I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1141: 3 star pile civilization? ! (2 in 1)

The pictures that appeared in Han Cheng's mind were pictures from history textbooks.

It is a big bronze mask.

The mask was rusty and patina.

The eyeballs and nose and mouth on the bronze mask are particularly prominent.

This kind of mask looks unique, and has a very big difference from mainstream historical relics. It looks unique.

Along with such masks, there are also some unique bronze trees that are also very distinctive.

Alongside these pictures, there are some introductions about Sanxingdui.

Recalling the pictures he had seen in his mind, and staring at the bronze mask in his hand for a while, the shock in Han Cheng's heart became stronger and stronger.

The mask in his hand is far from being as sophisticated as the one in the picture in his memory. Compared with the mask in the picture, there are many differences.

But if you compare them carefully, you can still see some similarities.

It's more protruding eyes than the mask in his hand!

Sanxingdui was in the ancient Shu kingdom before the Qinling Mountains. Now, where he is, it is also the area south of the Qinling Mountains. Geographically, it also belongs to the ancient Shu kingdom.

Comparing the similarities between the simple mask in his hand and the exquisite mask in the Sanxingdui civilization, Han Cheng couldn't help but pounding.

Everything he saw in front of him, and so many coincidences, couldn't help but not let him associate the two together.

Could it be that this Red Tiger tribe is the tribe that created the Sanxingdui civilization?

The people who created the early Sanxingdui civilization?

Now, where I am, I have destroyed a similar Red Tiger tribe by myself, which is the early civilization of Sanxingdui?

Thinking of these things in his heart, Han Cheng's mouth opened wider and wider, and the shock in his heart increased.

At the same time, there are also weird and unspeakable feelings rising from my heart.

The whole person's head became dizzy.

If it is really as I guessed it, and it seems to be based on the normal historical process, I have accidentally made a big mistake!

Han Cheng stared at the bronze mask in his hand for a long time, shaking his head vigorously, with so many thoughts dancing in his head.

Throwing aside the many thoughts in my heart that were triggered by this bronze mask.

Regardless of whether the Red Tiger Tribe has some inextricable connections with Sanxingdui as I guessed it, the Red Tiger Tribe is already occupied by its own tribe.

Except for a few people, the others either died or were integrated into their own tribe.

Apart from saying cheer to the people of the Red Tiger tribe who have taken off, let them continue their efforts to develop the tribe again, Han Cheng has nothing to say.

After all, he is so busy, his tribe still has so many things to be busy, how could he always think about these things.

Moreover, the Red Tiger tribe is gone, and there is still its own tribe.

If you don't consider the historical complex, as far as the current situation is concerned, the Qingque tribe that has its own existence can take up the important task of development, make this area better, and develop a culture.

Of course, even if it is not suitable, Han Cheng will definitely work hard to make it suitable.

Han Cheng thought in his heart, and he also understood why the development level of the Red Tiger tribe would surpass many tribes in this era.

The grassroots standing on the side, staring at the bronze mask in his hands, kept watching, and his complexion changed. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

He was very puzzled, wondering why the **** son of his tribe would be like this.

This strange thing made of bronze does not look very good, it is very rough, and the quality is not as good as that of its own tribe.

Apart from the strangeness, there is no other merit.

Moreover, it is of no use.

It is neither sharp nor can it be cut as a knife or something.

Nor can it be used as a tool for labor.

Its only purpose seems to be to bring it to the face.

But what kind of use is this kind of use?

Apart from getting in the way, it is of no use.

From the grassroots point of view, the function of this thing is not as useful as a shackle of their tribe.

He picked it up and let the **** son see it, but because of its peculiar style, he took it for the **** son of his tribe.

But he didn't expect that this thing could actually arouse such attention from the **** son.

Could this seem strange, but actually useless thing, is there any other use I don't know?

Otherwise, how could the extremely clever and wise son of his tribe become like this?

As the grassroots thought about it with extra curiosity, Han Cheng stared at the bronze mask for a long while and then looked away from the bronze mask.

"Since they don't want to go out, let them continue to live in it."

Han Cheng pointed his finger at the Red Tiger tribesmen without noses, confessing to the grassroots.

These people like to stay here, and they just happen to be able to continue to serve as miners and technicians here, giving their tribe a glow.

Han Cheng likes to see such people.

"However, the technology they currently master cannot be used. We must pass on the advanced technology and experience of our tribe to them so that they can produce better things."

Han Cheng made an explanation again.

Grassroots nodded vigorously, indicating that he had written it down.

The various minerals in this valley will be developed in Chengdu.

It is impossible to rely solely on these women with missing noses.

In the future, it is necessary to continue to arrange for people to come in and intensify the development of these minerals.

For these women who have no noses, Han Cheng will not change some of their habits. According to their own habits, let them continue to live like this.

But for some habits, Han Cheng decided to change it.

For example, they don't engage in marriage or childbirth.

This habit is not a good habit.

It is too cruel to stifle the nature of being a woman and deprive a woman of the opportunity to be a mother.

Han Cheng must correct such cruel things.

I've been working here. When is there any time when I'm working, there are a few fat dolls, chatting around and tired of doing work, and you can beat the fat doll to move your muscles and bones to ease your feelings?

That's it!

Han Cheng couldn't help but rub his hands, thinking so excitedly.

Of course, the most important thing is that while doing these things, the population of your tribe can also get a good growth.

As for the children born to these women, the question of whether they also lack noses is not within Han Cheng's consideration.

After all, these women's noses were cut off, not congenital.

So there is no need to worry about passing it on to the next generation.

"When arranging people to come in to work, arrange for more men to come in and let them live with these women."

Han Cheng said to the long legs walking beside him like this.

Good women are afraid of sorrow.

Even before these people, under the cruel rules of the Red Tiger tribe, the idea of ​​not having a happy life and being sterile became so ingrained in their minds. Prompted by nature, there will always be one night when such a confinement will be broken!

As for whether there will be male primitives who dislike the ugliness of these female primitives without noses and refuse to have fun with them, Han Cheng is not worried at all.

After all, just like what a big guy in the comment area said, some males have become more vigorous, even ewes.

And these women are just missing a nose, which is so much better than the sow.

"Women should also arrange for some to come in. It is best if her spouse is also here, so that they all live together."

Han Cheng thought for a while and said to Long Leg again.

This move added fuel to the fire.

Even if some people can finally hold some lines because of some things, they will become vulnerable to the original minor tunes created by the people around them with practical actions...

It can be said that the son of Han Da is also very sinister and cunning.

After traveling a few times in the Red Tiger Tribe, a valley rich in mineral resources, and making some arrangements for some things, Han Cheng, accompanied by Long Legs and others, finally left the valley and came to Red Tiger. On the hills on the edge of the tribe’s residence, look out over here.

"Don't demolish these houses, just live in this way, and plant seedlings in the surrounding paddy fields that have not yet been planted.

After the seedlings were planted, a circle of walls was built on the periphery of these houses. "

Standing on the top of the mountain, Han Cheng pointed to the red tiger tribe’s residential area.

The grassroots standing on the side nodded vigorously, indicating that he had taken the matter down carefully.

Of course the grass root nodded vigorously.

Because Han Cheng has already said that he should temporarily manage the Red Tiger Tribe and be responsible for various affairs.

Red Tiger Tribe?

Han Cheng muttered like this in his heart, then shook his head.

This sounds awkward.

The Red Tiger Tribe has disappeared, and now it has become the place of its own tribe. The Red Tiger Tribe is still called the Red Tiger Tribe. I always feel that something is wrong, and it is easy to think of something.

Especially the original members of the Red Tiger tribe.

It's time to change the name here.

Han Cheng thought in his heart.

After such thoughts appeared, something quickly appeared in Han Cheng's mind.

This thing is nothing else, it is the very crude bronze mask.

The Honghu tribe’s residential area will be called Sanxingdui in the future.

After this idea came up, Han Cheng quickly gave it down.

The name Sanxingdui is indeed suitable.

In fact, at the beginning, Han Cheng listened fluently and called fluently. He wanted to get rid of the ‘pile’ in the back and make it into a two-character name.

But after realizing that removing the ‘dump’, it would become a Samsung, Han Chenggong dispelled this idea.

This is not only because Samsung's gadgets are easy to explode and hurt people, but more importantly, to prevent sticks from disgusting people.

Although Han Cheng knew that his worries were a bit groundless, Han Cheng decided not to call it that way.

Still called Sanxingdui is easier and safer.

Well, it doesn't seem to be very insurance.

Because some people have no brains and are accustomed to inventing history, if they really take it seriously, they can invent all the human species in the entire world and all the history can be derived from their civilization...

Shaking his head, throwing out the shameless behavior of these shameless people, Han Cheng continued to stand here looking at the Red Tiger tribe’s residence planning...

At night, an oil lamp flickered, illuminating the dark room.

Han Cheng sat at the table, holding a writing brush in one hand, and on the edge of the bluestone-made inkstone, he grate the tip of the pen, then sat up straight, transferred the pen in his hand to the paper, and then began to be serious. Writing.

Write very carefully one by one.

The man who is serious is the most handsome.

But this kind of handsomeness can't last long.



There was such a sound in the quiet room.

The paper that had just been written on ~www.NovelMTL.com~ was crumpled into a ball of paper by Han Cheng's hands, and then he threw it into the corner of the room.

In this corner, there are seven or eight similar paper balls.

These were all left there by Han Cheng tonight.

Standing up, he rubbed his head vigorously with his fingers stained with ink, and Han Cheng couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

This calligraphy is still difficult.

Since he got out the brush, Han Cheng has practiced the brush writing frequently.

With his continuous practice, the brush calligraphy has been greatly improved.

It's just that it's small print, and it's still easy to write badly when writing big prints.

After rubbing his head, Han Cheng wandered around the room for a while. After he was still unable to find it, Han Cheng finally changed things to do, and waited a while before writing the three characters "Sanxingdui".

Han Cheng sat back in front of the table and took out a brochure from the table.

Many numbers are written on the booklet.

He turned it over for a while, turned it to a page, and then spread it out.

What is recorded above is the population of the tribe.

Then he took out a few more papers from the side.

Open it and spread it on the table as well.

A lot of numbers are written on this paper.

The above records are the statistics of the population changes in the tribe since the last time Han Cheng counted the population.

Han Cheng looked at these numbers and made calculations. After adding and subtracting for a while, Han Cheng drew a horizontal bar under the paper and wrote a new number underneath-seven thousand five hundred and twenty-three!

(Thanks to the book friend SeaL for the reward, haha...)


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