I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1127: These turtles are going to run!

"Kill! Kill them!"

"The Son of God!"

"Ah! You dogs!"


The people on the wall of the Qingque tribe went crazy.

Under their full, extremely concerned and worried gaze, the red tiger tribe maiden, raised her hand and suddenly stabbed Han Cheng with a cane-like weapon in her hand, and Han Cheng immediately bent over and screamed. , The people of the Qingque tribe above the wall, instantly collect red eyes!

God son!

That is the most respected and beloved son of their tribe, who is guarded by them!

Now, there are people who have swung weapons at their tribe's most beloved **** son!

Just like this stabbed at their **** son!

How unforgivable it is, how angry it is!

The people of the Qingque tribe above the wall went crazy at this moment!

Even some of the gods who knew their tribe, before they went out, were already well-prepared members of the Qingque tribe, when faced with such a thing, they were full of fright and anger!


Some other words were mixed in this angry roar that was yelled out in general.

The people who roared out such words were the people of the Red Tiger tribe who stayed in front of the wall and witnessed the murder of their tribe maidens!

At this moment, these people in the Red Tiger tribe are really angry!

There are some grievances in the anger!

The Qingque tribe possesses the ability and power to destroy its tribe directly!

In addition, many people in the Qingque tribe have had great enmities for their tribe and have suffered their own tribe!

It was because of the request of others, that the kind-hearted son of God decided not to take action directly, but chose to withstand a lot of pressure and let the people in the tribe stop attacking. As long as the people in their tribe retreat, they can not pursue the offense of their tribe. thing.

Facing the extremely rude request of the maiden of his own tribe, the kind **** son can completely ignore it!

It is entirely possible to order the people in the tribe to shoot the Miko!

But the son of God did not do this!

But because of the existence of myself and others, in order to take care of myself and others' emotions, I still agreed to the unreasonable request of my tribe witch!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to take risks, personally got off the wall and walked out of the wall to meet the witches of my tribe!

What a kindness this is!

What a sacrifice has been made!

However, what did the witches of their tribe do? !

This is simply a beast!

Do not!

It's not as good as a beast!

She is not the witch of her tribe either!

She is not worthy!

These people from the Red Tiger tribe are roaring here!

Even after witnessing a few people from Xiongyou Er, quickly controlling the witches of the Red Tiger tribe, and quickly executing them, the anger in the hearts of these people of the Red Tiger tribe has not diminished at all!

In this angry roar, the people standing on the wall and ready for battle, the weapons in their hands, pouring down towards the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others standing in the distance!

It's just that the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others are far away from the wall.

Such attacks had already landed before they reached their side.

"Go down and beat them!"

Someone roared.

Turn around and ran under the wall.

As a result, the people of the Qingque tribe above the wall turned around and went down the wall, rushing all the way, carrying their weapons towards the people of the Red Tiger tribe outside.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe who were waiting on the wall were filled with righteous indignation. They shouted, and ran down the wall with the people of the Qingque tribe, and killed the leader of the Red Tiger tribe outside. The Red Tiger tribe led by people!

At this moment, they no longer regard themselves as members of the Red Tiger tribe!

At this time, the people of the Red Tiger tribe who were led by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe on the opposite side were no longer in the same tribe with them!


"You people stop me!"

At this time, a cry sounded.

The person who made this shout was Mao.

What he faced was a group of Qingque tribe archers who had red eyes and also wanted to run down the wall to avenge the son of God and kill the opposite Red Tiger tribe!

When Han Cheng came down the wall and tied wooden boards and other defensive equipment to his body, he was ordered by Han Cheng to re-attach the wall to execute the order.

"This is the order of the Son of God! The Son of God asked me to come back again, just let me convey this order to you!

The reason is to worry that all of you will have red eyes and rushed down, no one is here to defend! "

"You are all staying here! Defending with your heart!

As soon as I saw a **** Red Tiger tribe man, rushed from there, rushed within the shooting range, and shot these dog days with the bow and arrow in my hand!

Shoot all these **** guys into hedgehogs! "

Mao, who also had red eyes, said loudly to the archers above the wall.

Then he held the big bow with feather arrows and stared at the people of the Red Tiger tribe on the opposite side!

At this time, only Han Cheng's orders can hold people down, so that these blood-filled green bird tribesmen can stop running down the wall, rushing to the footsteps of the red tiger tribes opposite, and endure the great impulse. , Staying on the wall, staring at the Red Tiger tribe people on the opposite side, looking forward to them, they can be a kind person!

Being able to not run away at such a time, but rush towards the wall of his tribe!

In just an instant, the entire Qingque tribe’s residential area was completely ignited!

It is really the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who has died, too good at finding targets, too good at doing things!

Seeing his tribe man with rage, red eyes, and weapons, running out of the tribe all the way, Han Cheng with a hole in the clothes on his chest, was a little stunned for a while.

Was it a bit too much just now?

Han Cheng was very worried about the people of his tribe, so he rushed towards the Red Tiger tribe and would suffer a lot of harm.

But at this time, even if it was him, he couldn't stop the people in the tribe and reorganize the team!

Under Han Cheng's worried gaze, something unexpected happened to Ling's Han Cheng!

In such an angry running and charging, there was a simple cooperation between the Qingque tribe people carrying various weapons.

A person holding a weapon such as a spear will subconsciously lean behind the person holding a cane shield.

The person holding the vine shield will also subconsciously hold the vine shield with the bronze thorns in his hand, covering himself and the person holding the spear next to him!

This is the result of the tribe’s long-term training.

Propaganda tirelessly over and over, training these simple movements tirelessly over and over again.

After a long time, the people in the tribe have formed a conditioned reflex!

For example, now, these people in the tribe respond this way when they are in such a crisis, which is a manifestation of the results of training for a long time!

In the Tieshan residential area, many of the staff are externally recruited only this year.

But their training has not been left behind.

On the one hand, it was because the Qingque tribe had already had a training mechanism, and on the other hand, Han Cheng knew that his tribe would have a battle with the Red Tiger tribe sooner or later.

So while recruiting these people into the tribe and letting these people work for the tribe, there is no relaxation in training these things!

The training carried out during these hours worked.

In this chaotic moment like this, although their cooperation is far inferior to the cooperation between the hands of the old people of the Qingque tribe, they still know some cooperation.

It's not like fighting each other in the same way.

This little bit may seem trivial, but if you really put it on the battlefield, you will be able to discover how much effect such a little can produce!

After discovering this detail and seeing a lot of people holding bows and arrows above the wall, where they were on guard, the heart that Han Cheng held up was put down.

Although the situation is somewhat out of control, it is not too chaotic, and it is still within control.

The red-eyed people were not only the members of the Qingque tribe, but were led by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, and in accordance with the orders of the Red Tiger tribe maiden, among the members of the Red Tiger tribe who were waiting and holding weapons but did not follow. There are also many people, after witnessing the failure of the assassination of their tribe's witches, and then tragically dying under the frenzied attack of the Blue Sparrow tribe, their eyes suddenly became red!

The emotions of anger and sadness rose from the hearts of all of them at this moment, making their foreheads jump non-stop!


Someone yelled, and they were about to rush forward to kill the bluebird tribe villains who killed their tribe witches!


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe also roared loudly!

Holding the mace in one hand, he stretched out his hand to pull the man from his tribe back, and then shed tears while screaming desperately at the commotion of his tribe man!


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe was roaring desperately. As he roared, there were people with red eyes in the crowd. He wiped his eyes with his arms, and then turned to the direction of his tribe. , Rushed away.

After just running out a few steps, this person couldn't help crying!

However, his footsteps did not stop, he was still running hard.

On the way to the run, howling and crying, his voice hoarse, like a lone wolf who has lost his race!

Two tears fell, fell to the ground, and shattered!

What the chief of the Red Tiger tribe screamed roughly meant, what do you want to do? !

You guys don't run fast!

Have you forgotten the confession of the witch not long ago? !

Are you trying to make the Miko die for nothing? Do you want your tribe to be completely destroyed? !

If you don't want this, just run!

Don't stay here again!

As the red-eyed red tiger tribe leader kept screaming loudly, those who wanted to rush up to follow the Qingque tribe well, and the red tiger tribe people who had a good fight, began to turn around in large numbers toward the direction of the tribe, and rushed fast. go with.

Howling and crying while running!

Cry loud!

Faced with such a scene, even Han Cheng couldn't help but lose consciousness for a while, and a shocking emotion arose in his heart.

"Hurry up and catch them! These turtles and grandchildren are going to run!"

The bear standing not far from Han Cheng had ears. When he saw what the Red Tiger tribe people were doing, he couldn't help shouting!

While yelling in his mouth, he carried a bronze hammer in one hand, and chased after the fast Red Tiger tribe who was running in a loud cry!

The remaining nine people, after leaving two guards by Han Cheng's side, all took their weapons towards the retreating Red Tiger tribe and chased them away!

These turtles!

Standing here watching the witches in the tribe assassinate the **** son of their tribe, want to run?

Where is such a simple thing? !

Seeing the chase that had already taken place in this instant, Han Cheng was a little lost for a while.

He originally thought that the people of the Red Tiger tribe would stay here with the people of his tribe, after a good fight, and then retreat, but he did not expect that he did not even fight, and witnessed the death of their tribe's maiden. , These people just turned around and ran away!


Xiong has ears and legs, running fast and catching up with a Red Tiger tribe behind the runner. Apart from anything else, he jumped up, rounded his arms, and smashed it with a hammer like that!

With just one click, he directly smashed a hole in the head of this Red Tiger tribe!


A bang followed.

This is a member of the Red Tiger tribe on the side. Seeing that the members of his tribe were overthrown, and he didn’t have much chance to run away, so he didn’t leave. He stopped here and held his hand inside. His weapon pierced the bear with ears!

At this time, Xiong You'er had just hammered and killed a member of the Red Tiger tribe, and he had no time to react too much!

At this moment, a big shield with a bronze spike on one side suddenly stretched out from the side, blocking Xiong You Er's body!

Blocked this extremely vicious attack for him!

The bear who sees these eyes has ears~www.NovelMTL.com~ At this time, the energy has been slowed down, and the whole person has become particularly angry!

His right hand turned suddenly, the bronze hammer he was holding left his palm, and he flew out toward the Red Tiger tribe who had just launched an attack on him!

The bronze hammer with immense strength hit this man's heart directly, and the Red Tiger tribe man fell to the ground when he hit it!

Before the fallen Red Tiger tribe man stood up, some people rushed to hold him firmly, and touched the rope from his waist, skillfully and quickly bound him to a firm!


With the sound of bowstrings, a feather arrow shot out!

A man from the Red Tiger tribe who was crying and running ahead, fell down!

Without even looking at this person, Han Youshu once again drew a feather arrow from his waist backpack...

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