I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1134: Burn the nest tribe! (2 in 1)

The young maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was constantly talking.

As she continued to tell, the Red Tiger tribe leader, who was furious and wanted to beat others, gradually calmed down.

In addition, his eyes gradually became more energetic, and the whole person seemed to become particularly energetic.

This is because of what the young maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said.

What she meant was that there was a place to get food for the road!

This place is the nest tribe!

Near them, besides the Qingque tribe, there is only one nest tribe left!

Because of the influence of the policy implemented by the last witch, the nest tribe was not ransacked by their tribe in the previous series of looting.

Coupled with the particularity of the way that nest tribes are engaged in obtaining food, so nest tribes are richer than ordinary tribes.

And the nested tribes that have these things are not very powerful, so this time is the perfect target for snatching!

As long as the nest tribe is robbed, they leave here and go to the place their tribe leader said, and they will have the food they need on the road!

In addition, the young Red Tiger tribe witch also said that when snatching the nest tribe, not only the nest tribe’s food, but also the nest tribe’s women, they should also **** some.

Let these women from the nest tribe go with their tribe!

Because now, among them, there are too few women, there are only less than ten.

This is still coupled with her inability to mate and to have children.

As for the minors, none of them here!

Before, the minors in the tribe were all deceived by those despicable and insidious Qingque tribe people!

They didn't even touch it!

Of course, even if they were contacted and there were minors who ran with them, at this time, there was still no minor among them.

After all, before, the people of the Qingque tribe chased them and beat them like crazy.

Even if there are minors with them, they will be chased away in the process.

The strength of a tribe depends on the number of people.

It depends not only on the number of adults, but also on the number of minors.

Obviously, the people of the Red Tiger tribe are caught in this problem.

If you want to re-develop the Red Tiger Tribe, reproduce the Red Tiger Tribe and reproduce its former glory, it is impossible to rely on them alone!

There needs to be a woman who can have children!

Only then will the population of their tribe increase.

After they die, there will be no successors in the tribe.

The young maidens of the Red Tiger Tribe considered all these problems and gave solutions to them.

This kind of consideration is much better than that of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who relies on his blood and only carries out spiritual encouragement!

This is also the main reason why the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, after hearing the words of the young maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, his anger disappeared and his eyes gradually brightened.

After listening to the words of the young witch, the head of the Red Tiger tribe looked at the witch of his tribe and suddenly changed.

With surprises and deep surprises, there were some rest assured.

At the time, he was sorrowing for the death of the old witch, and at the same time he was worried about it.

Because the young witches in the tribe have not yet grown up.

The leader of his tribe needs to do a lot of things, especially decision-making!

This made him feel guilty.

But now, he was suddenly surprised to find that the new maiden who had always been treated as a new person by him, as a bronze, was actually a king-like existence!

The advice given, I don't know how much better than him.

The things to consider are also much more thorough than him!

Under such circumstances, how can he not feel surprised and happy? !


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, who was pleasantly surprised, soon roared loudly.

He was cheering up the people in the tribe, calling on these people in the tribe to go with him to attack the nest tribe, grab food, and grab women!

In fact, there is no need to call on the leader of the Red Tiger tribe. After listening to the new maidens of their tribe, the enthusiasm in these people's hearts has risen by themselves!

This is how people can see hope and know that doing so is almost always enough to get great benefits.

Under the call of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, the people of the Red Tiger tribe quickly took action. They once again plucked up their courage and confidence and moved towards the nest tribe!


On the way, the new maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who had never spoken much, spoke again.

What she meant was that the nest tribe was not as easy to fight as expected.

Now they have fewer people, not the same as when the tribe was in its heyday.

If they don't make some preparations, they may not be able to defeat the nest tribe!

If there are nest tribes that cannot be defeated, then their last chance for the tribe will also be consumed!

If this were the case, their tribe would like to re-emerge from now on, it would basically be impossible!

Because after losing this opportunity, there will not be many of them who can live to the place the leader said.

There are too few people to do many things!

When too many people were lost, those who followed the leader to live in the place said by the leader were also difficult to survive.

Because there were too few people at that time!

A little accident can cause a fatal blow!

These words of the young witch once again aroused the attention of the people of the Red Tiger tribe, and many of them were shocked in their hearts.

They really did not think of this thing.

Subconsciously, I thought that their tribe was still the same, and it was more than enough to fight the nest tribe.

At this time, when the new maiden of her own tribe said this, she immediately reacted, her tribe is no longer the previous tribe!

In the past, it was easy for one's own tribe to fight a nest tribe, and it didn't take much effort to complete it.

Now, the only people who are going to attack are myself.

It's really not easy!

After the Red Tiger tribe's new maiden said these words, the hearts of these people in the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but feel a deep sadness and full of uncomfortable heart.

This is really an extremely uncomfortable thing!

Even the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, when he suddenly heard the news, he couldn't help feeling sadness and some panic in his heart.


At this time, the young maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke out again.

What she meant was that the most difficult thing for the nest tribe to deal with was their tree house.

But she had already thought of a way to deal with the tree house of the nest tribe, so everyone in the tribe shouldn't be too alarmed.

Hearing her saying this, the people of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at the new maiden's eyes, a look of admiration could not help but rise.

A witch is a witch!

It's different from ordinary people!

Whether it is an old witch or a new witch, they are all that kind of wisdom!

While admiring, the hearts of these Red Tiger tribes also felt a lot of peace of mind.

Under the confession of the new maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, these Red Tiger tribes, who were heading for the nest tribe, kept looking around while walking forward.

On the one hand, they are looking at the Qingque tribe, worrying that in the process, they will meet the **** Qingque tribe.

On the other hand, it is because they are looking for something.

Some things that will be very useful in the process of attacking the nest tribe!


Time is passing, and the distance is shortened as the people of the Red Tiger tribe continue to march toward the nest tribe.

I don’t know if it’s because the people of the Qingque tribe didn’t expect that the Red Tiger tribes who had fled would dare to return to the neighborhood, so they didn’t send many people to search back and forth nearby. The Red Tiger tribesmen who came all the way cautiously, this trip It went well, and there was no danger to the people of the Qingque tribe.

They are not in danger, so next, they must start to create danger for the people with nest tribes!

Under the leadership of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, these Red Tiger tribesmen who appeared not too far from the nest tribe did not immediately rush to the nest tribe as before.

But in a secret place, quietly concealed.

Some people squatted there, chewing some sour, not much pulp and fruit because they had not grown up.

Some people chewed some grass roots there to satisfy their hunger.

They stayed here quietly, waiting for it to get dark.

The one who made this arrangement was the new maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

It is different from the leaders of the Red Tiger tribe who were born in the large group of the Red Tiger tribe and have been in contact with the invincible Red Tiger tribe since childhood.

The new maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, who lived in the valley at a very young age, learned to be cautious.

Some things that people usually don't pay attention to are also observed.

For example, she once carefully watched two guys with big hooks on their bodies catching bugs with wings.

It was so cautious, but in the end it was a fatal blow!

Therefore, she is now also letting the people in the tribe, endure the hunger in the belly, and wait here quietly, waiting for the dark, waiting for the opportunity to appear!

There is a nest tribe here. Under the order of the old priest of the nest tribe, the people of the nest tribe still don't get down from the tree much.

Even cooking is done in a tree house where people live.

It’s a small pot of rice in the true sense of being boiled in a tree house by pot.

The tree house made of wood can also be used for cooking.

You just need to make a thick layer of mud in the place where you need to start a fire to cook.

The old priest of the nest tribe, while sitting in the tree house, put some chopped firewood into the small stove, boiled food, and turned and stretched his head to look outside.

The surroundings of the tribe are quiet, and there will be the carefree calls of birds and birds in the forest from time to time.

It seems that the battle between the Red Tiger Tribe and the Green Sparrow Tribe has completely come to an end.

However, the old priests of the nest tribe were still not ready to let the tribesmen go down the tree house and move on the ground.

The previous experience taught him a very profound lesson. It made him understand how vulnerable and helpless the people of their tribe were when they met the generals of the Blue Sparrow and Red Tiger tribes who went crazy!

This kind of unnecessary casualties, he didn't want to let it happen in his tribe again!

Nest in the tree house for a few more days!

After a few days, after the situation becomes more stable, let the people in the tribe go down to move.

The old priest of the nest tribe thought this in his heart.

The tree house of their tribe is their best place to escape the wind and rain!

Thinking like this in my heart, the old priest of the nest tribe couldn't help but look up at the roof of the tree house where he lived. The whole person was more proud and confident.

This tree house of my own tribe is good!

After feeling for a while, the old priests of the nest tribe began to eat slowly, with some enjoyment and leisure...

The dusk fell, and the birds came home.

After the last red glow on the side of the day disappeared completely, the sky was completely dimmed~www.NovelMTL.com~ The hiding place of the people of the Red Tiger tribe, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe made an appearance to the people of the Red Tiger tribe. Said the voice.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe, who were already impatient to go out, stopped after hearing the words of the new maiden of their tribe.

After waiting here for a while, these people from the Red Tiger tribe can be regarded as standing up after the Red Tiger tribe maiden nodded, leaving their hiding place, and under the cover of night, all the way towards the nest tribe. .

The marching Red Tiger tribe people all carry a lot of things.

These things are the dry wood they collected along the way according to the instructions of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden!

Sneaking all the way through the darkness, these people from the Red Tiger tribe came to the Youchao tribe.

Then in the dark, he surrounded the firewood around the big trees.

Tree houses are built on top of these big trees.

People with nest tribes live in the tree house!

Some voices sounded in the darkness, and after these voices continued for a while, some fire lights slowly flickered.

These flashing fire lights quickly became bigger, illuminating the surrounding area.

There is an old priest of the nest tribe, sleeping in a dazed state, and vaguely he heard some noises,

But he didn't care, and went to sleep in a daze.

However, he soon couldn't sleep.

"Cough cough cough..."

The old priest of the nest tribe coughed vigorously, watching the light leaking through the gap above the tree house, his heart was shocked.

When he waited for him to get up in a hurry and stick his head out of the window to look down, the whole person became even more alarmed!


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