I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1155: Sadness (2 in 1)


The burly person, after hearing the words, stood up and looked in that direction for a while, said this aloud, and stuffed the food into his mouth in two bites.

With his voice, the rest of the people also speeded up their food.

Then he brought the big animal that was tied to the side to graze, and along with the leader, took the weapon to the direction where the fireworks rose.

With anticipation and excitement...

"Let's go, let's hurry up."

Here on the lotus island, after eating the last bite of the meal in the bowl, Han Cheng smiled and said to the people present.

I have been playing here on the lotus island for almost two days, the little pea, the wild duck eggs that he found in the grass near the wild duck lake are almost a small basket!

It's also time to leave here and head to the Tongshan residential area. Otherwise, Han Cheng felt that more wild ducks would be miserable.

Although these wild duck eggs were made into delicacies by his father with a smile...

With an order from Han Cheng, he stopped for a while at Yeyahu. The people who had a good time started to set off from Yeyahu. After passing by Longmen Inn, they walked along the Bronze Expressway. To the Tongshan residential area.

Little Myolie and Little Pea's mouth kept on talking.

From time to time, I took some things that Hancheng had fried as snacks and sent them to my mouth.

The fried things include small burnt fish, prawns, and some crabs.

These things are all produced from Wild Duck Lake. They are fried by Hancheng and are crispy and burnt. They taste very good.

The bullock cart went all the way, just like this leading everyone forward...


To the south of the mountain, I don't know how far away from Tieshan's residential area, the burly man said so, with a wave of excitement.

They watched the rising smoke all the way, and finally came here.

Then I saw the place of residence in front of me and the people around the place of residence!

Among them, there is a woman with a bunch of strange things on her neck.

Two of this bunch of things looked very dazzling, and they looked yellow under the sunlight, especially eye-catching.

This kind of thing is familiar to him, because he holds in his hand such a thing that will shine and dazzle in the sun!

Although the weapon in his hand is a weapon, it looks very different from the one hanging from the woman's neck, but it is basically certain that it is of the same material!

After searching hard for such a long time, when he finally saw something like this, how could he not feel particularly excited in his heart? !

Standing here and watching for a while, this person said loudly to the person behind him, and then took the person behind him, looking very excited and strode toward the front of the meteor!

The witches and others of the Red Tiger tribe had already discovered these people who had come suddenly.

This kind of discovery surprised them.

Looking at these guys who are holding weapons and holding animals that they have never seen before, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe regrets that she did not let the people of the tribe before. When she was building houses, she looked like a blue bird. Like the tribe, first build a tall and thick wall outside of the residence!

Even if the tribe’s dwelling place is built into a house on a big tree like a nest tribe, they will not have nothing to do when facing such a situation!


The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are still smarter than ordinary people.

In such an emergency situation, she still thought of a way to deal with it!

When these people who suddenly appeared on the edge of her tribe began to speed up toward her tribe, she shouted loudly, so that these people who stayed in the tribe should not panic and take up weapons. Defeat the enemies and defend their tribe!

After shouting like this, she herself stretched out her hand to pull a weapon from the side, and quickly found a wooden stick.

Then, the weapon he held in his hand, desperately slashed towards the tree stick.


There was a sudden sound, and the stick, which was the thickness of a baby's arm, was cut off diagonally!

Of course, when the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe did this thing, she also had a certain choice. The tree stick she chose was a wet tree stick.

Compared with dry sticks, such wet sticks are easier to chop.

After cutting the tree stick all at once, the witch of the Red Tiger tribe, while holding back the fear in her heart, held the chopped tree stick in her hand and the bronze weapon in her other hand. lift.

Then, while shouting loudly, he shook it vigorously towards these people who came forward.

She wants to use this method to shock the people who come, let them know that they are not easy to provoke, so as to make these people fear in their hearts, so as to keep their tribe!

Your own tribe has become what it is now, and it really can't suffer any more turmoil!


The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe turned her head and yelled at the people not far away.

This time, what she yelled at was the nest tribe woman who was standing on the side and looted by them.

Many of these people looked terrified when faced with malicious people coming toward their tribe, and even the bronze weapons quickly taken out by the few men from their tribe dared not take it!

This made her extremely angry.

Amidst her roar, these people suddenly dared not flinch.

They took these weapons, held them in their hands, gritted their teeth, roared with some vibrato, and waved their weapons vigorously.

Looking at these and seeing myself and the others coming, not only didn't turn around and flee, but the people who took up arms and wielded constantly, the people who led the more burly body, the eyes directly widened.

Especially after seeing the red tiger tribe maiden holding a yellow weapon and cutting off such a thick tree stick, she couldn't help but stop.

The eyes are full of surprises!

Before, he felt that the weapon he was holding was already very powerful, but now he realized that after seeing such a scene, the weapon in his hand is far inferior to the weapon in front of him!

After seeing the weapons that were quickly picked up by the Red Tiger Tribe maiden and distributed to the Red Tiger Tribe people present, this person who was originally surprised became even more surprised!

Sharp weapons!

So many sharp weapons!

I have been waiting for someone to search for so long, and now I finally found the right place and saw so many such weapons!

My own tribe is really going to become stronger this time!

Your own tribe is about to rise!

This man shouted with such excitement in his heart.

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe looked at these people who started to stop following the actions of her and others, and her heart lifted slightly.

This method of my own is still useful!

If you don't do this, but turn around and run away with people from the tribe, then it will really be over!

Fortunately in my heart, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe thought about it and took another new action.

Holding a weapon made of bronze in her hand, she took the lead first step forward, and then took another step forward, moving toward these people, appearing extremely firm.

While doing this, she did not give up waving the weapon in her hand, and at the same time she kept roaring.

At the beginning, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe had the idea that they just had to stop these people.

After these people really stopped, she wanted to take this opportunity to scare these people away!

Only when these seemingly unkind people are driven away can the people of their tribe be safe!

During this period of time, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe have already established a lot of prestige in the tribe through their own efforts, so after seeing the actions she made, everyone behind them followed her footsteps. Step forward one after another.

Seeing the witches in their tribe so brave, the courage of the rest of the people has also grown.

Seeing these people waving their weapons, demonstrating to themselves and others, and beginning to approach themselves and others, who wanted to drive them away, the burly person, couldn't help but smile.

Do these people really feel afraid of waiting for others?

Actually make such an action? !

I really thought I hadn't noticed that the men in their tribe had basically gone out. Most of the men who stayed in the tribe were women? !

Don't say that the people they left in the tribe are basically women, even if all the people in their tribe are there, they will not let it go, and they dare to take someone to rush forward!

Defeat them all!

Snatch all these weapons of your heart and become their tribe's!


He roared loudly.

What he yelled meant was to let people in the tribe rush with him, kill all these people in front of him, and **** all the weapons!


Immediately after shouting such words, this person suddenly remembered something, and quickly changed his words, yelling loudly like this.

What he yelled meant was that in the next battle, try not to kill these people and greet them in a non-lethal place.

The reason why such a big change occurred before and after is because he suddenly remembered the previous encounter.

In the past, because I didn’t pay attention to it for a while, the killing was smooth, and everyone was killed. This led to the painstaking search for such a long time with people, until now I finally found these again. arms.

This time, I never learned anything again!

Those who rushed forward with him, even though they had repeated their clan chiefs in such a short period of time, felt very surprised, but they still obeyed their tribal chiefs' orders.

They shouted, waved the weapons in their hands, and killed these people in front of them with their chiefs!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was stunned when she saw this sudden rotation.

Didn't these people who came have been frightened by the movements they brought out from the tribe?

I was so scared that I didn't dare to move.

Why is there such a big change suddenly now, rushing towards oneself and others? !

She is a person with little actual combat experience. As a witch, she is the most bad at fighting and killing with a weapon.

But at this time, she was still carrying a weapon, gritting her teeth, striding hard to greet her trembling, somewhat fluttering legs, and greeted her.

A war started like this...

In the Tongshan residential area, there are many scars on his hands, and he returns from the ground with a hoe.

The scar on his hand is the most conspicuous, pulling almost from the wrist to the base of the palm.

When passing by a place, Shang stopped.

There are several bumps in this place.

This is a grave.

In several graves, people who died in previous mine disasters were buried.

Shang stood here for a while, looking stiff and gloomy.

He stood here for a while, then put the **** in his hand and put it down sideways and sat on the handle of the hoe.

Facing these graves in front of me.


It would be better if he was faster, and if he was faster, these three people would not die.

These are three lives!

The lives of three people from their own tribe!

He sits here, thinking full of self-blame and guilt.

Yesterday, someone at the Longmen Inn came from there happily, saying that the Son of God had returned from the far south.

At present, I am taking Wu and others to play at Yeyahu, or I will come from there in two days.

After hearing the news, Shang was surprised and delighted.

Because he hasn't seen the Son of God for a long time.

It's just that this kind of joy is quickly diluted by feelings of anxiety and self-blame.

The son of God handed over the Tongshan residential area to himself, and let him lead here again, but in the end something like this happened, causing three people to die in the tribe!

And still a young and strong person!

It's fine for those who get sick and die. These are really beyond their control, but now...

After the son of God came, how could he explain to the son of God!

Shang thought so painfully in my heart~www.NovelMTL.com~ Facing these graves, it became extremely uncomfortable in my heart...


"The Son of God! The Son of God! The Son of God! The Son of God is here!"

There were cheers in the Tongshan residential area of ​​Qingque tribe.

With the arrival of Han Cheng, Wu and others, the entire Tongshan residential area immediately became boiling!

Everyone left behind what they were doing, and ran all the way towards Han Cheng who had come.

Looking at the faces of these familiar or unfamiliar people, Han Cheng's chest couldn't help but rise.

When he got the news, he ran like everyone else when he got the news.

However, after running for a while, his footsteps slowly slowed down, and finally stopped...

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