I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1133: Very narrow at the beginning, talented people... (2 in 1)

Looking at the smiling Qingque tribesmen who suddenly appeared on the wall, they rushed all the way with the determined Red Tiger tribesmen, and they were stunned.

Didn’t it say that the people of the Qingque tribe are basically chasing the people of their tribe, aren’t there many left in the tribe?

Didn’t you say that as long as you wait for someone to come, you can easily attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe?

What is going on now?

How did these people come out?

The Red Tiger tribe people who followed were confused, and the leading Red Tiger tribe people were even more confused.

What I thought was right!

Things should be the way I imagined!


This person quickly no longer doubted.

Because the smiling Qingque tribe people above the wall suddenly changed their complexion, and a large number of attacks fell.

The person in the lead was hit in the head by a big rock, and there came a blossoming...

Where the Red Tiger tribe lives, the grassroots and some people patrol among the Red Tiger tribe that they have occupied and controlled.

Through such inspections, you can quickly become familiar with the terrain of the Red Tiger Tribe and what your tribe has learned from the Red Tiger Tribe this time.

The development and integration of these young bird tribes continued. Grassroots, the deer that had always been thinking of the Qingque tribe, was later taken away by the murderous Tengsnake tribe. After the Qingque tribe destroyed the Tengsnake tribe, it became a Qingque tribe. The human guy, by now, has already got rid of his former slave status.

And through his own step-by-step efforts, he became the middle and high level of the tribe.

Have no small right to speak among the tribe.

Among these people who remain in the Red Tiger Tribe, the grassroots are the first.

Of course, being able to have today's status is not only about qualifications, but more importantly, that the grassroots are really capable.

Especially in the management of slaves, so that the slaves become obedient, and become more interested in the blue bird tribe, there is a very good way!

In such a walk, the grassroots understood the Red Tiger tribe’s residential area and knew well.

Walking all the way, stopping all the way, after wandering the Red Tiger tribe for more than half a time, he came to the deep grassroots and stopped at the mouth of a valley.

At the mouth of this valley, a wall was built with stones and other things, and there was a door open on the wall. Of course, the outside of the door was not locked, but it was stuck with a very strong wooden stick.

Stared at this door for a while, then turned to look around, the grass roots pulled the stick away, opened the door, pushed it open, and walked inside.

The grassroots have weapons in their hands, and those who follow also have weapons in their hands.

When facing the enemy, you must never take it lightly!

Before the hostilities are over, even if you do not see the enemy, you must always be vigilant.

This is something that the son of God has emphasized to them more than once.

I opened the door and walked inside, very narrow at first, and walked back dozens of steps.

Seeing the scene that appeared in front of him after spaciousness, the grassroots mouth opened wide!


All women!

All women without noses!

Seeing these dozens of women of all ages and no noses appeared before me, the grassroots and the people who came in with him were a little confused.

How is this going?

Didn’t the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe be killed by the people of her tribe when she was in the Tieshan residential area?

Why are there so many witches here?

After such a surprise lasted for a while, the grassroots quickly discovered the clue.

Then it was decided that these people were not the witches of the Red Tiger tribe!

Although these people in front of them have no noses like the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, they are very different from the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe!

This difference is not because of the clothes they wear, but because of the things they carry.

This kind of thing can be felt by the grass roots, but for a while, I can't think of how to describe it.



It's the temperament that the son of God once said!

Compared with the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, these women who also have no noses have so many different temperaments, too far away!

Moreover, from the pottery, mud embryos, and crushed ore piled around them, it is also possible to understand the gap between these people and the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe.

After reacting from the initial stupefaction, Grassroots' attention quickly shifted to the rest.

He couldn't help scanning over the gravel in front of him.

Then became happy!

Copper ore!

These are copper ore!

Earlier, after a coal mine was discovered near the Red Tiger tribe, the son of God deliberately asked the people of his tribe to pay attention to the news of copper ore near the Red Tiger tribe.

But there has been no result.

But I didn't expect it to be hidden here!

Under the orders of the grassroots, these women who had no noses and looked the same yellow and thin faces were surrounded by the blue finches tribesmen holding weapons.

The grassroots led some people to continue their journey deep into the valley.

As we went deeper, another surprise soon appeared in front of us!

"Bah bah bah..."

The grassroots kept spitting out, spitting out everything in his mouth clean.

Then I looked at these things brightly

Salt soil!

This is the salt soil of the Red Tiger Tribe!

The son of God once said that the salt soil of the Red Tiger tribe can also be purified using the method of his own tribe.

After some manipulation, the things he got were the same as the things his tribe got from the salt ore.

It's all delicious salt!

My own tribe, starting from today, also owns copper and salt mines in the south of this mountain!

Especially salt mines!

This is really a very, very important thing!

It's really hard to live without salt!

Caogen and others were excited, but the noseless people who were surrounded by the Qingque tribe with weapons and watched them were not excited at all.

One by one is also exceptionally scared.

They don't know why these people suddenly came to their tribe, why they suddenly rushed into it.

What about people from your own tribe?

How about the leaders of your tribe and the witches?

Why didn't it stop?

This is the biggest secret location of my tribe!

Even ordinary people from your own tribe are not allowed to enter. Why can these strangers, who have never met before, come in with weapons in their hands?

Their doubts did not last too long.

Because soon there will be people from the Red Tiger tribe who have come with the grassroots and have been assimilated, come and tell these people things.

Tell the cause and effect of the matter.

As a person who is eager and subdued by the Qingque tribe, when he speaks these words, he will naturally unconsciously tilt his **** to the Qingque tribe.

What is said is of course beneficial to the Qingque tribe.

When talking about these things, the people of the Red Tiger tribe can't help but emphasize the goodness of the Qingque tribe to the noseless people of their tribe.

The Qingque tribe is kind and will not take the initiative to hurt people.

As long as they are honest and obedient, they won't be hurt by the Qingque tribe!

After having said something like this from the Red Tiger tribesmen, these Red Tiger tribesmen who had been stuffed in the valley were shocked. It turned out that such earth-shaking changes had already occurred outside.

The nervous and uneasy heart also became calmer.

When the grassroots and many Qingque tribesmen came in with a smile on their faces carrying food, put the food in the bowl, and invited them to eat with a smile, the hearts of these red tiger tribes became more settled. Up!

Seeing these gobblers who eat food, the grassroots can't help but feel full of emotion.

This food is really a good thing!

Of course these people in the valley gobbled it up.

Since the situation of the Red Tiger tribe has deteriorated, their food supply here, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe, has also been reduced.

Moreover, after deciding to go out to assassinate the **** child of the Blue Sparrow tribe this time, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe will deliver food to the people in the valley to the next maiden in the tribe.

As a result, the great changes that took place in the tribe, the next maiden, just doing the rest and making food for these people in the valley, was directly forgotten!

These people in the valley have been out of food for more than one day these days!

Under such circumstances, the meals provided by the people of the Qingque tribe are naturally very sweet.

As the assimilated people of the Red Tiger tribe continued to talk and the food was eaten into their stomachs, these people in the Red Tiger tribe gradually became relieved...

Some people feel at ease, some people will not feel at ease.

Take the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe looked even more embarrassed than before.

Several more injuries appeared on his body.

However, these injuries are not fatal, and they are not critical.

So he can still persist.

There are fewer people following the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

There are only thirty or forty people.

The remaining people, in the new round of escape, either ran away, were killed by the Qingque tribe, or were caught.



The leader of the Red Tiger tribe was panting desperately.

The situation of the others is similar to that of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe. Among these people, there is not even half of them intact.

And without exception, they were all gasping with open mouths.

After running for such a long time, they finally got rid of the people of the Qingque tribe who were going crazy!

This was the result of his reaction in advance.

It would be really uncomfortable if you waited for another large group of people from the Qingque tribe to come and block their way back, and then think about conducting a surprise attack!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe felt that these people in their tribe were about to die, and none of them could stay.

Thinking like this in my heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe soon became uncomfortable again.

Because the situation of their tribe at this time is really miserable!

Not only are there so little left, but what is even more sad and hopeless is that they have no food.

It really is the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe looked up at the sky.

The sun is shining above the sky.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe felt that the whole world was dark and dark!

The tribe has reached the point where there is really no way to go.


He stood up and said this aloud.

What he meant was, get up and leave from here, otherwise the **** Blue Sparrow will be chasing over again!

We continued to walk west, and when we reached the previous time, I took people to find food.

In that place, we can find some tribes that we have not seen before. When we get there, our life will be better!

After hearing what he said, these Red Tiger tribe people became more energetic, and there was a little hope in their hearts.


Someone spoke, and the person who was talking was the new witch of the Red Tiger tribe.

After the old witch of the Qingque tribe was beaten to death by the people of the Qingque tribe before the wall of the Qingque tribe, the next maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was already automatically converted and became the current witch of the Red Tiger tribe.

After she said this, the head of the Red Tiger tribe's complexion changed, and his heart was extremely unhappy!

Because the next maiden was asking how long it would take to get to the place mentioned by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe from here.

The people in the tribe are already very hungry now.

If the distance is far, after such a long journey, these people in the tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ still don't know if they can survive.

How to keep the leader of the Red Tiger tribe from getting angry?

After all, he said such a thing, the biggest purpose is to cheer up these people in the tribe and make these people in the tribe have confidence.

Now that the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said this, didn't she leak everything out?

Thinking like this in his heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe looked to the side.

Sure enough, those who had just gained some confidence because of what they said became anxious and powerless again at this time.

This witch is still young!

There are few things experienced!

If the old witch in the tribe were still alive, under these circumstances, she would never say such a thing!

She will definitely think of a better way to cheer up the courage in the tribe, so that the people in the tribe become energetic and confident.


In the silent sigh of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, the current maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke again.

As she spoke, the face of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe became even more ugly.

Because the current maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said that their tribe should first get some food to eat on the road, and then set off from here to the place that the leader of the Red Tiger tribe said.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe shouted at the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

Where to find food?

If I can find so much food, I don't know how to find it? !


The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, ignoring the ugly face of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, is still talking here...


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