I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1164: Fight for the leader (2 in 1)

Some scenes can be seen through some hemp poles and hemp leaves blocking in front of him.

A lot of people can be seen in the Huo tribe residence not too far away.

But it seems strange that these people are now divided into two camps.

The noise came from the two camps.

Even many people still hold weapons in their hands.

Has the Fire Tribe been violated by other tribes?

Seeing such a scene, Han Cheng had such an idea for the first time.

If this is the case, depending on the situation, let the people in the tribe help the Fire Tribe solve it.

Not only can this solve the problem of the Fire Tribe, but also those who come to the Fire Tribe to seek troubles and delay the business of their tribe can be arrested and brought to their tribe to do coolies.

Get a lot of free labor.

Such a thing, just think about it, the son of Han Da feels very excited.

He suppressed his mood, looked here for a while, and gradually realized that things seemed to be different from what he thought.

Although the two people are noisy and seem to be particularly emotional, they have never had any intention of doing anything until now.

Such behavior made Han Cheng, who was quietly observing here, feel a little worried and dissatisfied.

These guys, what are you arguing about here, can't it be over if you just use your weapon?

When did this primitive man become such a mother-in-law?

The son of Han Da muttered in his heart.

"God, it seems that the people on both sides are from the Fire Tribe."

At this moment, the senior brother began to speak, with some hesitation and doubt in his voice.

"That is Fotan, and this one looks like a fireball. They have transported burlap to our tribe before, and they have lived in our tribe for a long time."

The big brother said so.

Han Cheng, who was imagining a lot of things, was taken aback when he heard the big brother say this.

There are people from the Fire Tribe on both sides?

How is this going?

Infighting happened?

Or is it that some people from the Fire Tribe eat inside and out, and bring people from outside to attack their own tribe?

Han Cheng thought this way, but he couldn't come to a good conclusion.

"There is a dispute among their tribes, as if they are saying who is worthy to be the leader of the tribe..."

At this time, the first translator and interpreter of the tribe beside Han Cheng said aloud.

Han Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately reacted, and asked aloud: "Is the old leader of their tribe dead? Or is it because the old leader can't control the people in the tribe? Some new people want to pull the old leader down. The leader of the tribe?"

When the tribe was arguing over the position of the leader, there seemed to be no other reason besides these two.

"I don't know, I haven't heard it yet."

Mao, who listened carefully, shook his head and returned.

While Mao listened so seriously, the Huo tribe people who seemed to be extremely excited and clamoring ceaselessly had new changes.

I saw five or six people who seemed very excited. They turned around and came to the underside of the shed not far away. In a short while, they lifted out two big things from inside.

Although the distance was far away, Han Cheng recognized it at a glance.

The two things carried out by the Huo tribe people were looms.

After these years of development, the loom of the Qingque tribe has been greatly improved and improved on the original extremely crude basis.

At the very least, you can move the position at will now.

It’s not like it was fixed on the ground before, and if you want to move it, you need to spend a lot of effort to disassemble and reinstall...

Looking at such a scene from a distance, Han Cheng couldn't help being filled with doubts and puzzled.

What are these people doing?

Are you arguing about who is the leader?

Why did you suddenly lift the loom out?

This style of painting is changing too fast, right?

Under Han Cheng's dumbfounded and confused gaze, these people each carried a loom and had returned to the two camps, put it down and placed it firmly.

In addition, some people took the wrapped twine and placed them on the sides of the two looms.

Afterwards, following an order, the people on the sides of the two camps retreated one after another, backing more than two meters away.

A person was left beside the two looms.

As everyone backed away, the two men sat in front of the loom at a very fast speed.

After sitting here, as if they were competing, they quickly picked up the thread on the side with their hands and began to install it on the loom.

After installing it, he started to weave with a shuttle in one's hand, which was very fast.

Han Cheng is more knowledgeable about weaving.

However, it is a matter of two big masters who hold a weaving competition and sit in front of the loom to do the weaving competition. I have never seen it before.

His mouth opened a bit wide, and he didn't react to it for a while. This was a magic operation.

He was stunned here and did not react, but the two people from Huo Clan over there were not in a daze, and their men kept moving.

The person on the left has been knitting the cloth for a while with the shuttle in his hand, and the person on the right seems to be hurriedly hanging the thread.

I hurriedly glanced at the opposite person, seeing that the person had already started weaving, and my heart became even more anxious.

He didn't dare to do it after a half-half pause, so he held the shuttle and started weaving in a hurry.

Sometimes, the more flustered, the easier it is to make mistakes.

After this man went back and forth a few times, the thread on the shuttle broke.

He was anxious, but he had to stop his movements, looking hurriedly to find the broken thread and the thread on the shuttle held in his hand, a little clumsily to connect them together, and then proceed in a hurry. Weaving.

However, good times are not always there.

Not long after weaving, the thread on the shuttle in his hand broke again.

He hurriedly connected the thread clumsily, and then started weaving in a hurry.

As a result, it didn't take long to knit, and the thread on the shuttle in his hand broke again.

Wiring head is a very time-consuming thing.

This person was not very fast at weaving, but at this time the weaving thread was constantly breaking again, and his heart became anxious and caught on fire.

On the other hand, the person opposite him was very skilled, and kept weaving cloth there.

From the beginning to the present, the cloth on the shuttle in my hand has not been broken once.

This kind of thing sees this person who is always disconnected, his eyelids are jumping!


He suddenly shouted loudly.

What he yelled meant was that the person on the other side cheated.

If it wasn't cheating, then why did the thread in his hand always break, while the thread on the shuttle in the hand of the guy on the other side never broke?


There were some reserved smiles from the master on the face of the accused.

He watched this man speak.

Then he stretched out his hand to tear the thread on his shuttle and threw the shuttle to the opposite person.

After receiving the shuttle, that person also threw the always-broken shuttle in his hand to this person.

After swapping the shuttles, both of them started wiring and then weaving.

Next, a miracle happened.

After changing the shuttle, the person who was always disconnected still frequently disconnected.

And the person who keeps on line is basically on line.


After a while, this person who was always disconnected was finally unable to stand the abuse.

He said so loudly, and threw the shuttle in his hand to the ground.

However, this behavior also directly declared his failure.


The people behind the skilled weaving man who won the victory couldn't help cheering, with excitement and joy.

The person on the losing side seemed a little silent.

However, their silence did not last long and was quickly completely broken.

They yelled, provocatively and unconvinced.

Hidden in Ma Tei, he silently witnessed the end of a strange match and saw the scene like this, Han Cheng couldn't help but touched his head, looking puzzled.

How is this going?

The primitive people who have always been known for their straightforwardness and uprightness, will there be shame and denial?

Under his suspicious gaze, things quickly changed.

I saw the loser standing up in front of the loom amidst the shouts of people on their side.

He stood up in front of the loom and left, looking relaxed all over.

He twisted his body vigorously.

Then he used his hand to beat his chest vigorously a few times to show his strength.

As for the person who had a good hand in weaving and was able to defeat him, the smile on his face did not appear long before he was frozen.

He looked at the man who kept beating his chest, with some embarrassment and hesitation on his face.

Just as the person feels embarrassed about weaving, he feels embarrassed about the next thing.

However, even though he felt embarrassed, he stood up from the front of the loom, moved his body, and greeted him who was obviously stronger than him.

Contrary to Han Cheng's expectation, the two people who seemed to be fighting for the last time did not fight.

After coming together, they came to a place, and everyone walked away, revealing a large area of ​​open space.

Then the strong man bent down and picked up a stone that had been placed there, pulled away, and threw it forcefully.

The stone flew far away, and only after flying a long distance, did it fall completely.

People belonging to the two camps ran over together, and inserted a very conspicuous wooden stick in their hands on the mark that the stone fell on.

Then he returned with the stone and gave it to the hand of the person who had not thrown it.

This person who is very good at weaving, took the stone at this time, but he was a little confused in his heart.

He held it, stretched it vigorously a few times, made a full posture, and then threw it vigorously.

However, the result was not great.

It can be seen that he has tried his best to throw, but still not as far as the man on the edge.

Not a short distance.

Glancing at the guy who can only weave, this strong man raised his head involuntarily.

Then he picked up an extremely sharp wooden stick from the side, and threw it out with all his strength.

The javelin-like wooden stick once again swept across the sky and fell far ahead.

Once again someone went out, pulled out the gun, and inserted a wooden stick as a mark where the gun fell.

Then the one who was good at weaving threw it.

The result is obvious, and he is still incomparable above this.

After the two competitions were over, the two quickly fought together again.

After the scuffle, the stronger man took the upper hand and won.


The people who belonged to the strong camp cheered loudly.

It means that they have won, and the leader should be the person they choose!

He is so good!

It is so powerful!

And he is very good at hunting.

Only such a person is worthy to be the leader of his tribe!

Only such a person can lead the people in the tribe, defend the tribe, and bring a high enough sense of security to the tribe!

Only then can we bring enough food to the tribe!

Moreover, in the past, when the leader of the tribe was elected, it was like this, it was the strong one!


What they said was quickly rebutted by the other party.

They were talking emotionally, and from time to time they pointed their fingers at the loom and the place where food was stored in the tribe.

Their meaning is also very clear, saying that the tribe can live such a life, not by hunting, but by weaving!

Now, the food brought by weaving far exceeds the food obtained from hunting in the tribe!

If you still rely on hunting all the time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the people in your tribe will still be hungry and full, and they will not be able to lead such a life at all. The people in the tribe cannot increase so fast!

Choosing a leader in the tribe should be based on who can bring enough food to the tribe and lead the people in the tribe to live well.

Instead of looking at others!

Other things cannot be eaten as food.

Similar quarrels and competitions have been conducted many times.

The people of the fire tribe, divided into two parts, insisted on their own words, and no one could convince anyone.

So that the old leader of their tribe has been dead for a long time, and the new leader of their tribe has not been elected.

These days, their tribe has been busy electing the leader, and everything else has been delayed.

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