I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1161: Sailing boat (2 in 1)

The big brother thought nothing wrong, Han Cheng did indeed think of a solution to the problem.

This thing is to load sails on the ship!

Whether it is written in the verses I learned when I was a child-'The lone sail is far away from the blue sky, only the sky stream of the Yangtze River can be seen', or all kinds of TV pictures, or it is often hung on the side wall of the living room at home His paintings include welcoming pine, Dajiang, boats with sails, and plaques with smooth sailing...

This is also one of the main reasons why Han Cheng slapped his forehead with his hands.

After all, the installation of sails on the ship and the use of wind to make the ship move forward, for future generations, is simply the existence of common sense.

As a result, I didn't think of this until now.

Why is this not annoying?

After a while, Han Cheng became a little calm. He thought of some of the reasons why he would have such a blind spot.

The first is to be affected by the environment in which future generations live.

In later life, the place he lived was either driven by a machine, used to pump sand from the river, or running back and forth on the river, relying on the people on both sides of the river to drive the fairs, and go to the towns downstream of the river to go to the big iron boats to drive the fairs.

Either they encountered the small wooden boats or small iron boats moored at various ferry ports to ferry people to the opposite shore.

He had never touched a boat with sails in real life.

Another reason is that over the years, the fire tribe has loaded the woven linen cloth on a raft and transported it to the green bird tribe.

The Qingque tribe is rowing a boat, and there is basically no sailing when running long distances along the waterway. In addition, the rivers near the main tribe are narrow, so sailing is not needed.

Under such circumstances, Han Cheng subconsciously did not think about it.

Now, with the people from the tribe, I was walking down the river, because I was in a hurry to hurry, so I quickly remembered the thing about sailing.

"Put up the reed mat, support it with a stick or something, and don't let it fall.

If you can't hold it, you can come up with two people, hold them with your hands, and carry them on your body.

Note that it needs to be the direction where the person faces the wind. "

Han Cheng said this aloud to everyone.

In fact, when Han Cheng first started, he wanted people in the tribe to pull the cloth up and use it as a sail.

However, apart from the clothes worn by people and some bandages used in emergency situations, there is no extra cloth for Han Cheng to use in this way.

Moreover, even if there is extra cloth, it won't be enough, because these cloths are linen and have strong air permeability.

When the wind blows over, it will leak out of these small holes. Using this kind of cloth to make sails, even if there is a lot of wind, it will not give much impetus to the boat.

It is precisely because of this awareness that Han Cheng did not directly let people try it with linen, but directly developed the brain hole and made people use the linen cloth instead of the reed mat to make a heinously simple sail.

Hearing Han Cheng's order, everyone present felt strange, not knowing what the **** son meant by letting himself wait for someone to do this.

To make the boat sail faster, shouldn't people row and punt the boat hard?

Why now the son of God didn't let people do these two things, but let himself and others support the reed mat?

However, the habits formed over a long period of time, as well as the various deeds of witnessing miracles with the son of God, these people from the Qingque tribe still did what Han Cheng said.

While doing it, watching at the same time, looking forward to a miracle.

The miracle happened soon.

After the dense reed mat was opened, the wind blew on the reed mat, and the reed mat leaned on the person's body or the stick supported behind, forming a thrust.

This power is much more powerful than before, when the wind blows on people and ships.

Under the urging of such force, the ship quickly increased its speed and moved forward.

Those boats that had already set up the reed mats quickly left those that had not yet set up the reed mats, and distanced themselves.

Seeing such a scene, whether it is the people sitting on the boats with well-supported reeds, or those who are thrown away without well-supported reeds, their eyes suddenly light up.

The Son of God's method is really a good way!

It didn't take much effort at all, just put the reed mat on the boat, and the boat ran so fast all at once!

This is much faster than a hard stroke!

What's more important is that people who are rowing desperately and exhausted, the speed is not necessarily faster than the speed of the boat at this time!

The Son of God is indeed the Son of God!

It won't make people not admire!

Always be able to think of a way to make things exceptionally easy with simple tools!

Under such sorrowful admiration, those who did not support the reed mats on the boats all speeded up and propped the reed mats so that the wind could blow the reed mats with They run faster...

Han Cheng sat on the boat, feeling the speed at this time, and only then showed some smiles on his face.

The appearance of solving the matter lightly like this is more in line with my identity and status as a later generation.

With such stinky thinking, Han Cheng also gradually had other ideas.

The idea is to wait until I return from the Fire Tribe, and start to gather Lame and some excellent carpenters from other tribes, especially those who are experienced in shipbuilding.

Let them start researching on sailboats, and start trying to make sailboats.

In terms of long-distance ability, sailing ships are undoubtedly much stronger than the current ships in the tribe.

The existing boats in the tribe are fine for short-distance running, but the long-distance travel is really a bit behind, and some can’t keep up with demand.

Before, after Han Cheng came to this world, the tribe was poor and white, and there were many things missing. Under such circumstances, there was no exquisite attention, and a bamboo raft was considered very good.

Later, after Lame and others built the wooden boats on the rivers of his hometown when he was a child according to the things he painted, Han Chengcheng became more satisfied.

However, one characteristic of man is called dissatisfaction.

If you get good, you want to get better.

For many things, satisfaction is only temporary, and dissatisfaction is the norm.

So now, Han Cheng is not satisfied with the small wooden boat he already owns in his tribe again, and wants to build a sailboat.

This kind of dissatisfaction, in general, has more advantages than disadvantages.

Because of this characteristic, it is not easy for people to settle for the status quo.

After getting some results, I have been complacent and lost my enterprising spirit.

Without these dissatisfaction, human beings would probably have been living in the age of loosing hair and drinking blood, and would not develop further.

The development of sailing boats in the tribe is of great benefit to the tribe, and it can greatly enhance the ability of sailing in the tribe.

As a person from later generations, he clearly knows the meaning of large ships!

Moreover, compared to long-distance land transportation, and faster and more advanced air transportation, long-distance navigation on water requires the lowest and easiest realization.

Land transportation seems to be very easy, and people just walk away with their feet when they are two or three years old.

But this is only a short distance.

Long-distance things involve all aspects.

Not to mention the rest, the mere construction of roads, when all conditions are not met, is enough to make people stop.

When you open a road in the mountains and build a bridge when you encounter water, you can hardly lose your hair when doing such things.

The investment and technical requirements are simply not too high.

Of course, it is not the road that has high technical requirements, but the vehicles that drive on the road.

For long-distance transportation, ox carts and donkey carts are not cost-effective.

But Hancheng, a car that burns oil and electricity, couldn't get it.

Just think about the various processes, technologies, and materials involved in the various parts of the car, and Han Chengxin is full of cold despair.

These things, in his lifetime, he really has no ability to get them out.

As for the more technologically advanced aircraft, he also felt that there was a cold icy rain patted wildly on his face.

Compared with these two modes of transportation, water transportation is much better.

There is no need to think about road construction. The many rivers and lakes spread over this land itself are the best waterways.

It only needs to continuously improve the shipbuilding technology and the means of navigation.

Not to mention steamboats, wooden sailboats alone can cross the world.

The huge fleet of Zheng He's seven voyages to the West was wooden ships.

Magellan, with a fleet that looked extremely shabby compared with Zheng He's fleet, also relied on wooden ships without machines to complete the feat of traveling around the world!

Because he knew the history, there were some miscellaneous things that he didn't know how to know in later generations, so Han Cheng still knew a lot of these things.

Can distinguish which is feasible under current conditions.

This thing is so decided!

After thinking about it for a while, Han Cheng reached out and patted on his knees and made such a decision.

In long-distance transportation, water transportation is the priority for development!

As for land transportation, as well as air transportation, this will develop slowly.

Of course, in order to bring it to the level of the great country that Han Cheng will live in later generations, Han Cheng said that he is really powerless.

However, being unable to make it by yourself does not mean that the tribe cannot develop.

When I’m fine, I can write down what I know about automobiles, airplane manufacturing, and the various effects that can be produced after successful automobile and airplane building, as well as the meaning to the tribe.

Then when it's okay, tell and record some stories about these aspects with the people in the tribe, so that the people in the tribe will know these things and have a yearning for them.

With yearning and direction of hard work, there will be hope.

People are often terrifying creatures with astonishing perseverance.

Driven by the hope in the heart, miracles can often be created.

Thinking like this in Han Cheng's heart, he suddenly remembered a similar paragraph, but it made sense.

It is said that there are three kinds of stupid birds in this world.

One is the bird that strives to fly first and finally succeeds.

The other is a lazy or stupid bird lying in its nest and not flying.

The last one is the most hateful. He is too lazy to fly, so he lays eggs in the nest. After the bird is hatched, he will fly to the lofty ideal.

Han Cheng felt that his current psychology and what he was about to do was very similar to the third bird.

If you can't do it yourself, you leave it to future generations and let them do it.

Thinking like this in his heart, he found it interesting, smiled and shook his head, and threw this weird thought out of his mind.

Then he took out a sheet of the boss's paper that was folded and stretched out from his backpack.

Then he took out a smooth wooden board similar to a drawing board.

Fix the paper with a few small bronze nails on the drawing board, and start to draw with the pen.

Seeing Han Cheng put out these things and began to paint, the people who were on the same boat with Han Cheng and the people around him suddenly became quiet.

He speaks with a low voice, and he does everything with ease.

The boat is walking in the river, the two banks are picturesque, and the clear river water is full of waves.

Time goes by with the flow of the river.

Sure enough, the deceased is like a husband, not giving up day and night.

A map of the world appeared on Han Cheng's current paper when he was drawing a pen.

Of course, just an outline.

As a very good liberal arts student in geography, it is not so difficult for him to draw the outline of a world map that is not very standard freehand.

Especially this kind of thing, after he came into this world, he had done it more than once.

After drawing the outline, Han Cheng held a pen in his hand and looked at it for a while. After thinking about it, he began to write on the map.

He wrote on a continental plate-here is a kind of tree called a rubber tree. It cuts the opening and makes out rubber, which can make rubber tires. It is the best choice for making car wheels.

After making such an annotation, Han Cheng thought for a while and then drew the equator.

And draw the tropical zone.

At the same time, he wrote some of the growth habits of rubber trees that he knew, and the appearance of rubber trees.

After writing these, Han Cheng stopped his eyes on the plates of the Eurasian continent, and then circled a circle closer to the southwest.

It is marked that the oil is rich here, and the oil is buried in the ground. It is a black viscous liquid that will catch fire.

Gasoline, diesel, and kerosene lamps that can be separated from inside ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Among them, gasoline is an indispensable fuel for car operation.

It is equivalent to the fodder fed by the bullock cart to the cattle...


Time is passing, Han Cheng is still marking on the world map.

At this point, many things have been marked on the map.

Regarding what he knows, the raw materials needed to make cars, and the places that contain the most raw materials, he has already marked them.

Han Cheng wanted to put the map away, but then his eyes fell on the island not far east of the Eurasian continent...


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