I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1132: So confident

The scream sounded in the Red Tiger tribe, and the first head-on confrontation between the Qingque tribe and the Red Tiger tribe kicked off.

The war is not only fierce, but also cruel and painful.

This can be heard from the fierce screams, uncontrolled screams that come from time to time!

Someone will fall down from time to time in the screams!


An iron spear slammed at the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe flashed his body, and the iron gun was nailed to the thick plank in front of his chest!


With another bang, the mace in the hands of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe fell fiercely again, directly hitting the iron gun barrel nailed to the wooden board on his chest.

With a click, the barrel of this iron gun was directly broken by a mace from the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe smashed the gun and stepped forward. The whole person was already close to the bunker made by the Qingque tribe and the Qingque tribe behind the bunker!


The mace in his hand was swung fiercely again, slamming it directly at the blue bird tribe man who had broken the spear!

This person dodges subconsciously, avoiding the vital point of his head, causing the mace to hit his chest directly!

Even if he had a vine armor bodyguard and was brought up by a heavy weapon like a mace with great strength, he still made this person subconsciously let out a scream, and fell backward!

A gap appeared in the defensive front of the Qingque tribe in front of the granary.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe with a mace, with force on his legs, was about to rush through this gap and rush into the granary behind.

It was at this moment that the vine shield with the bronze spikes moved violently, and while re-closing the gap, it also slammed towards the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe who was about to jump hurriedly stopped his movements, and at the same time he stepped back a bit, the mace in his hand also smashed up with the vine shield that was hitting in front of him, offsetting the strength contained in it.


An iron spear was stabbed out of the oblique thorn and directly nailed to the arm of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe!

The body of the leader of Ling's Red Tiger tribe couldn't help but shake...

The fighting continued. Under the leadership of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, these Red Tiger tribesmen who had no way out of retreat, wave after wave against the defense constructed by the Qingque tribe people!

In this process, some Red Tiger tribesmen who rushed back later joined the battle.

When people are driven to a dead end, it is always easier than usual to muster courage and determination.

These people in the Red Tiger tribe are like this at this time.

Waves of shock came, and brought a lot of pressure to the Qingque tribe people who rely on the constructed bunkers for defense!

In the distance, people appeared again.

Lots of people this time!

And what makes people feel horrified and desperate is that these people are not members of their Red Tiger tribe, but members of the Qingque tribe who rushed to kill all the way behind!

Climbing on the top of a big tree, the Red Tiger tribe people staring at this side, after seeing this, they can no longer care about the rest.

He quickly slid down from the tree.

Ignoring the hands and feet that were bleeding and peeling due to the rapid decline, he ran to a place not too far away where a big battle was taking place, and yelled like "@##3青雀!"


This sound was loud with horror.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe who was leading the people in front of the Qingque tribe to fight, heard such a shout, the whole person became extremely heartbroken and sad!


With red eyes, he roared loudly, then turned and ran!

Although extremely reluctant, and extremely unwilling to leave, he still runs resolutely!

Because if you don't run, stay here is death!

My own tribe has already forged a vengeance with the Qingque tribe!

There are so many Qingque tribesmen in front of them, and they still can't fight with others. When more Qingque tribes come in, and under attack, their tribe will be even more unable to resist!

Continue to stay here, except for the dead end, there is no other way to go!

And if you retreat at this time, although there is no food in the tribe, it can still survive for some time and still have some other opportunities!

Under the balance of the two phases, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe still made this choice!

In fact, if possible, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe wants to stay here, lead the people in the tribe, and fight against these **** Qingque tribe people with a vigorous!

However, he couldn't do such a thing.

Because he is the leader of the tribe!

Because before the maiden died, she explained to him over and over again, let him live with the tribe!

He can't just ruin the tribe!

Although it was very uncomfortable to take the people of the tribe from here, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe did it!

Moreover, this decision had already been made before leading the people in the tribe to charge against the Qingque tribe who had invaded into their tribe!

The person standing on the tree looking out was arranged by him.

And clearly told these people who are still following him, as long as the people chasing by the Qingque tribe come over, then don't have any hesitation, and immediately run away from here!

Following his running and shouting, the Red Tiger tribesmen who participated in the battle here abandoned their opponents and started to move.

This kind of operation made the Qingque tribe people who were guarding here a little lost. They didn't understand the magic operation of the Red Tiger tribe. Why did they suddenly run away?

However, such doubts only lasted for a short period of time.

They immediately remembered what the Son of God had given them when they came.

This must have been killed by his own tribe who was chasing after him!

"Go! Go chase and kill them!"

With some long legs with colorful colors on his body, he stood up abruptly, then raised his arms and shouted loudly at the people around him!

As he shouted loudly, the members of the Qingque tribe here got up one after another, took their weapons, and together with their long legs, jumped out from behind the bunker!

Follow the fleeing Red Tiger tribe people to chase and fight!

"Kill these turtle grandchildren! Kill these turtle grandchildren!"

On the way to the hunt, someone screamed loudly, with red eyes!

In the fierce battle just now, although the members of the Qingque tribe have always had the upper hand, some people still suffer.

Quite a few people were stunned, and two others were seriously injured!

So these people from the Qingque tribe are all red eyes at this time!

If I wanted to kill these turtles, I chased these people all the way!

A new chase war kicked off once again.

After a while, the Qingque tribe people who had been chasing all the way from the direction of the road also rushed to the Red Tiger tribe.

Under the narration of a Qingque tribe who stayed here waiting, some of the Qingque tribes who came after them came to the Red Tiger Tribe to take over the Red Tiger Tribe and give the food to them. Take care of the children of the Red Tiger tribe who remain in the tribe!

As for the rest, they all chased after the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

During this process, there were people from the Red Tiger tribe who were familiar with the situation around the tribe and had already turned their hearts to the Qingque tribe, and took the initiative to act as a guide.

Lead the way in front, look for a relatively flat and easy walk, and chase in a closer direction.

In order to catch up with the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others...

As this chase battle was unfolding, a group of people were approaching quietly in the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe.

This group of people is nothing else, but a group of people from the Red Tiger tribe!

In the previous large-scale chase, the members of the Red Tiger tribe were chased away.

Most of them ran with the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, while others turned away in a hurry.

Some people who were scattered were caught by the Qingque tribe.

Some escaped by chance and escaped.

These people who sneaked into the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe are some of the lucky ones...


A person who had a high status in the Red Tiger tribe at the beginning, said this way.

What he meant was that the people of the Qingque tribe were chasing the people of their tribe, and the tribe must be very empty.

I waited for someone to come over at this time and went to attack the Blue Sparrow Tribe. Not only could I avenge the witches of my tribe, but I could also get a lot of food from the Blue Sparrow Tribe!

Let the people of your tribe have enough food!

The raising of this statement immediately made these people of the Red Tiger tribe shine!

This is indeed a very good way!

Has a high feasibility!

Think about it carefully, the more you think about it, the more reasonable it becomes!

With such excitement, and the great dream of fulfilling the great wishes, these people from the Red Tiger tribe went all the way to the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe.

On the way, they also encountered a few scattered people from the Red Tiger tribe.

After meeting, this person will tell them about his great plan.

Then these people, inspired by this great plan of his, joined their team, and together they headed towards the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe where not many people existed in the imagination, and came to the Qingque tribe. Aside.

After coming here, secretly looking at the people on the wall of the Qingque tribe, the cheerful emotions in the hearts of these people in the Red Tiger tribe were a little lagging.

Because there are still people in the Tieshan residential area, it is quite different from the situation where there are basically no people in their imagination.


Someone spoke quietly, asking the person who kept telling people about his great plan, to see what to do next.

Should I retreat from here, or continue to do this as I said before.


The man shook the weapon he was holding in the handshake and spoke like this.

What he meant was that although there were still some people in the Qingque tribe, compared with the previous time, there were already too many people!

Moreover, the strong people in their tribe have all gone to chase the people of their tribe.

Those who stay in the tribe are not strong people!

Waiting for someone, suddenly rushed out at this time, these unsuspecting people will be surprised!

Waiting for others, taking advantage of the situation, rushed over, and would surely be able to attack the Qingque tribe very smoothly!

As long as they can attack and enter the Qingque tribe, they and others can easily kill the people of the Qingque tribe!

So, don’t have to be afraid, just take a weapon and follow him to do it together!

Hearing what this man said, the people of the Red Tiger tribe who followed, couldn't help but nod their heads again.

This is really very, very reasonable!

This person from his tribe is not wrong at all!

Just wait for someone to rush up and it's over!

There is nothing wrong with listening to this person from your tribe!

Therefore, under this person's flicker, these people in the Red Tiger tribe became excited one after another.

They took the weapon, the person who lost the original weapon, picked up the stone from the ground, fold down the tree stick as a weapon, and screamed towards the Qingque tribe’s Tieshan residential area.

With an indomitable momentum, and extremely strong confidence.

"Clang Klang~"

Above the wall of Tieshan residential area ~www.NovelMTL.com~ a gong sounded.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The Qingque tribe on the fence shouted excitedly, full of strong admiration!

The Son of God is the Son of God!

It is extremely unusual!

It is unexpected that the people of the Red Tiger tribe will come to such a hand!

Right now, some people lying on the fence resting on their feet stood up.

In the courtyard with the gate closed, people who were sitting on something, also threw away their work and rushed to the wall!

"The cat is at the waist! Wait until the people outside get close to the wall before they show up and start fighting! Don't scare them away!"

An unscrupulous son of God gave such instructions very promptly.

The people of the Qingque tribe followed the instructions of their **** son.

As a result, on the wall of the Qingque tribe, a very deserted scene appeared-the people of the Qingque tribe kept warning, but the number of people defending on the wall did not increase much, it looked very thin!

Looking at the situation like this, the people of the Red Tiger tribe who rushed towards here became even more excited!

Especially the leader, after some analysis, the person who made such a decision even raised his head high when he was running!

A tangled hair, dancing with the wind brought up by running.

Although Rejoice is not used, this person is still so confident!

"Bangbang Bang..."

When these Red Tiger tribesmen were about to rush to the wall to keep up, a clapper suddenly sounded above the wall!

Many people just emerged from behind the wall, smiling at the confident Red Tiger tribe people...


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