I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1150: Primitive Age Travel (2 in 1)

"Dad, it's delicious! It's delicious!"

After taking a bite of yogurt, the little peas praised them like a cannon.

Listening to his son's cheerful voice, and then looking at the greedy Myolie eating nearby, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile, and the whole person was full of sense of accomplishment.

In many cases, making food for people is also a kind of happiness.

Of course, the premise is that people who eat the food you make must eat happily. If you take two bites and stop eating, and make all kinds of complaints, then there is really no happiness at all. Instead, you want you to pick up the cooking spoon. Bumps on his head.

"Dad, you eat!"

The little peas scooped a large spoonful of yogurt from the bowl and tiptoed to Han Cheng.

"Dad, eat~"

After seeing her brother's behavior, Little Myolie also followed her brother's behavior, scooping a large spoonful of yogurt from her bowl, and also tiptoeing to Han Cheng to be a father to eat yogurt.

Such behavior touched Han Cheng, his old father.

However, after seeing the white beard-like yogurt sticking around the two children's mouth, Han Cheng still couldn't put his mouth down to accept the strong filial piety from the children.

"Dad has eaten, dad does not eat, you can eat."

Han Cheng said with a smile.

"Dad is a lie, and he didn't eat it. Dad, you eat a little, but it's delicious."

Little pea was too big to be fooled, said this aloud.

"Dad lies..."

Little Myolie said aloud, learning the appearance of Little Pea.

"Dad has really eaten it, you eat it, father doesn't want to eat it."

Han Cheng continued to decline.

Xiao Wandou has already understood a lot of things. Seeing Han Cheng's dad's resignation, some mist appeared in his eyes.

It's really not easy for Dad. Once he makes delicious food, he can't bear to eat for himself, but only for a few people. Dad is really hard!

With this moving thought in his heart, Xiao Wandou became more determined.

Dad must have some of such good things!

"Dad, you eat, you eat..."

In the face of the two children's diligent concession, Han Cheng was unable to resist after all.

In the end, they could only take a bite from the spoons of the two of them, and then the two little guys stopped and began to seriously eat the yogurt in the bowl.

Han Cheng felt the taste of yogurt in his mouth, and he felt a little mixed for a while.

Although this yogurt tastes cruel, after eating it, it makes people feel very comfortable.

Han Cheng picked up the bowl and filled it out again, which was for the little girl-in-law Bai Xuemei.

After serving this bowl, there is not much left in the basin.

Han Jinlai wanted to give all of the rest to the two Xiaowandou brothers and sisters.

As soon as he raised his head, he found that there were several more children who allowed their fingers to come out not far away, staring at this place eagerly.

Han Jincheng stopped the action he was about to do, and took out several bowls from the side and placed them on the side of the pot table. He evenly divided the yogurt left in the basin among several bowls, and took out the spoons and placed them inside.

"Come and eat."

Han Cheng greeted them with a smile.

After hearing Han Cheng's greeting, these children ran over.

Then one by one there were bowls of yogurt from Han Cheng's hands. After bowing to Han Cheng, they started to eat aside.

The little guys who have never eaten the yogurt entrance can not help but marvel at them.

As soon as these little guys were settled, another little guy rushed over.

Han Cheng was also a little helpless.

This time I didn’t make much yogurt, so I didn’t make a big pot.

No matter how it is divided, it is impossible for all the children in the tribe to eat it.

"No, I'll make less this time. I'll make more of them later. By tomorrow morning, I will let you all drink yogurt!"

Han Cheng said this to these children.

The children in the tribe were still very well-behaved. Hearing Han Cheng's words, they left very sensible.

Han Cheng took the last bowl of yogurt specially served for Bai Xuemei to find Bai Xuemei.

This bowl of yogurt was specially reserved for Bai Xuemei, and would not be given to others.

The rest want to eat it, but it can only wait until the next time, not to be able to make this bowl of yogurt.

This is Han Cheng's principle.

"Try this."

Han Cheng said with a smile, and took the youngest son from Bai Xuemei's arms.

"This is yogurt?"

Bai Xuemei said cheerfully.


"Really delicious!"

Bai Xuemei herself likes to eat sour, this sour yogurt can be said to be very in line with her taste.

After taking a bite, he immediately bent his eyes with a smile, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

With that said, he took a spoonful of yogurt from the bowl and fed Han Cheng.

Han Cheng disliked the food his children fed, but he didn't dislike the food his mother fed.

Just opened his mouth and ate it.

The two of them just like that, you and I ate them one bite at a time.

Huang Dou, the youngest son held by Han Cheng, stared with sullen eyes, watching his parents show affection here.

After a while, I don’t know if I was disgusted by my parents’ behavior. The little guy opened his mouth and just vomited a bite of milk...

Han Cheng, who looked at this scene, felt that the yogurt in the bowl suddenly disappeared.


Like other foods that Han Cheng made before, the yogurt that first appeared in the Qingque tribe quickly caused a sensation.

Especially among children.

Now that the tribe has more livestock such as deer and sheep, it produces more milk.

Yesterday, Han Cheng was milking for a while, so not much, but he milked more in the morning.

Han Cheng gave instructions to the people in the tribe, asking the people in the tribe to leave the milk that was squeezed out today, and drink it after it’s no longer heated, but make it into yogurt...

In the kitchen, a pot of raw milk is poured into a pot and heated. After heating, start to put in the yeast soaked in water to make it.

When Han Cheng was making it, there were many people watching here.

After Han Cheng made a pot, he asked some of the people in it to make it the way he was just now.

These people are all cooks in the tribe.

After letting them learn, in the days to come, without Han Cheng doing anything, the tribe can also eat yogurt.

Han Cheng's promise was fulfilled ahead of schedule.

Originally, he told the children in the tribe that he would wait until tomorrow to eat yogurt, but because he started to make it after breakfast in the morning, the yogurt covered in the pot was already made by the evening.

Small bowls of yogurt were taken out of the pots and distributed among the people in the tribe to eat. The children who ate them were jubilant. The whole Qingque tribe was filled with laughter.

So far, the Qingque tribe has once again produced a popular drink...

"Is anyone going to visit the Tongshan residential area?!"

In the room, Han Cheng looked at Little Pea and Little Myolie and asked with such pretentiousness.

"Dad, I want to go, I want to go!"

Little Pea shouted excitedly.

"Dad, going to~"

Little Myolie also cried out with milk.

"Go all, go all!"

Han Cheng smiled and said to the two little guys.

"Bring your mother and younger brother."

Han Cheng turned his head to look at Bai Xuemei and said with a smile.

Bai Xuemei showed a bright smile.

Going to the Tongshan residential area was something Han Cheng had already decided on the road.

The Tongshan residential area is an inseparable part of the tribe, and it holds an extremely important position in the entire Qingque tribe residential area.

He hasn't come back for a long time, and this time he returned from the south, he said he would go to the Tongshan residential area for anything.

One can see what the Tongshan residential area has become now.

Second, you can take a look and give some suggestions.

Thirdly, we can communicate with people living in Tongshan residential area and cultivate their feelings.

Fourth, you can take Bai Xuemei and the others, go out along the bronze highway, play some, relax, and change your mood.

Under Han Cheng's arrangement, a fun itinerary was soon launched.

The morning breeze in the late spring and early summer floated slightly, bringing out a piece of coolness, and the green bird tribe in the early morning was still moist with the morning dew.


The bull pulling the cart raised its head and yelled loudly, some hot white gas coming out of its open mouth.


Han Cheng held the rope tied to the cow's nose through the cow's nose ring, shaking slightly, and shouted like this in his mouth, giving the cow an order to move forward.

As he walked forward, shouted and hauled, the cow he was holding also moved forward.

As it walked, the bullock cart that was placed around its neck also moved.

A layer of straw mats woven from reeds is laid on the bullock cart.

Behind the car side, there is a wooden board as high as the car side.

Prevent people from sliding backwards.

Relying on this board, there are some jars, jars, and some packages.

These are snacks and other food prepared by Han Cheng to eat on the road.

Sitting in the car are Bai Xuemei, who is holding her little son, as well as Xiao Wandou and Xiao Xing'er.

Fu Jiang, an already lazy guy, also lay on the cart, letting the cow walk with it.

On its back lay a fiery little guy, yawning lazily.

This is exactly the cat who got the name of Fuxing by Han Cheng from the red tiger tribe that has disappeared.

There is a bullock cart behind Hancheng's bullock cart.

This bullock cart is also covered with straw mats made of reeds, and some food is placed.

It's just that the person sitting on it is different from the person in the car in front.

The person sitting in the car behind is a witch with a big belly.

The person who leads the bullock cart forward is the next witch, the stone.

After that, there were some people with weapons.

In the dawn, Han Cheng led the cow and left the tribe.

The bullock cart rolled on the road paved with slabs, rolling forward all the way.

After walking a short distance, the bullock cart drove onto the bronze highway.

Han Cheng can be regarded as driving an ox cart on the high speed.

After driving on the Bronze Expressway, the road becomes easier to walk, just follow the main road all the way to the west and it does not require excessive traction.

So Han Chengcheng stretched the reins of the cow in his hand, held the rope, and sat on the cow cart.

He sits on the front left side of the bullock cart, close to the cowl on the left.

One of his legs knocked on the shaft of the car, the other was drooping by the side of the car, and his feet were about 20 centimeters above the ground.

The old **** is sitting there, looking like a very experienced cow handle.

If Han Cheng wraps the cow's reins in his hand on the two horns of the cow's head, and then puts on a black or gray coat stained with dust on his body, he has another one with a pipe tied in his mouth. For the cigarette stick, it is more like a very experienced cow handle.

The ox cart moved slowly along the bronze highway, and the scenery on both sides moved slowly.

Looking around, there are green patches on both sides of the road, like a blanket split by the road from the middle, extending into the distance.

This is the millet planted in the tribe.

With the continuous operation and construction over the years, more and more fields have been opened up here for the Qingquezhu tribe.

The part of the Bronze Expressway close to the main tribe, three miles away from the Bronze Expressway, has been cultivated into farmland and planted with crops.

Han Cheng's decision to build a bronze highway was a very wise thing.

After the construction of the Bronze Expressway, it not only strengthened the connection between the main tribe and the Tongshan residential area, but also accelerated the development of the areas on both sides of the road because of the convenient transportation and easy transportation.

Little Myolie and Little Pea sitting in the ox cart looked at the scenery on both sides, happily.

Little pea is an idle master.

After a while, I got down from the bullock cart and followed the bullock cart.

As for Little Myolie, she lay on the car and looked down through the gap in the car plate.

Look at the small grasses, stones and other things that flash by below, and look at them very seriously.

The little son who had fallen asleep was placed in the baby in the car, Bai Xuemei, and looked at the fresh scenery around, then looked at a few children, and the adult brother driving the car, the whole body and mind Have become extraordinarily pleasant.

The witch sitting in the car behind, looked at the many crops on both sides of the road, smiling from ear to ear.

The ox cart kept moving along the bronze highway, leaving a laugh all the way.

The ox cart drifted away, disappearing most on the same narrowed road...


In a place far away from the Qingque tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~ someone was talking so loudly.

The speaker was a person with disheveled hair and many scars on his body and face.

His right shoulder leaned down slightly, and the prey that he had put on his shoulder slipped to the ground and piled up.

After hearing his voice and seeing the prey on the ground, the people here suddenly cheered for a while.

People are more active in doing things.

Those who were using mud, stones and other things to paste the wall could not help speeding up their movements.

The man looked at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face.

On the unshaven face, you can vaguely see the appearance of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe...

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