I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1157: Flying Horse and the Returning Red Tiger (2 in 1)

The new maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is a very clever person.

But smart people are not very happy many times.

Because they know so much!

Just like the current Red Tiger Tribe witch.

Although she could not understand what these cruel people were saying, she could understand what these people were making just from their current actions!

The ideas of these people are those who are out of their tribe!

I want to deal with the leader who takes people out!

In this regard, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe felt unusually uneasy and worried.

Because these people who came suddenly are not only more numerous than the leaders who went out to get food, but now they have got the bronze weapons of their own tribe!

Under such circumstances, how could she not worry about the chief yamen who did not come back after going out?

However, under the current situation, she couldn't think of any way to stop these people.

Can't think of a way to let the leaders know what has happened in the tribe and don't let them come back.

If you speak here, the leader can hear them.

In this way, he can tell the leader of what happened in his tribe and tell them not to come back.

Thinking like this in her heart, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but shook her head, throwing away her whimsical idea.

What I was thinking about was too illusory and too unrealistic!

Maybe only the gods can possess this kind of ability?

People like myself can't possess such a magical ability anyway.

Time passed slowly in the anxious maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe. Before she knew it, the sun was already westward and continued to fall towards the west.

The anxious Red Tiger Tribe maiden still did not think of any good way to deal with the current situation and warned the leader.

Her hands and feet were all tied up, her mouth was blocked by torn fur, and there were fierce people on her side, holding weapons to guard here, she really couldn't think of any good way...

Hunting is a very unstable thing.

This is not relying on heaven to eat, but luck.

But it's more unreliable than relying on the sky to eat!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe has a deep understanding of this.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bring back such a prey now.

Fortunately, there is still a certain amount of food accumulated in his tribe. Even if it is impossible to catch any prey today, the people of his tribe will not be hungry.

Bringing this prey back, it happened to be able to cook some broth well, so that everyone in the tribe could eat some, especially those women with children in their stomachs, who wanted to eat more.

There is nothing wrong with not getting any food for a few days.

Because I came to this new place, after living here for a while, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others have already discovered a tribe.

In the past, the old witch taught him how to do when he lacked food in the tribe and was unable to obtain food through other means.

This method is to **** the rest of the tribe!

Turn the food of the rest of the tribe into your own tribe.

In this way, your tribe can have enough food.

In the beginning, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was still a bit uncomfortable and felt guilty.

But after doing more of this kind of things, the unsuitability and guilt in my heart disappeared cleanly. On the contrary, it became a matter of course.

My tribe has no food, and the rest of the tribes have food. In order not to let the people of my tribe get hungry, then I had to take people to grab it.

As for how those people survived after being robbed, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe didn't care.

As the dead old witch of their tribe said.

They only need to take care of the people of their own tribe, and they will not let the people of their tribe go hungry.

Those people deserved to be robbed.

Who makes them not strong?

As for whether he could bring down the newly discovered tribe, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe had no doubts about it.

Not only because that tribe is not very big, but more importantly, their tribe has sharp and easy-to-use bronze weapons!

As long as you don't encounter a perverted tribe like the Qingque tribe, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, you will feel that you are fearless!

Thinking like this in my heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe carried his weapon and led the people of the tribe toward his new tribe.

As the setting sun shines, the brilliance casts their shadows on the ground, Elder Ra's.

Some birds were chirping, flapping their wings and flying across the sky, and plunged into the forest...

Along the way, the newly constructed tribes have appeared in front of them.

The tribe is not big and there are not many houses, but when he sees these, the head of the Red Tiger tribe still can't help showing a smile.

Because this small tribe is where they live, built by their group.

Here, they can find a place to rest, eat, and live on each other!

After all, he still took people with him, and escaped from the claws of the Qingque tribe!

The great Red Tiger tribe survived after all!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe thought so proudly in his heart.


Inside the peaceful Red Tiger tribe's residence, the chief of the Pegasus tribe said to the people in the tribe in a low voice.

What he meant was to prepare these people in the tribe, and when these returned people get closer to their tribe, they start rushing outside to knock them down!

Take all their weapons and become your own tribe!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who was **** with her hands and feet and curled up on the ground, could not see the distant scene, but from the actions of these cruel people, we can see that the leader of her tribe came back. !

With such a discovery, Ling's already anxious, she became even more anxious.

However, what makes people feel broken is that under the circumstances like this, she can't think of any way. She can only watch these brutal people here waiting for the leader to come over.

I watched the leaders fall into a circle surrounded by these brutal people...


The leader among this group of brutal people spoke again, and the witch of the Red Tiger tribe closed her eyes in pain.

There is no need to think too much about it, this brutal man, what he said just now, must have caused people to attack the returning leader and them.

However, what happened next made the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe seem surprised.

Because after the leader of this group of brutal people spoke up, these people did not rush out, but concealed their bodies better.

This unexpected event made the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe seem puzzled and surprised, and at the same time, there was some happiness in her heart.

Perhaps the leader of their tribe came back, and they found something strange, what measures they took...

The fact is somewhat different from what the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe thought. Temple Street

However, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who had been walking towards the tribe, really stopped.

His eyes couldn't help scanning through some shallow puddles.

These shallow puddles have been cleaned up and sprinkled with delicious seeds.

Now, many small green shoots have appeared inside.

Except for a small part of the grass, the rest are rice buds.

Looking at these green shoots, the head of the Red Tiger tribe showed a thick smile.

Everything in the tribe is developing in a positive way. Such things really make him happy.

I heard from the witches in the tribe that, a long time ago, my tribe was not strong, and it developed and grew step by step.

Now, under his leadership, he has become a weak tribe again, and he will definitely be able to develop again and become stronger again!

He thought confidently in his heart.

After standing here and watching carefully for a while, he was ready to take people to the tribe.


At this time, someone who came back with him said this.

What he meant was, how does his tribe look so quiet now? Why can't you even see a single figure?

In the past, when they came back, it was not like this.

This sentence reminded the leader of the Red Tiger tribe who was already immersed in the yearning for a better life and could not extricate himself.

He looked towards the tribe and did not see a single person.

The whole tribe is too quiet.

This is indeed abnormal.


He opened his mouth and said, quickly threw the prey he was holding into the hidden grass, and transferred the weapon he was holding in front of him.

The others followed his orders and quickly prepared.

They held their weapons one after another and were ready for battle.


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe raised his voice and yelled loudly toward the location of the tribe.

He is the witch who shouts to stay in the tribe.

However, after the voice fell, there was no response.

The whole tribe still seemed quiet.

Such an unusual reaction made the anxiety of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and everyone more serious.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe now very much wants to take people to his tribe to see what happened, and see what happened in the tribe that caused this situation.

But the experience accumulated over the years told him that he could not do this.

I need to wait for a while.


He continued to shout loudly, at the tribe, hoping to get a response.

However, the tribe is still quiet, as if there are no people in the tribe.

The red tiger tribe leader's heart that had been mentioned, after seeing the first act like this, he mentioned more.


After a while, he called out the names of the rest of the tribe again.

Still no one responded.

The heart of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe sank to the bottom.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe heard the leader's shout, she was extremely anxious, but she didn't make any moves.

Because she saw that, with the shouts of her tribe leader, the eyes of these cruel people looking at them had changed!

Extraordinarily cruel!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe did not dare to speak.

Not because she was so afraid of death, but because she was afraid that after she died, many important things in the tribe would be lost...

These things are the biggest hole cards for your tribe to become stronger again!


Under the gaze of the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe with her eyes open, the leader of this group of brutal men spoke.

As he spoke, someone immediately took action.

They catted to their waists, and walked towards a place extremely concealed.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe takes the lead.

After a while, they came to the place where they were tied to their horses.

Untied the horse, and then climbed onto the horse's back with the help of local stones and wooden pillars.

In this process, many horses neighed.

Originally, the chief of the Pegasus tribe wanted to take people to hide here quietly, and then when these returned people came to the edge of the tribe, they rushed out and charged them.

But now, the cautiousness of the Red Tiger tribesmen returning when they returned has caused the chief of the Pegasus tribe to change his mind.

Of course, in addition to this reason, another important reason is that he suddenly remembered an event before.

This thing is that when they first met those people with Huang Chengcheng weapons, they rode toward them on horseback!

Those who were holding Huang Chengcheng weapons were particularly frightened when they saw them riding horses.

Riding a horse with someone by yourself, it is easy to get rid of these people!

At this time, the people who returned with Huang Chengcheng's weapons looked much stronger than the people they had met before.

And they also discovered that things were unusual, and they were wary.

Under such circumstances, the chief of the Pegasus tribe made a change.

Because he feels that if he doesn’t make a change, in the next battle, his tribe will probably die a lot of people~www.NovelMTL.com~ In the neigh of the horse, the chief of the Pegasus tribe Waiting for people to climb on horseback.

Then he held the reins tied to the horse's head in one hand and the weapon in the other, controlling the horse to come out of the hidden place.

With vigilance, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who was slowly approaching the tribe, heard the horse's neigh, and the whole person couldn't help being taken aback, even if his complexion changed drastically.

Although I had never heard this neighing sound from my tribe before, I can tell from the loudness of the sound that the beast that broke into my tribe must be quite big!

No wonder his tribe is so quiet, it turns out that he broke into such a ferocious beast!

As he thought about it, the chief of the Pegasus tribe turned out with the people on horseback.

Seeing these things appearing in his own tribe, the eyes of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe became red!

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