I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1137: This business is really stable (2 in 1)


Under the shining of the moon, the witch of the Red Tiger tribe with sweaty face and exhaustion spoke.

After saying this, the Red Tiger tribe people who followed, as if they had their bones removed, threw what they were carrying on the ground, and directly slumped on the ground.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe also held the tree beside her with her hand, and sat down slowly.


She spoke again, meaning to let the people in the tribe eat some food.

But you can't make a fire, you can only eat food that is more delicious even if it is eaten raw.

The reason is that they are worried that the fire will draw people from the Qingque tribe.

At this time, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe had a good understanding of the caution of the new maidens of their tribe.

At the moment, he followed the instructions of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, and from the food he carried, he found out those that were more delicious to eat directly, and distributed them to the people in the tribe...

After eating the food, I rested here for a while. The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe squeezed her leg a few times to make herself more energetic. She got up again and took the tribe’s The people shouted and led them to move on.

This process is naturally more difficult. After all, these people in the Red Tiger tribe are all tired and become like this. Some people sit and eat food, and fall asleep after eating...

Faced with such a situation, the witches of the Red Tiger Tribe, who were also extremely sleepy, cheered them up, saying that by the time it was dawn, they could sleep well...

"Where did these people go?"

Under the moonlight, the Qingque tribe man, fully armed with a dog, looked at the shadowy and reckless scene in front of him, and couldn't help but mutter.

Along the way, they have also found some traces of the Red Tiger tribesmen, but they have never found those Red Tiger tribes who attacked the nest tribe.

In the process, they found some prey, and hit some prey easily.

After walking for a while, the Qingque tribe headed by him finally gave up on the whereabouts of the Red Tiger tribe.

Not because they are too sleepy, but because they can no longer find a trace...


Here in the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng couldn't help but sighed, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He did not expect that there would be such an encounter with the nest tribe.

According to the description of those who returned, the entire nest tribe did not leave alive, and some people were even burned and could not be identified.

But one thing is strange, that is, most of these people who died were men, and only a few were women.

Listening to the reports of these people who came back, Han Cheng's brows wrinkled slightly.

Among the Red Tiger tribe, there seems to be an extraordinary character!

By now, the whole of the remaining people looks different from before.

"God, what did they do to get those women away?

When it comes to heavy work, we are still men..."

The bear on the side touched his head and said.

After speaking, he seemed to be aware of some loopholes in his words, Xiong Youer pulled his short hair on his head with his hands, and added seriously and anxiously:

"You are different from the Son of God, you rely on wisdom and don't have to do heavy work..."

Seeing Xiong Youear, who was serious about replenishing in front of him, the black line on Han Cheng's forehead suddenly raised the idea of ​​wanting to kick this guy far away.

What are all these words?

Does it mean I'm not as good as a woman?

Han Cheng, who was just about to freak out, saw two female primitives who had been recruited before, who seemed to be even more gentlemen than men, and never passed by far.

One of these two people is called Meimei, and the other is called Cuihua.

After seeing these two people, Han Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help sniffing.

This meows, it seems that he is really worse than a woman...

"They only plunder women, not men. On the one hand, because their tribe has fewer people, they need someone to supplement their tribe.

And compared to men, women have more control.

In addition to this, there is another important reason because women can have children!

The minors of the Red Tiger tribe were all left behind. They did not take one away, so they need to find some women to have children for their tribe..."

After sniffing, and reluctantly confessing that he was in strength and other things, Han Cheng, who was no better than those in the tribe who looked extraordinarily strong women, he opened his mouth to explain to the bear on the side.


Xiong You scratched his head and made a sudden realization.

In this Red Tiger tribe, a powerful character really appeared!

Han Cheng recalled the report after the person who had been chasing after his return, and felt this way in his heart again.

After a while, his slightly frowning brows stretched out.

What if there is a more powerful character?

Under these circumstances, could they still fail to make a comeback?

No matter how powerful it is, can you beat yourself?

As long as these remaining members of the Red Tiger tribe dare to join their tribe, they will surely let these people feel the gap between the people from later generations and the people of their time, and feel despair!

"Go! Take some people, and follow me to the Red Tiger Tribe to take a good look at the situation there."

After sitting here thinking for a while, Han Cheng got up and greeted the bear beside him with ears.

At this time, many things have been completely settled.

I should also go to the Red Tiger Tribe and take a good look at the gains of my tribe this time.

Han Cheng was somewhat uncomfortable when the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe died before. Now when he thinks that the copper mines, tin mines, salt soil, and rice fields of the Red Tiger tribe have become his own tribe, Han Chengcheng couldn’t help it for a while. Joy.

Those uncomfortable in my heart, I didn't know where he was thrown to!

If the witch of the Red Tiger tribe was resurrected at this time, Han Cheng would definitely not hesitate to stab her with the weapon in his hand...

After receiving Han Cheng's order, Xiong Youer immediately prepared.

Not long after, Han Cheng, who was wearing a vine armor, left the high-walled Tieshan residential area, accompanied by Xiong You'er and other people, and headed towards the Red Tiger tribe.

To go to the Red Tiger tribe, if you take the big road, you need to pass near where the nest tribe lives.

There is a mess here where the nest tribe lives.

Weapons scattered, ashes after burning, can be seen everywhere.

There are still dark red in some places.

That is the trace left after the blood coagulated.

In addition to these, there are more people who are silent on the ground.

Some people's corpses are still intact, and some people's corpses can't bear to look directly at them.

I don't know that the beasts that ran from there will harm this place.

Such a scene looks really uncomfortable.

"Clean up these people and burn them, it's too uncomfortable to stay here."

Han Cheng said this after standing here for a while.

It hurts its kind, sometimes that's it.

Seeing that people with nest tribes became like this after death, as a normal person, Han Cheng was really uncomfortable in his heart.

Moreover, this place is still on the main route to the Red Tiger Tribe in the Tieshan residential area, so letting it go, it is a bit horrible.

As Han Cheng spoke, Xiong You'er and others began to busy.

Someone climbed up the trees to get down two tree houses, piled up all the dry firewood they got, and used them as dry firewood.

Some people collected the scattered corpses of the nest tribesmen, put them on the dry wood, and set a fire to set them alight.

The people who climbed the tree house just now harvested more than two tree houses that can be used as firewood. In addition to these, they also found some food in the tree house.

Such a discovery immediately gave Han a great inspiration.

After all the dead people from the nest tribe got firewood and burned them on fire, Han Chenggong asked people to climb into the tree houses that still existed in the nest tribe to see if there were food and other things inside.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe walked in a hurry before, and the number of people was limited, so it was impossible to clean all the things of the nest tribe.

Therefore, it didn't take long for people to throw a lot of things from the window of the nest tribe tree house.

Among these things, fur is the most common, followed by food.

The rest is a bronze ware made by the Red Tiger tribe.

Things are messy.

But Han Cheng was very happy.

After all, in any case, the tribe got something because of it.

"You are all dead. There are no people here. It is a waste to put things here. It is better to give to our tribe. It just happens that we bury you and prevent you from continuing to suffer from the wages of wild beasts."

Han Cheng sorted out the things that had been thrown from the tree house here, while watching the nest tribesmen disappearing in the raging flames, he whispered in his mouth.

On the side of the trader who was sorting things together with Han Cheng, when he heard what Han Cheng said, his eyes widened.

Can this business still do?

Is there a business like this?

This kind of business is really stable!

The business veteran in the tribe, looking at the **** son of his tribe, once again raised a deep admiration in his heart!

In Han Cheng's talk, the people who followed him toward the Qingque tribe held the idea of ​​not wasting, and patronized all the nest tribe's intact tree houses.

After some inspections, a lot of things piled up in front of Han Cheng.

It is also a good income.

This is indeed a rose for someone else, with a lingering fragrance in the hand, and a good person is rewarded!

The son of Han Da looked at the nest tribes who could no longer see the human form over there, and then looked at these things in front of him, and couldn't help expressing such emotion in his heart.

All for me, I am for all, this is not false at all!

After helping people, I was greatly satisfied and harvested by the touched son of the Qingque tribe Han Da, so emotional, and the people in the tribe will organize all these things and carry them to the Red Tiger tribe. Away.

The residence of the Red Tiger tribe has such good mineral conditions. In order to make better development there and make the tribe better, no matter what, a residential area will be established here and developed here.

Therefore, he stopped sending people to the Tieshan residential area for these things, and directly sent people to the Red Tiger Tribe with their backs on their backs.

Time moved forward a bit, and the location moved to a certain distance from the nest tribe.

The humpbacked primitive man, leading the cow and holding the weapon in his hand, walked all the way to the front.

Behind him, followed by some people who left the tribe with him and came to a place not too far from the Jinguan City of the Qingque tribe to establish a new place of residence.

Something was carried on the back of the bull that the humpbacked primitive man led, the people who walked with him, and the back of the bull they were holding.

These things are food.

This is his new residence ~www.NovelMTL.com~, relying on the connection with the Qingque tribe, through the exchange of salt, pottery and other things with the Qingque tribe, and trading with other tribes.

Where the Qingque tribe lives, it is far from here, and the Red Tiger tribe can't affect it.

Because of this, they can live a good life there and get a good harvest.

Although the people from the old tribe and the Qingque tribe themselves all do business, but the external environment is good, there is no tribe like the Red Tiger tribe who wants to go crazy from time to time, so just If you are willing to work hard, you can still get some gains.

The people who stayed with the old priests in the original tribe have a hard time, and primitive people with a hunchback know such things.

After all, he knew that the Red Tiger tribe had gone crazy before.

Therefore, after slowly stabilizing on his side and having a certain amount of savings, the humpbacked primitive man returned with some accumulated food.

I want to leave these foods to the old priests to eat.

Lest they get hungry.

Of course, in addition to food, he also asked the people in the team to carry some salt and other goods, in order to see some tribes on the road, so as to exchange with them.

Reaching out to touch the food carried on the cow's back, the hunched primitive man's face showed some smiles.

The old priest and others, seeing the food and knowing the news, will be very happy!


An exclamation sounded, interrupting the thoughts of the humpback primitive.

He suddenly looked up, and saw a thick smoke rising into the sky!


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