I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1147: Delicious (2 in 1)

Eating a good meal to celebrate is the best way to set off the atmosphere after the repetition.

The means of celebration between the two husbands and wives that have not seen each other for a long time are much more solemn and procedures than these.

A good meal is simply not enough to express deep love and joy.

It takes two, three or even more to express, before you can comfort the deep love and joy in your heart.

However, these meals between husbands and wives are different from regular meals.

The regular meals are to supplement physical strength, but these meals consume physical strength.

It's easy to make people sweat profusely and sweat all over.

Not only is there no feeling of fullness, but it also makes people hungry easily.

However, it can make people enjoy it.

I'm afraid that I'm tired and can't finish it, so I can continue to eat it.



Han Cheng gasped. Although he was exhausted from eating and eating, his mood was very happy.

Eat four meals in a row!

I haven't been able to eat like this for a long time!

People who are full are generally not very talkative and tend to get sleepy.

For example, Han Cheng.

Soon, she embraced Bai Xuemei, who had also eaten four full meals in a row, to sleep deeply...

There was no movement in the room, and the night became completely quiet.

Listen carefully, and you can hear some insects lying in the grass or at the root of the wall singing and groaning.

In the sky, the stars are shining, and the night is quiet and comfortable like Han Cheng's mood...

Han Cheng really ate four meals in a row last night.

This can be seen by Han Cheng's youngest son Xiao Huang Dou, who is still hungry and crying after eating for a while holding his rice bowl.

Bai Xuemei hugged her little son to feed here for a while, but when she saw that the little guy still couldn't eat enough, she could only go out of the room holding the little guy and ask the rest of the women in the tribe to borrow some food to feed. Own child.

Han Cheng, who was awakened, looked at Bai Xuemei, who was holding her hungry and crying little son who was hungry and hungry, and looked for someone to borrow food. His face was embarrassing.

I ate smoothly last night and snatched his children's food without paying attention.

Seeing the little guy crying aggrieved, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

You have to pay attention to this in the future...

I thought about it for a while, feeling that Han Cheng, who was hollowed out, still couldn't withstand the doze, and soon fell asleep deeply again...

Zhuang and Heiwa are also a pair of hardworking people.

The two have already had six children.

The big one is two or three years older than the small pea, and the small one is about the size of the small yellow bean held in Xuemei Bai's arms.

She, who was the child there, showed a clear smile after she understood what Bai Xuemei meant, and then she was very proficient in turning the head of the child in her arms away, and took the little soybean that Xuemei was holding in her arms. I took it.

One to the left and one right, one person and one rice bowl start feeding.

I couldn't eat enough, I cried and smoked small soybeans in grievances. After feeling that the food I fed myself this time was finally not an empty bowl, I quickly started eating seriously and stopped crying.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xuemei who was standing couldn't help but smile.

But he didn't feel embarrassed.

After all, before Zhuang, he held the baby and asked her to borrow food to eat...

After returning to the main tribe, Han Cheng's whole person became particularly relaxed.

This kind of relaxation is not experienced when you are outside.

Maybe it's because there are witches, big brothers, and many people who are familiar with them, and this is the place where I live after I came here...

Han Cheng, who had been completely awake after sleeping until the afternoon, lazily looked at the sun outside the window, thinking in his heart.

He didn't get up, just lying on the kang, looking out through the window lattice, quietly feeling the quiet of the afternoon.

From afar, there was the cheering of children.

The cry of the little lamb and the deer left behind was also passed over.

Han Chengcheng lay here quietly, thinking nothing in his head, just staying quietly like this, especially comfortable.

Han Cheng only got up after lying down like this for a long time.


Not long after walking out of the room, a little guy shouted loudly and rushed towards Han Cheng.

It was Little Myolie with two croissants.

After getting along yesterday and before going to bed last night, Little Myolie no longer recognizes his father.

Han Cheng responded with a smile on his face, then bent over and reached out to hug him.

Putting his face on the pink face of the little cotton-padded jacket who was chuckling happily, Han Cheng smiled and asked, "Why don't you go in and find Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Mom said, Dad is so tired, let Dad sleep more, not let us go in and quarrel with Dad..."

Little Myolie said milkily.

Hearing the little guy in his arms say this, Han Cheng couldn't help but warm up.

Be considerate for the child's daughter-in-law, and for the cute and sensible daughter.

This is really my own intimate little padded jacket!

"Then you just squatted here waiting for Dad?"

Han Cheng pointed to the dog and rabbit lying under the tree, and smiled and asked the little daughter in his arms.

When he came out just now, Xiao Xing'er was squatting there, holding a small tree stick in her hand, playing with the dog and the rabbit.

After seeing himself, he ran over quickly.

"Well, what brother did is fun!"

Little Myolie nodded his head vigorously, then pointed to the dog and rabbit placed in the shade of the tree and said to Han Cheng, and then struggling hard.

Han Cheng saw what the little daughter meant, and let the little daughter go down.

"Dad, you play, it's fun!"

The landed little Myolie rushed to the side of the dog and the rabbit, picked up the little tree stick, and said so with her arms raised.

The whole person is looking forward to and excited.

Of course Han Cheng could not disappoint his little daughter.

He walked here and squatted down, took the little tree stick from Little Myolie's hand, and flicked the little dog and the rabbit.

The little dog drove the rabbit around immediately.

Seeing this, the little guy giggled happily, showing a few small white teeth.

"Where did your brother go?"

After playing with the little daughter here for a while, Han Cheng looked around and asked if he didn't see Xiao Wandou.

Little Myolie stretched out her hand and scratched her head when she heard the words, thought for a moment, and stretched her finger in one direction.

"over there."

Little Myolie's milky voice sounded.

"What are you doing there?"

Han Cheng seemed more curious.


Little Myolie continued with milky voice.

Han Cheng couldn't help being extremely surprised.

This little guy usually kicks the toad to death with joy, but now why has he changed his temperament and become so gentle?

"Go, go see your brother."

Han Cheng reached out and touched his little daughter's head.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Xiao Xing'er did not follow Han Cheng to leave, but first picked up the dog and rabbit on the ground and put it on the stone slab at the door of the room.

Then, with Han Cheng, he walked towards the place where Little Pea was.


When he was about to come to the place where Little Pea was, Han Cheng raised his finger and put it to his mouth, so he hissed to Little Myolie.

"Go slowly, don't make any noise, see what your brother is doing, don't bother him."

Little Myolie nodded her head obediently, and the two croissants on her head shook one of them.

Then the father and daughter came here lightly in tandem.

A shade of shady fell under the leafy apricot trees.

In the shade, there was a stone table.

On the edge of the stone table, there are six stone benches.

On one of the stone benches, there was a small person sitting.

The little man was lying on the stone table with his back facing here, holding a pen in his hand, and writing something seriously on the paper there.

On the side of the child, there was also a **** and white fur ball rolling.

Playing around there, it looks very nice.

The little person is very serious, even if there is such a guy who is used to selling cuteness by his side, who is constantly selling cute and acting cute, he can't divert his attention.

Such a sight made Han Cheng extremely strange.

When did this little guy change his temper?

Actually, I didn't really play, but I wrote something seriously here.

After being surprised, Han Cheng became even more rare about what the little guy was doing.

He hugged Xiao Xing'er slightly behind Xiao Wandou, and his gaze fell on the paper in front of Xiao Wandou, wanting to see what Xiao Wandou was doing.

The paper is not words, but paintings.

Although it is not finished yet, some outlines can still be seen.

This is a panda.

Although the brushwork is immature, Han Cheng can still recognize it.

Now I watched here quietly for a while, Han Cheng didn't disturb him, and quietly backed away with Xiao Xing'er.

Go to the side, brush your teeth, wash your face, rinse, and find something by the way, pad your belly.

After a while, Han Cheng brought Xiao Xing'er over again.

At this time, Little Pea has put the pen in his hand aside.

Looking at the paper in front of him, the whole person looked a little distressed, and kept scratching his head with his hands.

After a while, he got up and came to the panda Tuantuan's side, raised his little foot, and kicked it a few times.

This can be considered a disaster to the pond fish.

Han Cheng came over, reached out and took a look at the painting in front of the little guy.

I can recognize that the picture above is a panda, but the panda looks a little too strange and too abstract.

"Son, why do you think of painting?"

Han Cheng asked Xiao Wandou with a smile.

"I, I want to paint my father. If the painting is not good, my mother said that I would paint other things first. If I paint too many things, it will be done, and then I will paint my father and it will be done."

Xiao Wandou looked at Han Cheng and said.

"Why do you think of painting me?"

Looking at his son, Han Cheng asked strangely in his heart.

In the past, didn't you find this little guy interested in painting?

"You are too long to grow back. I can't remember what you look like, dad. After learning how to draw, I will paint you dad, mom and my sister, and I will not forget your look. "

Xiao Wandou looked at Han Cheng and said.

Hearing Xiao Wandou's innocent words, Han Cheng's heart couldn't help but tremble, a feeling of guilt and sadness suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart and went straight to his forehead.

My nose was sour, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Emotions, at this moment, are really out of control.

Little Myolie and Little Pea suddenly became confused when they saw Han Cheng in this way.

They have never seen their father cry.

In their impression, their father is so wise and so omnipotent.

He can make delicious things for himself and others, and can make all kinds of weird and fun things for himself.

As long as you ask your father about the problems you encounter, you can get a good solution.

Dad is so omnipotent!

Everything can't trouble him!

Now, the omnipotent father shed tears before his eyes.

Such a thing really surprised the two of Little Pea and Myolie, and felt at a loss.

It turned out that the omnipotent father would cry.

It turned out that he always laughed and played with him, and he seemed to be unable to trouble his father, and he would cry...

"Dad, don't cry, don't cry..."

Xiao Wandou said this very anxiously, and reached out to wipe the tears on Han Cheng's face.

Little Myolie also followed her brother's appearance and stretched out her chubby little hand to wipe Han Cheng's tears.

Seeing this pair of children are so sensible, Han Cheng felt even more apologetic.

"Dad didn't cry, Dad was blinded by the sand."

Han Cheng, who was crying and smoking, forced a smile and said to the two children.

"Daddy just wipe his eyes."

As he said, rubbing his eyes with his hands, he tried his best to hold back the tears.

This time is over. The tall and mighty image that I have always wanted to maintain as a father is about to collapse.

While rubbing his eyes, Han Cheng took the opportunity to wipe his tears, while thinking like this in his heart.

It can be said that the burden of being a father is also very heavy.

Blame this stinky boy, it's okay to tell the truth, what do you do so sensational?

While trying to endure tears~www.NovelMTL.com~Han Cheng complained like this.

Thinking like this in my heart, he reached out and hugged the two little guys in his arms, and stood up holding one in one arm.

Lovingly rubbed his head on the heads of the two little guys, Han Cheng said to the two little guys: "Go, Dad will give you some good food!"

"What's delicious?"

Seeing Dad regained his previous appearance, and heard that it was ready to eat, the attention of the two snacks was suddenly drawn away from "Dad Cried".

"A very delicious thing! I promise you will want to eat it after you eat it, and you will never forget it!"

Han Cheng said with a smile.

"Dad, what's the name of this thing?"

Little pea is already swallowing...

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