I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1159: The Fire Tribe (2 in 1) who has not come over a month late

When there is a war between tribes, leaving behind the women of the defeated tribe and young children, and then bringing them back to their tribe to make their tribe stronger, this is almost what many tribes do.

In their eyes, women who have children, and children who have been given birth, who can reduce their efforts and eat a lot of food from their tribe, are just like the food they get. They are all very good trophies!

There are also many Pegasus tribes who have had wars with outsiders because of looting grasslands and so on. They are very familiar with these things.

Therefore, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe and the other women of the Red Tiger tribe were bound by them, led by ropes, and walked away.

During this process, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe seemed very calm.

She didn't resist anything, the whole person seemed a little dull and let the people of the Pegasus tribe do things.

Such a reaction is worse than that of many women who have joined the Red Tiger tribe for a short time.

These primitive females, who were **** with ropes by members of the Pegasus tribe, and pulled away from the Red Tiger tribe, they knew to struggle for a while to show resistance.

As a result, the cruel Pegasus tribesmen, with the pole of the weapon in their hands, slapped them severely.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe did not struggle, so they were not beaten.

In the sky, there is no half of the cloud, and the sun is shining.

I don't know if it was because the Red Tiger Tribe had done too many bad things before, but God did not feel half sad about the Red Tiger Tribe's current experience.

Use the clear sky, the glowing sun, and the bright sunshine to show your mood at this moment.

Of course, it is also possible that God is silently looking down at everything. He has seen such things a lot.

In its eyes, this kind of thing may not be too different from the wolf preying on the sheep, the big eagle hunting the bird, the battle of a few leopards for the right to mate, and the battle for the right to mate.

If something is dead or something sad happens, then cry bitterly and shed some worthless and sad tears, then the earth where everyone lives has already been submerged by the monstrous flood...

Under the bright sunshine, the sprouting rice in the cleared paddy field is slowly stretching, receiving the sun.

When the breeze hits, they sway slightly in the wind, enjoying the wind and sunshine.

In this wind and sunlight, grow as you like.

The built and unbuilt huts stand in the wind and in the sun.

Still the same silence as before.

In the open space in front of the house, the corpse was lying on the ground in various positions.

These corpses were already completely unrecognizable at this time, with a dense layer of flies crawling on them.


An unsightly bird fluttered its wings and landed on the side of a corpse to stop. Such a movement started a swarm of flies...

Under the lead of the Pegasus tribe people riding on horses, the red tiger tribe maidens who were constantly walking forward turned their heads and stopped looking at the half-built place that once gave them a lot of hope.

These pictures were frozen in her mind...

It didn't take long for the newly built tribe of the Red Tiger Tribe to completely deprive living people.

People have left, and there is no peace here.

Carnivorous animals came one after another to enjoy this feast.

Occasionally, there will be some animals fighting for food and making fierce whining sounds.

However, this kind of excitement cannot last forever.

When the food here continues to decrease, the number of animals coming will also decrease.

When only the scattered bones on the ground were left, even some birds and some small carnivores were reluctant to come to take care of them.

After leveling the cleaned ground, grass came out again.

After a few rains fell, the grass began to grow wildly under the influence of the sun.

Within a few days of work, these grasses had grown deep enough to hide all the bones.

After the newly built houses have experienced wind, sun, and rain, their previous greenness has faded, and the signs of the years have begun to gradually appear, and the color is getting older and older.

Some surface soil was washed away on the built soil wall, revealing some sand particles.

On the top of the earth wall, grass grows, with strength.

Grass re-emerged in the paddy field that no one managed.

And soon caught up with the rice.

The rice and water plants in the paddy field grow together and mix together.

The rice grows inch by inch, and finally heads and blooms.

The broken flowers fell, and the shriveled rice husk slowly became full.

A wind passed, bringing out a rustling sound.

The ripe rice is bent over, head down, and golden.

They have matured.

No one harvests mature rice.

The people who originally saw them mature and should be very happy to run over, at this time, some of them were already tied by ropes and led to the distance.

The other part was lying in the grass that was taller than a person's waist, waiting quietly, many of which had turned yellow.

When the rice is mature, no one harvests it, but there are other things that come to replace it for others.

Some birds did not know whether they smelled the scent of food or heard some news, and flew from a distance.

Grasping the pole under the ear of rice with his claws, stretched his head, and pecked at the ear of rice.

Twitter is full of cheerful screams.

This cheerful look is like another feast that happened here a few months ago.

Most of the rice on the ears of rice was eaten by the birds, but some of them fell from the ears of rice and fell into the shallow water below.

Under the immersion of water, they began to swell, and slowly took root and sprouted, starting a new round of rebirth...

There are more and more weeds, and trees have already emerged in some places. Gradually, the entire new tribe of Red Tigers, which has not been fully built, is hidden in the weeds and trees.

Just like those bones hidden in the grass...

Here, Han Cheng frowned slightly.

They have been back from Tongshan residential area for some time.

After revisiting the Qinling Sub-district, the small residential area of ​​Yanshan, the main tribe, and the residential area of ​​Tongshan, after carefully understanding some of the conditions in these places, Han Cheng has already done everything in the tribe. It's clear to my heart.

After staying in Tongshan residential area for ten days, Han Chengcheng took a large family and returned to the main tribe from Tongshan residential area.

Compared with traveling all the way and stop-and-go when I went, I came back much faster.

Basically, he didn't stay much, and he returned to the main tribe all the way.

Of course, it wasn't because of something happened in the main tribe, so it was in such a hurry.

It's because the place to be played was already played when I went.

Moreover, this time the game lasted for such a long time, everyone felt tired.

Being fond of the new and disgusting the old may be the nature of human beings. There is more play and fun. The people who came out with Han Cheng, on the contrary, missed too much work on weekdays, which led to very annoying chief jobs.

Under such circumstances, the returning team will of course walk fast.

Originally, Han Cheng hurried back with people so quickly, not because of any problems or conditions encountered in the main tribe.

But after returning from Tongshan residential area, he still encountered problems.

This is why Han Cheng frowned slightly at this time.

The problem is that after returning from the Tongshan residential area, the elder brother told Wu Wu that the fire tribe had not brought the linen to exchange with his tribe!

The Fire Tribe is the tribe that Han Cheng came to this world and took the big brothers and others on the first long journey, down the water, and met.

It was in that tribe that Han Cheng met Bai Xuemei, a child bride-in-law.

This guy was so dark at the time, there was no way to distinguish between men and women.

If it were not for herself, she would have been burned to death.

The fire tribe can be said to be Bai Xuemei's maiden tribe.

It is also Han Cheng's father-in-law tribe.

Although Bai Xuemei was not attached to this natal tribe at all, she was even a little angry.

This is a normal thing. After all, this natal tribe burned to death her mother who got sick after she was caught in the rain because she was looking for food for the tribe.

If Han Cheng didn't happen to pass by, Bai Xuemei herself would be burned to death.

When Han Cheng took Wu, Bai Xuemei, Little Pea, Little Myolie, Shishi and others to the Tongshan residential area, he was already told that the fire tribe should have been transporting linen to exchange food for his tribe. arrival.

Compared with the last days in previous years, it was seven or eight days in the evening.

This kind of thing didn't attract much attention from Han Cheng and the rest of the Qingque tribe.

In this day and age, judging from the traffic conditions and the way people calculate time, it is quite normal to have some deviations.

It doesn't matter if there are some in the evening, it will come later.

However, it is different now.

This time, Han Cheng's journey to the Tongshan residential area took more than 20 days from going back to back.

Coupled with the seven or eight days at the beginning, it is equivalent to saying that this time, the Fire Tribe came the latest time, it was already more than a month late!

After realizing this, Han Cheng's heart suddenly became different.

I am very worried about what happened to the Fire Tribe.

Over the years, as the fire tribe has tasted the sweetness of weaving cloth for the Qingque tribe, the cloth woven by their tribe has been continuously increasing every year.

More than half of the coarse linen consumed by the Qingque tribe every year is delivered by the Huo tribe after production.

In the beginning, Han Cheng's positioning of the Fire Tribe was to make him produce linen for his tribe and become a weaver of his tribe.

My tribe uses food to lure in front of their noses.

Slowly, the Fire Tribe can become strongly dependent on its own tribe.

At a critical moment, if your tribe does not want the cloth of the fire tribe, then you are used to weaving a large amount of food from your tribe, and thus abandon the fire tribe, which obtains food from other places, and will fall into a huge crisis. .

However, with the passage of time, the number of people in the Qingque tribe continued to increase, and the demand for linen also increased.

While the Fire Tribe formed a strong dependence on the Blue Sparrow Tribe, the Blue Sparrow Tribe also became dependent on the Fire Tribe.

Just like now.

After realizing that the fire tribe might be in trouble, even Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, became uncomfortable.

Of course, in addition to the fact that the Fire Tribe is more important to the current Qingque Tribe, there is another important reason because, after so many years of contact, the people of the Qingque Tribe, gradually, and the people of the Fire Tribe , I'm considered my own tribe!

Under such circumstances, after learning that something bad might have happened in the Fire Tribe, Han Cheng and others naturally became more concerned.

"Take some people, take weapons, and go to the Fire Horde."

With a slightly frowned brow, Han Cheng, who had been thinking about it for a while, spoke like this and made such a decision.

"Or, wait a few more days to see if the Fire Tribe people will come over?"

At this time, the first batch of millet planted in the tribe was about to be harvested.

Compared with linen, Wu is more concerned about the harvest of millet.

He was a little worried that if too many people were transferred from the tribe at one time, it would affect the harvest of millet.

So after hearing what Han Cheng said, after thinking about it, he said so.

"Don't wait anymore, the people of the Fire Tribe have been so late for so many days, and there is no point in waiting any longer.

It's better to go there and see what is most important.

If something big really happens, then every year from now on, the part of the linen originally produced by the fire tribe will need to be produced by our own tribe, which will take up a lot of labor in our tribe.

It is not only that we need to arrange for manual weaving of the cloth that originally needed to be woven by the Fire Tribe.

Before weaving these cloths ~www.NovelMTL.com~ we also need to expand the hemp planting area.

This will reduce the planting area of ​​millet.

Moreover, planting hemp also requires people to plant it, which costs a lot of manpower and material resources.

Before, we even thought it out. Our tribe weaves these linen cloths by ourselves, and it is cost-effective to use the food to exchange for ready-made linen cloth from the Fire Tribe without growing food.

This time, people went to the Fire Tribe to check it out. After the matter was understood and resolved, it was more cost-effective than delaying some work. "

Han Cheng was naturally able to see what was in Wu's mind, so he just opened his mouth to explain and analyze Wu.

Wu Wu was not stubborn, but he couldn't change his mind. Even though he knew it was a good deal, he couldn't help but worry about delaying the harvest of the grain.

At this time, when Han Cheng said this, he stopped thinking about it...

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