I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1154: New plan (2 in 1)

The bright moon is shining in the sky, and the silver and cold moonlight is shining in the mountains and forests.

A few big rocks were filled with fires shining brightly.

In the night not far away, there were some huge objects standing.

Some of these animals have to sleep, while others lower their heads and slowly gnaw some forage.

The people by the fire were also sleeping, and there were snoring sounds constantly here.

But some people did not fall asleep.

Just like that guy with a bigger body.

He was sitting on a stone at a certain distance from the fire, and quietly watching the light of the fire that was not so bright.

It has been a long time since I set off from the tribe again with people.

However, the things I desperately wanted were still missing.

What I wanted to accomplish still failed.

So that sometimes, this person can't help but wonder in his heart whether those things that happened before are illusions.

It's just that this kind of suspicion will disappear without a trace when it comes into contact with this extremely delicate and useless weapon in his hand.

If it wasn't for wanting to get more of these weapons to make the tribe more powerful, I'm afraid I would have fallen asleep peacefully at this time.

It doesn't have to be asleep.

Maybe they will talk to the big-mouthed primitive female of my tribe...

It’s just that no matter whether you fall asleep or not, you will feel more at ease than now.

Sitting here at this moment, I really want to let it go, just take the people from the tribe and return to the tribe to continue the stable and leisurely days before.

However, after looking at this extremely beautiful and very useful weapon in hand, and thinking about what your tribe will be like when you get a large number of such weapons, this kind of idea will eventually become the same as before, and it will not become tangible. Decided.


After doing this for a long time, the man sighed.

Then he got up and picked up some firewood, and added them to the fires.

With the addition of these dry wood, these fires, which have become much dimmed, quickly become brighter.

At this time, the weather has been warming day by day, and it’s not too cold when I sleep without lighting.

But he still lit the fire to Wangwang.

Because the experience handed down in the tribe and his own experience told him that fire can not only be used for heating, and grilling food, but also can effectively prevent the infestation of wild animals at night.

Many beasts are afraid of fire.

Generally, as long as a fire is lit, few wild animals dare to come over at night.

After lighting up the fire, the person returned to the original place to sit down and thought about life.

After adding firewood two more times, he wakes up one person and asks him to take over his job, and he starts to sleep.

At this time, the night is already very deep...

The night faded quietly in the deep sleep, and before not knowing it, the darkness had slipped away, and the light was shining on the earth again.

A new day here on Hehua Island starts with the song of birds.

Most places in the south of Hehua Island are inhabited by a large number of birds. Under such circumstances, it is impossible not to live in the morning.

With such a number of days of being lightened, it is already starting to call a non-stop, spirited and somewhat excessive bird. It is not easy for people sleeping on the lotus island to sleep in.

Of course, except for those who sleep and can't wake up with thunder.

Han Cheng’s sleep has always been good.

Yesterday, I felt the lotus root for most of the day, and I was too tired. As a result, I was woken up by a bird early this morning.

Looking at the many birds churning around, Han Cheng really wanted to pick up the bows and arrows, shoot them down one by one, and then pluck them out and grill them on the fire.

If you disturb my dreams, I will make you breakfast.

Let you experience what it means to be eaten by an early bird!

However, thinking that the rules not to capture the birds that perched on the lotus island were set by himself, Han Cheng only had to suppress such thoughts.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Han Cheng worked hard to suppress a little irritability in his heart, and then began to wash.

After washing, she didn't wipe her face, so she ran slowly along the path above the lotus island with water on her face.

While running, I looked at the scenery that looked different from yesterday.

At the same time, I was wondering what to make for breakfast later...


Far and far away from Han Cheng, as the light fell, some sleeping people also woke up.

Because the night life is not rich enough, people living in this era generally start early.

The burly person got up late this time because he had been guarding most of the night last night.

By the time he woke up, the people in the tribe were already busy.

The big animals that were tied to them last night have been moved by some people to some distant places where the grass grows more vigorously, where they can gnaw the grass.

Others squatted under the big animals and squeezed things.

These are the foods they often eat...


When the sun rose, under the leadership of this man with a bronze weapon in his hand, these people began to set off, left the place where they lived for the night, and started moving towards what they had never done before. Away from the place, and then to find what they have searched for many times but have not seen...


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe with a weapon in his hand spoke loudly to the people in the tribe.

He is urging people in the tribe to go hunting and get food with him.

Under his urging, many people soon came out with weapons.

It didn't take long for these people to leave the tribe being built under the leadership of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and go to a place some distance from the tribe to get food.

The ruddy morning sun cast on them, dazzling them all...

After they left, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe also began to speak. She directed the people who remained in the tribe to make them do things.

The nest tribesmen they plundered can basically be divided into two kinds of things.

One is to build houses that can be used for living.

The other is to gather and dig some wild vegetables around the new tribe.

After arranging the work of these people, the witches of the Red Tiger tribe began to get busy.

She dug up some dirt, poured water, and started to make mud...

She didn't bring much pottery from the tribe when she came here. After she came here, she also fired some, but it was still enough.

So she wanted to burn some more.

In addition to this, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe have other plans.

This plan is to fire a lot of pottery.

When there are more in storage, let the people in the tribe take it around, and see if there are no other tribes.

After meeting the rest of the tribes, I tried to exchange these pottery with them so that I could get more food from them.

Such things, the nest tribes that they have attacked and looted, have been doing it before, and have gained a lot.

The tribe is where it is now, and any means of obtaining food is very precious to the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe!

So she really wants to do this very lucrative thing.

In the eyes of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, this matter is indeed very cost-effective.

Because it is very easy to use and looks amazing, the pottery is not amazing at all. It is just made of some mud and burned with fire.

There is a lot of mud and a lot of firewood. These two things that are easy to obtain, put together, you can get very exquisite pottery, and then you can get a lot of food from other tribes.

Just thinking about things like this, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe feel very excited, and feel that those tribes who spend a lot of food in exchange for pottery are a bit silly.

After being so happy for a while, the smile on the face of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe froze.

Because she suddenly thought of something.

These things are the three exceptionally exquisite incarnations of the gods that were once spent by the old witches of their own tribe who spent a lot of food in exchange for them from the blue sparrow tribe, and were finally beaten by the old witch with a cane!

That thing looks really beautiful.

If it's not exquisite, they won't be exchanged for food by the old witches of their tribe!

After the three sacred incarnations of the gods were broken, she had seen the fragments.

She burned a lot of pottery, and she felt a little familiar looking at the white fragments.

At this time, thinking about it like this, there were some bold guesses in my heart.

Could it be that the exquisite and unusual incarnation of the **** was also fired by the people of the Qingque tribe?

The incarnation of the sacred deity who bought so much food in his own tribe in one fell swoop is also extremely common and cheap in the Qingque tribe?

When the people of the Qingque tribe exchange those things with their tribe, do they think the same way in their hearts?

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe didn't want to think further, because the more she thought, the more she felt that what she was thinking was correct.

In many cases, there are too many things to know, and there is no happiness, such as the red tiger tribe witch.

In the previous period, the Red Tiger Tribe maiden was very happy. At this time, when she wanted to exchange the pottery made by her tribe for food from the rest of the tribe, she couldn't be happy at all.

Not only is unhappy, there is even a lot of sadness.


She stood here stunned for a while, and then shouted to the other side.

As she shouted, two female primitives soon came over.

These two female primitives were not from their original tribe, but from the nest tribe who were looted.


The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said so.

She meant to let these two women watch her make things here.

After saying these words, she began to make clay embryos of pottery.

She was teaching these two women how to make pottery.

According to the original regulations of the Red Tiger Tribe, the first thing to do to learn these things is to cut off the nose.

Those who have their noses cut off can not only learn these things, but also strive to become the next witch.

However, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe were not prepared to do so.

She can vividly remember the pain she experienced after her nose was cut off.

She thought in her heart that she must study hard and become a witch in the tribe.

After becoming a witch, change this habit in the tribe!

Now, it has been a long time since her nose was cut off, and she has also become a witch in the tribe.

Now, her nose no longer hurts, but she has not forgotten the determination she made.

Teaching these people to make pottery was a decision made by the Red Tiger Tribe maiden after some thoughts.

On the one hand, it was because she was the only one who made pottery in the tribe at this time. She was a little worried that one day if she suddenly disappeared, her tribe would lose this extremely important thing from then on.

Another aspect is that one person is too slow to do these things, and if more people do it with her, you can make a lot of pottery at a faster speed.

After understanding the meaning of the red tiger tribe maiden, the two women who were shouting to her, suddenly became excited.

Their eyes widened, and they watched the movements of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden with great concentration, to see how she made this thing.

As a tribe that often dealt with the Red Tiger tribe before, these people with nest tribes naturally know pottery.

Many of them have fantasized about it more than once. It would be great if people from their own tribe could also make pottery!

Now, such an opportunity actually appeared in front of myself and others!

It's just that my tribe is gone...

The old priest is gone...


The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, after showing these people how to make mud embryos from mud to a pottery bowl, they let the two women start making them.

It just started from Hemu.

And after watching ~www.NovelMTL.com~ for a while, she began to stuff the collected dry wood and other things into a kiln that was very different from the Qingque tribe’s kiln.

Later, some mud embryos that had been made before were put into the kiln.

After all this was done, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe got some fire and lit the reserved fire opening.

Soon, thick smoke came up here.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is standing here, looking at the plume with a smile on her face, expecting the pottery inside to be burned...


A group of people rested here under the shade of a tree.

Suddenly someone screamed excitedly, pointing in one direction...


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