I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1138: Fatal mistake!

The billowing smoke made the humpback primitive people and the nest tribe people who followed the humpback primitive people panic all at once.

Because they had recognized it at this time, the direction of the thick smoke rising was the direction of their tribe.

Judging from the location, it is almost exactly the location of their tribe!

Under such circumstances, of course they felt panic in their hearts.

After all, the billowing smoke seemed so abnormal!

It's not like ordinary burning things can rise.


Someone said this, and they ran forward, ready to run back to the tribe as soon as possible to see if there was something wrong with their tribe or something bad happened.

The same is true for the hunched primitive, but after a few steps forward, he stopped again.

And shouted aloud.

As he shouted, the nest tribesmen, who were emotionally excited, stopped.

He began to learn to look like a hunched primitive man, and tied the cow he was holding in a relatively secret place.

And took off the rest of the extra things that he was carrying, and put one of them here.

Only weapons are in his hands.

After finishing these, the hunchbacked primitive people left a few people here to guard them, and then took the rest of them and hurried towards their tribe.

The more you move forward, the more worried the humpback primitive people are, and the more unpredictable premonition becomes stronger.

Because as the distance continues to shorten, he is more and more certain that the place where the smoke rises is his tribe!

This **** Red Tiger tribe man!

The hunched primitive man couldn't help but cursed fiercely in his heart.

Apart from the **** Red Tiger tribe, he couldn't think of any tribe that would be so cruel and would do such a thing to his tribe!

This must be the **** Red Tiger tribe going mad again, attacking his tribe!

With worries, fears, and strong hatred, the hump-backed primitive man took the rest of the people and walked toward his tribe continuously, and the distance was shortened in this walking.

After approaching his tribe, the humpbacked primitive man suppressed the thought of rushing directly in his heart, slowing down the speed of travel, and began to approach the front cautiously and slowly.

As the distance continues to shorten, through the dense branches and leaves, the hump-backed primitive man finally sees the situation in his tribe.

As soon as I saw the situation inside, the whole body of the hunched primitive man couldn't help but tremble suddenly.

Because what happened inside is too surprising and surprising!

To the west of his tribe, a raging flame was burning, and there was an unpleasant smell floating in the air.

The primitive people with this hunchback smell are familiar, because their tribe has thrown dead people into the fire more than once.

On the side of the fire, someone took the firewood and threw it on top of the fire, trying to make the fire more vigorous!

And the dry wood that this person threw into the fire looked so familiar.

This is not dry wood at all, but a tree house of my own tribe!

This is something taken down from the tree house of his tribe!

There is a group of people at a distance from these fires.

These people were tidying up their fur and other things there, looking elated.

And these things are very familiar to some hunched primitive people!

For example, the tiger skin stretched by two people hand in hand was when he used the salt soil he bought from the Red Tiger tribe a long time ago and traded it from the rest of the tribe, specifically for the old man Used by priests for heating.

These things belong to their own tribe!

But now, these are all taken out!

But the people of my own tribe have not seen one of them!

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that these are taking things from their own tribe here, not the **** Red Tiger tribe, but the Green Sparrow tribe!

It is that they have always felt that it is more fair and will not easily use force to harm the Qingque tribe of the other tribes!

Even that kind-hearted son of God is in this rank!

He even exchanged the tiger skin for the old priest of his tribe to try on himself.

In the laughter of the shameless people of the Qingque tribe, he said: "It's just right to make some tiger skin skirts for the big brother."

This kind of thing caused the humpback primitive man to tremble uncontrollably, bursts of dizziness, constantly rising, and then rushing towards his head, making him want to faint. Impulse on the ground!

Green bird tribe!

Green bird tribe!

In any case, he didn't expect that what made their tribe look like this is actually the Blue Sparrow tribe!

At this moment, the hunched primitive man really wants to rush up with a weapon!

Go and kill all these damn, hypocritical members of the Blue Sparrow tribe, throw them into the wild and let the wild beasts eat them!

He thought so and did the same.

He abruptly stood up from the ground, and after rushing forward a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

Not only did he stop, he also quietly blocked the rest of the people who wanted to rush up to the despicable Blue Sparrow tribe people!

"WE32 ¥......"

He lowered his voice and yelled like this to someone he was holding down.

What he meant was, do you want to kill everyone in our tribe? !

The old priests and others have already had an accident. If they have also had an accident, what should the tribe do?

There will be no more tribe in the future!


This nest tribe, who was held down by the humpbacked primitive people, used to respect the humpbacked primitive people very much.

But at this time, after hearing the words of the humpback primitive man, the man suddenly became angry.

He yelled at the hump-backed primitive people, saying that the hump-backed primitive people were just like the cows whose eggs had been cut off in their tribe.

When he was swearing like this, his voice increased a lot!

The hunched primitive man hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover this man's mouth in a hurry, but it was already a little late.

The people from the Qingque tribe who had packed up the things belonging to their tribe and were about to leave were shocked by the movement.

Many people are looking in this direction.

Then, they responded quickly.

Someone with a vine shield quickly blocked the vine shield in front of the hypocritical and fearful **** of their tribe. The rest of the people dropped what they were carrying, picked up their weapons, and faced them in this direction!

Some people have already begun to hold weapons and walked towards them, with hostility and some hideousness!


The humpbacked primitive man saw such a scene and knew something bad.

He hesitated, got up quickly from the ground, and let go of the man who was suppressed by him.

He screamed like this to remind people to run quickly and not to continue the ink here!

Otherwise, the tribe would really not be made!


As soon as his voice fell, there was a voice immediately.

What this person is shouting is that their tribe has become like this, and the murderer who killed their tribe is here. Why did he wait for others to run? !

And these damned people are not many. The **** son of the Qingque tribe is still here. They killed the old priest of their tribe, so why don't they and others kill the **** son of the Qingque tribe? !

His shouting aroused the resonance of many nest tribesmen present.

Even the humpback primitives who kept suppressing the thoughts in their hearts and wanted people in the tribe to leave as soon as possible were moved.

Moreover, after this person's reminder, he found that there were indeed not many people from the Qingque tribe here.

It's not that it's not without the possibility of winning that I waited hard to fight it again!

In addition, the people of the Qingque tribe are already approaching with their weapons, even if they turn around and run away at this time, according to the ability of the Qingque tribe, there will be a lot of casualties!

"#¥E amount!"

Thinking of this, the humpbacked primitive man made a decision in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and yelled, then holding a weapon, he turned and rushed towards the Qingque tribe people who were surrounding them!

Someone rushed faster than him, this person was the one he had just held down.

There are also several people who were rushed to the front by him.

Han Cheng, who was guarded by a rattan shield, stood behind the rattan shield to check the situation.

After watching here for a while, he suddenly found a familiar figure among the crowd rushing here.

This person is no one else, but a primitive man with a hump back.

His hunchback is too iconic.

After recognizing the hump-backed primitive people, Han Cheng also knew that these people hiding and watching were not the remnants of the Red Tiger tribe, but another group of surviving nest tribesmen.

People with nest tribes have a good relationship with their tribe.

Especially the nest tribe led by the humpback primitives.

Although I had blackmailed them before, but because these people depended on getting goods from their tribe's Jinguan City to carry on their lives, they and their tribe were still very good.

Besides, I also brought people from the tribe just now to collect the corpses for the nest tribesmen in this part of the Red Tiger tribes, so if this one really fought, it would be a real loss!

It is impossible to say that a family beat a family, it is also too bad.

Thinking like this in his heart, Han Cheng opened his mouth and shouted: "Stop! Don't fight! That's someone from the nest tribe!"

"We are members of the Qingque tribe! Not the Red Tiger tribe that killed your tribe..."

The people of the Qingque tribe listened to Han Cheng's words very much, even at such a time, after hearing Han Cheng's call, he couldn't help but choose to stop.

And many of them found that the people on the other side were not from the Red Tiger tribe, but from the nest tribe.

But things are bad here.

The people of the Qingque tribe can understand Mandarin and obey the orders of Han Cheng, the **** son of the tribe. This does not mean that the people of the nest tribe can understand Han Cheng’s words in Mandarin smoothly, and they will follow Han Cheng’s words. God child command, stop here!

At this time, the people of the nest tribe were all immersed in the truth they had seen with their own eyes.

These things in front of them are the enemies who destroyed their old tribes and the people in them!

Now, such an enemy is face to face, and there is no way for him and others to be forced, how could he and others stop here? !

Tianxing, the **** son of the Qingque tribe, didn't know what he was shouting at this time, causing the people of the Qingque tribe to appear and become more relaxed. This is a great opportunity for him and others!

Already about to rush to the Qingque tribe people, the people from the nest tribe took advantage of this opportunity to speed up, and then shook out their hands at the people from the Qingque tribe who had become hesitant and swayed by Han Cheng’s call Weapons!

Very fierce kind!

The two sides came into contact in an instant!

Ordinarily, in terms of equipment, combat experience, and mutual cooperation, there are far more people in the Qingque tribe than the nest tribe!

But now, because of Han Cheng's words, they hesitated!

This kind of hesitation and shaking the gods are very deadly in this life and death duel!

It is precisely because of this that in the first time the two sides contacted, the Qingque tribe people suffered a loss!

Among them, the most serious was that two people were knocked down to the ground in an instant!

"Kill! Kill them!"

Han Cheng saw this situation for the first time.

It was also at this moment that he realized what had happened just now.

Remorse for his fatal mistake, mixed with the distress of suffering to his own people, Ling's Han Cheng broke out all at once!

He didn't want to stop the people in the tribe, but directly yelled at the people in the tribe like this.

The people of the Qingque tribe were already irritated by the rude behavior of the hunchback primitives. At this time, they heard Han Cheng's angry shouts in time, and suddenly no longer felt the feeling of being tied up!

They were completely angered, and cooperated with each other, constantly stabbing the weapons in their hands at the nest tribe and others on the opposite side!

And push the front line forward!

Withstand these people from the nest tribe!

These people from the nest tribe will fight back again and again!

Although at the beginning ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the nest tribe seized the opportunity, but with Han Cheng’s order, the Qingque tribe continued to fight back, and the nest tribe soon fell into it. Downwind, being crushed and beaten by the people of the Qingque tribe!

"Don't look after me here! Go and save people!"

Han Cheng shouted at the people guarding him.

After the sound fell, he took the lead to push forward with the front, and ran away with the two remaining behind.

In an instant, Han Cheng and the other members of the Qingque tribe ran to the two of them!

Of the two people, one was pierced in the throat, with bubbles of blood flowing out.

The other person was pierced in the thigh...

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