I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1145: Return from 0 Miles (2 in 1)

Together, Wu and Yuan slowly walked out of the gate of the tribe, walked around the bamboo forest, bent a little fluffy guy who was holding his legs away from him, and after getting rid of its entanglement, he moved towards the one on the side. I walked over to the higher terrain.

Stand on it and look towards the south.

Not long after this, at the end of the field of vision, a person appeared.

This person is running.

Seeing such a scene from a distance, Wu's heart slightly mentioned, he was worried that something bad had happened, so that the man in the tribe was running so panic.

"The Son of God! The Son of God! The Son of God is back!"

While Wu Weiwei was waiting worriedly, the man who ran back yelled with excitement.

Wu's ears were a little bit back, and he didn't hear clearly, but only vaguely heard some words like God's Son.

"Yuan, what did he, he said?!"

He quickly turned around and asked Yuan who was standing beside him.

"He said, the Son of God is back!"

Yuan looked very excited and said to Wu.

"God, son of **** are back?"

After listening to what Yuan said, Wu Man said so excitedly.

After speaking, he didn't listen to Yuan's answer at all, and just greeted the person who ran back, and jogged all the way.

The circle behind, speed up as much as possible to catch up with the witch in front.

"The Son of God! The Son of God is back!"

The running man's voice became clearer and clearer, and the expression on Wu's face became more and more excited.

"Where is the Son of God?!"

After getting close, Wu stretched his throat and asked this man.

"God, the Son of God, is in Yanshan! I, I ran back ahead of time to send a letter..."

The sweaty man said breathlessly.

This person is not someone else, but the fast-running, old primitive man from the Feng Tribe before.

The current name is Han Youfeng.

I have to say that this guy's body is really good.

It seems that the hair is almost half white, and the legs and feet are still exceptionally flexible.

In the running competition of this year's Games, this guy can actually run a third place!

Such a body has to be enviable!

With half of his white hair and standing among a group of black-haired people, he looked so eye-catching!

"God, son of God, they, can, are they okay?"

Wu pursed his lips and asked nervously.

"Good! All good! God, the son of God also brought and brought back a lot of people!"

Han Youfeng said so excitedly.

Hearing Han Youfeng's words, Wu immediately let go of his holding heart, and he was overjoyed.

He stretched out his hand and patted Han Youfeng's shoulder, motioning him to go to the tribe and convey the good news to the people in the tribe.

"Go, let's go to Salt Mountain!"

He turned to Yuan and said.

Then he turned his hand back, stretched out his hand to hold Yuan's hand, and walked towards the salt mountain, his pace became a little faster.

The surrounding area of ​​the blue bird master tribe has become very safe now.

With the growth of the tribe, the tribe of the green bird, and many times of pulling nets, there are no large beasts in the large area around the tribe!

Looking at the more gratifying harvest and some smooth fur, the Qingque tribesmen simply swept back and forth along the bronze highway!

While getting a lot of gains, the Bronze Speed ​​has become safer, basically walking back and forth on it, without worrying about any beasts coming out and hurting people.

This is the horror or greatness of humanity.

Without sharp teeth, sharp claws, and thick skin, they can use their wisdom and hard work to beat these guys whose physical qualities far exceed those of human beings.

So that in the years to come, these guys from the Megatron Mountains need to rely on human legislation to protect their lives...

The great cleansing of the surrounding beasts initiated by the Qingque tribe this time was driven by the witch, which happened when Han Cheng was in the south.

The cause of the incident was that when Xiao Wandou was riding a panda out to play around the tribe, she met a wild boar, and then Tuantuan was frightened. Xiao Wandou rolled down from Tuantuan’s back and hit his head on the stone. A bump came out.

After knowing the cause and effect, Wu became angry!

Then the animals around the tribe suffered.

Later, the anger spread to the Bronze Expressway and along the Bronze Expressway to the Tongshan residential area.

The same goes for the Qinling subregion further afield.

Even the panda Tuantuan who is used to selling cute and arrogant, if it is not protected by Little Pea, will also bear the anger from the witch and be taught a good lesson by the witch!

It is precisely because of this that Wu and Yuan two people, now on the road to the salt mountain, will walk so confidently and boldly...

As the old-fashioned Han Youfeng ran all the way back to the tribe, shouting loudly to convey Han Cheng's return to the people in the tribe, the whole Qingque tribe instantly became boiling.

Bai Xuemei hugged the sleeping little son in the cradle, pulled Xiao Xing'er in one hand, and shouted Little Pea again, and hurriedly walked outside the door.

Little Pea, who was drawing something seriously there, dropped the paintbrush, stepped on her short legs, and ran out choked, and quickly ran in front of the Bai Xuemei.

The giant panda who was holding a piece of bamboo and gnawing like sugarcane came out, abandoned the bamboo, twisted his fat body, and ran over.

After Bai Xuemei came outside, Xing bent down and picked up Little Myolie, and walked outside with Xuemei Bai, his face was also full of unquestionable joy...

As the news of Han Cheng's return came back, the entire tribe of Green Bird Lord suddenly became extremely lively...

On the way from Yanshan to the tribe of Green Bird.


Han Cheng, who was walking under the flying green bird flag, looked at the people who appeared on the road ahead. After a daze, he couldn't help but yelled, and then speeded up the tribe towards the old man who was walking. .

In any case, he did not expect that when he walked from the Salt Mountain to the main tribe, the first person he saw was a witch!

He didn't ride a donkey, but with his legs, he rushed to the front of the crowd.

This witch is really getting younger and younger.

Han Cheng glanced at Follow Wu's side again, his stomach was straightened, his face was sweaty, and he was about to become a ball. This was full of joy, but also with some ridiculous thoughts.

"Witch, why are you walking so fast!"

Han Cheng ran to the front of Wu, holding Wu's hand, and said happily.

The whole person doesn't seem to be a stable child of the tribe, but a child.

Wu looked at Han Cheng who was standing in front of him, his whole person squinted, and he couldn't see his teeth.

The gaping teeth look very festive.

Originally, Wu thought that he had a lot to ask the **** son.

As a result, after seeing Han Cheng at this time, the whole person just smiled and forgot to say anything.

"God, you are dark and thin."

After a while, Wu Cai finally said a word.

Han Cheng smiled and shook his head.

Sure enough, there is a kind of thinness called parents think you are thin.

He raised the sleeve of his right arm, curled his right arm vigorously, and gathered a small ball of muscle.

Patting with his hands, he smiled and said to Wu Wu: "I'm not thin, I've become stronger."

"Dad! Daddy!"

After Han Cheng spoke with Wu Youyuan for a while, a series of shouts came like this.

Han Cheng turned his head to look, only to see a child who had risen quite a bit, pulling another little girl who was a little bit smaller, while yelling and running towards him.

The little girl didn't run very securely, a little staggering.

On the two braids **** with red cloth, the two bow knots **** with red cloth flickered up and down as she ran, looking like they were alive.

Behind the two children, there was a woman with a small baby in her arms, walking towards this side, with a smile on her face.

This person is not someone else, but Xuemei Bai.

Looking at the pair of children running towards him, and the woman behind him who hugged her other little son and gave birth to three children for herself, Han Cheng, who has been smiling, has a sore nose. The eyes were red.

Human emotions are sometimes out of control.

It's not that you can control it if you want to control it.

For example, Han Cheng now sees a pair of children running towards him, and Bai Xuemei who is holding her little son and looking at her smiling, his emotions are directly out of control.

He quickly rubbed his eyes with his wrist, then smiled and greeted his pair of children.

Han Cheng rushed forward, squatted down, and directly hugged the two little guys, Xiao Wandou and Xiao Xinger, into his arms.

Little Pea is bigger than Little Myolie, and has a deep memory of Han Cheng, so she didn't recognize her as a child, so she just held Han Cheng's arm and didn't let go.

Compared with Little Peas, Little Myolie is a little bit recognizable.

Standing in front of Han Cheng, he seemed a little timid.

However, Han Cheng did not give her a chance to admit her life.

He directly hugged both children in his arms.

Kissed and kissed on the faces of the two little guys.

"Do you miss dad?"

Han Cheng asked the two little guys with a smile.

"Think about it!"

Little Pea replied in a loud voice.

Compared to her brother, Myolie is much shy.


She tilted her head and thought for a while before she said aloud.

There is some timidity in the milky voice.

The father returning from an outing, holding his sons and daughters here to enjoy the family happiness, this kind of picture looks very loving.

However, this picture of love did not last long.

Because Tuantuan, an adult, also rushed over, begging for a hug.

The end result was that Han Cheng, who was squatting on the ground with his two children, was hit by this heavy guy and sat on the ground with an unstable center of gravity.

And fell to the ground.

Together with the two little children in his arms and the panda Tuantuan who bumped over, they rolled on the ground.

The two little guys, not only weren't afraid, but giggled.

Han Cheng got up from the ground with another child.

Looking at the silly and naive guy who got up from the ground with grass clippings on his body, Han Cheng, who wanted to beat him twice, still didn't let go.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed it on its head, smiling helplessly, and then took the two little guys to welcome the Bai Xuemei who was holding the child.

Bai Xuemei had already wanted to cry. After seeing Han Cheng, Xiao Wandou, and Xiao Xing'er rolling around together, she couldn't help but chuckle and laughed.

Han Cheng smiled and walked up to Bai Xuemei.

Bai Xuemei handed the child she was holding to Han Cheng, wanting Han Cheng to see their child.

Han Cheng did not reach out to pick up the child who had never met, but directly hugged Bai Xuemei and the child in his arms.

Bai Xuemei was taken aback for a moment, her eyes were already overflowing with tears.

Brother Cheng has not forgotten himself. In Brother Cheng's heart, he is more important than the child.

Han Cheng stretched out his hand and patted it gently on Bai Xuemei's back, hugged him for a while, and then left to see the child in Bai Xuemei's arms!

The child is awake and does not recognize the birth.

Let Han Cheng, a father he had never seen before, carry him away without crying, just staring at Han Cheng with sullen eyes.

"This little guy."

Han Cheng stared at the little guy for a while. The little guy was chubby, with small arms and legs section by section, which looked like Bai Shengsheng's lotus root.

The face is very similar to the little pea when she was small.

Han Cheng looked at it for a while, lowered his head, and rubbed his face on the little guy's body. It was fleshy, a smell that was unique to the child's body spreading in his mouth and nose.

The exhaustion of traveling, all disappeared at this time.

Han Cheng hugged his few months old son and greeted the tribesmen with a smile.

"Go! Go back to the tribe!"

After a while, Wu smiled and greeted loudly.

As a result, everyone gathered here began to set off, heading towards the tribe of the Green Bird Master.

Han Cheng held his little son in one hand, and the little girl in the other hand, followed by Bai Xuemei~www.NovelMTL.com~ As for Xiao Wandou, riding on the panda Tuantuan.

On the other side walked the witch, the big brother, and the next witch stone.

These people walked in front of the team, followed by after receiving the news, and spontaneously came to meet the people of the Qingque tribe.

The crowd headed towards the main tribe together violently.

Such a scene directly stunned everyone who came from the south of Dashan with Han Cheng.

On the way, they passed through Jinguan City, and then passed through the Qinling residential area. Not long ago, they experienced another residential area.

These are the places of the Qingque tribe that I and others have joined!

They have already passed through so many places, have seen so many people, and Qingque tribe has other residential areas!

And it seems that this residential area seems to be bigger!

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