I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1143: Arrangement (2 in 1)

It can be said that in order to complete Han Cheng's explanation, the grassroots had worked very hard to let these red tiger tribes without noses integrate into themselves well.

He didn't hesitate to go to battle personally, and used a beautiful boy.

Such things have played a very good leading role, and the grassroots are still enjoying it.

This is really a job, love a job!

At this time, Han Cheng, the **** child of the Blue Sparrow tribe, was not by his side. If the **** child was by his side, the grassroots would bang his chest vigorously, assuring Han Cheng that even at this time, the old witch of the Red Tiger tribe Resurrected, standing here asking these noseless people to leave the valley and leave their blue bird tribe, these women will definitely not listen to their old witches!

Grassroots is so confident now!

Han Cheng didn't know what happened, because he had already left the Tieshan residential area and came to Jinguan City.

After coming to Jinguan City and meeting with the second brother and others who stayed in Jinguan City, Han Cheng and the second brother told in detail what happened in the residential area of ​​Tieshan and Sanxingdui.

When the Second Senior Brother heard about these things, especially the battle with the Red Tiger tribe, his whole person became extremely excited, with some regrets in his excitement.

It's a pity that I still didn't participate in such a battle.

"Second brother, when you wait, you will take some people and go to the Tieshan residential area, where you will be stationed. It is very important now. I am not worried if you don't guard there."

After saying a lot to the second brother, Han Cheng watched the second brother speak like this, making personnel arrangements.

When the second brother passed by, naturally he wanted to bring some people there.

This is not only because the second brother needs some leadership team, with some people he is used to going with, he can manage Jinguan City more quickly and quickly.

Another reason is that when Han Cheng came from Tieshan residential area this time, he brought back a large number of people.

Among these people, the Red Tiger tribe is the majority, there are as many as 600 people!

The rest were basically the tribesmen gathered in the Tieshan residential area while the Red Tiger tribe was plundering the surrounding areas.

There are about fifty or sixty of these people.

These people, when they were originally, were basically the leaders of their original tribes, or people with great prestige in their original tribes.

In the past, in order to calm people's hearts, Han Chengdu never did anything to these people.

But these people are always some security risks.

Before, he personally led people to guard the Tieshan residential area, and there was also the Red Tiger tribe outside, a great enemy for those tribesmen.

Under such circumstances, Han Cheng naturally did not worry about what moths these people might make.

Now that I have left the Tieshan residential area with my own people, and the great enemy of the Red Tiger tribe no longer exists, then to prevent these people from producing moths in their hearts, and then do something unwise and harm the tribe, that is Very necessary.

Taking these people away from the Tieshan residential area and living with them in the main tribe is a very good solution.

Separating these people from those in their tribe and getting them to a brand new, unfamiliar place can prevent these things from happening.

As for these people from the Red Tiger tribe.

Han Cheng's idea is similar.

After all, there are too many people in the Red Tiger tribe, with a total of more than 1,000 people.

So many people live in one place, and they are still very close to their original tribe, or simply the place of their original tribe, it is also not safe.

With such a large number of people, Han Cheng does not have the "Hexintong", it is impossible to identify them one by one, and to survey them one by one, and then determine whether they will rebel or cause trouble in the future.

So Han Cheng used the same method to deal with it.

However, Han Cheng does not plan to bring them back to the Green Bird tribe, but will let a hundred and ten people stay here in Jinguan City as a labor force to fill the second brother and so on. Vacancies after people leave.

He took the rest of the people back to the main tribe, and then divided them into three places, the Qingque main tribe, the Tongshan residential area, and the Qinling sub-district.

Let them live here.

After they are far away from where they used to live and the crowds are dispersed, these people will have to worry too much.

Basically don't worry about how big a moth they can make.

"There are still some members of the Red Tiger tribe who have not been dealt with. They are led by the leader of their tribe and don't know where they went.

Our tribe has forged such a big hatred with their tribe. I think they might come back again and do something unfavorable to our tribe.

Among them, the Tieshan residential area is the most important.

The Tieshan residential area is most likely to be attacked by the Red Tiger tribe. "

Han Cheng said to the second brother.

These are of course Han Cheng's guesses, and the deliberately exaggerated elements accounted for 95% of the above.

The reason for saying this is for the second brother in front of him.

Sure enough, after hearing Han Cheng say this, he was a bit regretful before, and the second seniors who were not willing to go to the Tieshan residential area were immediately energetic.

"God, I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!"

After Han Cheng's words fell, there was a series of "I'm going" voices immediately

Han Cheng, who had succeeded in sending the second senior brother to the Tieshan residential area with satisfaction, should be very happy.

I just don't know why, after hearing this series of "I'm going" full of excitement by the second senior, Han Cheng couldn't help but twitched.

What kind of expressions are these?

The second brother was transferred from Jinguan City, and the work in Jinguan City could not be left behind.

Originally, among these people, Mao was the most suitable to stay here and take charge of Jinguancheng's affairs on behalf of the second brother.

It's just that there are too many skills in trading. Han Cheng went back this way and brought too many people who didn't know the language well. Without trading to follow, it would be impossible.

In addition to this, there is another skill that makes it impossible to stay here.

This skill is the outstanding ability of trade in such things as road recognition and survival in the wild.

This is also the most important reason why Han Cheng always likes to bring Trade with him when he goes out.

With such a person by his side, Han Cheng can always feel at ease.

Trade cannot stay. The person who replaces Trade to stay in charge of affairs here in Jinguancheng has long legs.

This former tribal slave was already the backbone of the tribe.

In many things, they are more accomplished.

This can be seen from the previous time when he was ordered to lead someone to carry out a sneak attack on the Red Tiger tribe’s old nest.

After the second brother left, Han Cheng was more relieved to let Long Legs take over the affairs of Jinguan City.

"Work hard here, arrange things well, open up farmland, build canals, and other things that must not be left behind."

Han Cheng said to the long legs who came with him.

There are no minerals in Jinguan City, but the water flow is very sufficient.

Therefore, Han Cheng is determined to turn this area into an agricultural production base.

The development of a tribe cannot ignore the basics.

The basic aspects are ignored, and there will be big problems.

Han Cheng knows this, so Han Cheng has never relaxed about the cultivation of food in the tribe and the acquisition of food.

The division of labor between residence and residence is different.

Those with industrial inclinations must have agricultural inclinations.

For example, Han Chengcheng is now preparing to build Jinguan City into an agricultural production base.

Plant a lot of rice and harvest a lot of rice.

If these things are available, then the rest will gradually be there.

After all, in this era, food is the real hard currency, more real than gold!

Harder than diamonds!

After hearing Han Cheng’s words, Long Legs nodded vigorously, saying that he had written all these things down, and would definitely follow the instructions of the **** son, open up a lot of farmland, plant a lot of rice, and plant the field well. it is good!

"Oh, yes."

After explaining all these things, Han Cheng added aloud as if suddenly remembering something.

"Those who had nest tribes and those who stayed in the old tribe were all destroyed by the Red Tiger tribe.

The remaining part, led by the humpback primitive, launched a charge on us, and was destroyed by us.

Now they have little strength in their new residential area, only some old and weak women and children are left.

People like them can't live a good life.

In a moment, you will bring some people and bring them to our tribal life. "

Han Cheng explained this to Long Legs.

"Adults should start directly from the slaves of our tribe. Those ignorant children don't need it, and they can directly become third-class citizens of our tribe.

By the way, after doing these things, remember to tell them the reason.

It was the people of their tribe who first acted on our tribe indiscriminately and killed our tribe people.

In principle, we can kill them all.

But we are kind and benevolent, so we didn't come to kill them who were unarmed. Instead, we let them join our tribe to live and give them a way to survive. "

Han Cheng also gave suggestions on how to deal with the remaining people in the nest tribe.

It is necessary to explain to the people of the nest tribe, let them understand the whole story, and help them eliminate the gap in their hearts as soon as possible and integrate into their tribe.

Of course, even if they don't listen, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Han Chengdu will ask people in the tribe to explain things that should be explained, and some people will always listen.

As for those who do not listen to the explanation and insist on doing something, Han Cheng is not worried.

Because the Qingque tribe is not only spring breeze and drizzle, but also thunderous!

The long leg on one side is used to nod again.

"God, let me come! I will bring people to bring all those who have nest tribes!"

The second senior yelled on the side, looking impatient.

Han Cheng thought for a while, and agreed to the second brother's proposal.

This is of course not only that the second brother is more powerful and more aggressive than the long legs, but more importantly, Han Cheng considers that the second brother will soon leave here for the Tieshan residential area.

The long legs need to stay here to preside over the overall situation of Jinguan City.

It's much better to let the second senior brother be such a villain, and get all the rest of the nest tribe, and then hand it over to the long legs.

You can reduce the hostility of many of these nest tribes towards the tribe in the invisibility, and integrate into your tribe better and easier.

Sometimes, some things, some people play red face, some people play white face, it will be easier to deal with this way.

It is easier to achieve the desired result than straightforward.

This is the case in this world. Sometimes, some things can't just be sullen and ruthless, but also need to pay attention to some strategies.

The second elder brother who received Han Cheng's answer was very excited.

He couldn't wait for a moment. He sat on the stone pier and twisted it straight. It looked like he was sitting on the tribulus~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng looked at him with a smile, and saw the patience of the second brother. It's hard work, so he smiled and stretched out his hands to pat his shoulders and said: "Go if you want, remember to bring more people, try not to hurt or kill people, and use gentle means to achieve the desired result.

Of course, if these people want to hurt our tribe people, don't be so polite.

Everything must be based on the personal safety of our tribesmen! "


After hearing Han Cheng's words, the second brother responded with excitement, jumped up from the spot, and then rushed to find someone.

Seeing this reaction from Senior Brother Han, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

He explained and arranged some things here again. After the second brother and the people rushed from Jinguan City towards the new residential area of ​​the nest tribe, he stayed in Jinguan City for about one more time. More than a few hours later, Han Cheng also led the people from Jinguan City, heading north, and embarked on the journey back to the main tribe.

On the way from Jinguan City to the north, some traces of the road can be vaguely seen.

This is what the big brother and the others left from the previous time.

However, by now it is almost covered by the re-growth vegetation.

Mao led the way. Someone was holding a sickle and other things, waving them while walking, cutting off all these obstructive things.

After a large group of people passed by, a much wider and clearer road appeared like this, spreading all the way toward the lofty mountains, toward the blue bird master tribe on the other side of the mountains.

Han Cheng leads people on such a road, and his heart has already been flying...


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