I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1142: Nenggou is the last word! (2 in 1)

As Han Cheng had predicted before, after the battle with the Red Tiger tribe, the number of his tribe had indeed seen a surge.

In addition, during this period of time, the number of a dozen babies born in the Tieshan residential area, the Qingque tribe, has now reached 7,523!

Among them, among these newly added people, there are more than 600 adults, and the remaining 1,000 are minors.

The reason why there is such a big disparity is because the minors of the Red Tiger tribe are basically all taken in by the Qingque people.

The adults of the Red Tiger tribe were partly killed and partly escaped. Among the remaining captured people, part of them died due to injuries and other reasons.

After the countless numbers were added together, it became more than six hundred.

Looking at the number written on the paper, Han Cheng couldn't help but show some smiles.

There are more than 7,500 people in my tribe. Is it still far from the population exceeding 10,000?

The population over ten thousand is a stage.

Just as before, when the population passed one hundred, three hundred, five hundred, one thousand, three thousand, five thousand, it was all stages.

Now, the people in the tribe have broken through five thousand. Between five thousand and ten thousand, the distance has exceeded ten thousand, and it has become much easier!

In fact, this is just thinking about it this way. Han Cheng himself knows that adding more than two thousand people will not be easy.

After all, after the Red Tiger tribe was defeated, his tribe only added more than a thousand people.

There are more than two thousand people, and it is indeed not easy to increase.


Han Cheng smiled, this is not a big problem.

How many people in the tribe used to be, didn't they also come step by step?

Many things, as long as you continue to do, as long as you can live long enough, then you will usher in a good result.

Many times, being able to go is the last word.

Thinking of this in his heart, Han Cheng soon thought of the Youchao tribe.

The tribe branch established by the humpback primitives, now there are not many adults left.

You don't have to look at it to know that the rest are old and old, small and small.

These people leave them alone, and it is very difficult to live on. It is better to get their own tribe directly.

In this way, they will not only be able to live, but also a better quality of life.

In this way, there will be more people in your tribe...

After thinking about this for a while, Han Cheng's whole body became cheerful.

In a great mood.

Taking advantage of this good mood, Han Cheng put away the booklets at hand, took out the paper again, took out the brush, and wrote on it.

After making preparations, Han Cheng wrote the three characters'Sanxingdui' in no time.

After writing, he sat there and looked at it carefully for a while, and Han Cheng smiled again on his face.

This person's mood is better, and the writing is better, which is more pleasing to the eye.

He pressed the paper with a bluestone paperweight, then went to clean the brush, put the brush in place, and stood at the table again after carefully examining these things for a while, and then he held the oil lamp contentedly. When I got to my bed, I took off my clothes and covered the bed. I stretched out my hand and pushed it toward the oil lamp several times. As a result, his skills were limited. The oil lamp only shook a few times, but it didn't go out.

After using the oil lamp to confirm what a rookie he is, he wanted to play with the cool and unbelievable Han Da Shenzi, so he could only use the conventional method in an anguish, exhale forcefully, and blow out the oil lamp...

"Choose a better-looking stone, carve these three words on it, and set the stone in front of the tribe after a while."

Early the next morning, Han Chengcheng took the dried paper and found the stonemason in the residential area of ​​Sanxingdui, gave him the paper in his hand, and explained this way.

"Son of God, is this?"

This mason apprentice, brought out by the first generation of mason wood in the tribe, asked with some doubts.

"This is the new name here, and it will be called Sanxingdui in the future!"

Han Cheng said to him with a smile.

"The carving is more beautiful. It will stand at the gate of the tribe by the time, and many people can see it."

Han Cheng dealt with.

After hearing Han Cheng's dealings, the stonemason nodded vigorously, indicating that he understood that he would do it well.

Han Cheng stretched out his hand and patted **** his shoulder, then left with a smile and went to do the rest...

The Red Tiger tribe was basically destroyed. Those Red Tiger tribesmen who fled did not know where they had fled. It is estimated that they would not dare to stay near here.

However, the matter is not over.

Many things need to be done after the war, trivial.

There are a lot of things Han Cheng has let go and let some people in the tribe do it. Only some things are done by Han Cheng himself, and some are people in the tribe. After doing it, he will do it himself.

Even so, there are still a lot of things to do, and there is not much free time for several days.

However, although people are more busy, Han Cheng feels particularly fulfilled.

So a lot of time, in fact, busy people are more fulfilling and happier than idle people.

Of course, this kind of busyness is best if you are willing to be busy.

Han Cheng is so motivated, in addition to these, there is an extremely important reason that pushes him to do these things.

This thing is going home!

He has not returned to the main tribe for a long time.

The last time the big brothers and the others came from the main tribe and returned to the main tribe, Han Chengcheng had already settled and dealt with the matters of the Red Tiger tribe. They left here, returned to the main tribe, and determined to see .

Now the Red Tiger tribe was finally settled, and only some fine things were left.

As long as these things are resolved, then I can lead some people back to the main tribe!

Under such circumstances, how could Han Cheng not be motivated?


Three days later, Han Cheng led a group of people from the Honghu tribe's residential area, which had been renamed Sanxingdui, and returned to the Tieshan residential area.

After Han Cheng left the Sanxingdui residential area, as the temporary person in charge of the Sanxingdui residential area, Grassroots also began to arrange things here according to Han Cheng's explanation.

The first thing that was arranged was to let people enter the industrial valley to develop minerals...

In the valley, the grassroots told the female primitive people who gathered together and had no noses that they should follow some tribesmen to learn pottery, smelting and other techniques to make better utensils.

After going through some twists and turns and understanding the meaning of grassroots, some primitive females without noses didn't say anything, but couldn't help humming in their hearts.

Especially those who are older.

Let others teach themselves and others to make these things?

Do you know how long we have been making these things?

Those of us, we don't do other things in our life, and we spend all our time doing these things.

Now, you actually said you want people to teach us how to make these things?

Why are you so funny? !

These people will naturally explode after knowing what the grassroots wants people to do to them.

After all, this is something they have professionally produced for decades.

It is the pride in their hearts!

Now, there are people who say they want to teach them how to do these things, how they will not have some ideas.

Grassroots naturally saw some of these people's ideas.

However, he was not prepared to say anything.

I was not angry for it either.

Even thought it was a little funny.

Sure enough, these people have been locked in the valley all the time and have never gone out.

The idea is a bit cute with confidence.

Grassroots didn't say anything to these people anymore, just smiled and patted the shoulders of some of the craftsmen from the Qingque tribe who arranged to come in, and then smiled and said, "Do you see these people's reaction? They think we are The technology is not good! After a while, you have to do it well and let these people see who is not good!"

After being said by the grassroots, the people who came with it suddenly became energetic.

They looked at these no-nosed women, then smiled, did not speak much, and began to carry tools, search for suitable materials, and make things in front of these Red Tiger tribes.

Time passed by, and after a while, some of the people without noses began to feel calm.

Especially those people who specialize in making pottery, their eyes widened when they looked at the very neat and beautiful mud tires that were quickly formed with the rotating plates.

They have been making pottery for such a long time, and no one has ever been able to make such a beautiful clay tire!

Don't say it is like these Qingque tribe people, in such a short time, they can make such exquisite mud tires.

Even if they only make one mud tire within a year, they will not be able to make such a good and exquisite mud tire!

The people of the Qingque tribe are really capable!

No wonder they have to teach themselves to wait for others to do these things.

It turns out that compared with them, he and others really don't know how to make pottery!

Being able to compare what a person is best at and proud of is not a big blow to people.

However, after inflicting a blow on people, it can also take advantage of the trend to make those who have been blown down.

You only need to look at the noseless women who are surrounded by people who are making mud fetuses, like curious babies, full of admiration and admiration.

And those of the Qingque tribe who are working on these things, when faced with such eyes and situations, don't mention the comfort in their hearts.

Under the influence of this mood, their methods of making things have become more skilled, and they seem to be extraordinarily cool.

Under Han Cheng's deliberate guidance, these people who make clay tires are basically men.

Its purpose is naturally self-evident.

Grassroots stood here, looking at those high-spirited male pottery craftsmen, he was very happy.

You people, please be happy now. If you don’t know if you know that you need to sleep these women without noses, can you laugh...

The grass roots seemed very dark, thinking like this...

A few days later, in the valley of Sanxingdui.

A ray of morning light appeared from the side of the mountain, and the valleys gradually brightened.

In a simple house, the grassroots opened its eyes in the morning light.

Turning to look at the primitive female who was lying beside him, still sleeping, the grassroots face showed some silent smiles.

This female primitive person looks a little older, and another more remarkable feature is that she has no nose.

These primitive women without noses are really good!

The most important thing is to be obedient, do whatever you want, completely relying on yourself.

Able to realize many ideas in my mind smoothly.

Unlike my spouse, there are a lot of things that do not depend on me...

In fact, at the beginning, his spouse also depended on himself. At that time, his spouse was behaved~www.NovelMTL.com~ But as time passed, his spouse knew more and more things. The spouse slowly became less well-behaved...

Thinking like this in my heart, the grassroots couldn't hold back.

He reached out and pushed the woman who was still sleeping without a nose, and after awakening it, he pointed his finger at the female primitive's mouth and motioned for her to open it wide.

This female primitive, who looked a little sleepy-eyed, just followed the meaning of the grass roots...

The sun was shining on the valley, and the grass roots were walking in it, and a pair of legs trembled slightly.

But the grassroots mood is very beautiful, the smile is as bright as the sun in the sky.

"You don't know how obedient these people are..."

In a place where only a few men from the Qingque tribe existed, Grassroots said in a low voice, with a wretched look on his entire face.

Several people who acted as listeners slowly let out light in their eyes...

After another few days, the lively work continued in the valley of Sanxingdui.

The women who have no noses are also mixed in the crowd, working together.

These women looked extraordinarily radiant, sluggish in energy, and worked extraordinarily vigorous.

This kind of mental state, even if it was the time before, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who was watching here, had never appeared.

Grassroots stood here and watched, with a smile on his face again, and his heartfelt admiration for the **** son of his tribe could not help but once again exuded.

What the son of God said is right!

This person, only after he is full, can he have enough energy to work!


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