I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1135: The death of the old priest of the nest tribe (2 in 1)

In the darkness, a flame rose.

Along with it, there are endless heat waves and choking breath.

A burst of heart-piercing coughing sounded here one after another, and a burst of panic shouts were also constantly sounding.

The entire nest tribe here is in a panic.

Everyone doesn't know what happened here!

This kind of fear of disaster, fear of fire, and fear of night magnified the fear in their hearts to the extreme, making many people panic and crying there!

Everyone is worried that the fire will burn up, will burn the big trees down, and will burn them to death!

One by one coughing on the tree house, with eyes full of tears full of smoke, they kept turning there.

Be in a panic!

The panic spread throughout the nest tribe, and the panic shouts also spread throughout the nest tribe!

Everyone is anxious, but there is nothing to solve the current situation!

So, after this situation lasted for a while, some people with nest tribes finally couldn't bear such suffering!


Someone above the tree house yelled so loudly, then opened the door under the tree house, came out of the tree house, and went down the simple ladder tied to the tree trunk!

After going down for a certain distance, look at the simple ladder catching fire, and when you are about to touch the fire, you loosen the handle and fell from above!

Below is a lot of burning flames!

Even when this person jumped down and bounced vigorously on the trunk with his hands and feet, he still couldn't get out of the range of the fire below!

He fell directly into the fire, extinguishing the flames in that place!

After falling to the ground, this person's reaction was so fast, this was really burned by the fire!

He suddenly stood up from there and ran outside, screaming as he ran!

After a while, he rushed out of the flames.

Then he kept jumping there, as if dancing!

But one thing is certain, this person does not need to suffer from flames for the time being!


When someone took the lead, and after the person who took the lead successfully escaped from birth, the rest of the tribesmen who were panicked to the extreme, also saw a way to escape!

So, the rest of them followed suit!

Blocks of tree houses were opened from the inside, and the people living inside went out one after another.

During this process, pushing and looting occurred in many places.

Everyone was eager to flee, so that some people just appeared from the tree house and were squeezed out of the tree house by the people above!

Teams of people appeared on the trunks of the tree houses!

All these people were panicked. After the one below jumped down, the one above quickly jumped down too!

Some people who jumped reacted quickly. After jumping, they immediately got up in the sea of ​​fire and ran towards the outside.

Some people react slowly, or are thrown when they jump.

That will soon be tragic.

The people who jumped down one by one above couldn't stand up!

The powerful impact that the above can't help bringing, coupled with the flames burning on the side, soon died in pain...

After he died, his body still exudes a strong unpleasant breath...

People who are alive are equally uncomfortable. These people are not only suffering from falls, or burns.

More importantly, when they had just escaped from the sea of ​​flames, someone jumped out and pressed them to the ground.

These people seem to be more proficient in their techniques. After pressing the person to the ground, they move their hands to touch the person who was pressed to the ground.

If there is not a lump of things at hand, these people will hurt the killer and directly kill the people who were pressed on the ground!

If there is such a thing in front of the people who are pressed on the ground, then the people who are rushed out will directly use vines and other things, bind them up with rude means, and throw them aside!


The old priest of the nest tribe who was soaked with tears in his eyes and coughing desperately screamed loudly.

He was shouting at the people in the tribe, not to let the people in the tribe go down!

He said that the trees used by their tribe to build tree houses are very thick and strong, and will not be burned by these flames.

They just need to stay in the tree house!

Although there is smoke on the tree house, the smoke is just choking people's eyes and will not cause any fatal harm to people!

They just need to stay in the tree house, and no one can hurt them!

However, at this time, the entire residence of the nest tribe was in a panic, and the noise was endless!

As soon as his voice came out from the tree house, he was drowned in the noise.

The old priests of the nest tribe shouted desperately and coughed desperately, but there was no result.

There is still chaos in the tribe. In the chaos, there are many people above the tree houses, all running down one after another.

Waiting for their results, naturally it won't be any better.

The chaos continued, and the old priests of the nest tribe screamed desperately while coughing desperately, and the voice was intermittent.

His voice gradually became smaller, and he didn't know if it was smoked by smoke, and there were tears on his face.

After lying on the window and watching the rising smoke for a while, the old priest of the nest tribe suddenly shouted, turned over from the window, and fell into a sea of ​​fire below!

The old priest of the nest tribe who fell in the fire did not die immediately, and he was conscious after being thrown to pieces.

I don't know if it was because of the fall, his actions seemed very inconvenient, he could not get up from the ground, but he was constantly twisting his body there.

Wailing in his mouth.

If you listen carefully, you can hear that the wailing from his mouth is to make the people of his tribe run quickly, run quickly, and go to the Qingque tribe!

However, this time is too confusing!

The entire nest tribe was in a mess, and the **** wailing of the old priest of the nest tribe was still not noticed by anyone.

Chaos and killing are still going on continuously.

The old priests of the nest tribe were constantly wailing, their voices gradually becoming smaller, and finally there was no movement.

Youchao tribe, a very wise old priest, died like this, buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The flame was still burning, and gradually, the old priest of the nest tribe who was lying in the fire disappeared and was swallowed by the flame...

The chaos in the nest tribe continues, and nothing has changed because of the death of the old priest of the nest tribe.

However, no matter how serious the chaos is, it will always come to an end, and it will always become quieter.

As the flames of the nest tribe gradually dimmed, such a disaster for the nest tribes gradually calmed down.

However, the nest tribe has also been caused irreparable trauma!

The entire nest tribe has become messy, with many people falling down on the ground.

The excitement of the Red Tiger tribe's conversation was mixed with the sound of crying.

This is the women of the nest tribe who are bound, crying because of fear and sadness!


They are sad, but the people of the Red Tiger tribe are not. The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are urging loudly here to let the people in the tribe act quickly without any hesitation.

It is a little closer to the Qingque tribe.

If it takes a long time, she is worried that people from the Qingque tribe will come over!

If it's really like this, then your own tribe really can't afford it!

When saying these words, the incumbent maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was shaking slightly.

This is exciting!

Through this practice, her ideas have been confirmed one by one.

This bold idea of ​​myself can really be realized!



As the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke, there was a voice of reply.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe looked extremely enthusiastic and convinced when facing the orders of the new witch.

Even the leader of the Red Tiger tribe is the same!

The performance of the new witch in this series of actions after the death of the old witch has already impressed them deeply!

In this series of actions, the new maiden gave full play to her wisdom. Not only did they find a place to obtain food, but also came up with a method of using fire attack to deal with the people living on the tall tree house. There are nest tribes.

Through this method, the nest tribe can easily submit!

Basically, their tribe did not pay any casualties, so they easily took the nest tribe!

It was also at this time that these talents in the Red Tiger tribe suddenly realized that fire can not only be used for food and heating, but also can be used to attack the enemy!

Let the enemy submit for a small price!

Facing such a new miracle maiden, how could they not be convinced?

How not to feel admired? !

If it were not for a new witch to lead them, in the face of this disaster, they would have no other way to think about it!

After the new witch spoke, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others immediately acted according to the new witch's instructions.

They speeded up their actions.

Many people followed the burnt black trunk and climbed up the tree house built on trees.

Soon there were shouts full of surprises.

Someone stood in the tree house, poked a head out of the window, and raised an arm. He was holding food in his hand!

The coveted food!

After shouting the good news to everyone standing below, this person retracted his body from the window.

He wants to take down these foods very quickly!

Let the people in the tribe take away!


After seeing the food, the new maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was also full of joy.

However, after seeing the person from my tribe with some food in his hand, he came out of the tree house, and then climbed down the tree trunk, preparing to transport the food in this way, the red tiger tribe’s new maiden’s face The smile disappeared all at once!

Why are you so stupid!

When will I get it like this? !


The witch of the Red Tiger tribe stood here and shouted.

It means that this person should not transport food like this.

Throw the food down directly from the window!

After hearing the words of the maiden of his tribe, this person from the Red Tiger tribe could not help but shine.

A witch is a witch, and the idea is good!

When even holding the food in his hand, he climbed back into the tree house along the trunk, and then threw the food underneath through the window of the tree house!

Seeing a series of magical operations performed by this person in his own tribe, the new maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, the whole person was taken aback by surprise.

What kind of magic operation is this?

Why is this idea so unique?

Why don't you know to throw away the food in your hand before climbing up the tree house?

Wouldn't it be more labor-saving and able to climb the tree house faster?

So you have to climb up with food and then throw it down...

Looking at this person from her tribe who not only didn't notice anything, but also kept throwing food down the window with excitement~www.NovelMTL.com~the new witch of the Red Tiger tribe, she suddenly raised her hand The urge to lift the forehead...

Under the guidance of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, the food stored in the tree house was constantly being thrown down.

The people below are quickly cleaning up.

However, not everyone is so lucky. The tree house that I climbed up was just a place where people from the nest tribe used to store food.

Many more people did not have any food in the tree house they climbed up to.

In some tree houses, there are people who have no breath.

These people did not get down from the tree house for various reasons.

Except for a few people, all the others were out of breath.

These people who were confused by the smoke quickly lost their breath.

It's not the people who are so choked that they can't breathe the smoke, but the people of the Red Tiger tribe climbed up!


"What is going on? Why is there a fire over there?"

In the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe, in accordance with the tradition of the Qingque tribe, people have always stood guard on the wall.

In the dark, the most conspicuous is the light.

No matter what color the light is, and what it is made of.

There is a nest tribe, not too far from the Tieshan residential area.

So in this night, that piece of firelight seemed very eye-catching.

When the person in charge of the vigilance noticed the fire, he couldn't help but be surprised.

However, when it was later confirmed that these flames were burning at a certain distance from his tribe, this person's heart was relaxed a lot.

He stood here and watched for a while before he started talking about it to the people inside the wall.


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