I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1162: The distance on the map and the actual distance (2 in 1)

"There are many silver mines in the islands. Silver is a precious metal with strong conductivity. It can also make all kinds of fine jewelry and other things.

There is also a kind of shrimp that grows in the water. It has big tongs. The front is large and the back is small. If it is not boiled in water, it is already red. It is called a crayfish.

I haven't eaten it for a long, long time, it is nostalgic..."

Han Cheng used a lot of words and marked them on the edge of this island.

Whether it is silver mines or spicy crayfish, they have nothing to do with making airplanes and cars, but he still uses a lot of words to comment here.

The purpose of this is obvious, because he, who came from later generations, feels particularly disgusted and angry with the people living on that land during a certain period of time.

It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge him.

The villain takes revenge all day long.

Han Cheng is not a gentleman, nor is he careful, but the hurdle in his heart can't get through. Under the feelings of family and country, this hatred will never be forgotten.

In the later life, he was just an ordinary small character, and in the context of that time, he could not do anything targeted.

The most is when buying things, consciously skipping the things produced on the island and not buying them.

But now it is different, and now I have come to this era.

In this era, there are not so many rules and regulations, you can do whatever you want.

More importantly, I am now the son of God in the tribe, and everyone in the tribe listens to them.

Moreover, even if you bring people and roast some monkey-like guys, no one will care about yourself!

Therefore, Han Chenggong left the thought and decided to use food and beautiful decorations to induce the people in the tribe, so that the people in the tribe could go there to find silver mines and catch crayfish.

By the way, catch the savages living above.

Han Cheng felt that after he took out the map with the mark and published it in the tribe, and spread it, it would definitely cause a sensation among the tribe and make people feel powerful. Go to that place to explore. The ultimate idea.

For the people of his own tribe, Han Cheng knows very well, they are all big foodies!

It is often difficult for people who are not foodies to understand how delicious things are to a foodie!

Not to mention, when making the labeling, Han Cheng also moved his mind, and wrote on it that he missed the crayfish very much.

It's not that Han Cheng brags about himself here.

Here in the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng is definitely the place of faith for all, and the idol of everyone!

Now, the food is very delicious. It seems that the **** son who has eaten everything and is worshipped by them is nostalgic for the thing called crayfish in that place? !

You don't need to think about it at all to understand how delicious this kind of thing called crayfish is!

How can you make such a delicious thing without getting your own tribe?

While relieving the divine son, he can also let himself taste the taste of this crayfish...

Han Cheng didn't have to think too much to know that such a thing would definitely appear in his tribe in time.

And this is where he did this, and it is also the result he wants to see.

People only have motivation if they have goals.

According to the current level of the Qingque tribe, it is natural that they can't reach that place yet.

However, driven by the strong instinct of food-eaters, Han Cheng believes that this event will succeed!

After a while, Han Cheng put away these things, but the smile on his face did not fade.

"God, what did you write? Why are you so happy, do you know what happened to the Fire Tribe?

The elder brother who was on the boat, saw Han Cheng packed up the paper and pen, and then asked, with a relaxed expression.

From the expression of Han Cheng's smile just now, the elder brother basically knew that the son of God had mostly encountered something good.

"It's not about the fire tribe, but thinking of something else.

I was thinking that after I went back, let the people in the tribe begin to develop ships with sails.

It will be more convenient to travel long distances in the future.

Moreover, I also remembered that far away, something called crayfish abounds.

After this kind of shrimp is ready, it is exceptionally delicious!

It's so delicious!

I miss it so much, but unfortunately I can't eat it now..."

Han Cheng heard the senior brother's question, after thinking about it, he started talking.

He has already begun to use practical actions to promote what he thought before.

When he said these words, Han Cheng deliberately increased the volume, so that everyone on the boat around him could hear it.

As expected by Han Cheng, all the people present, after hearing what he said, focused on the crayfish mentioned later.

Suddenly, the number of drooling people increased a lot.

Many people have bright eyes.

More people are caught in the illusion with shock.

What a delicacy is the food that is missed by the well-informed **** child who seems to have eaten the world’s food!

This must be the best food in the world!

Such food, only need to think in the heart, can make people have endless yearning!

I really want to have a bite and taste this kind of food, what is it like on earth!

A large group of foodies swallowed wildly, so longing in their hearts.

Han Cheng knew nothing wrong with the people of his tribe.

After hearing what he said, everyone present was attracted by this magical delicacy.

"Hold the boat! Don't hit the shore!"

Han Cheng saw a ship deviated from its course and headed towards the shore, and said in a loud voice.

Such a shout awakened many people who were swallowing wildly.

Everyone took action.

After a while, the entire fleet returned to its previous order.

Han Cheng's remarks about crayfish immediately detonated this place and aroused everyone's emotions.

A group of foodies, driven by a strong desire to eat, swallowed wildly, and they kept asking Han Cheng about the crayfish.

Han Cheng deliberately used such things to arouse the enthusiasm of the people in the tribe, and let the human appetite in the tribe be the driving force.

Seeing that everyone's emotions had already been mobilized at this time, Han Cheng would naturally not let go of this excellent opportunity.

Dang Even began to tell them how delicious crayfish is.

In order to make everyone more motivated, Han Cheng deliberately exaggerated it while he was telling.

To put it this way, such delicacies should only be found in heaven!

By the way, everyone who listened to him received a lot of saliva.

Just looking at the frequency and scale of the saliva of these people in the tribe, Han Cheng felt that these people in his tribe could be full without eating.

However, because there was a time when Han Cheng was too attentive when listening to these things, which caused the ship to deviate from the course, so this time when Han Cheng said these things, the people driving the boat were intoxicated, but However, he still kept some heart on the driving of the ship, so there was no trouble on it...

The ship followed the water and moved all the way, and the people of the Qingque tribe who were seduced by the crayfish not only did not feel the hardship and boredom of the voyage, but they were full of spirits and excited...

The boat went down the river, time passed by a little bit, and without knowing it, the sky was gradually dark.

Several piles of flames rose not far from the river.

The scent of food exudes in the twilight by the river, spreading towards the surroundings.

These people are Han Cheng and others who came along.

They chose to camp here, eat and replenish their energy.

Han Cheng was wrong about this.

Originally, he thought that people in the tribe would not be too hungry at night after swallowing so much saliva.

But now, the result was just the opposite of what he thought.

Not only did these guys eat less, they ate more.

But it's right to think about it.

I have been greedy by the crayfish described by myself. At this time, it is finally time to eat food. Even if the food is not crayfish, these people will become very appetite.

This is about the same as the later generations around eleven or two in the evening. The meal you ate at night is already digested, and when you start to feel hungry, well-meaning group friends begin to be in the group or circle of friends. Sending out foods that seem particularly tempting, with some more tempting words, is a reason for late night poisoning.

At this time, it really makes people feel particularly uncomfortable.

What is even more uncomfortable is that it is already at this point. Whether it is cooking by yourself or ordering takeout, it feels very troublesome.

More often than not, I just can't stand it anymore, so I soak a bucket of instant noodles for consumption.

At this time, eating instant noodles is really delicious!

It's as if what I ate at this time is not instant noodles at all, but the delicacies released in the middle of the night by those kind friends.

The poisoning puts himself on the hungry Han Cheng. At night, he did not eat less.

After dinner, the camping place has already been tied up.

But no one fell asleep.

In addition to the fact that it was still early at this time, another reason was that Han Cheng, the son of God, was still talking at this time, and he also took out something from his backpack for everyone to see.

Except for those who were arranged to defend around, the rest of them all got together with Han Cheng at this time.

Surrounded Han Cheng.

At this time, Han Cheng, sitting not far from the fire, spread a piece of paper on the board in front of him.

In addition to drawing some pictures on the paper, there are also many words written on it.

"This is probably where we are, and there is where crayfish are abundant."

Han Cheng sat here, holding a small stick in his hand, pointing at the content on the map, and said this to the people around him.

Everyone's eyes moved on it with his pointing, especially serious.

"Son of God! Let's get the lobster first, and then go to the Fire Tribe!"

After moving his gaze back and forth between the two places pointed by Han Cheng for a while, a person watching on the side finally couldn't help it.

He opened his mouth and said excitedly.

"From us to there, it's just a little bit more, and it won't take long to get there.

After we caught a lot of crayfish, it is not too late to head to the Fire Tribe.

When the time comes, catch more, put it in a jar and take it back, and spread it in the fish pond of our tribe. When the time comes, our tribe will have a lot of crayfish to eat! "

Hearing what he said, the people around suddenly became excited.

Yes, it's only that far from where you and others are, to the place that God's son said, even if the actual distance is longer than the distance on the paper, it won't be much longer!

"God, we catch a lot of crayfish, and when we return to the main tribe, let Wu and the others taste the deliciousness!"

Someone echoed that way.

Hearing what the crowd said, the corners of Han Cheng's mouth twitched.

Can the distance above this be the same as the actual distance?

How long will it take?

With the current conditions, will you rush over and let me see in half a year?

Did all the knowledge about maps I taught in the tribe teach you for nothing?

Why did you forget to be so clean?

The corner of Han Cheng's mouth twitched, and then the small wooden stick in his hand pointed at the scale written in the middle of the map, and he clicked hard to make people in the tribe pay attention to the scale.

Many people present have learned some knowledge about maps from Professor Han Cheng.

For example, the basic guidelines for looking at the map, such as going north to south, left west and right east.

And things like scale.

Seeing Han Cheng not speaking, UU read www. uukanshu.com just tapped the stick in his hand to a place on the map, and many people's attention was attracted.

Under the firelight, seeing the long series of circles, those who have studied the scale suddenly became quiet.

Never talk about catching the lobster first.

Those who have not been in the tribe for too long, have not been exposed to the scale, or have studied it, but those who cannot learn or understand the inscrutable thing such as the scale are still talking excitedly. Crayfish.

However, after saying this for a while and feeling that the atmosphere suddenly became much quieter, these people also slowly stopped talking, looking at the people around them with some puzzlement...


After spending some effort and knowing how far this distance is from the people around, someone couldn't help but let out a cold breath...

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