I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1146: Make evil! (2 in 1)

When it is used to express a happy mood, how can it be possible to lose such an important element as food?

If there is no delicious food to help out, then this kind of joy will be reduced by more than half, which always makes people feel unhappy and uncomfortable.

Therefore, after Han Cheng returned, the lively Qingque tribe, which was like the New Year, soon had the wonderful taste of food permeating.

Han Cheng was also in a very good mood.

He hasn't done much cooking for a long time, so he started cooking this time and cooked the food himself.

Not his best braised pork.

At this time, the pigs raised in the tribe, except for the old sows and the remaining breeding pigs, the rest of the pigs were half-sized pig babies or even smaller pig babies.

Such a pig baby doesn't have much meat on his body, and it would be a pity if he were slaughtered.

Han Cheng made a fried pork with dried bamboo shoots and a fish with pickled cabbage.

The dried bamboo shoots are some people in the tribe who took a boat to the bamboo forest in Luhe, where they swept a lot and got something.

Of course, in addition to the large bamboo forest on the Luhe River, the bamboo forest that is too far away from the original bear tribe's skills has also not been forgotten by the Qingque tribe.

Someone also went there and chopped off many shoots that were emerging.

To facilitate carrying, peel off the outer skin on the spot, and then cut it into slices diagonally with a knife.

After boiling it in a large pot, spread it out on a clean stone slab to let the sun dry.

The dried bamboo shoots not only can be stored for a long time, but also have a particularly good taste when eaten. More importantly, they are also very easy to carry after removing the moisture.

One person can carry a lot of dried bamboo shoots.

However, peeling bamboo shoots is a very laborious task.

If you peel less, you don’t feel anything. If you peel too much, your fingers will hurt unbearably.

In the beginning, the people in the tribe just used their fingers to make it hard, but later they did more and gained experience.

Start using scissors or some small knives to put a few holes on the bamboo shoots from top to bottom, and then start peeling them by hand.

In this way, not only does it take less time to peel, the efficiency of peeling bamboo shoots is more than doubled.

Practice makes perfect, and labor can give people wisdom, which is well reflected.

The meat is not pork, but lamb.

Lamb is not killed now, but last year, people in the tribe came to a place not far from the original sheep tribe and intercepted the migrating sheep and hunted.

It is really a feast for the Qingque people!

At that time, not only many people from the main tribe will be dispatched, but even the Tongshan residential area and the Qinling residential area further away will come back to join the main tribe to participate in this feast!

Under such circumstances, the harvest is naturally indispensable!

To hunt so many sheep at once, it is impossible to eat them all.

All of these mutton will be dried, smoked, salted to make bacon, and sun-dried into dried mutton to make food more durable.

The reason why we don't eat lamb at this time is because there are so many miscellaneous things, lamb intestines and other things that are difficult to store for a long time and need to be eaten as quickly as possible!

During this period of time, people in the tribe, one by one, can drink Haggis Soup and don’t want to drink it!

Even the marinated lamb intestines and haggis are not very popular afterwards.

A witch is a person who has suffered hardship and starvation, and he cherishes food.

You can eat, as long as you have the ability, but you must not waste it or waste it!

There is such a character in the tribe, even if some people in the tribe have eaten these haggis and are about to throw up, the cooking in the tribe is still haggis before the haggis obtained in the tribe is eaten!

"Initiate evil!"

Every time at this time, the witch holding a big old bowl can't help but say this.

Now it's really the son of God to let you live a good life and eat too much!

This is meat!

In the past, if you can eat some of these foods, and you are still full, you can die of joy!

Now, let you eat this every day, but you can't eat it anymore!

This is really a crime!

How come these young people don’t have to suffer like this, why don’t they know that food is precious, and why don’t they know the blessing in the blessing?

I’ve been hungry for three days. Don’t say it’s such a delicious haggis cooked, even if it’s a lamb **** egg, you can pinch it and eat it!

"Initiate evil!"

Every time when Wu said this sentence, he also held a big old bowl filled with a bowl of lame squatting on the side, and he echoed the previous sentence with emotion.

Among the tribe, he is considered to have suffered the most.

During the period after his leg was injured, for him, this was not a human life!

During that time, did he eat anything?

The raw fish intestines filled with sand and slippery have been eaten by themselves!

Now, using a pottery bowl to eat these with salt, green onion, ginger, pepper and other seasonings to make such delicious haggis, it is simply the happiest thing in the world!

Why can't you eat this?

After eating a large bowl of this kind of lamb soup, you can eat another old bowl!

"These people, let them eat a few meals of raw fish intestines, and they will be able to eat it!"

With his own efforts, he has become an absolute gangster-level lame in the tribe, so he said with a grunt.

After speaking, I stuffed a large chopsticks of haggis into my mouth and chewed vigorously, seeming to be using this behavior to prove that the haggis soup is particularly delicious. It is those people in the tribe who have not suffered bitterness. Squeamish!


There was a harsh sound, and some white grease had already slipped to the bottom of the pot. In the continuous heating of the fire, it quickly melted into oil.

These fats are mutton oil.

They are also people in the tribe. Last year, they hunted the migrating sheep.

It seems that there were a lot of sheep hunted in the tribe last year!

You need to ask afterwards to see how many sheep there are.

Compared with previous years, the reduction is not much.

Can such a good channel for obtaining food be destroyed by over-hunting?

Thinking like this in my heart, the oil in the pot is already hot.

Han Cheng threw some pepper beans into the pot and fried them with oil.

Then pour in the marinated lamb...

Stir-fry the mutton slices a little bit, Han Chengcheng poured the cleaned bamboo shoots in, and put a little water to stew...

The sauerkraut in the sauerkraut fish was made from harvested Chinese cabbage by people in the tribe in late autumn and early winter last year.

After more than ten years of careful selection and breeding, the Chinese cabbage in the tribe is no longer small, and it is bigger than the baby cabbage of later generations.

It has become the most important dish in the tribe in winter.

After all, this thing is the most storage-resistant, and it happens to be harvested in early winter.

As for the fish used to make sauerkraut, they are fresh fish caught from the pond outside the tribe.

Sauerkraut fish must be fresh fish to be delicious.

Using pickled fish and other fish to make sauerkraut fish is simply a waste of sauerkraut, a waste of emotions, and a few bites make people want to eat it.

Of course, such an idea cannot be let Wu know.

If the witch knew about it, he would surely make a sigh of emotion again.

The fish ponds in the tribe have now developed, and there are basically fish in the river ponds.

And it is denser than in the river, and it is easier to catch.

It can be said that everything is developing towards the good...

In the expectation of everyone, this first meal after Han Cheng's return finally started.

Today is a special situation, so people in the tribe no longer eat in batches, but eat together.

Not only was there a much richer meal on the dinner table, Wu also brought a few people out and brought out a dozen jars of wine.

This makes some old drunks in the tribe extremely happy.

It can be seen that Wu is really happy. People who don't drink a lot of alcohol on weekdays actually drank two bowls at this time!

A blushing face filled with a smile!

The whole person looks a bit like a child, happier than during the Chinese New Year.

Then officially began to eat.

When eating, when people ate their first bite, they extended their chopsticks to the stewed mutton and dried bamboo shoots cooked by Han Cheng, or pickled fish with pickled cabbage.

Even the old hands of the Qingque tribe who came back with Han Cheng hadn't eaten the food that Han Cheng made himself for a long time.

Not to mention the people who stayed in the tribe.

The product of the **** son must be a fine product. Such a thing has long been an open secret among the tribe.

Not only the rest, but also the food.

Therefore, at the beginning of the meal, people in the tribe extended their chopsticks to the food made by the gods himself.

Some people in the tribe felt emotions in their hearts when some food was imported.

The son of God deserves to be the son of God, and the food made is still so delicious, so people are full of praise and can't stop!

The old people of the Qingque tribe are like this. Those who have followed Han Cheng back from the south and have only joined the Qingque tribe for a short time, let alone.

Everyone eats with wide eyes, and then the speed of eating can not help speeding up.

Looking at Han Cheng's eyes were filled with respect and love.

I waited for the witches of the original tribe, but they would not do this.

Don't say that she made food for herself and others by herself. Even if she and others carefully cooked food with her and brought it to her, she would often dislike the food as not tasty.

There is really no comparison between this person.

The son of God didn't know how much more powerful and powerful than the dead maiden, but the son of God never gave a sense of being superior.

This person is really the kind of person who is dissatisfied with a bottle and a half-bottle, the more he likes to pretend, the more he likes to be poor.

On the contrary, it is the people who are really capable, who look extremely approachable, amiable, and unremarkable.

Perhaps this is the biggest reason why the witches of her original tribe will lose to the son of God...

Han Cheng never thought that it was just a meal. It actually made the people of the original Red Tiger tribe think of so many things and raised it to such a height...

This really means that when a person’s status reaches a certain level, some ordinary things that are done by ordinary people can be interpreted differently by people with high status...

When eating, Han Cheng couldn't help picking vegetables for Bai Xuemei, Little Pea, and Little Xinger with his chopsticks. It seemed that doing so could relieve some of his feelings of guilt...

During the banquet, Han Cheng talked a lot with people nearby and ate a lot of food.

After eating the food, Han Cheng walked slowly inside and outside the tribe with Wu and the big brother.

Talking while walking.

Basically, they are all homely stuff.

Han Cheng, holding Little Myolie in his arms, learned a lot about what happened during his time when he left the tribe through dialogue with the two.

Not only the main tribe, but also the Tongshan residential area, they also know a lot.

Han Cheng also talked a lot about the South to Wu and Senior Brother.

When speaking, of course it is a good one.

Han Chengdu did not say about some of the difficulties and dangers encountered.

It is his habit to report the good and not the worry.

In his consciousness, as a man, he should be stronger.

Even if you are fighting outside and embarrassed, you have to take care of it clean, and then take the things you finally get, and go home without caring...

Of course, the premise of this is that there are people in the family who are worthy of doing this.

Even so, Wu and the two big brothers were still a little surprised sometimes.

Over the years, following Han Cheng, they have seen a lot of things, and their knowledge and ideas have grown a lot.

Although Han Cheng didn't say something, they could still think of it.

However, no one clicked through.

Maybe this is the man...

Han Cheng is holding Little Myolie, walking in this seemingly unfamiliar and familiar place, and then talking with Wu and the big brother, the whole person has a unique feeling...

The time flickered, and the sun had already set in the mountains unknowingly, and arrived at the most anticipated evening ~www.NovelMTL.com~ As night fell, Han Cheng arrived on the kang early after taking a shower.

Nothing with color happens.

So two guys, one big and one small, are both haunting him.

Han Cheng also played around with two little guys who hadn't seen for a long time, enjoying the family relationship.

The two little guys haven't seen Han Cheng for a long time, and they are both very excited.

Han Cheng looked at the Bai Xuemei next to him and smiled helplessly. He could only continue to play with the two little guys.

It was Bai Xuemei who rescued Han Cheng from this situation.

In her words, the two little guys quickly climbed into their own pit and went to sleep.

Han Cheng also blew out the lights...

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