I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1151: 3 very different tribes

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In a place with a lot of water sources, some people are busy here. With their busyness, the originally deserted place has begun to show signs of human activities and have human shelters.

These people are nothing else, they are the leaders of the Red Tiger tribe and others who took the people all the way west after looting the nest tribe.

In some puddles, the weeds that had grown in them were cleared out.

Some rice was thrown into it.

At this time the rice has sprouted.

These rices are what they obtained by robbing tribes with nests.

Those women with nest tribes who had been snatched from them had already accepted their fate by this time.

This is because at this time, they are not too strong in their concepts of home and tribe.

On the other hand, it was because the men of their original tribe had been killed.

The women who were taken far away from their original place of life had no other way except to live a good life with the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

Even the members of the Red Tiger tribe had already untied the ropes on the feet of all of them, and they would not go out to escape.

Because, it is easy to escape from here at this time, but it is really difficult to survive.

At this time, they basically accepted this fate and cooperated with the men of the Red Tiger tribe to build houses here.

In fact, what they want to build is not this kind of house on the ground, but the kind of house on the tree that their tribe lived before.

They are accustomed to living in trees, but living on the ground at this time always feel insecure.

However, after thinking of how they were broken by these evil Red Tiger tribesmen before their tribe, the women of the nest tribe couldn't raise such thoughts.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe stood here looking at the women who were working and being robbed, feeling happy in his heart.

Here, he couldn't help but admire the decision made by the new maiden of his tribe once again.

Of course, this is not only because after the decision of their new maiden, they can survive the long night without being too lonely and difficult.

After a busy day, you can get some comfort.

More importantly, four of these women are already pregnant with babies!

Among them, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe felt the most profitable.

Because this person was already pregnant with an **** when they were caught!

This kind of thing that does not require the hard work of people from their own tribe to be able to sit down and wait for the harvest is so happy!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, thinking about these things, is about to bubble up in his heart.

Through their efforts, their tribe has temporarily stabilized its footsteps, freed from the panic and panic.

However, when he thinks of the Qingque tribe, his heart is still full of misfortune.

His fists couldn't help being clenched!

Let's make you look good when the time comes!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, clenched his fist in his heart with such a cruel thought.

Because he had already thought of a way to deal with the Qingque tribe!

This method is the new witch of their tribe, and the method used to deal with the nest tribe is to use fire!

The new maiden's way to deal with the nest tribe has made the leader of the Red Tiger tribe shine.

The result of the battle has shocked the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

Before that, he had never thought about the fire that they usually use for heating and making food, in addition to these functions, it can actually be used in this way!

Can also be used to defeat the enemy!

This is really shocking.

A new door was opened.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe thought of the clothes made of vines worn by the Qingque tribe.

That kind of clothes is very strong.

In the fight between them and the Qingque tribe, if it weren't for the existence of clothes made of these tree vines, they would not have been defeated so miserably!

They will definitely be able to kill more people from the Qingque tribe!

Once, he was very distressed about the clothes made of tree vines worn by the Qingque tribe people.

But now, he is not at all distressed, and he even feels especially happy because the Qingque tribe people wear these cane armors!

The vines are wood.

The wood can be used for lighting!

It only takes some fire to ignite when the time is up, and the despicable Qingque tribe people will become the fire people!

Finally died completely under the burning of the fire!

In this process, the people of their tribe don't need to do too much, just set fire to the people of the Qingque tribe!

As long as he thinks of this method in his heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe is easily emotional.

He regretted that he thought of this way so late.

And I have to return to my heart, to burn the Qingque tribe people's idea is deeply suppressed.

There are too few people in the tribe now, and the days have just picked up, and they can't bear such tossing.

hold on!

hold on……

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe said this to himself over and over again in his heart, calming himself, and being able to restrain the impulse in his heart.

The despicable and shameless blue bird tribe!

Just wait!

Sooner or later, I will take the tribe back!

Take back all the places you took us!

Burn you all to death!

Let the women of your tribe give birth to children for our tribe!

Just like the women with nest tribes now!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe shouted so loudly in his heart, then clenched his fist and banged his fist against the trunk beside him!

Some blood appeared, slowly extending down the thick tree trunk...

Not far away, the new girl from the Red Tiger tribe without a nose turned her head and looked over when she heard the movement, then she couldn't help but sighed long...


The sun is shining on the earth, and while bringing light, it also sheds heat.

Some scorching sunlight made people sweat out of their bodies.

This is a land with ups and downs.

Sporadic growth is not a tall tree.

The trees are not the protagonist here. The protagonist is the green grass that is connected together as a blanket.

Man is a very adaptable creature.

There are also people living in such a lot.

A person with a relatively strong body, holding a weapon that was shining in the sunlight, said loudly.

After speaking these words, he came to the side of a big rock and lifted his leg to the top of the big rock.

After reaching the big rock, he raised his leg again and rode on the back of a big animal.

There is more than one stone placed here, and there are more than one people who use the same method to go on the back of the big animal.

Before long, under the leadership of this leader, these people riding on the backs of the big animals left where they lived and headed east.

This is not the first time they have left the tribe to do the same thing, so everyone seems very skilled.

Riding on the backs of the animals, they left the tribe before long and disappeared...

A shade of shade was sprinkled under a few large and leafy trees.

Those who were riding on the backs of the big animals had already stepped down from the backs of the big animals, sitting in the shade under the trees, eating with food and some drinking water.

The big animals that were ridden by them were tied to the lush grass not far away, where they were gnawing on the green grass on the ground.

The leading one of these people had finished eating at this time, and was sitting leaning on the ground, tilting his head up slightly to see what he was holding.

What he placed in front of his eyes to watch was a yellow thing.

This is a weapon made of bronze.

This person is extremely fond of this Huang Chengcheng weapon.

Because this is the sharpest weapon he has ever seen!

It is very easy to use whether it is used for hunting or for cutting prey.

Even the best bone tools and stone weapons among their tribes are incomparable!

If you have a lot of these weapons in your tribe, then your tribe’s power will be greatly enhanced!

Not to mention the rest, just hunting, your tribe will catch more prey than it is now.

If there are more prey, more people will be able to feed, and the tribe will become prosperous.

But what is regrettable is that with such weapons, my tribe has got so few.

Even if I followed the direction these people had come to look for more than once later, I didn't get any more gains.

It's as if these people just appeared out of thin air.

This was the last time I took someone to search for it.

If you still can't find it, then you won't find it anymore!

Holding this extremely useful weapon in his hand, after watching it here for a long time, this person thought so firmly in his heart.

After a while, the man couldn't help but sighed, then smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Before, I had made up my mind more than once.

As a result, I am not taking the people of the tribe, and starting from the tribe again, and then do this thing?

It is estimated that if you can't find it by yourself this time, there will be the next and next trip.

It's really not that one's own will is not firm enough to speak out.

This weapon is really too easy to use and too attractive!

If you can get a lot of these weapons, the help to your tribe will be great!


After resting here for a while, this man said aloud.

As he spoke, these people took action one after another.

They finished their rest and put away food and other things.

He walked to the side and brought the big cattle grazing there, and began to move forward.

With some urgency and full of hope...



The croaking of cows resounded in the open field.

The bullock cart drove slowly on the bronze highway, with shades of green on both sides.

Han Cheng didn't urge the bulls to pull the carts, and let them go slowly with their temper.

Anyway, his trip to the Tongshan residential area was accompanied by a tour, and it was too rushed.

When the weather was hot, I stopped the bullock cart directly, unloaded the bullock cart, and tied the cattle to the grass to let the cattle graze freely.

And Han Cheng took his family, and Wu and them to the shady place.

Spread some reed mats on the ground, people sit on them, get some food, and put them on top, everything becomes perfect!

Sometimes, Han Cheng will choose the place of temporary rest on the side of a clear and lingling stream with stones and some coarse sand.

Sitting on the edge of the tree-shaded creek, enjoying the shade, roast some small animals such as the birds, rabbits, foxes, and badgers that have just been hit, as well as some small animals caught from the creek. Fish, prawns, and some yellowish-brown or black crabs, come to a small wild barbecue, don't mention how beautiful that small day!

Even the old wealth of the landlord is nothing more than that!

Of course, there are also disadvantages.

For example, some cold beer or iced watermelon would be even better.

Sitting here, while grilling food, watched Little Peas and Little Myolie splash randomly in the shallow water, leaving a piece of laughter.

Or while eating grilled food, watching the two little guys follow their mother who is holding a small net bag made of sparse linen, then here is serious about catching fish, Han Cheng's mood is extremely relaxed. And wonderful.

Such a life is the life that people should live!

Such days are really lingering.

As Han Cheng slowly ate the roasted meat, he thought with emotion.

The witch on the side also took some food prepared by Han Cheng and ate a little bit.

He eats more slowly than Han Cheng.

This is of course not because he has more patience than Han Cheng, but because his teeth are bad and have lost more than half.

The witch, who was slowly eating food, would sometimes talk to Han Cheng without a match, and sometimes quietly watch the surroundings, watching Little Pea and the others play.

The smile on his face has not disappeared since he came out of the tribe with Han Cheng.

With the gradual growth of the tribe, life in the tribe is getting better day by day.

The witch who has already lived a good life has never thought about it, and he has a very satisfying life than before, and a life that makes people feel more wonderful!

Following the son of God, you can really experience many things...

After waiting until the sun was not strong in the sky and the weather was cool, Han Cheng and his party began to put on the bullock cart and walked slowly along the bronze highway.

The tired little apricot and little peas sat on the ox cart covered with reed mats and fell asleep for a while.

Bai Xuemei said something to Han Cheng, and then began to sit there and doze.

Han Cheng sat in the bullock cart, drove the car, and carried the whole family along the bronze highway, slowly walking forward all the way, toward the direction of the sun setting...

In this kind of walking time and not having much time for playing, but also slowly and leisurely, it has been spent six days, Han Cheng, and the like came to Longmen Inn.


Some mallard ducks wandering in the water were alarmed by the movement of Han Cheng and others coming over, flapping their wings and flying from the spot.

After flying for a while, it landed on the water again, splashing ripples.

Some flowers and plants have been planted around the courtyard of Longmen Inn.

Places suitable for planting things were opened up, planted with millet and some vegetables.

Someone here takes care of it.

Originally, Han Cheng asked him to build an inn here, so that the people in the tribe could have a resting place when they travel between the main tribe and the Tongshan residential area.

As the number of people in the tribe gradually increased, and after the development step by step, the Longmen Inn with the back of the Wild Duck Lake also developed here.

People from tribes began to live here.

And a lot of fields and other things have been developed around.

Compared with the previous time, the houses are not enough.

These were built one after another later.

Of course, the biggest attraction of Longmen Inn here is not these opened farmland and other things.

It's the dried fish that is hung on a shelf in the yard for drying.

The gills of these dried fish and the belly of the fish are supported by some small pieces of wood.

This is more conducive to drying these fish into dried fish.

The smell of dried fish is not very good, but no one dislikes it.

This is not only because the dried fish tastes delicious.

Another reason is that people in the tribe cherish food, and things like abandoning food will never happen.

In the courtyard with the door closed, there are a few people sitting with bamboo poles in their hands.

These people stay here, not just to flip the salted fish from time to time.

Another task is to bomb the waterbirds who come to rob the dried fish from time to time.

When they saw Han Cheng, Wu and others who were coming by in an ox cart, these people were obviously taken aback, and immediately aroused a lot of joy!

They really didn't expect that the gods and witches would come at this time.

After a very delightful meeting, Han Cheng continued to drive the bullock cart and set off with Wu Xuemei and others.

Instead of heading towards the Tongshan residential area, he turned to the north from Longmen Inn and proceeded along a main road no less than Bronze Expressway.

After walking for a while, I saw a bright surface of water from a distance.

The surface of the water is extremely wide, and it seems to be connected with the sky in the distance.

This area of ​​water is the lake named Wild Duck Lake by Han Cheng.

Since I went to the Tongshan residential area with a play mentality, the Wild Duck Lake in the north of Longmen Inn is not to be missed.

After all, future generations still have a saying about playing.

This kind of saying is to travel around the mountains and play in the water.

There is a puddle of good water like Wild Duck Lake, how could Han Cheng miss it!

The ox cart went all the way, getting closer and closer to the Wild Duck Lake.

As the distance shortened, other scenes also appeared in front of Han Cheng and others——

Above the sparkling water, there are some small boats floating.

On the bow of the boat, someone stood.

The person standing on the bow has something in his hand.

From time to time, he would wave his arms and throw out what he was holding.

What was thrown out turned into a circle in the air, then covered the water, and quickly sank to the bottom.

After standing on the bow of the boat and waiting quietly for a while, he began to slowly pull the rope.

As he pulled, the sinking fishing net began to slowly appear.

This is casting a net.

It was created by Han Cheng's ideas, and finally made by those in the tribe who often weave nets.

After casting the net out of the water, some white light began to flash.

That is the beating fish just out of the water.

Looking from a distance, there is a piece of whiteness on the shore of Wild Duck Lake.

It was the fish that was caught and cleaned up by the people waiting on the shore, and dried there.

Not far from the working people, there are a large flock of waterfowl.

These waterfowls are waiting for the fish innards to eat...

Han Cheng and others came all the way, and finally came to the shore of Wild Duck Lake.

When the people working here saw the bullock cart from a distance and the people following the bullock cart from a distance, they didn't react much.

They only thought that these people were here to pull these fishes.

After getting closer, I realized the difference between the people who came.

"The Son of God?!"


"Why are you here?!"

Someone shouted in surprise.

After such a shout, the place suddenly became unstable.

The people who are busy here quickly moved closer.

Even the people on the lake who were holding a boat fishing there, heard the lively sounds here from a distance, and understood what was happening on the shore, they were not calm.

They don't fish anymore.

Throw the fishing net on the boat, and then lit the water with a long penny, flying towards the shore, coming to meet the **** child who has not been seen for a long time.

With the arrival of Han Cheng and his party, the originally peaceful picture, like an ink painting, was directly shattered and turned into a lively and joyous meeting!

Han Cheng smiled and had warm and cordial conversations with people in these tribes, asking about their jobs, as well as food, clothing, shelter and transportation.

Then they greatly affirmed their work.

After receiving Han Cheng's effort, there was a burst of cheers.

Some people were so excited that they couldn't help but shed tears!

After a long meeting like this, the scene began to calm down.

After that, everyone here began to work under Han Cheng's sign~www.NovelMTL.com~ because of the **** son of Han Cheng and the witch here, plus what Han Cheng said not long ago Those words, so when these people have done a lot of things on weekdays, all of them are full of energy.

All the exhaustion on his body was swept away!

"Do you want to go to the lotus island inside?

If we go, we will live on it tonight. "

Han Cheng asked Wu, Xuemei, Yuan, Shishi and others with a smile.

"Dad, daddy, going! Going!"

Xiao Wandou has been a little crazy to play with Han Cheng these days.

After hearing Han Cheng's question, he rushed to answer like this...


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