I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1156: Pegasus Tribe (2 in 1)

"Shang, the son of God is here, why don't you run faster?"

Some people in the tribe asked strangely.

Shan reluctantly smiled, and said: "You go first, I will pass soon."

He said so, but he didn't go any further.

After a while, instead, he stepped to the side, stopped by the wall of a house, then squatted down and sat down against the wall.

Listening to the cheers outside the wall, Shang wanted to go out, but his body seemed to become heavier, and he sat here motionless all the time, no place to move...

"Where is it?"

"Why didn't you see Shang?"

After Han Cheng met the people living in the Tongshan residential area, he kept searching among the crowd, but he did not see Shang.

Seeing this, Han Cheng asked strangely.

After asking this question, everyone turned their heads and looked to the side. They really didn't see Shang, and there was no one in the crowd.

This kind of thing makes many people feel strange.

Because Shang used to look forward to the son of God very much.

After all, he joined the tribe long ago.

At this time, the son of God finally came over, and made such a big movement, it is said that Shang should have ran over long ago, how come he can't find it now?

"When I came over, I saw the shame, and he was also coming here..."

Someone said aloud.

"I saw Shang stopped when he was about to come out of the wall. I asked him, and he said he would come out."

Another person said this aloud, giving a message of shame...

"I'm going to find Shang!"

Someone yelled so loudly, and then turned around to head into the tribe.

Han Cheng, who came from a later life, had to be much smarter in the later life.

However, in terms of human affection and sophistication, it still exceeds many people in this era.

At this time, this abnormal situation has made him aware of something.

"Don't go, I'll go find Shang."

He said this to people.

Then he accelerated his pace and headed towards the Tongshan residential area.

The rest of the people didn't quite understand what was going on, but when they saw the Son of God do this, they all followed the instructions of the Son of God.

Han Cheng walked all the way into the Tongshan residential area, scanning his eyes here.

"God, I am here."

Not long after Han Cheng walked in the residential area, Shang walked out from one side and said to Han Cheng with a smile.

There was a joyful smile on his face, and he couldn't see the slightest strangeness.

"I just felt like it suddenly came, so I went to a small one."

He explained this to Han Cheng.

Han Cheng didn't say anything, but just walked straight to Mao, and then reached out to grab Mao's hand and shook hands with Shang, using a lot of strength.

It took a while before Han Cheng released his hand.

"Is this the last time I stayed?"

Han Cheng lifted Shang's hand, pointed to a long scar on it and asked Shang.

When Shang heard Han Cheng's question, he suddenly became embarrassed.

"These are all minor injuries..."

He said this, and quickly retracted his hand, trying to hide it.

But Han Cheng did not let go.

After struggling twice, seeing that he didn't break away, he stopped earning.

"I've heard about everything you did. You did very well! You are here in the Tongshan residential area. I am very relieved!"

Han Cheng stretched out his hand and patted Shan's shoulder so hard, and said aloud.

Originally, with a smile on his face, after hearing Han Cheng say this, I don’t know why, I couldn’t control my emotions, my eyes were red, and my tears could no longer be controlled!

Flowing down.

"God, son of God, I, I didn't, I didn't do a good job, he, they still died, died three or three..."

Shang, the man who had never shed tears since the Tengshe tribe was killed, cried silently in front of so many people at this time.

It can be seen how much shadow was left in his heart by the accident that happened before.

This man who suffered misfortune a long time ago and many people in the tribe were slaughtered by the snakes, cares most about the lives of the tribe people.

Han Cheng knew Shao, and knew what this man was concerned about.

Knowing that he must be holding something in his heart.

So this time he came over, he chose to say these words.

The purpose is to pierce these things and let the emotions that are suppressed in his heart vent out.

It won't make him feel sick in his heart.

"I know, I know, you have done a good job, if it weren't for you, none of those buried in would survive..."

Han Cheng reached out and patted Shang on the shoulder, so as to comfort him.

Seeing the crying and crying, like a little doll, everyone present quickly became silent and sad.

Until now, many of them knew what was hidden in the heart of this seemingly strong man.

Only then did I know what kind of feelings this man who has been doing things extremely desperately is holding back.

If it weren't for the son of God, they wouldn't know it. In this man's heart, he hadn't come over that hurdle...

"Go, take me to see them."

Han Cheng stood here, waiting for Shang to cry for a while, then stretched out his hand to pat on Shang's shoulder, and said aloud.

Shang wiped his eyes vigorously with his arm, then nodded, led the way in front, and led Han Cheng all the way to the outside of the wall on the north side of the Tongshan residential area...

"This is the Three Zhuangs. The Three Zhuangs don't talk much. They like silly music...

This is the second-rate, the second-rate special can eat, the head-sized bowl, the second-rate one can drink four bowls..."

"This is a pine branch. The pine branch has a lot of strength and is very honest and honest. It is most desperate to do things.

The work done by one person is worth more than half a person.

That time, if it hadn’t been for the pine branch to be the dog, just two people were protected under his body, and the two of them would not survive..."

Shang pointed to the grave here and introduced Han Cheng one by one.

I was already holding back the fear of not crying, but when I said these things, my eyes were red once again.

The voice choked up several times.

Shang's performance has dragged everyone in the Tongshan residential area and many people's thoughts until a few months ago.

Thinking back to the disaster at that time, many people couldn't help but blush.

Especially those people who were rescued from the mine and desperately took the lead, couldn't help but shed tears, and their hearts were full of emotion.

Following the introduction of Shang, Han Chengcheng solemnly bowed to the graves of these people.

The rest of the people were affected by this atmosphere and bowed to these graves with Han Cheng.

Little Pea and Little Myolie, two little guys, are not frolicking at this time.

They seem to have felt something special when they are young.

The little face was tight, bowing with their father.

Little Myolie bowed more realistically, staggering under her feet, almost standing unsteadily, and fell to the ground.

Sister Bai Xue was pulled to the side, so she didn't fall.

There was silence here in Tongshan residential area. In this silence, the spirits of everyone present got some sublimation.

Something they didn't realize now appeared quietly in the hearts of everyone.

"Good! All good! The Horde will never forget you!"

Han Cheng bowed, and after being silent for a while, he said loudly...

On the south side of the mountain, the newly built Red Tiger tribe's residence, which was lively for a while, returned to peace again.

It is really peaceful here.

Because the Red Tiger tribe people who stayed here have already died.

As for those who haven't died yet, they are already **** in a ball, and their mouths are filled with animal skins.

Except for some whining noises, no other sounds were made.

The Red Tiger Tribe maiden who had suffered some injuries, her eyes widened with bloodshot eyes.

Looking at the people who came and went in his tribe, it was full of resentment.

It's just that she can't do anything except stare.

After a while, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe simply closed their eyes and stopped looking at these cruel people.

On the one hand, it is because the eyes are out of sight and the heart is out of trouble.

On the other hand, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe were worried that if she continued to watch, she could not help but make some radical actions.

Let these **** people find out and kill her.

She can't die, she really can't die.

Because at present, she is the only one who can make pottery and know how to make sharp weapons from stones in their tribe!

If she died again, then these things would really be lost among the tribe!

She really didn't want to see such a thing!

Only when people are alive can they have the opportunity to do more things!

Her tribe has become like this, the old witch entrusted the tribe to herself before she died, so she must do her best to get the tribe right!

Can't let the tribe fall into disrepair!

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, his mouth grinned behind his ears.

This tribe, which does not seem to be very big, is richer than he imagined.

Carrying the Red Tiger Tribe maiden in her hand, holding the weapon used for demonstration, she danced vigorously a few times, and then looked carefully before her eyes.

The more I look, the more I like it.

Regardless of the size, weight, and ease of use of this weapon, he was extremely satisfied.

It feels very smooth.

After getting this better weapon, when I went to look at it, the chief of the Pegasus tribe suddenly looked down upon the weapon that he had extremely cherished.

Of course, the chief of the Pegasus tribe is so happy, not just because he got such a handy weapon, in addition to this, there are many bronze weapons placed on the ground!

Before coming to attack this tribe, only a small number of people from the Pegasus tribe had bronze weapons.

But now, after attacking this not powerful tribe in front of them, the people of the Pegasus tribe can basically do this kind of sharp weapon!

In addition to these, the chief of the Pegasus tribe also found another surprise.

The surprise is that in this small tribe, he also found a lot of pottery!

Moreover, many of these pottery are pottery that has not yet been fired.

This shows that there are people who can make pottery in this small tribe!

People who can make pottery are relatively rare.

Even the chief of the Pegasus tribe, when faced with someone who can make pottery, he will have the heart to get it to his tribe.

Moreover, he was also able to burn pottery by the people of this tribe, which reminded him of this unusually sharp weapon.

This sharp weapon is certainly not innate.

With so many weapons of this kind in this tribe, does it mean that this tribe itself will make such weapons?

This kind of weapon is so good. If your tribe can master such a method through these people, then...

The chief of the Pegasus tribe thought this way, and the whole person couldn't help getting excited.

This is really an exciting and trembling thing!

It was also at this time that the chief of the Pegasus tribe felt deeply grateful that he had ordered the people in the tribe not to be deadly and left some lively actions.

Otherwise, he would fall into deep discomfort again.

Your own tribe will definitely lose a lot of things again!

Thinking like this, he reached out and picked up some food from this tribe, and took a big bite.

The tribe in front of me is really a waste tribe.

With such a good weapon, it is really amazing to be able to give the tribe this way.

If one's own tribe possessed such a good weapon, it would have long since been stronger than it is now.


The leader of the Pegasus tribe said this to the people in the tribe.

Following his statement, the Pegasus tribe present began to take action.

They carried the tied Red Tiger tribe towards some hidden places.

Those from the Red Tiger tribe who died, as well as one or two members of their own tribe, were also carried to a hidden place and covered with some branches and the like.

Some people started to clean up blood stains on the ground with the tools they held in their hands.

Eliminate the traces of battle as much as possible.

Even the horses they rode were secured in a hidden place for shelter~www.NovelMTL.com~ After doing all these things, the chief of the Pegasus tribe took the people from the tribe and hid Hidden place.

Under his arrangement, everyone began to eat food to supplement their physical strength.

After eating the food, some people were left on guard while others started to sleep.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe, this is waiting for the return of the people from this tribe!

Past experience told him that a tribe cannot have only women and such few men!

There must be others in the tribe!

These people are no longer tribes, and either go out to graze or hunt for food.

The chief of the Pegasus tribe is a careful person. He has been searching for such a long time before he finally came here. He doesn't want to miss the sharp weapons in the hands of those who go out of this tribe...

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