I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1158: Charged primitive cavalry (2 in 1)


Here in the new residence of the Red Tiger tribe, the leader of the Feima tribe shouted loudly, and then took the people, riding a horse, and began to accelerate slowly, rushing towards the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others outside.

Now, he is no longer ready to hide his figure, but wants to rush towards the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others like this!


The red-eyed leader of the Red Tiger tribe roared loudly.

The silence in the tribe, and the extremely weird person who suddenly appeared, made him feel that the people in his tribe who remained in the tribe had been killed by this weird and **** fellow!

Therefore, he became hysterical!

What he yelled at was, kill these damned guys!

If you have a bow and arrow, shoot at these **** guys with a bow and arrow.

If you don’t have a bow and arrow, hold your weapon and strike at these people!

This time, we must live and die with these people!

After realizing that the people who remained in the tribe had been killed by these damned people, he became crazy!

My own tribe has reached this point, and finally escaped from the rest of the place and settled here. My life has just started to pick up, and I have hope to develop to the benefit. As a result, all these hopes and all illusions have suddenly appeared by this. The **** man got a crush!

If the maiden of her own tribe hasn't died, it's better to say that the leader of the Red Tiger tribe is not crazy.

This is not only because the Miko is smart, but more importantly, the Miko has three major techniques that can make her tribe rich and powerful!

With these three extremely important things in place, as long as there is no major problem, it is only a matter of time before your tribe becomes rich and powerful again!

But now, even the witches are gone!

The three extremely important things in his tribe were basically completely destroyed!

The chance of the re-emergence of my own tribe also fell through with the death of the witch and the basic loss of these three important things...

This became the final punch to knock down the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

Let him lose all hope at once and become hysterical.

Before, he forbeared again and again, led people to flee again and again, and did not dare to desperately, in order to preserve the vital power in the tribe.

The purpose is to bring these people to re-enlarge and develop the tribe.

Let the tribe become brilliant again!

But now, because of these **** people in front of me, it's all over!

All the forbearance before has become a joke!

Under such circumstances, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe didn't want to endure it anymore!

He just wanted to take people and kill all those **** people who pushed them into the abyss with one hand!

He shouted with red eyes, thrust the weapon he was holding into the ground, suddenly took off the longbow in his hand, drew out the feather arrow, and shot at the **** people who rushed past!

As the bowstring shook, the feather arrow shot away quickly. Following the Red Tiger tribe leader’s bow, the rest of the Red Tiger tribe who had bows and arrows also quickly bowed and shot together with the Red Tiger tribe leader.

For a time, eight or nine feather arrows shot at the leader of the Pegasus tribe and others.

People from the Pegasus tribe are charging towards the people from the Red Tiger tribe, and the crowd is very dense.

Under such circumstances, among the members of the Pegasus tribe, some people soon fell from their arrows and screamed!

There were also one or two horses on which they were being injured by bows and arrows.

The painful horse twisted sharply, and knocked off the horse and man riding on it!

The chief of the Pegasus tribe was particularly surprised and angry.

What is surprising is that these people are obviously different from those he had seen before. When they saw this state, they did not feel fear, but dared to attack them!

Angrily, the people in his tribe were actually injured because of the actions of these damned people!

Someone died because of it!

The chief of the Pegasus tribe has fought many battles in his life, and he knows more about fighting than many people and tribes living in the woods.

This is due to their living environment.

Loot a good pasture to let the grazing animals in the tribe eat the grass.

Snatch the river and let the livestock in the tribe drink...

These are all carried out with the war.

It was precisely because of this that when faced with the unexpectedly unpredictable Red Tiger tribe leader and others, he did not feel fear, but was aroused intense anger.

He yelled loudly to make the people in the tribe speed up. He was going to rush to these people on horseback and kill all these damned people!

Following his shouting, the people of the Pegasus tribe suddenly accelerated!

The distance between the two parties is rapidly shortening!

"Swish swish..."

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe led the people in the tribe to shoot arrows quickly, after firing a round of feather arrows, another round of feather arrows was fired.

At this point, these **** people are very close to them!


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe yelled loudly, threw the bow and arrow in his hand to the ground, backhanded the weapon inserted on the side, and greeted the Pegasus tribe who was riding a horse!

The rest of the Red Tiger tribe, more than a dozen people, all rushed up with the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

But some people hesitated. After all, the Pegasus tribesmen riding on horses they had never seen before were so cruel and terrifying, and there were more people than them!

It is normal for them to hesitate like this.


After hesitating for a while, someone screamed, as if to frighten the enemy, and as if to cheer for himself.

In the midst of such a hiss, he took a weapon and followed the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others as if going crazy, and headed towards the Pegasus tribe!


After he made such a move, someone yelled so loudly, likewise rushing towards the Pegasus tribe in front, to fight!

Human emotions are contagious. With their actions, the rest of the hesitant Red Tiger tribesmen also shouted such words loudly, holding weapons, heading towards the Pegasus tribe, and charging!


At this time, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and the others, who were the first to run, have been greeted by the Pegasus tribe who rode hurriedly!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe slammed the weapon he was holding at the man who rushed toward him and rode!

The man on the war horse couldn't dodge, and was directly penetrated by the weapon in his hand!

And the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was not much better.

When the man on horseback was penetrated by him with a weapon and had not fallen from the horseback, the horse running with extremely high speed and strength hit him directly!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the rushing horse and fell to the ground!

Before there was too much reaction, the huge horseshoe stomped directly on him!

The intense pain caused the leader of the Red Tiger tribe to let out a scream.

He slammed his hands hard, hugged a horse's leg tightly, and then bit the horse's leg as hard as he could.

The horse was in pain, and slammed its leg back, and the powerful force directly shook off the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

The horses from behind followed, and huge hooves followed.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe soon lost his voice and became completely unrecognizable...

Compared with the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, the fate of the rest of the Red Tiger tribe is not much better.

Facing the Pegasus tribesmen who are riding horses, when they are not in contact, they rely on bows and arrows for long-range strikes.

But when the two sides came into contact with each other, the people of the Red Tiger tribe immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Not to mention that these Pegasus tribesmen are holding the same bronze weapons as theirs. The impact of the running horses that the Pegasus tribes ride and run is enough for them to bear!

So in the first time the two sides met, many of the Red Tiger tribes suffered a big loss!

When the two sides meet together, it's almost no different from the destruction.

Human courage will be consumed.

The courage of these people in the Red Tiger tribe was due to emotions such as anger, panic, etc. As the battle that could be called unilateral slaughter progressed, watching the people of their tribe, they were killed one by one. In front of myself, I quickly lost a clean.

Some of them turned around and ran.

However, under the chase of the Pegasus tribesmen riding horses, such a move would not allow them to save their lives!

It was even faster and easier to die than when the Pegasus tribesmen who came straight from the horse charged forward!

With their backs facing the Pegasus tribe, they were caught up by the Pegasus tribe, and they were easily killed!

There was no extra resistance, let alone some harm to the people of the Pegasus tribe before death.

With the death of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, and the remaining members of the Red Tiger tribe were frightened, the confrontation between the two sides quickly turned into a unilateral chase and massacre.

In the slaughter of the Pegasus tribe, these members of the Red Tiger tribe were quickly killed!

Even the fastest runner among them is not the case!

Really run, a two-legged man is really no better than a four-legged horse...

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, riding on a horse, watched the last Red Tiger tribe who ran away, being caught up by their tribe’s people on horseback, and then killed him, with blood spots on his face. A smile appeared.

This battle not only fully proved how powerful they are riding horses, but also one thing worthy of joy is that after killing these people, their tribe received a large amount of bronze. arms!

Just thinking about it makes people feel happy...



Behind the newly-built house of the Red Tiger Tribe, the Red Tiger Tribe maiden murmured anxiously, and her body was constantly twisting in place.

After hearing her tribal chief shouting out hysterically that she wanted to fight these evil people and avenge them, the Red Tiger tribe maiden who had been holding back without saying a word and showing no extreme behavior finally couldn't bear it. Living!

She screamed desperately, trying to inform them that the leader of the tribe and the people outside the tribe, most of them are still alive before they die.

Want to lead them to leave quickly, don't do such a thing.

These **** people are very powerful.

However, her mouth was tightly gagged, and no matter how much she shouted, it was of no avail, she could only make a meaningless whine!

She couldn't express what she wanted to express.

What is happening outside hasn't changed because of her efforts.

Amidst the noisy voices, after hearing the words that her tribe screamed out courageously, the eyes of the Maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe suddenly widened.

The whine from his mouth became even more hasty.

Blue veins bulged on his face.

The whole person's body couldn't help twisting, and the tied hands and feet struggled desperately.

So much so that the place where it was **** was torn and bloody.

Where the feet were, on the hard ground, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was also forced out of a pit.

All she did was in vain.

While she was struggling desperately, people from the Pegasus tribe launched a charge on horseback.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe led people to these people in the Pegasus tribe.

After killing a member of the Pegasus tribe, he was knocked down by a horse and then trampled on by a horse's hoof...

Blood is flowing, life is passing, and the air is full of blood.

The noisy voice gradually calmed down.

The voices of the Red Tiger tribesmen were no longer heard outside, only the laughter of the evil Pegasus tribesmen sounded like a devouring demon.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who was struggling and whining desperately, stopped moving.

She was lying there, relaxed, her whole body looked like dead, tears could not help flowing outside...


The chief of the Pegasus tribe rode a horse and walked back with a smile.

There are blood stains on his face, body, and the horse he is holding ~www.NovelMTL.com~, and it looks like a demon.

The smile on his face not only didn't make him kind, it made him look even more hideous!

Behind him followed a person riding a horse or leading a horse.

Among these people, many of them were holding several blood-stained bronze weapons in their hands.

These are their trophies!

These weapons are not simple, each weapon represents a dead, living life!

Belongs to the lives of the Red Tiger tribe!

These lost lives include the life of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe...

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who was crying there before, was about to collapse, but she stopped crying. With tears on her face, she looked very calm at this time...

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