I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1139: Depressive Madness (2 in 1)

"Ho ho~"

A strange sound sounded.

With a hole in his throat, the man from the Qingque tribe held Han Cheng's hand tightly. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak.

All that can be emitted is some **** ho.

He looked at Han Cheng's eyes, filled with prayers and fear.

This is the fear of death and the thirst for life.

"I know I know!"

Han Cheng, who also held onto this person's hands, kept talking to this person.

"You will be fine, and I will definitely be able to heal you!"

Han Chengman said positively.

It's just that the voice trembles uncontrollably.

After hearing Han Cheng say this, the person who was hurt in his throat immediately relieved his heart.

In his mind, the Son of God is the true Son of God, an omnipotent existence.

The son of God possesses so many magical methods. Now that he can heal himself, he will be able to heal himself, and he will be fine!

"Ho ho..."

He expressed his meaning like this, while blinking his eyes, some smiles appeared on his face.

Han Cheng's heart became more uncomfortable when he saw the reaction of his tribe.

At this time, how much he hopes that he is the true son of God, possessing extraordinary power, and he can easily heal the injury of this person in his tribe!

But he is not!

He is just an ordinary person who has passed through from later life.

He has no special abilities.

All that can be done at this moment is to be calm, to pretend to be relatively plain, and to use quick-washed leggings that have been boiled in boiling water instead of holding the palm of the wound and treating the wound on his throat. Perform explosive binding to stop bleeding.

However, this kind of thing is impossible to succeed at all, it is just some futile behavior that can bring some comfort to people.

Before Han Cheng would tie the leggings used as bandages around the man's neck, the pale-faced man closed his eyes and his faint breathing disappeared completely.

"Wake up! Wake up! Don't sleep!"

While speaking loudly, Han Cheng quickly wrapped the leggings he was holding around the person's neck, insisting on wrapping them up, and tying them thoroughly.

"Wake up!"

Han Cheng stretched out his **** hand and shook the man's body, shouting loudly.

However, no matter how he shouted, the man was silent.

Didn't open his eyes again...

Standing here, looking at this relaxed man with some smiles on his face, Han Cheng looked lost for a while.

He stood here for a while, and immediately turned and plunged into the treatment of another wounded.

The top of this person's wound has been tightly bound by the tourniquet served by the leggings.

Someone is helping him clean the wound with clean water.

Upon seeing this, Han Cheng hurriedly started rubbing the thorn buds pulled by others.

He quickly rubbed it to the point where water was about to come out. Han Cheng stood here and waited until the people in the tribe cleaned the wound, then carefully applied the kneaded thorn buds to the wound to stop the bleeding.

Then it was wrapped with cloth tape.

After finishing this set of procedures, Han Cheng felt heavy and he seemed to have some flames burning in his heart. Only then did he stand up and cast his eyes on the ongoing battle.

This battle, which was completely unexpected by Han Cheng, was now on the verge of end.

Following Han Cheng's orders, the green bird tribesmen began to attack, and the nest tribesmen were losing ground!

There is a nest tribe with heinous hatred and anger in his heart, and when he encounters a blue sparrow tribe who also has a great anger in his heart, and their weapons and combat skills are better than them, there is no other than defeat. The road can be used to choose!

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason that the more than 30 people who followed Han Cheng are selected people, and they are all excellent combatants.

Let the fighting masters in the tribe follow the son of God, and always protect the safety of the son of God. This kind of thing was made by the witch and the big brother as early as when the blue bird was the master of the tribe.

After this decision was made, it was unanimously approved by the Qingque tribe.

In the Qingque tribe, it is not a secret that the son of God is not strong in combat power. The importance of son of God to the tribe is even more obvious to all.

Under these conditions, how deeply the decisions made by Wu and the big brothers are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people can be known from this.

"Leave them alive!"

Under Han Cheng's orders, and under the influence of strong hatred and anger, the Qingque tribesmen were killed in this battle.

In the past, they were always used to leaving their enemies alive with their last names so that they could be slaves to their tribe.

But this time, when facing the humpbacked primitive people and others, they did not do that again.

It's how deadly it is!

Some people from the nest tribe were injured and fell to the ground, and they no longer have any ability to fight back. They were also not let go, and they were directly killed by the people of the Qingque tribe!

Even if it is to the end, the few remaining tribesmen with nests surrounded by tribesmen of the Qingque, collapsed, throwing away the weapons in their hands and lying on the ground, it would be impossible!

One of them was still being stabbed to death by a member of the Qingque tribe!

The remaining few, if not for Han Cheng's voice sounded in time at this time, they would have been stabbed to death as well!

"Bundle them all!"

Han Cheng said again.

When even someone did, they **** the nest tribe people who were kneeling on the ground.

In this process, as long as someone dared to resist, a **** eye will be nailed in the leg immediately!

In an instant effort, the only five remaining tribesmen who had nests were bound to one firm.

Among these five people, there are primitive people with hunchbacks.

Han Cheng walked to the hunchback primitive, and after scanning a few people, he asked the people in the tribe to lift the hunchback primitive and other five people, and came with him to a burnt dark tree. By the big tree.

A tree house was built on top of this big tree.

Around the big tree, there are ashes left after burning.

"These things were not done by us, but by people from the Red Tiger tribe a day ago!

They came over overnight to set fires, killed people from your tribe, looted some women, and took a lot of food.

I sent people to rescue your tribe. When they came, your tribe was already dead. A person who was about to die told us the truth about the tribe.

These people from our tribe went to chase the people from the Red Tiger tribe, and they fled.

Today, I took people to the Red Tiger tribe. I passed by and saw the people in your tribe. Some of the corpses had begun to rot, and some were eaten by wild beasts. Collect these corpses, put them on fire, and burn them, so that they won't be eaten by wild animals!

Our tribe is kind to your tribe, but now, you do this, treat us like this! Kill the people of our tribe! "

Han Cheng looked at the humpbacked primitive man and several other people with nest tribes, speaking slowly, with a calm voice, as if he was telling something unrelated to their tribe.

When Han Cheng was speaking, a person who had studied fancy translation with Miao, under Han Cheng's gesture, translated what Han Cheng said to the humpbacked primitive man and others.

Following Han Cheng's statement and the translation of this Qingque tribe man, the humpback primitive man with wounds, dejected heads and some panic gradually widened his eyes, raised his head, and looked at Han Cheng with disbelief.


After a while, the hunched primitive man said so.

What he meant was, how can I believe you?

How do you know that you are not lying?

Han Cheng, who understood the meaning of the hunchback primitive through the translation, couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't need to explain so much to you, I just want you to know what a stupid thing you have done!

Because of your stupidity, one of our tribe died!

Because of your stupidity, you who were specially separated by the old priest of your tribe and used to preserve your blood have suffered a fatal blow and will disappear completely in the world!

The matter has reached this point. I have no need to lie to you in this matter.

However, in order to make you more resigned and more speechless, then give you evidence that convinces you! "

Han Cheng said this, pointing his finger at the big tree beside him.

"Look at this tree, look at the traces of the tree burned by the fire, if you are not blind, you can see that these traces are not just burned out, but have been around for a while!

Look here again, here is the blood that has gone black and dried up!

You are looking at the ashes that have burned around these big trees to see if it has been burning for a long time?

Come and feel it, are these ashes already cold? ! "

Han Cheng said here, his emotions finally couldn't be suppressed.

He waved his hand violently, and the handful of ashes that he had picked up from the ground was thrown into the face of the humpback primitive man!

As Han Cheng pointed and told, the hunched primitive man had become completely sluggish.

Facing the ashes thrown by Han Cheng waved, the hunched primitive man did not make any evasive actions.

Just let these ashes hit his face!

"Come and feel it!

Feel the temperature of these ashes? ! "

Han Cheng shouted like this, jumped up to the hunched primitive man, stretched out his hand and slammed him to the ground, pressed his head with his hand, and kept his face on the ground. There was nothing left for him. Press above the ashes of temperature!

After a while, Han Cheng released his hand, stood up, and sorted his clothes with his hands.

The hunchback primitive man with a gray face was left on the ground, panting heavily.

Some ashes were sucked into his mouth, and he coughed uncontrollably.

Han Cheng's uncharacteristic behavior caused the Qingque tribe man standing aside to be a little bit startled, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Because they understand why the son of God would become what he is now and make such a move.

It was because someone in their tribe was killed by these **** people in front of them!

The person who was killed was not very conspicuous in the tribe on weekdays and did not like to talk very much.

Just a very ordinary person!

But it is precisely because of this that their hearts will be more agitated, and their eyes will turn red.

Because this shows that the **** sons of their tribe really regard them as human beings, and they really care about their lives and deaths!

"#¥#3E ahem..."

When Han Cheng tried his best to make his breathing more stable, the hunched primitive man came back slightly, coughing, and said this.

What he meant was that they were wrong, they pleaded guilty, and they could not treat the people of the Qingque tribe.

But the mistakes were caused by people like them, and had nothing to do with those who remained in the tribe.

That is the only person left in their tribe.

He was begging Han Cheng not to hurt those who remained in the tribe.

When saying these words, the hunched primitive people also had some ideas in their hearts.

On the one hand, the truth of this sudden appearance made his whole person unbearable.

It made him think of their tribe, the things that the old priests of their tribe cared about most, and the fundamental reason why he came to sacrifice and let some people leave the old residence, build a new residential area, and live there.

On the other hand, it was because, from Han Cheng's series of words just now, he vaguely discovered some opportunities for survival.

This opportunity will happen. The **** son of the Qingque tribe doesn't seem to have the intention to drive them to death. Otherwise, they won't say so many things to them to let them understand the truth of the matter.

Moreover, the **** son of the Qingque tribe always gave people the feeling that he was kinder, not a person who likes to kill.

Now, the Qingque tribe has only killed one person, but his tribe has killed more than 30 people~www.NovelMTL.com~ For the Qingque tribe, it is already a big revenge.

When he said such words and made such a gesture, it is very likely that the **** son of the Qingque tribe would forgive himself and others for their sins.

Not only can they let go of the people in their tribe, but they can also let them go.

"Ha ha……"

After understanding the meaning of the humpback primitive through the translation, Han Cheng couldn't help laughing.

"I said, I said this, just want you to know how stupid you are and how stupid you have done."

Han Cheng looked at the humpback primitive and said.

"Stupidity is not a reason to forgive you, there is a price to pay when things are done!

The people of your entire tribe are not as expensive as the life of a person in our tribe! "

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