I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1149: The Back Pot Man, Fu Jiang (2 in 1) who is always ready

Han Cheng was stunned. He didn't even think that he would be stuck in this matter.

This thing is very fatal.

Within the known range of the time he is now in, the blue bird tribe he belongs to is the most developed.

I want to find a place to buy a bit of this stuff and I can't find it.

This is really dead.

Especially after seeing the two children squatting on the side, with big eyes flashing, looking at Han Cheng with interest, expecting their father to make delicious yogurt for them, Han Cheng felt Mian felt even more personal.

This tall and majestic image of myself in the minds of children is about to collapse!

Han Cheng, whose old father was very burdened, was anxious, while thinking about things quickly in his mind, trying to figure out other ways to solve this matter, and he couldn't make this matter go wrong.

Thinking so quickly in his mind, after a while, some news about the yogurt strains that he had read appeared in his mind.

Yogurt strains are used to make yogurt.

Without this stuff, yogurt cannot be made.

It is said that the original strain of yogurt was extracted from human feces.

Because there are many probiotics in the human intestine.

These probiotics living in the human intestine have already adapted to the human body, and the human body has adapted to their existence.

The yogurt made with such probiotics will not have any side effects on the human body after eating it, and it will be beneficial to the human body.

Otherwise, it will not be used as a probiotic...

After thinking of these things, Han Cheng's eyes lit up involuntarily. A bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

After a while, Han Cheng shook his head vigorously, and threw this bold idea out of his mind.

Mainly this bold idea is too flavorful, too bold, and too disgusting!

I really used this bold idea to make yogurt, then...

As long as Han Cheng thinks that this food is for eating, he feels particularly uncomfortable in his heart...

In Han Cheng's mind, there is also news about the yogurt strain.

It is said that there is a woman in the yin country. I don’t know if she is idle or bored, or she wants to be an internet celebrity out of sensationalism. She used her secretions for a certain amount of extraction and used it as a yogurt strain. It was successful The yogurt was made.

This picture is also too beautiful, some people dare not imagine.

Han Cheng shook his head vigorously and threw all of this out, making his whole person particularly distressed.

There are a lot of probiotics in the human intestine.

There are a lot of probiotics in the human intestine...

Han Cheng couldn't help thinking about it in his heart, trying to find inspiration for solving problems for himself.

He denied the excrement of the intestines, it came directly from the intestines...

Han Cheng shivered again.

This method is no lighter than the previous taste.

What should I do?

If it weren't for the two children, just waiting by the side, Han Cheng couldn't help but began to scratch his head with his hands.

For him, this is really an extremely difficult and extremely problematic problem for hair loss.

However, in front of your own children, you can't persuade you, you have to figure out a way if you don't have a way, and you must make yogurt to develop your brain!

No yogurt strain, then no yogurt strain!

If there is no yogurt strain, use yeast instead!

Anyway, the effect is to let it go.

And the ferment sometimes smells sour, and there should be lactic acid bacteria in it!

When Han Cheng made such a ruthless attack, the solution came.

He cooked the deer milk first, then let it cool, and when he touched it about forty to fifty degrees,

He soaked the yeast he found with water, then added it to the deer milk and stirred it to make it even.

There is leaven in the tribe.

The first yeast was obtained from the side of the wine and vinegar jars.

Later, after making some soybeans and millet into flour, they began to use these things to make yeast, and the yeast obtained was preserved with the help of this carrier.

After adding the leaven and stirring evenly, Han Cheng put the deer milk in the pot and the deer milk inside.

There is half a pot of water in the pot, which is warm water.

The function is to provide a suitable temperature for the yogurt in the basin, so that the deer milk in the basin can ferment as quickly as possible.

This principle is similar to that in the cold winter. People at home steam buns. In order to make the noodles rise faster, they add water to the pot, then put the bowl with the dough into the pot, and then add it under the pot. A handful of firewood is the same.

All are to provide a suitable temperature so that the yeasts and lactic acid bacteria inside can grow and multiply quickly...

Heating and fermentation is a time-consuming task.

Later generations will be more comfortable with a yogurt maker. You only need to plug in the electricity to keep it at a sufficient temperature, and then just wait and see.

It doesn't happen now. Han Cheng needs to spend an hour or two before he comes over to test the temperature of the water in the pot.

According to the touch of the hand, add some firewood to the bottom of the pot, and then heat the water in the pot.

If there are yogurt strains, yogurt is easy to make, but it takes too long to wait.

"Go and practice drawing. By tomorrow morning, this yogurt can be eaten."

After finishing these things, Han Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Wandou's head, and said to Xiao Wandou aloud.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Xiao Wandou went to draw artfully.

Han Cheng followed the past and watched, sometimes giving some guidance.

The father was kind and filial when he didn't do his homework, and when he did his homework, nothing happened.

This is not because Han Cheng, who is also a first-time father, has a good temper and super endurance, but because what Xiao Pei Dao is doing now is painting, not arithmetic, and more. For the terrible pinyin!

If this were the case, Han Cheng felt that he would definitely not have such a good temper.

"Dad, when can you eat yogurt?"

At night, Xiao Wandou asked Han Cheng this way.

Han Cheng, who asked such a question, had no bottom in his father's heart.

After all, my family knows my family.

There was no yogurt bacteria in the deer milk, but yeast. Han Cheng knew clearly in his heart.

The cruelest thing was that, even though he was extremely bottomless in his heart, Han Cheng still had to act confidently when faced with Xiao Wandou's inquiry.

"Go to sleep with peace of mind. You will have yogurt until tomorrow morning."

Han Cheng smiled and patted Xiao Wandou's head, and said aloud.

Looking at the two little guys, and after hearing the news, Bai Xuemei who was full of expectation, Han Cheng suddenly rose up and came to the front of the totem pole in the tribe, and treated the gods of his tribe well. Prayer and prayer, let the gods of my tribe bless me, so that my brain can succeed...

In the middle of the night, Han Cheng got up again, opened the door, and quietly went to the kitchen where yogurt was made.

After testing the water temperature by hand, I added some firewood to it again.

After the firewood was burnt, Han Cheng tested the water temperature again with his hands and confirmed that the temperature of the water in the pot was just right. This was regarded as putting the lid on the pot, then leaving the kitchen, returning to the room, and lying down. Go to sleep completely on the kang.

Time passed quietly in sleep.

When it was just dark, Han Chengcheng had already woke up from his sleep.

Looking at the daughter-in-law and child who were still asleep, Han Cheng got up lightly, put on his clothes, opened the door of the room, and walked out quietly.

The weather outside was exceptionally cool at this time.

After Han Cheng fertilized a bush of bamboo, he headed towards the kitchen.

Pushing open the door of the kitchen, Han Cheng didn't go anywhere else, and went straight to the pot where the yogurt was made. With anxiety in his heart, he lifted the lid of the pot.

A scent of milk with some sour taste spreads as the lid is lifted.

At this time, the sky was just getting brighter, and the light in the room was darker.

Han Cheng took out the fire zipper from the side, blew it on, then lit the lamp, and came to the stove again with the oil lamp to see the color of the deer milk in the pot placed in the pot.

I don't know if it was because of the light shining, or Han Cheng didn't put the yogurt strains but put the yeast instead.

In my impression, the white yogurt looks yellowish.

Such an abnormality made Han Cheng feel even more worried.

He looked at the side and found that after he got up, the lucky general who followed him had already figured out his retreat.

If something fails, then you can only be wronged for a moment...

He found a spoon, took half a spoon of yogurt from the basin and put it to his mouth, first tried to eat a little.

After entering the entrance, Han Cheng's eyes suddenly widened.

The yogurt made with deer milk and fermented brain was not as bad as he had imagined.

Naturally, there are some differences from the yogurt made with yogurt strains that he has eaten in later generations.

However, this yogurt made with yeast is not unpalatable.

The sour yogurt, with some milky aroma, is very appetizing in the mouth.

As a result of this, Ling's Han Cheng was particularly happy, and the heart of carrying it was put back in his stomach.

The whole person's demeanor and temperament are very different from the previous time.

It seems to be a lot more confident, and the whole person is exceptionally spirited.

He put the lid back on the pot, brushed the spoon in his hand, and then went out from the kitchen with the unknown, so he didn't know he was about to become someone's blessing.

"Go to bed and go to bed, and I will go to bed too."

Han Cheng said to Fu Jiang who can be used to carry the pot at any time.

Then he returned to the house lightly and quietly fell asleep on the kang.

Let go of the things in his mind, Han Cheng, who is in a happy mood, soon entered his dream...

Han Cheng woke up.

He didn't wake up naturally this time.

What awakened him was the cry of the youngest son, and the stream of warm water that drew an arc in the air along with the cry, and then fell on him perfectly.

In his sleep, this familiar warm feeling made Han Cheng's heart agitated.

A bad feeling spread to his heart in an instant.

I wet the bed by myself!

After opening his eyes to see the sight in front of him, Han Cheng was not only not angry, but he was relieved.

The situation now is far better than the situation in my dreams.

If you really wet the bed by yourself, the fun is really big!

Han Cheng, who was half full of water, turned over and got off the kang, and quickly turned the little son who was lying there like a small fountain for half a circle, causing the bright white water to fall into the urinal placed on the ground. .

"You are still crying, you pee all over Lao Tzu, but Lao Tzu hasn't cried yet, but your boy is crying. Why are you so embarrassed."

Han Cheng said to the crying little guy while wiping the water off his body with a diaper.

When Bai Xuemei heard the cry of the little guy, she hurried in from outside the door.

Hearing what Han Cheng said, he already understood what was happening in the house just now, and seeing what Cheng's brother said was funny, he couldn't help but laughed out loud.

While smiling, she also bent over and hugged the crying little yellow bean.

He is very skilled at exposing the baby feeding artifact to coax the child.

Sure enough, the little guy quickly became quiet.

Xiao Huang Dou's movement not only awakened Han Cheng, but Xiao Xing Er and Xiao Wandou who were sleeping in the room were both awakened by the cry of the little guy.

"Go, don't sleep! Dad will take you to eat yogurt!"

Han Cheng, who had already gotten up to explore the situation before, said to the two little guys confidently at this time.

When Han Cheng said this, the two little guys immediately remembered the yogurt thing, their sleepy eyes disappeared, and the whole thing became extremely energetic.

They climbed up from the bed, put their clothes on at a fast speed, and then ran outside with Han Cheng.

Han Cheng took them to wash their faces, and after brushing their teeth, they headed to the kitchen...

"Bring these to Wu, Wu eat."

"Take these to the big brother, to the big brother."

Han Cheng first filled out two small bowls with a small bowl~www.NovelMTL.com~, handed them to the two little guys, and gave them an explanation.

The two little guys were very obedient. Although they were already gluttonous, they still followed Han Cheng's orders to bring delicious food to Wu and Senior Brother.

After the two returned the food as quickly as possible, Han Cheng had also given them two small bowls with spoons in them.

"Here, you guys, hurry up and taste it."

Han Cheng smiled and said to the two little guys.

The two little guys took the bowl and couldn't wait to take a bite.

Little Pea's eyes widened at once, as if a light flashed.

And Little Myolie’s big eyes narrowed into beautiful crescents...


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