I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1152: Han Cheng: I love to touch lotus root! (2 in 1)

The tens of thousands of hectares of blue waves were rippling, and five small boats moved from the shore one after another, and sailed into the tens of thousands of hectares of blue waves amidst the ripples, becoming the scenery in the blue waves and blending with them.

She put on a small pea with many wooden clothes tied to her body, and put a short stick in her hand into the water from the boat gang.

As the boat moved forward, the little stick was unceasingly shaken by the impact of the water, and brought some splashes, and the happy little pea showed her little white teeth.

Han Cheng wanted to stand on the bow and take a good look at the scenery.

It's just that there are little pea on the boat, and Little Myolie, the two lively and active little guys who are there, and Xuemei Bai is still holding a little guy in her arms, and she can't stand the two little guys at all.

So Han Cheng had to sit in the cabin, holding a little guy's arm with one hand, and experiencing the boat trip on the lake.

Security matters are bigger than the sky.

Especially the safety of my family.

Although before boarding the ship, Han Chengcheng had made the two little guys promise not to move, but Han Cheng was still not at ease when he got on the ship.

After all, children are prone to goldfish attributes in many cases.

In addition to a few members of Han Cheng's family, there was also a man who sailed the boat.

This man is a veteran sailing boat.

Because he has been fishing in this wild duck lake for nearly two years, and he has seen many winds and waves.

Witch, circle, stone, and two others are in another boat.

On the remaining three boats, there were also people sitting separately. Except for the rowers, the rest were accompanied by Han Cheng and Wu and his party and served as escorts.

Han Cheng looked at the water in the distance for a while, then set his eyes on the boat he was riding in.

The ship is made of wood.

Because of the large number of thick trees in this era, the bottom of this ship is directly made of a separate wooden board!

On the bottom of the boat, wooden boards are spliced ​​together.

Bronze nails are used between the erected planks and the bottom of the boat, and the gaps are glued with glue made of fish bladder.

The bow of the ship was tilted up.

The whole above is flat.

The entire cabin is not a whole. In the cabin, near the bow and stern on both sides, there is a partition, which separates the cabin into three spaces, the middle one is large, and the two ends are small.

The total area of ​​the space at both ends of the ship is about the same as the area in the middle.

With this design, even if there was an accident, a hole was made in the bottom of the ship, and water began to leak. With these partitions, the ship would not sink.

The rower is in the small cabin at the stern, either with a penny or a paddle.

In order to make it easier for people to embark on and off the ship, the small cabin at the bow was sealed and flattened with wooden boards.

This is the new ship of the Qingque tribe.

It has been two or three years since these new ships came out.

Although bamboo rafts are good, they are still inferior to boats.

So under the guidance of Han Cheng, led by the first carpenter in the tribe, Lim, began to make new ships.

According to the existing tools and materials in the tribe, it is no longer difficult to make such a ship.

So after some attempts, such a ship finally appeared in the Qingque tribe.

The inner and outer sides of the vessel were painted with layers of tung oil.

Not only is it waterproof, it can also effectively prevent the ship from decay.

Such a ship is actually a copy of Han Cheng's ships from later generations.

There is a big river in Han Cheng's hometown.

There are rivers blocking the way to the west, north and east.

If you want to avoid the river, you have to go south.

In this way, if you go to some places across the river, you will have to go a long way.

In the past, the traffic was not developed. There were basically no motorcycles in a village, only some bicycles with big beams.

Many people choose to walk when they go out.

So there are people punting on this river for ferrying.

When Han Cheng was a child, he often took such a boat with the adults to go to the other shore and go to visit relatives.

Because he had close contact with him, its structure is relatively simple and easy to copy, so Han Chengcheng copied it to the tribe.

By now, there are already 23 such ships in the tribe.

Compared with the previous bamboo rafts and these things, this kind of boat made of wooden planks is undoubtedly lighter and more comfortable to use.

The oars made a splash of waves, breaking the calm of the lake and sailing all the way towards the lake.

Finally stayed on the side of a small pier built on the edge of the lotus island.

Stop the boat near the shore.

Xiao Wandou didn't let Han Cheng lead him, so he jumped from the bow to the small dock.

Han Cheng held Little Myolie from the bow to the lotus island.

Compared with the previous time, the lotus island looks more beautiful.

The side lacking large trees was very clean.

One by one, built roads stretched out from the dock and spread towards the island.

Some houses are being built not too far from the dock.

This is in the Wild Duck Lake, where the tribesmen live.

There is still a certain distance between the Wild Duck Lake and the Longmen Inn. Fishing people go between the Wild Duck Lake and the Longmen Inn every day, which is very troublesome, so I built a house on the Lotus Island and lived in the lotus at night. On the island, fish can be caught at any time.

It is very convenient.

And on the lotus island, these people have already felt through these years, there is no danger, living on it is safer than living on the shore.

No need to worry about any big beasts coming to attack.

Little pea and Myolie came to the ground and began to run wild like joy.

On the boat before, Han Cheng didn't let them move, but suffocated them.

Come to Lotus Island, how can it be without going to see the lotus?

After wandering around the island for a while, Han Chengcheng led Wu and Bai Xuemei along the road that was stepped on, all the way towards the lotus on the west bank.

Before coming to the place where the lotus grows, there is already a scent of fragrance coming to the face.

This kind of lotus leaf, with some refreshing taste, refreshed Han Cheng's spirit, and even speeded up his steps.

After walking forward for a while, a large lot of lotus leaf already appeared in front of him.

A gust of wind blew by, and the lush lotus leaves rolled over, revealing some white.

Looking at this scene, people's spirits can't help but shake.


A water wave rang.

A fish hiding under a lotus leaf, near the shore, was startled by the movement of Han Cheng and the others. With its tail swinging, it turned and plunged into the clear water.

At this time, the season is still early, the lotus has not yet opened, and the red lotus in the sun cannot be seen.

However, I can appreciate the infinite green of the lotus leaf.

It is impossible to watch from afar without playing.

This will be a lot less fun.

Watching lotus leaves, Han Cheng likes to go deep into it.

So not long after he came here, Han Chengcheng jumped into a small boat, carried Bai Xuemei, supported by a penny, and drove towards the continuous lotus leaves.

Han Cheng didn't bring any of the three little guys, Little Pea, Little Myolie, and Little Soybean.

There are too many thorns in the lotus root, which makes it easy to catch people.

When the time comes to get a blood mark, it is really uncomfortable.

Mom and Dad are grown up with strong skin and are not afraid of hanging...

After such a flicker, Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei successfully left the child behind and went all the way to the depths of the lotus root to feel the lotus root.

Bai Xuemei, who was squatting on the bow of the ship, held a stick in her hand, and kept moving.

With her fluctuations, the lotus leaves in front of the bow moved towards the two sides one after another, so that the boat could smoothly enter the depths of the lotus leaves without hurting them.

The boat passed by, and the lotus root leaves that had been moved returned to their original positions, blocking the road in the future.

In a short while, I can no longer see the scene on the shore.

Han Cheng didn't give up, still holding the boat and continuing to slide inside.

It wasn't until the voices of people on the shore could not be heard very much that the Penny was inserted into the muddy water and the boat was fixed here.

The two people who had agreed to touch the lotus root did not touch the lotus root, but did some other things.

The boat shook lightly, the water waves made a faint sound, and the lotus leaves growing on the side of the boat swayed slightly.

The surrounding environment is quiet, and only the singing of birds in the distance and the occasional sounds of fish nearby wagging their tails can be heard.

Of course, there are some other, distinctive voices.

"I love to touch lotus root!"

I don't know how long it took, Han Cheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the bow, said to Bai Xuemei with joy.

When Han Cheng said this, Bai Xuemei couldn't help laughing.

She turned her head to look at Han Cheng, and gave Han Cheng a blank look.

It's just that this glance hasn't ended in vain, and he can't help but laugh.

The appearance of being shameless as a brother makes people want to laugh.

"Why do you laugh? I still touch the lotus root when I laugh."

Han Cheng looked at Bai Xuemei and said with some threats.

Having lived with Han Cheng for such a long time, Bai Xuemei has changed a lot compared to before.

She had never been shocked by Cheng's provocation.

"Then come and touch the lotus root!"

Bai Xuemei straightened her body, looked at Han Cheng who was very arrogant, and said with a smile.

Seeing the appearance of Xiaotong's bride-in-law, a certain **** child who was so arrogant just now was immediately stunned.

"Don't always think about those who have something and not. It's important to do business. How can a serious person like me be fooled by you?"

When Han Cheng said this, he pulled up the Penny and propped the boat towards a place closer to the shore.

The water there is relatively shallow, making it easier to feel the lotus root.

This time I really touched the lotus root, not the rest of the unscrupulous touches.

The boat traveled all the way, and under the control of the cheerful Son of Han, it soon came to the shallow water area.

Han Cheng took off his shoes and clothes on the boat, and then descended into the water along the side of the boat.

The water is not deep, but the mud is quite deep.

When trying with a bamboo pole, it is at the calf position. After the person goes down, he sinks into the mud, and the water does not pass the knee.

It is said to touch the lotus root, but in fact, it is not the hands, but the feet.

Han Cheng stood in the water and stepped his feet into the mud with constant force.

It didn't take long for Han Cheng to step on the lotus root buried in underwater mud.

Han Cheng, who stepped on the lotus root, didn't directly touch the lotus root. He still stepped on it with his feet continuously.

It is no longer a purposeless stepping, but stepping on both sides along the lotus root.

After a while, Han Cheng bent down and stretched his hands into the water. He quickly took out a lotus root that was more than half a meter long and thicker than his arm.

"Here, take it!"

Han Cheng said with a smile, and handed the lotus root he was holding to Bai Xuemei.

The Bai Xuemei who was carrying on the boat suddenly showed a smile on her face.

She hurriedly reached out to take the lotus root that was touched by Han Cheng, and placed it in the cabin.

Han Cheng then stepped on the mud with his feet here.

It didn't take long for the lotus root to be taken out of the water again.

The time it took was much shorter than the previous one.

This is because when he touched the first continuous lotus root, he had already stepped on this continuous lotus root.

No need to spend more time looking for lotus root.

The lotus root is like this, in the silt under the water, layer upon layer, intertwined.

Often the lotus roots have been touched before they can be touched.

Within this small area, Han Cheng touched out five companies from here!

This is only the upper part, and the deeper parts of the silt are still ignored.

If the silt is removed from the deeper part, it will be more!

After touching the lotus root in this small area, Han Chenggong took the boat by hand, walked a short distance forward, then stopped, and then continued to touch the lotus root...

About an hour later, there were more than 20 lotus roots in the cabin of the boat.

There are more than one hundred catties.

Seeing that there were already a lot of lotus roots inside, Han Cheng stopped feeling lotus roots.

He climbed into the boat, stood on the bow and washed the mud on his body. When the water on his body was almost dry, he put on his clothes, then punted the boat and drove towards the shore...

"Dad, why did you come back so long?"

After the ship emerged from the layers of lotus root leaves, Xiao Wandou asked.

Upon hearing her son's question, Bai Xuemei's face blushed slightly.

A guy like Han Cheng~www.NovelMTL.com~ has a very thick skin for a long time, and such a thing is just a small scene for him.

"The lotus root is not easy to touch, I'm struggling, and see how dad's hands look like?"

Han Cheng said with a smile, and stretched out his hand that was blackened by the lotus root to show Little Pea.

Sure enough, after seeing Han Cheng's hands, Xiao Wandou no longer entangled in this matter.

When the boat docked, everyone helped to take these lotus roots off the boat.

At this time, the sun was already slanting west, shed a soft radiance.

The water surface in the distance was dyed red with light.

Bai Xuemei, Shishi, Yuan and others are cleaning the lotus root that Han Cheng has touched.

Han Cheng is also preparing the rest...

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