I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1160: Want to cut this hemp (2 in 1)

It was another morning when the blood-red sun rose from the east and dyed a cloud of red. It didn't take long for such sleepy rosy eyes to disappear and be replaced by golden light.

The Qingque tribe in the early morning has many people gathered here, and it looks different from the early morning in the past.

The three giants of the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng, Wu, and Big Brother, all got up early and stood here.

Bai Xuemei also got up and stood beside Han Cheng.

Little Pea, Little Myolie, and Han Cheng's youngest son were still asleep in the cool morning.

This is another journey that will happen in the Qingque tribe.

"Put everything on the boat and on the bamboo raft."

Han Cheng said this to the people next to him.

Following his words, everyone present began to get busy.

I began to put the things I had prepared before on the bullock cart or the wheelbarrow, out of the tribe, along the built road, all the way to the pier by the river.

Of course, there are also some people who carry them on their shoulders or carrying burdens.

Things were already transported to the ships docked on the shore last night.

There are still some left. Because it was getting late, Han Chenggong didn't let anyone ship it, so now it starts to ship.

After everyone was carrying things out, Han Cheng also stepped out of the tribe.

Big brother, Wu, Shishi and others went out with Han Cheng.

Everyone walked all the way to the edge of the river.

After the people in the tribe, these years of rest and reorganization, the place where the wharf was built has become much wider.

Even the nearly twenty boats with bamboo rafts docked here, and it didn't seem crowded.

On the shore by the pier, there are a few damaged bamboo rafts, and a boat that was lifted out of the water, put on the ground for drying, and then repainted with tung oil.

The morning sun fell on the river, bringing out a shimmering wave, and the place where the sun was shining was somewhat dazzling.

Some people in the tribe are busy carrying the things that have been transported to the side of the pier to the ship.

During this process, things like boats and bamboo rafts will shake and bring out some waves.

Han Cheng was wearing rattan armor, with a backpack on his back.

He held a red-tasseled gun that was level with his height in his hand, and a dagger in a leather scabbard hung around his waist.

This is a posture to prepare to travel with the team.

This time, after thinking about it carefully, Han Cheng decided to take the people down the river and go to the Fire Tribe to find out what happened there.

The fire tribe is very important to the current blue bird tribe.

Han Cheng didn't want to lose such an important base for growing linen and weaving.

Because the situation was unpredictable, after some thinking, he finally decided to take his team to the Fire Horde.

The big brother standing beside him was also dressed up, and this time he was also going to the Fire Tribe with Han Cheng.

Older people are not always at ease with young people.

Just like the witches now.

Although he had known for a long time, the son of God was extraordinarily smart and wise, and he didn't know where he was older than himself and the people in the tribe.

However, he still felt uneasy about the divine son leaving the tribe with people to explore the fire tribe, which was most likely an accident.

So after some discussion, with Wu's insistence, the big brother appeared here and went with Han Cheng.

In fact, Han Cheng was more worried about Wu than Wu worried about Han Cheng.

Worrying that he is getting older, he cannot cope with it in the tribe.

"Don't worry, my body is tough! After Yuan is born, I want to ask for another one.

There are so many people in the tribe, including stones, iron heads, black babies, lame people, etc. There are more people in the tribe than before, and they are more powerful. The safety in the tribe is very good, so don’t worry. tribe. "

After understanding Han Cheng's concern, Wu said to Han Cheng.

Han Cheng gave Wu a thumbs up at the time to show his admiration, and then shouted to him to cheer...

"Go back, it is estimated that there will be no big things. The tribe is getting stronger and better, and the equipment is getting better and better. This time, there are two hundred people who followed me!

These two hundred people are all well-trained players.

I and the big brother have experienced more storms, and these things can be dealt with. "

"It won't be long before we will be back."

Many things were arranged yesterday, and tasks were arranged for everyone.

So it didn't take long for everyone to do a good job of the remaining things that were not done well, and they could sail.

When Han Cheng saw this, he said to Wu and Bai Xuemei.

Bai Xuemei was very reluctant to leave Han Cheng.

Brother Cheng had been out for so long before, and now he finally came back. He didn't stay with him for long before he wanted to go out again. This really makes people feel uncomfortable.

Even so, Bai Xuemei didn't say much.

Because she knows that her adult brother is different from ordinary people.

He is not only his own adult brother, but also the **** of the tribe!

He is someone with great ability!

He has many important things to be busy with, and he cannot stay by his side and his children like the rest of the tribe.

Moreover, there are still many people in the tribe, and they all experience some differences with their spouses.

To forgive yourself in this way is to forgive yourself, but there will still be discomfort and discomfort of parting...

Han Cheng shook hands with Wu, then reached out and hugged Bai Xuemei, and after giving some advice to Shishi and others, he walked all the way to the pier, and from the pier to the ship he was going to take.

The big brother also got off the boat with Han Cheng.

However, it was not the same ship with Han Cheng, but the one on the side.

This is a deliberate decision made by Han Cheng.

The purpose of this is actually to prevent accidents of the ship on the way of sailing, and then cause the two leaders to disappear all at once, thus turning the team into a mess.

If you sit separately, it is really one of the people on the boat that has an accident, and then there is misfortune. The presence of another person will not cause the team to have a particularly big problem.

Such an arrangement suddenly seemed very unlucky, just like cursing an accident.

In fact, after putting aside these more superstitious factors and ideas, you will find that this arrangement is still very sensible.

In the world, people cannot think about good things. Sometimes, some bad things still have to be thought about.

It occurred to me that the countermeasures were made in advance, and bad things really happened, because with the preparations made in advance, not to mention that bad things turn into good things, at first it is much better than not doing anything.

This kind of consciousness can be called a precious sense of worry.

Of course, everything has a degree, and you cannot do too much.

"Dad, father!"

Just when Han Cheng arrived on the boat and was about to let people sail and start this voyage, a series of anxious voices came.

Although many of the people present had already become fathers, Han Cheng could tell right away that it was his son who called his father.

Following the reputation, I saw Xiao Wandou running towards here, his hand still holding a little girl.

This little girl is Han Xing, the daughter of Han Cheng.

Seeing such a scene, Han Cheng was stunned, and he quickly let people stop, and then he got on the boat to the dock and greeted the two little guys.

He left so early today, one of the important reasons is that when the two little guys are awake, they will become clingy when they know he is leaving.

Make the child uncomfortable, but also make yourself uncomfortable.

As a result, this matter has not been avoided now, and the two little guys ran over at the last time.

"Dad is here!"

He responded like this.

After a while, the two little guys had already come to Han Cheng, and were hugged by Han Cheng.

The two little guys ran out of breath, their little faces flushed.

There were still tears on Little Pea's face.

"You, you said, when you leave, you must call me, I, I woke up and you will be gone..."

Little Pea cried.

She was crying and talking intermittently, very aggrieved.

"Dad, no, no see, sleep or wake up, no see..."

Little Myolie also said this way, not very clear.

My brother cried and led her to cry too.

Han Cheng held a little guy in one hand, and couldn't wipe the tears of the two little guys.

Bai Xuemei came over with a wink, and took Little Myolie from Han Cheng's arm.

"When Dad got up, I saw that you were still asleep and sleeping so soundly, so I didn't call you. Dad was worried that you would feel uncomfortable in your heart when you saw Dad go, so he wanted to go quietly."

Han Cheng stretched out his hand to wipe away his son's tears, and said aloud.

"Daddy will be back in a short time. When the time comes, he will give you some good food."

Little Pea is usually crazy to play, but it seems to be very sensible at the critical moment.

Han Cheng explained to him a bit, and threw another tempting thing, food, so he quickly stopped tears.

"Dad, you go, don't delay things, I will take care of my mother, younger sister and younger brother, and also take care of the witch."

After being comforted by Han Cheng for a while, Xiao Wandou's mood became stable.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously with the back of his hand, then struggling to get out of Han Cheng's arms, stood on the ground, looked at Han Cheng and said.

Originally, Han Cheng didn't think there was anything. At this moment, when the little guy said that, this sensible appearance, but Ling's Han Cheng's heart was suddenly filled with something.

He reached out and touched his son's head and Xiao Xing'er's head, and then said: "Daddy believes in you, you will do these things well."

After a while, Han Cheng turned around and got down to the boat he was riding on again.

"set sail."

He said aloud.

With his order, the people who were ready on the boat immediately started to take action. Driven by the penny or the oars, in a short while, they left the pier one after another and moved towards the lower reaches of the river. go with.

Han Cheng stood on the boat, looking at the Wu, Xuemei Bai, Xiao Wandou, Xiao Xing'er standing on the pier, and the lucky general squatting at the feet of Xuemei Bai, he couldn't help but reached out and waved vigorously at them. Wave.

People on the shore are also waving at them.

Fu Jiang also barked at the departing ship.

In Han Cheng's wave of hands, the ship went down the current and kept going downstream.

The tribe standing there, the farewell person standing on the pier...

These things are becoming smaller and smaller.

Eventually, as the river turned, it disappeared completely.

His sight was blocked by the tall hemp planted on the shore.

These hemp are all hemp from the tribe.

If it weren’t for considering that these hemp was grown by his own tribe, it was something of his own tribe. At this time, Han Cheng could not help but learn from Liu Huangshu's appearance, and come up with a sentence-I want to cut this hemp as much as possible! Because it prevents me from seeing my wife and children!

The river flows down, and now it is downwind, so the speed is very fast.

Thousands of miles of Jiangling cannot be recovered in one day, but after a long time, it will be much faster than people walking.

Such a smooth progress is very energy-saving.

The boaters are also more leisurely. You don't need to do anything else, just control the direction of the boat and the bamboo raft.

Although the speed at this time is relatively fast, Han Cheng is still not very satisfied.

The main reason was that he wanted to come to the Fire Tribe earlier to see what happened to the Fire Tribe and solve it.

Quickly fix this matter.

After all, it has been a long time since the fire tribe came to my tribe late.

Of course, in addition to this matter, Han Cheng wanted to return to the main tribe sooner, and then live comfortably.

The big brother on the boat next door saw Han Cheng's anxiety, and after thinking about it, he began to let the people on the boats and rafts pick up the oars and other things to row.

Han Cheng understood what the big brother meant, but such things were not very good.

Because this continues, the physical energy of the people in the tribe will be too great.

It would be great if the propeller could be installed on the boat.

Regardless of whether the machine is diesel-burning, gasoline-burning, or electric belt, it can greatly increase the speed of the ship~www.NovelMTL.com~ With this in mind, Han Cheng quickly shook his head to shake off this idea. Come to mind.

Such an idea is not half feasible for the difficulties that need to be resolved.

Can't produce half help.

Before the advent of such things as machines, how did older people take measures to let the ship sail, save manpower, and make the ship run faster?

Han Cheng thought this way in his heart.

Not long after such thoughts, Han Cheng slapped his forehead vigorously, full of chagrin.

Seeing this scene, the big brother who was still worried before, immediately relaxed.

The son of God must have figured out a way...


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