I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1144: Dog Catching Rabbit (2 in 1)

After a heavy downpour, the wind stopped and the rain stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually faded, and there was sunshine in the sky.

The surrounding trees were carrying rain water, and some birds came out from under the branches and leaves, stood on the branches, turned their heads and combed their feathers wet by the rain with their mouths.

It was so quiet that when viewed from above, there was no other place to live except for the house. At this time, people began to appear.

The first people to appear were the children who were not tall and had small legs and arms.

The children ran out of the room barefoot, and quickly ran to the puddle.

Little puddles are what attracts children the most. They don't know how to work. In these puddles, there are pairs of little feet.

At the beginning, these little feet were very regular, just wading in the water carefully for fear of staining their clothes.

However, this kind of care did not last long. After a long time, his feet became restless. After he was lifted up, he slammed it to the ground and suddenly a piece of water splashed out.

The children standing around were splashed all over.

After this, it was a big blow.

After a lot of fun, these children also joined the ranks one after another.

Stomping into the puddle with their feet one after another.

What's more, he just jumped up from the place and fell down.

The muddy sewage kept splashing around, and within a short while, these children's bodies and faces were covered with mud spots.

"What is it! You grandsons!"

Soon a woman carrying the sole of the shoe appeared from the house.

Shouting at these children and rushing towards them.


The child who was the first to take the lead in the crowd yelled at this, and ran outside.

The rest of the surrounding children ran with them.

It is worth noting that in the middle of this group of running children, there is also a fellow who is also covered with muddy water, walking on four legs, twisting a fat body, and running non-stop.

This is an adult group.

This group of children ran out of the compound, and soon found something interesting again.

Under the leadership of the kid who grew up eighth like Han, they gathered on both sides of a ditch.

A group of people began to dig the soil and mud, and then began to block the drain.

This thing is called a dam.

After the middle hole was blocked, the water couldn't flow out.

The empty earth dam quickly filled with water.

After the water was full, it began to overflow from the earth dam. It didn't take long for the earth dam to burst amidst the cheers of many children.

A lot of water flow, carrying mud, impacted all the way down, and without much effort, the seven or eight earth dams below were destroyed!

Some of the children standing here still want to build a dam, but the child in the lead is no longer interested in the dam.

He started squatting there to dig the mud. After digging for a while, it was not easy to dig, then he threw the mud in his hand onto the soil on the bank of the ditch. After he fell, he lifted it up again. The mud on the top becomes much larger.

The little pea, which had grown a bit tall, held this large piece of mud, came to a stone slab not far away, sat down, and began to make things with the mud.

There are pottery bowls and pots.

After a while, Xiao Wandou had two more things on her hand.

One is a puppy that can barely be recognized, and the other is a rabbit.

Then he threw a piece of mud out of a four-sided pyramid.

After finishing these things, Xiao Wandou put them down and asked the rest of the people on the side not to touch these, and then ran all the way.

It didn't take long for the little pea, who was running away, to run back again.

He held a lot of thin bamboo strips in one hand, and in the other hand, he held seven or eight big thorns that were broken off from the iron fence house tree.

Coming here, press the bottom of the largest thorn onto the tip of the quadrangular pyramid, and the tip of the thorn is exposed.

After fixing, the small peas are folded from the bamboo sticks to a length that is more suitable, and the small rabbits and the puppies are inserted into the two ends of the bamboo sticks respectively.

After it was fixed, it was placed on the tip of the thorn together with the bamboo sticks.

The middle position of the bamboo sticks is just on the pointed thorns.

The bamboo strips held in the middle were slightly sinking at both ends.

Just stop firmly on the spikes.

Little pea flicked a finger gently, and the bamboo strip began to turn with the thorn tip below as a fulcrum.

The rabbits and puppies at both ends of the bamboo strips also started to circle around.

A toy named "Dog Catches Rabbit", just do it!

After such toys came out, they immediately envied others, and the rest of the children started making them one after another.

Little Pea generously distributed the remaining materials to the rest of the children, and he took the ready-made dogs to drive the rabbits, appearing to walk toward the tribe happily and carefully.

"Sister, here!"

When he came to the house, Xiao Wandou saw the little Xing Er, who was looking at the baby in the cradle, and put the dog and rabbit that he had brought back all the way back to the ground, pointing at Xiao Xing The child shouted with joy.

Little Myolie, who was looking at the little baby in the cradle in a daze, turned her head quickly after hearing her brother's shout, and ran to her side.

"Look, this is fun!"

Little Pea said to Xiao Xing'er, and with a stick she found, she gently flicked the bamboo strip on which the dog and the rabbit were hung, and the dog and the rabbit immediately turned.

Such a novel and fun thing immediately caught the eyes of Little Myolie.

She squatted on the ground, took the little stick in Little Pea's hand, and flicked at the dog and rabbit as her brother taught.

Looking at the things that were constantly spinning around under his own fluctuations, he narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Looking at her happily playing sister, Xiao Wandou also showed a smile on her face.

This kind of fun stuff was made by my father when I was little.

Now that my father is not at home, he makes it for his sister.

When my father left before, he said that if he wants to take good care of his sister, he will take good care of her.


"Mom, when will Dad come back!"

Little peas full of mud, looked at Bai Xuemei who walked in from outside and asked.

She had originally seen Little Pea's muddy appearance and wanted to get angry. When asked by Little Pea, she suddenly couldn't get angry.

"Your father will be back soon."

Bai Xuemei sniffed and said with a smile.

"You always said that Dad will come back soon, but Dad has not come back until now."

Little Pea pouted.

"I can't remember what my father looks like..."

He murmured.

Bai Xuemei, who was still comforting Little Pea on the side, turned red after hearing this.

If it weren't for the three children who were transforming, she would have shed tears.

Bai Xuemei forced her tears back and sucked her nose vigorously.

"The next time Dad comes back, he must let Dad draw a picture and let him paint himself on the picture, just like the picture he asked the leader to bring back to Wu.

In this way, even if my dad doesn't come back for a long time, I can still remember how dad was! "

Seeing her mother's eyes were red, Xiao Wandou ran to the side of Xuemei Bai, took her hand, and said aloud.

Speaking of later, there was even some excitement in the voice.

Why doesn't Bai Xuemei understand her son's heart?

At the moment, full of affection, he reached out and touched Xiao Wandou's head.

But his eyes became a little brighter.

This is indeed a good way!

Brother Cheng asked the big brother to bring back the painting to Wu, and he also saw it.

Not only watched it myself, but many people in the tribe watched it.

Because Wu was okay, he liked to hang out this painting carefully drawn by brother Cheng in the open area of ​​the yard, and it took a long time to see it in the yard.

Just look at this painting, and there will be some faint smile on Wu's face.

It’s not too tired to keep this smile from beginning to end.

Although I have watched it for a long time, many times, I will watch it with gusto and it is not annoying.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Bai Xuemei to not see this painting or to know what is painted on it.

It was also through this painting that the older elder brothers and others who had returned from the south told me that Xuemei Bai learned that she had already made such a big family business in the south with her brother Cheng and the people in the tribe!

Already on the south side of the mountain, we have created a family business that is no less than the north side of the mountain, adding the main tribe, the Qinling subregion, and the Tongshan residential area!

During the time that Cheng's brother was away, Cheng's brother was really not idle!

So many things have been made!

Bai Xuemei was surprised at such a thing, but after being surprised, she would take it for granted.

Of course something like this will happen!

You know the one who did these things, but Brother Cheng!

Brother Cheng is so powerful, it is only natural to do such a thing!

Bai Xuemei, who is already the mother of three children, is still full of childish arrogance when thinking of these things!

Since Brother Cheng can see the scene far away from the south side of the mountain by Ling's Wu and himself and others by painting, it is okay to use the same method to paint Brother Cheng's appearance on paper. ?

When the time comes, even if Brother Cheng walks far, far away, he can still see Brother Cheng.

Seeing Cheng Cheng is the same as seeing Cheng Cheng by his side...

"You can also paint? When your father comes back, you can draw him on paper..."

Bai Xuemei looked at Little Pea and said with a smile.

"I, I can't draw well..."

Little Pea's eyes brightened, but they soon dimmed again.

"It's okay, you can practice. Before, your father didn't know how to draw things, and the drawings weren't pretty.

Later, I painted more, and the things I painted became better. "

Bai Xuemei stretched out her hand to touch her son's little head, and said with a smile.


Little pea became excited all at once.

"Of course it's true! How could your mother lie to you?! Your dad didn't know how to do it at the beginning. Afterwards, he did a lot of things and practiced a lot, so he slowly got to know it."

Bai Xuemei nodded vigorously.

"I will practice now!"

Little Pea said cheerfully.

But immediately he discovered the problem.

"Dad is not around. I can't remember what he looks like. I can't paint."

Little Pea said frustratedly.

"It's okay, you can draw some simple things that you like to draw first, then practice slowly, your level of drawing things will improve, and you can draw your dad in time."

Bai Xuemei said to Little Pea like this.

After speaking, he thought for a while and added: "Your father did this before."


Little Pea has bright eyes.


Bai Xuemei said affirmatively.

"I'm going to paint now!"

Little Wandou said excitedly, and then ran out, first found the water, cleaned her hands and body, and put on the clean clothes that Xuemei Bai found, and then she started looking. Come pen, ink and paper, and start drawing things carefully.

At the beginning, Little Pea didn’t think about what to draw~www.NovelMTL.com~ His eyes scanned the room, and it didn’t take long before they fell on the smiling little Myolie. Move, turn around the dog to drive the rabbit.

Little Pea immediately decided to draw this thing!

Looking at Little Pea who was drawing things seriously, a smile appeared on Mei Xuemei's face.

It's just that when she thinks of her adult brother who has not yet come back, the smile on her face is reduced.

I don't know when Brother Cheng will be back...

Wu left from the bunny circle.

By Wu's side, the circle became more round.

Wu's eyes were full of joy.

It's not just that three more rabbits gave birth to three litters of cubs today. Yuan beside him was also pregnant with his cubs.

More importantly, through the returned master brothers and others, and the paintings brought back by the master brothers and others, he learned a lot about the sons of gods and others south of the mountain.

Such a thing makes him feel happy.

The elder brother came back and said, the son of God said that he would return from the south in a while.

Now that the big brothers have been back for such a long time, the **** son should also be back?

Why have you not seen it for a long time?

Wu Xin thought, and remembered that the senior brother said that the son of God wanted to fight a big tribe, and he felt uneasy again.

"Go, go outside the tribe."

Wu said to Yuan beside him.

Yuan naturally knows what the person next to him wants to do.

She nodded, did not speak, and followed the witch toward the outside of the tribe.

To be honest, she also really wants to see the son of God come back. There are a few math problems that she can't remember how to solve...


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