I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1153: On 108 ways to eat lotus root (2 in 1)

As the sun sets, there are no heartbroken people at the end of the world, only the ruddy surface of the Wild Duck Lake dyed by the setting sun, and the scent of food that diffuses from the lotus island in this evening sunset.

Han Cheng sitting on a rock is busy here.

In front of him, there is a big pot with a lot of stuffing.

It's just that the main ingredient of this stuffing is a bit special, not regular meat or vegetables, but rice.

In addition to rice, there are also chopped meat and condiments such as green onion and ginger.

These things are mixed together.

Han Cheng held a section of lotus root with one end cut open in his hand and a spoon in his other hand. He scooped up the stuffing from the basin and kept filling it.

This process is not so smooth.

The main reason is that the lotus root has relatively small holes, and the stuffing mixed with meat is relatively sticky, so it is not so easy to fill in.

Many times, you need to use chopsticks to pound inside.

After Han Cheng installed two of these things in it, after completing the demonstration, he ignored them, and left them to Bai Xuemei, Shishi, Yuan and others to complete.

Han Cheng got up and came to the side of a pot that was burning. He used a long-handled spoon to gently push against the bottom of the pot.

The fish soup is boiled in the pot, and it has been boiled a little white.

The most indispensable thing here in Hehua Island is fish.

The fish inside didn't know how many years they had lived. Before the people from the Qingque tribe came, they didn't know if they had been caught.

Even if they have been caught, for the fish in it, they are not even a mere dime.

This shows how rich the fishery resources are.

After the fresh fish is cleaned, chop it into chunks, add salt, Nande spicy sauce, Wang Shouyi thirteen incense, wine, light soy sauce, a little vinegar, and the pepper shells pounded in a stone mortar. Stir and pickle them.

After an hour or so, you can take a nap.

First heat the pot, put some oil in it, fry a few star anise, put some ginger, then fry the fish a little bit, then add water, put a big firewood and stew vigorously.

Just before it is out of the pot, sprinkle a little chopped green onion, ten bay leaves, and then add some small grinding oil, drink a bite of fish soup, not to mention how delicious it is!

Of course, this is the practice in later generations.

Conditions are limited at this time.

Don't say it is thirteen incense, even Wang Shouyi who made the thirteen incense and the number of generations up can not be found.

The same goes for South German seasoning.

Under such circumstances, Han Cheng can only do everything simple, picking and picking and forcibly making do with the previous steps.

The fish soup made like this was drunk by Han Cheng before.

It is a little different from later generations, but it is better than the fish is really delicious and wild enough, so the stewed fish tastes not bad.

After stirring the fish in the pot, Han Cheng began to cook another delicacy-fried lotus root box!

Pick up a two-piece lotus root slice with a knife, use a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of the prepared meat filling, sandwich it between the two pieces of lotus root, and then flatten it.

After finishing it, Han Chengcheng put it in a basin on the side.

Inside the basin is some mixed paste.

This is made from rice noodles made by grinding small flowers in the tribe and adding water.

Originally fried lotus root boxes, wheat flour is the best.

This is until now, Han Cheng has not encountered wheat such a coveted crop.

So it can only be replaced by rice noodles.

"Start the fire."

Han Cheng said to Wu who was sitting in front of the pot.

After receiving Han Cheng's order, Wu took out two sticks of firewood from under the pot where the fish soup was being cooked, filled them under the oil pot that had been filled with oil, and took the rest of the dry wood. Put it inside.

After a while, there was already a big fire under the oil pan.

Han Cheng continued to put meat filling between the two connected lotus root slices.

When the oil in the pot becomes hot and you can fry things, Han Cheng has put a lot of lotus root slices with meat in the pot with rice paste.

Han Cheng used chopsticks to pick up a lotus root slice with meat filling, and rinsed it in the rice batter in the basin, so that after a layer of rice batter was coated on the surface, he clamped it with chopsticks and placed it. Into the pan.

I put ten or so in a row before giving up.

Han Cheng took advantage of this gap and continued to put meat filling into the lotus root slices.

After squeezing a few, he stopped his hands and turned over the lotus root box that was being fried in the pot with the chopsticks placed on the side.

After turning it over, put meat filling into the lotus root slices.

Under the action of hot oil, the outside of the lotus root box quickly became golden.

Seeing that the lotus root box was cooked, Han Cheng used his chopsticks to fish it out of the oil pan.

Instead of putting it directly into the bowl prepared on the side to hold the fried lotus root box, it was put into a bamboo woven fence.

This strainer with lotus root box is placed on a bowl.

After a while, a drop of lotus root box was stained with oil, passed through the fence, and slowly dripped into the bowl below.

The purpose of this is to pick up the oil on the lotus root box that was fished out from the oil pan.

After the oil is passed, the oil received in this way can almost be fried for a meal.

Han Cheng clamped the fried lotus root box outside, not to get it out all at once, but to see it as color.

Moreover, after several lotus root boxes are taken out of the oil pan, a few unfried lotus root boxes will be picked up again and put into the oil pan for frying.

When the lotus root boxes are filled in the fence, he will pour the oiled lotus root boxes into the basin on the side...

While doing this, Bai Xuemei and the others also filled the lotus roots, and Han Chenggong commanded them verbally and asked them to put the lotus roots in a steamer.

Then put the steamer basket on the pot, cover the lid and start steaming.

Put in together, there are also a few fish that have been separated in batches from the middle and have been seasoned...

"Here, try it first."

Han Cheng picked up two fried lotus root boxes, put them in a bowl, took a pair of chopsticks, and smiled and handed them to the witch who was burning there.

You're welcome, Wu, after Han Cheng handed it over, he took it over.

When I fried the lotus root box witch, I had never seen it before, let alone eaten it.

But even so, Wu knew that this thing must be delicious.

Not to mention the rest, just because it is produced by the son of God, and looking at the meat in it, you can understand that this kind of food carefully made by the son of God must be a delicious!

Witch picked up a lotus root box with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and took a bite, his eyes suddenly brightened...

good to eat!

It's so delicious!

What is this called...

Whatever its name! It tastes delicious anyway!

The witches couldn't stop eating.

"You all come and taste, and taste how this lotus root box looks like.

Don't be afraid of being hot, you can eat it directly with your hands! "

After Han Cheng saw Wu take a bite, he couldn't stop eating, and he felt confident in his heart.

Immediately he also pinched a fried lotus root box and started to eat.

I don't know if it's because I haven't eaten these things for too long. After this bite, Han Cheng really felt very good.

Because the lotus root box is wrapped with rice noodles, there are some differences between the lotus root box and the floured lotus root box, but the overall taste is still very good.

Han Cheng took a bite, and after confirming that the taste was OK, he smiled and greeted everyone present.

Just like later generations, when fried food in the house, the family greeted the people who came to eat something.

The people on the side couldn't help it for a long time. When they saw Han Cheng fished out the lotus root box, they couldn't help swallowing.

At this time, seeing Han Cheng and Wudu had already started to taste the lotus root box, and when they heard the **** son call themselves and wait for others to come and taste like this, they couldn't bear it all.

They came forward one after another, one of them stretched out their hands and couldn't wait to taste them.

Little Pea and Little Myolie’s hands were tender and could not help being hot. Han Chenggong made a bowl for them, put a lotus root box in the bowl, and let her eat with the bowl, so it would not be hot. .

"It's delicious, delicious, delicious..."

While eating the stones, they are praised like a cannon.

The roundness is also full of praise. The narrowed eyes have become a line, and I can see the eyes at all.

The little pea was scalded, and he couldn't wait to pull the lotus root box in the bowl into his mouth.

The lotus root box produced by Han Cheng has received unanimous praise from everyone.

Everyone didn't expect that they could still eat the lotus root that they had eaten for a few years, and they could still make it so delicious.

Sure enough, when it comes to making food, the **** son of his tribe is still the first person in the tribe!

"Eat less, and there will be the rest of the food later. You are too full now, and you can't eat later, but you will regret it too late."

Han Cheng smiled and said to the little peas that he had eaten three lotus root boxes and wanted to eat the fourth lotus root box.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, the little peas with scum on the corners of his mouth swallowed hard, and he was able to endure the urge to eat another piece of lotus root box.

Time was passing, and Han Chengjiang's lotus root boxes were blown up in the flames.

However, the frying thing didn't stop, because there was a big pot of small fish that had been cleaned and marinated on the side.

Grab some rice noodles and sprinkle it on the small fish, then stir it with chopsticks. The small fish's body is quickly stained with a thin layer of rice noodles.

Han Cheng used chopsticks to pick up such a small fish and put it into a pan.

The small fish entering the pot quickly floated, bubbling and making noises.

The fried small fish is better than the fried big fish. Even the bones are fried and crispy. The taste is crispy and burnt.

You don't need to spit out thorns at all, you can chew them all up directly.

It's a pity that there is no chili powder and cumin powder. Otherwise, when the small burnt fish is just out of the pot, sprinkle these things with a fine layer. The taste is really good!

Han Cheng thought so regretfully in his heart.

But soon he didn't feel regret.

Because everyone on the lotus island can't stop eating!

These things are like this without adding chili powder. If you put more chili powder, wouldn't these guys eat all the fish pots?

"It's boiling!"

Han Cheng yelled with joy.

Then both hands forcefully lifted the lid of the large pot on the top of the pot.

A burst of heat steamed up after Han Cheng opened the lid of the pot.

There is also a strong fragrance that comes out together.



The two little guys exclaimed in surprise.

Han Cheng put some cold water on his hands, and then combined with a spatula to quickly put these steamed lotus roots out of the pot.

After being out of the pot, place it on the chopping board and cut it into sections very quickly with a knife.

After it was cut, it was again plated for consumption by people in the tribe.

"Come on, try it!"

Han Cheng greeted everyone with a smile.

Everyone stepped forward and began to taste the delicacies prepared by the gods.

Han Cheng also grabbed a piece of food with a smile.

The lotus root is steamed noodles, and you can pull out a bite.

It is really comfortable to chew rice mixed with meat.

The taste is very good.

This kind of food is most loved by witches who have lost a lot of teeth.

He had eaten four segments with a look on his face before he stopped.

"Making evil ~!"

The bracing witch who eats is sitting on a rock with his back leaning on a big tree.

Reaching out and touching his stomach, he recalled the food he had eaten not long ago, and took a sip of the honey water on the side, feeling the sweetness in his mouth, Wu couldn't help but speak out again Send out such feelings.

This is one of his favorite words to talk about.

It's just like he likes to raise rabbits and play rabbits.

Not far away, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile after hearing Wu's emotion like this.

This is the case with the older generation. They have experienced hardships, and when facing a better life than before, they can't help but feel a lot of emotion in their hearts.

The lotus island where the night has fallen is shrouded by the hazy moonlight and starlight in the sky.

The scene under the moonlight seems to be a completely different feeling compared with the daytime.

The wind is blowing gently ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The water in the lake is wavy.

The water waves gently washed the beach, making some noises.

Some aquatic creatures that appeared at night and quietly appeared under the cover of night, crawling around on the beach...


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, lying in a house that has not been fully constructed, looked at the bright moon in the sky with his eyes open and kept watching.

To say that this is really strange.

This place is already as far away as the old tribe where I and others lived, and the moon here is actually the same as that of my old tribe.

Thinking like this in my heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe didn't blink his eyes. He watched for a long time before he finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Facing the same thing as his old tribe, he wanted to see more...

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