I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1163: Son of God, come and take a look (2 in 1)

There was a red sun in the sky, shining a thousand rays of sunshine, and the water surface was given many brilliant colors.

Sure enough, sunrise and Jianghua are better than fire!

It is not spring, but the river is also very clear.

In the early morning, cooking smoke rose, and then spread around by the morning breeze.

Some cooking smoke drifted far away, while others stuck to the surface of the water, which looked like water mist from the water.

The oars and the penny slid together, breaking the calm of the water, and driving the boat toward the deeper part of the river.

On the ship, there was a smoky smoke.

The smoke is emitted from the ceramic stove placed above the bow and fired.

There is still a pot on the clay stove, and food is cooked in the pot.

Such a device is available on every ship.

And at this time they are all burning and cooking food.

This is Han Cheng's arrangement.

Cooking on the shore is too time-consuming.

It takes 40 minutes at the earliest from the beginning of the cooking to the good meal.

In fact, because the pots used on a large scale in the tribe are still pottery pots that conduct heat slowly, the cooking process needs to be extended.

Even a simple breakfast, it takes almost an hour to eat.

This was unbearable for Han Cheng, who was rushing to the Fire Tribe to see what happened.

This one hour can walk a lot.

What's more, how many hours can there be in a day?

So the current situation appeared.

Now, these people who traveled with Han Cheng are truly eating small pot rice.

The boat went all the way, leaving behind a trail of cooking smoke that soon dissipated, and it didn't take long for the river surface to be calm.

After continuing to talk to the people in the tribe last night, the people who came out with Han Cheng have basically figured out the origin of the crayfish, how far away they are from others, and how difficult it is to go. And what way to go.

Han Cheng opened the hand-painted map again. It seemed that after a while, he sighed slightly, then carefully folded it and placed it in his backpack.

The outlines of the land and the ocean on this map were all drawn by him according to the geographical map of the world in his memory.

In terms of proportions and many small details, there must be problems, and they cannot be exactly the same as those maps of later generations.

Moreover, in addition to these, there is another problem.

The problem was that Han Cheng didn't know how far away he was from the age he lived in.

However, according to his historical knowledge, the time here must be long.

In this way, the problem arises.

The problem is that the current topography, as well as many things, are somewhat different from the later generations.

These are all problems that need to be resolved, but Han Chengdu is unable to solve them.

After all, at this time, he is limited by various conditions. It is simply impossible to accurately draw the contours of the world's land and ocean in this era.

The maps drawn according to the maps of later generations, although there will be discrepancies, still have great reference value.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng still couldn't find a solution to the accuracy of the map, so he had to give it up.

He got up from the cabin and walked all the way up the bow.

As he walked, the ship swayed from side to side.

People who are not on a used boat are more afraid of such shaking.

Han Cheng stepped onto the bow, standing there and looking into the distance.

As far as his eyes can be, there is a shimmering river surface like a ribbon.

No boats or rafts were seen above the river.

It is still empty.

No one from the Fire Tribe was seen.

Although such a scenario was already within Han Cheng's expectations, it did happen, and it still made Han Cheng feel a little disappointed.

After standing here and watching for a while, after still not seeing the trace of the Huo tribe people, Han Cheng stopped looking there.

After thinking about it, he took out a large net bag with a wooden handle from the cabin.

Then he stretched it into the river water on the side of the boat and used it to net fish.

In fact, at the beginning, Han Cheng wanted to sit on a boat and fish.

However, the boats have been walking towards the front all the time. Under such circumstances, it is obviously unrealistic to want to fish.

So Han Chengcheng found the net bag.

The boat moved forward, traveling faster than the current.

Driven by the boat, the net bag was fully supported.

Running water poured into the net bag, and with a little resistance, it quickly leaked out of the hole in the net bag.

After a long while, Han Cheng holding the handle of the net bag suddenly felt some vibration.

These vibrations are not the same as those that touch the sand and rocks at the bottom of the river.

Han Cheng held the handle of the net bag, first turned it a small half circle to adjust the mouth of the net bag to face upward, and lifted it up.

The net bag in the water came out of the water as he lifted it, and some weight came along, and at the same time there was a clearer sense of vibration.

In the net bag dripping with water, there appeared a fish that was struggling.

Fishing can be more than three catties.

In addition to this fish, there are four or five small fishes.

Because of their small size and low strength, these little fish didn't feel much after entering the net bag, so Han Cheng didn't know when these guys got in.

Looking at these fishes, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Harvest can always bring happiness to people, especially the gains obtained by oneself.

Pour these big and small fish into the cabin and let them jump around here, Han Cheng turned around and put the empty net bag into the water again, and continued to use this method to catch fish. Passing this seemingly boring time, and at the same time experiencing the joy of harvest, at the same time, thinking of some things in my mind...

There are a lot of fish in the river. Just look at the fish in the cabin and you can have a very intuitive feeling.

Han Cheng was not the only person on the boat, and there was no need for him to order anything. Those who didn't need to row the boat would clean up the fish caught by Han Cheng.

This feeling of only being responsible for catching the fish but not being responsible for cleaning the fish is really a very good experience.

After a while, Han Chenggong chopped the cleaned fish into pieces with a knife, and marinated them with some salt and some seasonings.

After marinating for about half an hour, the stove was lifted to the bow, the fire was lit, and the fish soup was cooked.

There is a saying in the hometown of Han Cheng’s descendants, “Thousand boiled tofu, ten thousand boiled fish. ’

It's about simmering tofu and dashi, making sure to boil it harder for a while.

These things will taste better the more stewed.

Tofu can be stewed in a delicious flavor. As for the fish soup, not only can the fish be simmered more vigorously, but also the fish soup can be simmered into white, which is extraordinarily fragrant!

As a foodie, Han Cheng naturally knows these things.

It is precisely because of this that he will start to stew the fish soup in the middle of the morning, and start to eat it until noon.

The food on the rest of the boat is similar.

As people from the tribe who often eat fish, the rest of the people on the boat also fished during the boat trip.

Some fish cages that can sink in the water are hung on both sides of the boat. Others, like Han Cheng, choose to hold a net bag in their hands and use the power of the boat to catch fish.

The harvest is naturally also very good.

So by noon, they also drank the extremely fresh fish soup.

The people on Han Cheng's boat ate more abundantly.

Because in addition to the fish soup, Han Cheng also used some reed leaves to wrap some marinated fish, wrapped them in mud, put them in the stove and burned them with fire, and made some ‘calligraphic fish’...

Time passes in such a journey, and there is still a way to go along with it.

The fleet went all the way down the river.

When there is a homeopathic wind, use the wind, when there is no wind, use the oars.

Although it is tiring sometimes, it is much easier than walking long and long distances on land.

And what Han Cheng expected to meet on the road with the people of the Fire Tribe never happened.

And Han Cheng also gradually died of his thoughts of meeting the fire tribe on the road.

This is not only because he was fed up with such disappointment, but also because they were about to reach the fire tribe.

Whether he can meet with the people of the Fire Tribe on the road, it doesn't matter much.

Ships sailing on the water, and on the wide river, people from the Fire Tribe on the shore can already be seen, imitating the simple wharf built by the Qingque Tribe.

Around the pier, there are many rafts belonging to the Fire Tribe and some canoes.

However, these rafts and boats seem to have been docked here for a long time, and no one was seen around.

On the river bank near the pier, dense and troublesome vegetation grows.

When Han Cheng came here for the first time, the weeds and other things that grew here disappeared, and they were all replaced by this kind of very strong and vigorous vegetation.

These vegetations are nothing but vast expanses of hemp.

Some hemp is already blooming at this time, some pink or purple flowers look pretty.

This has also become a unique landscape in the Fire Tribe.

There are no other crops except hemp.

Unlike the Qingque tribe, in addition to hemp, there is also a larger millet.

The reason for this is, of course, the reason why the Qingque tribe did not give the Huo tribe millet seeds.

Regardless of what the Fire Tribe exchanges for, or the price, the Qingque Tribe will not give them millet seeds.

And later it was clearly stated that if the Fire Tribe must take measures to obtain and plant millet seeds from its own tribe, then from now on, the Qingque Tribe will no longer use millet, pottery, salt and other things in exchange for fire. The linen produced by the tribe, and some other worse methods will be adopted.

Under such actions, it is of course impossible for the Fire Tribe to have millet and other crops growing here.

There can only be a large number of hemp.

Such a move by the Qingque tribe undoubtedly wanted the Huo tribe to become the weaver of the Qingque tribe.

For this kind of thing, Han Cheng was not so much guilt and other bad emotions.

Because this development continues in this way, it is a win-win situation for both parties.

The life of the Fire Tribe, through such cooperation, is much better than before.

As for the forceful use of methods that happened during this process, Han Cheng didn't think there was anything.

In this world, not everything can be hello, me, hello, everyone.

In many cases, blindly being in harmony does not get things done.

On the contrary, it will make things worse.

One big difference is not bad.

After inspecting the surroundings and finding no one, the fleet began to dock under Han Cheng's order and docked at the dock built by the Huo tribe people.

In some places, the rafts of the Fire Tribe were already squeezed out of space, so they had to rely on the ships of the Fire Tribe to dock at the periphery.

Two people were left on a boat to watch the boat here. Han Cheng took the big brother and other 160 people off the boat and stepped onto the dock.

Then walked towards the shore.

From the dock to the river bank, a path was stepped on.

Some parts of the trail are bare, and more grass grows.

However, it can be seen that the grass on the trail is obviously lighter than the side.

Holding weapons and wearing rattan armor, the group followed the path to a bank that was much higher than the river surface.

Han Cheng walked in the middle of the team, and the big brother walked at the front of the team with a few people.

The hemp on both sides of the path is already very high, taller than people.

Han Cheng waited for the group of people as they walked forward and looked around.

It's just that because of these hemp blocks the line of sight, I can't see much far away.

The elder brother and others had been to the Fire Tribe, so they went straight to the place where the Fire Tribe lived.

In fact, even if you don’t know where the Fire Tribe lives, you can go to the location of the Fire Tribe’s cave along the traces of the footsteps on the ground.




After walking towards the front for a while~www.NovelMTL.com~ When approaching the Huo Clan, Han Cheng heard some voices.

The sound came from the direction of the Huo tribe's residence, it was noisy, and it sounded emotional.

While Han Cheng was thinking this way, the forward team stopped.

In a short while, the senior brother who was walking in front came from the front.

"God, go ahead and take a look."

After seeing Han Cheng, the big brother lowered his voice and said to Han Cheng.

When Han Cheng heard the words, he walked forward with the big brother, and several people who were specializing in protecting Han Cheng’s safety, carried weapons and quickly followed...

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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