribe for exchange every year, they are more familiar with the Qingque tribe.

The tribal leader who is often in the tribe, the big brother, also has a very deep memory.

"God, Son of God?"

On the way to welcome Han Cheng and his group, people from the Fire Tribe recognized Han Cheng, who was also wearing a vine armor, and said with disbelief.

After all these years of contact, it is not surprising that the people of Fire Tribe can speak Mandarin.

Especially those who often go to the Qingque tribe for exchange.

After all, in their opinion, the Qingque tribe is so magical and great.

Even the language is so sacred.

They are proud that they can speak the language of the Qingque tribe!

In fact, this is indeed the case in the Huo Tribe. People who can speak the language of the Qingque tribe, especially those who speak the language of the Qingque tribe extremely fluently and standardly, will get a higher status than the ordinary people of the Red Tiger tribe.

Respected by people.

If they were surprised to see people from the Qingque tribe coming, they would feel particularly surprised and pleasantly surprised to see the master brother, the leader of the Qingque tribe, coming.

After seeing the arrival of the **** son of the Qingque tribe at this time, they truly felt the great surprise and emotion!

It’s not just those people who have seen the gods of the Qingque tribe in the Qingque tribe before, even those in the hunting camp, after hearing the words of the guys in their tribe, they still bear it. Can't help but be moved!

As members of the Fire Tribe, although they have never been to the Qingque tribe or saw the **** son of the Qingque tribe, they also know how lofty the Qingque tribe **** son is in the Qingque tribe!

Knowing this name, this person, to the Qingque tribe, what does it mean!

As a result, they turned their gazes one after another, carefully staring at the **** son of the Qingque tribe who came with the people of the Qingque tribe, with respect, fear, and intense curiosity.

The extremely fierce controversy that was still going on just now disappeared all at once.

The attention of all the Red Tiger tribe people present was attracted by the Qingque tribe people who came!

"God son~"

With a strong surprise and awe, he ran to Fotan not far from Han Cheng and shouted.

Soon it became a little restrained.

You know, the **** of the Qingque tribe is in front of you!

Although he was always very talkative and kind when he met him in the Qingque tribe, but I don't know why, being with him still makes people feel restrained and awe-inspiring.

"God, son of god, you, what are you doing here?"

Fo Tan swallowed and asked nervously.

A kind smile appeared on Han Cheng's face.

He smiled and walked forward two steps, then stretched out his hand, making a gesture of shaking hands with Fo Tan.

After seeing Han Cheng perform this action, Fo Tan was very flattered.

He quickly bent down and stretched out his hands to shake hands with Han Cheng.

Fo Tan is the one who participated in the textile competition and won.

In other words, he is one of the two competitors for the next leader of the Fire Tribe.

"Our tribe, after seeing your tribe for such a long time, we stopped sending cloths and exchanged food and salt.

We thought that your tribe was in danger, was attacked by some beast, or other evil tribes, and we couldn't rest assured. After some discussion, I brought people to check it out.

See if it looks like this.

If so, help you drive away the beasts, or defeat those who came to attack your tribe, and make your tribe safe again.

Not violated. "

Han Cheng said with a smile while shaking hands with Fotan and the people following Fotan.

Why do they come, talk to these fire tribe people.

It is a very necessary thing to tell others about what you are good to others and what you have done behind the scenes for the good of others.

In this way, it will not allow others to misunderstand and self-defeating.

Be kind as donkey liver and lungs.

At the same time, something can be gained.

These are some of the lessons Han Cheng learned after experiencing many things.

It’s always okay to pay in obscurity without telling it, but sometimes it is easy to misunderstand.

Make it thankless.

If you say it, it's much better.

Don't ask if others can remember your good, but at least they won't cause misunderstandings.

Hearing what Han Cheng said ~www.NovelMTL.com~There are still some people who can understand Mandarin in Fotan, and they are all very moved.

They did not expect that the Qingque tribe far upstream could actually remember them.

I came here for such a long distance to see if something bad happened to them and to help them.

Although he is a primitive person, facing this kind of heart-warming behavior, he still can't help feeling agitated, and the whole person's heart is warm.

It is much more comfortable to drink a bowl of warm soup than in winter.

Those in the Fire Tribe who didn't understand Han Cheng's meaning seemed very puzzled.

However, their doubts disappeared before long, and they became the same unbelievable and deeply moved.

Because someone who understands the language, I told them...

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