I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1148: Yogurt and Uncle Deer (2 in 1)

"This kind of thing is called yogurt!"

Han Cheng smiled and said to the two little guys, Little Pea and Little Myolie, who were already greedy.

People who feel guilty always want to make up for the guilt in their hearts through some means.

After some things are done, no matter what kind of feelings the people who are compensated for, the guilt in the hearts of those who do these things will be reduced a lot.

Making yogurt for the two children is Han Cheng's way to make up for the debt to the two children in his heart.

"Dad, I want to eat yogurt!"

After Han Cheng just said the name yogurt, Xiao Wandou already shouted with joy.

Although the name yogurt is the first time I learned from my father, I never knew it before, let alone eat yogurt, but this does not affect the little peas, so I yelled it for the first time If you eat yogurt.

Because in his impression, as long as the food is made by his father, there is nothing bad!

At this time, I heard my dad name a new food, so he shouted to eat immediately.

"Dad, I, I also want to take suppository milk..."

Little Myolie, who was wiping her saliva, said with a milky voice, and the big eyes that flashed suddenly were full of expectation.

Most of Xiao Myoli's actions were influenced by her brother Xiao Wandou and learned from her brother.

"Okay, okay, Dad will make yogurt for you and eat them all!"

Han Cheng stretched out his hands and picked up the two little guys and said.

"I, I still want to paint..."

Just when Han Cheng was about to leave here with two little guys to make yogurt to eat, Little Pea remembered that he still had to paint.

Said very tangledly.

"Don't paint now, and then paint later."

In front of his children, Han Cheng is not such a good teacher.

Just like now, I said this directly.

Fortunately, this is the primitive age.

If this is put in the later life, if this is said, the child's mother will surely be scolded by the child's ears like scolding the child for such a maddening behavior.

I have never seen such an unreliable father!

"You can take a closer look at how Dad makes yogurt, and then draw a picture of how Dad makes yogurt."

Seeing that Xiao Wandou was still tangled there, Han Cheng said this again after thinking about it.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Xiao Wandou's eyes suddenly brightened.

This is indeed a very good way!

After letting go of his worries, Xiao Wandou immediately happily followed Han Cheng to make yogurt.

Deer milk was eaten in the Qingque tribe for the first time. This matter needs to be talked about from the next witch stone in the tribe.

The stone at this time has already passed the age of drinking deer milk directly, but still likes deer milk very much.

In today's tribe, there are not only deer but also many sheep.

There are many sheep who are getting milk.

However, Han Cheng took the two little guys all the way to the deer ring, which had once again expanded a lot.

This is not only because deer produce more milk at one time than ewes, and the first thing the tribe ate was deer milk.

Most importantly, there is an uncle deer in the deer ring!

Uncle Lu is still so passionate.

After seeing Han Cheng coming, he took small steps with his big long legs and came over.

Although it looks old, it is still shameless as always.

When it came to Han Cheng, it didn't hesitate for a while. It first came to Han Cheng's face with a rough tongue that was stained with green grass juice.

It's still a familiar formula, a familiar taste, and an extremely familiar operation as always, and it's still so wretched and unsatisfactory.

Han Cheng was already extremely skilled.

When he saw Uncle Lu walking towards him, he was already on guard.

So when Uncle Deer started to act, he leaned back and directly avoided Uncle Deer's action.

He dodged it, and it didn't mean that the others could also dodge the past, such as the little pea in Han Cheng's arms.

Being hugged and hiding by Han Cheng in this way, the little guy just met the attack made by Uncle Deer.

After being made like this, half of his face is full of saliva.

It even got some on the mouth.

"Bah bah bah..."

Little Pea kept sipping like this, and wiped the saliva on his face with one arm.

Little Pea is also a violent temper, which is also not so easy to provoke.

Right now he earned it from Han Cheng's arms, and then jumped up and slapped him on the thigh of Uncle Lu!

Uncle Lu didn't pay attention to the attack like Xiao Pea, he just shook the fur there, even if it was over.

Little Pea didn't care whether he hurt Uncle Deer or not. He only knew that he had already beaten Uncle Deer, and he had already paid it back. It was enough to get revenge.

Han Cheng, who used his own son as a shield, did not feel guilty. On the contrary, after seeing his son's move, and after seeing the move, he tickled Uncle Deer's tickle as if he had been to the deer for the first time. When the uncle made an attack like an attack, a sincere smile appeared on his face.

Familiar people and familiar things can always evoke good memories, and make people feel particularly good emotions.


"Bah bah bah..."

While Han Cheng was sighing with emotion like this, the uncle Lu, who missed a hit, once again attacked with thunder and thunder.

Han Cheng, who had lost his vigilance, was caught off guard and was hit directly.

"Yo Yo Yo~"

Uncle Lu looked at Han Cheng who was wiping his face in embarrassment, then raised his head high, and watched Han Cheng yell like this, with a hint of pride.

Both ears were still moving, and the upper mouth was still turned upward.

If you owe such a look and performance, you must owe you too much.

Seeing this guy's wretched look, Han Cheng couldn't help but get angry.

He stretched out his hand and patted at the forehead of Uncle Lu.

But when the hand was about to fall on Uncle Lu's forehead, there was not much strength left on it.

This guy also showed his old age.

The wretchedness is a little bit wretched, it really made Han Cheng slap it vigorously with the palm of his chin, Han Cheng really couldn't bear it.

Han Cheng reached out and touched Uncle Deer's head.

Uncle Lu, who always leaned on his face to eat, raised his head on top of himself, and put his face in Han Cheng's hand.

Let Han Cheng touch its long face.

"Yo Yo Yo..."

Uncle Lu kept yelling and seemed to complain to Han Cheng about his dissatisfaction, asking Han Cheng where he went, why he didn't bring himself, and why he didn't come back for such a long time.

"I went to a place far away, where the road is not easy, there is no beautiful little doe, there is no comfortable stay here, there is no carefree you have lived here, you just live here at ease, to I'll go out again in time, so I will look for you to see if there are any beautiful little doe.

I will bring you back if I meet..."

Han Cheng said this as he stroked his long face with his hand back and forth, tickling him.

I don't know if Uncle Deer understood what Han Cheng said, or if Han Cheng tickled it more comfortably. After a long conversation with Deer alone, Uncle Deer looked much calmer.

It seems to have accepted Han Cheng's explanation.


The dog's barking sounded, and some old-fashioned lucky generals ran over with a whimper.

Without any hesitation, he jumped up and opened his mouth first, and took a sip to Uncle Lu.

Of course, this mouth is just a bluff, it looks like a lot of movement, but it doesn't actually cause any harm.

Uncle Lu also showed no weakness, removed his long face from Han Cheng's hand, then lowered his head and turned it a few times.

After three turns and two turns, he moved his head to Fu Jiang's hip, and then proceeded without hesitation...

Han Cheng stood here, looking at the two guys Fu Jiang and Uncle Deer playing around here, feeling a little dazed for a while.

It seems that suddenly time has returned to many years ago, and it seems that time has never passed by.

In the past, the two guys, Uncle Lu and Fu Jiang, liked to practice against each other a few times. Now they are a bit old, this habit has not changed.

After the two guys meet together, they still can't help but practice duel, moving muscles and bones between each other.

Time seems to stand still, but the child of that year has grown up and has his own child, and there is more than one.

The little milk wolf at the beginning has also become an old dog with an old attitude.

Tsundere Uncle Deer is still Tsundere as always, and the harem is much larger than before, but it is also not young anymore.

However, it is gratifying that although time has passed and some things have changed, they can still get together as before and play like before.

After a while, the battle between Uncle Deer and Fu Jiang finally ended in that Fu Jiang was connected by Uncle Deer with antlers several times.

"Okay, don't hit the two of you, go, let's get something delicious."

After a while, Han Cheng with Xiao Xing'er and Xiao Peas said to the two guys.

After saying this, Han Chengcheng led the two little guys to the deer herd first.

There was no dispute between Fujiang and Uncle Lu.

One who looked very doglegged and the other looked very proud and walked with Han Cheng.

Han Cheng's eyes were quickly attracted.

He has found the goal this time.

This is a doe that looks bulging.

Not to mention the rest, just this look can let Han Cheng know that it has a lot of inventory and is a good one for health.

Han Chengcheng is ready to start with it.

"Son, give the pot to Dad."

Han Cheng said this to Xiao Wandou.

Then he took the pot from Little Pea's hand and walked towards the little doe.

The doe was a little panicked, and subconsciously avoided it.

The little deer not far away also moved towards here, trying to protect his ration.

Things are a little difficult to handle.

But Han Cheng was not worried, because he did not come alone this time.

"Watch your daughter-in-law, don't let it move, let's make it delicious."

Han Cheng turned his head and said to the uncle deer not far away, and pointed his finger at the basin in his hand and the doe.

"Fortune General, watch the deer, don't let it come."

After confessing to Uncle Lu, Han Cheng turned his head and said to the lucky general who was not far away.

Uncle Lu received Han Cheng's order, especially after seeing Han Cheng's finger basin gesture, he immediately became energetic.

It walked to the side of this little doe with long legs.


Uncle Deer yelled at the doe, and in the voice, he could actually hear some reprimand.

After the call, Uncle Deer rubbed his mouth on the face and neck of the doe.

Under the method of Uncle Deer, the panicked doe quickly became quiet.

As for the lucky general, he found the little deer with excitement, gnashed his teeth at it, and frightened the poor little guy to hide away and did not dare to come over.

With these two helpers, Han Cheng's milking of deer can be much simpler and easier.

He placed the basin in his hand under the doe's body and then started to squeeze it.

Without much effort, there was a white line falling from top to bottom, falling in the basin...

It is not enough to make yogurt just the stock of a doe, some are small.

Therefore, Han Chengcheng concocted in accordance with the law, cooperated with Uncle Lu and Fu Jiang, divided into three operations, and found three more bulging does before he stopped.

The basin in his hand is already full.

After dividing the two helpers with Uncle Lu and Fu separately, there are still more than half of the pots.

It is enough to make yogurt with these.

Han Cheng turned around out of the deer pen with a bowl of deer milk.

When he glanced over the four fawns, he felt a little guilty.

However, after thinking that he even rushed to eat his youngest son's meal, Han Cheng's guilt had already flown beyond the clouds.

I even grabbed his son's food, what's wrong with you? !

It can be said that as the **** son of the tribe, he is also very arrogant and arrogant.

Han Cheng carried the deer milk and brought the two little guys all the way to the kitchen.

Then began to make yogurt.

However, ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is just the beginning, and Han Jincheng has been completely overwhelmed.

Yogurt, he made it himself in later life.

The yogurt machine is not used, and it is done as well.

This is where he can confidently say that he wants to make yogurt for the two little guys.

However, when Deer Milk started to make enough preparations at this time, it still encountered a problem.

One can be said to be a world-class problem.

This problem is that when he made yogurt in later generations, although he did not use the yogurt machine, he put something else in it-yogurt strains.

This thing is bought, not made by yourself.

The meaning of this thing for yogurt is the same as yeast for steamed buns...

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