I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1126: The Death of the Red Tiger Tribe Miko (2 in 1)

The Red Tiger Tribe witch is extremely determined.

After Han Cheng walked up to her, she didn't even say a word, didn't hesitate for a minute, so she directly pierced the weapon she was holding into Han Cheng's chest!

At this time, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe used tremendous power!

She leaned forward vigorously, her arms stretched out, and there were even some veins on her arms violently!

At this time, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was extremely determined!

With a deadly momentum!

In the hands of the bronze-pointed, crutches-like thing, before the **** son of the Blue Sparrow tribe hadn’t reacted, it pierced his chest fiercely, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, not only did not kill anyone. Fear, on the contrary, some smiles appeared on her face.

Use something to pierce the left chest, as long as you pierce it hard, then the person will die!

Very simple kind!

The witches of the Red Tiger tribe knew this.

After all, their tribe has existed for a long time, and it has not been a good tribe. In this process, their tribe has killed many people.

It is precisely because more people have been killed.

Therefore, the people of the Red Tiger tribe gradually gained some experience and knew some positions, which were very deadly positions!

As long as you come on hard, people will die!


When the red tiger tribe maiden showed some smiles on her face, the weapon that was stabbed by her forcefully and carrying great power also fell into place!

The bronze thorn on the front of the stick smashed Han Cheng's cloth that was used as clothes to sag into the bottom.

Then I pierced it and hit the cane armor inside!

The vine armor removed the enormous power carried on the bronze spikes.

But the top of the bronze thorn was too sharp, and the front end came out from the gap in the vine armor, and it was nailed to the wooden board that was tied to the body by Han Cheng behind the vine armor!

The vibration and the impact that followed came along.

Han Cheng's body shook with this vibration.

Then the whole person's back bends uncontrollably!


At the same time, there was a sound of pain, and some screams came from his mouth!

After the weapon with a bronze thorn that she held in her hand and was stabbed fiercely by herself, it was heavily pierced into the chest of the **** child of the Blue Sparrow tribe, the smile on the face of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe disappeared. .

Because from the sound of the stab just now, and from the touch, it seems that what I stabs is not a human body!

However, the **** of the Blue Sparrow tribe in front of him, with his fierce stabbing, his body arched suddenly, and the scream that came out of his mouth, he was telling him that she had just given her life just now. The attack caused great damage to the **** son of the Qingque tribe!

This kind of contradictory situation and feelings came together, and the witches of Ling's Red Tiger tribe were a little confused for a while, and some did not understand what the situation was!

But at this moment, under his own violent blow, the screaming son of the Qingque tribe, who was beaten, bowed and screamed, raised his head and showed her brilliant, but with some weirdness. Smile.

With such a smile, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was shocked, and the whole person subconsciously felt that there seemed to be something wrong!

Ah~! "

At this moment, with a smile on his face, he looked at her blue bird tribe **** son, opened his mouth, and screamed again.

What makes people feel weird is that when they screamed like this, the face of the **** child of the Qingque tribe also wore a thick smile!

Can't see the slightest pain!

With such a weird thing, Ling's Red Tiger tribe's witch shook her heart, and a very bad feeling suddenly rose from her heart, and then enveloped her whole person!

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe became flustered and confused. She felt that she had been played by this damn, not strong man in front of her!

The embarrassment of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe only lasted for a short period of time. The next moment, her arms suddenly used force again, pulling the weapon that was pierced out, and she was still screaming like crazy in her mouth!

The performance of the **** child of the Qingque tribe made her feel very bad!

Such a bad feeling, mixed with despair, made the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe hysterical and crazy!

Stimulated by this strong feeling, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe decided not to think about other things, but to completely kill the damned and extremely uncomfortable person in front of them regardless !

So she drew her weapon forcefully, ready to continue stabs outside, and stab the **** guy in front of her with more than ten or twenty blood holes!

The idea of ​​the Red Tiger Tribe maiden did not succeed.

Because she didn't pull out the weapon that stabbed Han Cheng's body!

When she bitterly pierced Han Cheng with the weapon in her hand and Han Cheng arched her body, Han Cheng had already used both hands to grasp the handle of the weapon stabbed by the Red Tiger Tribe witch. !

Han Cheng's physique is indeed not that strong, and his strength is not particularly great.

But it depends on whom it is compared with.

When the person standing opposite was the witch of the Red Tiger tribe, such an old woman who looked a little dying, Han Cheng's strength was still very large!

At least he won't let such a person compare himself!

Later generations had a jingle called punching Nanshan Nursing Home, kicking Beihai Kindergarten, one meter below, all fell down!

He stomped in the morgue and stood up for me unconvinced!

Not even one who dares to vent their anger!

It sounds daunting and domineering, but it can still reveal some truth.

For example, the power comparison between young and old.

This is the meaning of old people who don’t use their muscles and bones as strong.

Han Cheng gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. With a sudden force on his arms, he firmly grasped the weapon stuck on his body and said he would not let go!

I can't compare to a young and strong young man, can I not even compare to an old lady like you?

This is a joke!

The maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe is also a simple person.

After using his hand for several consecutive times and failing to pull out the weapon that was pierced on the Qingque tribe **** child, he stopped snatching it.

She let go of her hand decisively, and then she fitted her body and leaped back towards the **** child of the Qingque tribe, who bowed and followed her release.

Prepare to throw this **** guy down, and then use his missing teeth to bite the **** guy's throat open!

Thinking hard in her heart, the mad Red Tiger Tribe maiden had already come to Han Cheng's body!


A muffled sound followed, and the red tiger tribe maiden who fitted her body suddenly stiffened. After shaking, she fell directly to the ground!

A tall bear with ears appeared beside Han Cheng, carrying a bronze hammer with a hammer head about the size of a goose egg in one hand.

Among them, the bronze hammer he was holding on his right hand was still stained with these blood. There was also some blood splashing on his body and chest!

No matter how iron a human head is, it cannot be hard metal.

Even in the Qingque tribe, there is no metal iron if you can smash the iron head of a walnut with your own head!

Therefore, under this collision, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe were immediately battered!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who fell uncontrollably on the ground, her eyes had become extremely red.

She forcibly endured the dizziness and intense pain from above her head, struggling to crawl not far away where Han Cheng was standing.

At this moment, the rest of her eyes were gone, only a pair of legs were left!

A pair of legs belonging to the **** son of the Qingque tribe!

"Puff puff puff~"

A series of sounds, followed by continuous sound, this is the movement of sharp objects pierced into the meat!

It was not just the bear who came out with Han Cheng.

In addition to bears with ears, there are nine others.

After the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly committed a murder, she rushed toward this side to rescue the **** son of their tribe from danger. Not only the bear had ears, but the other nine people also rushed for the first time. Come here!

Although they knew that the gods of their tribe were wearing thick protective clothing and the defensive measures were in place, the sudden behavior of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe still stirred their nerves!

Especially the abruptly arched body of the **** son, and the miserable howling sound that made them even more so that their hearts were pulled to the extreme at this moment!

After Xiong You'er made a heavy hammer and smashed the Red Tiger Tribe Maiden to the ground, the rest of the people who rushed over were frightened and furious!

What they hold in their hands is an iron gun made from coal dug by people from the Red Tiger tribe, iron ore is smelted, and then processed many times!

The tip of the gun is sharpened!

These frightened people, when they discovered that the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe dared to attack their tribe's **** son, they had already become reckless. Under such circumstances, naturally there was nothing left to talk about!

The red tiger tribe maiden's body is just surrounded by some animal skins, and it is not like the Han Da **** child of the blue bird tribe who is not afraid of danger, wrapped in layer after layer of defense.

Of course, animal skins can't defend against iron spears!

The iron spear containing anger and great power pierced the animal skin and easily pierced into the flesh of the red tiger tribe maiden.

The power contained in the iron spear did not disappear because of this. They pierced all the way, piercing the red tiger tribe maiden's body and nailing her to the ground by the way!

A lot of blood poured out.

The red tiger tribe maiden's mouth, nose, and eyes also had blood overflowing.

Being nailed to the ground, she couldn't help but let out a very scream.

Severe pain continued to flow from all parts of her body, and the Red Tiger Tribe maiden was not so awake, her eyes were blurred, and the world she saw became bloody!

The strength quickly passed from her body, making her weak.

Even if it has become what it is now, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe still has her eyes fixed on her feet!

Those feet belong to the **** son of the Qingque tribe!

She touched the ground with trembling hands and tried her best to come to these feet.

But this is simply an impossible luxury for her with her body on the ground!

I didn't kill this **** guy till I died!

He did not eradicate evil for the people in the tribe until he died!

He did not avenge those who died in the tribe until he died!

He didn't have a way out for the people living in the tribe until he died!



The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who was nailed to the ground, bloody, screamed desperately, and howled!

Tears of regret and unwillingness gush out like a spring.

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared!

This person who led the Red Tiger tribe, who had gone on for many years, died in this way, with strong regret and unwillingness!

Using his hand to forcefully pull out the weapon belonging to the Red Tiger Tribe witch, Han Cheng looked at the Red Tiger Tribe maiden who was nailed to the ground with a lot of blood and tears. , There was some silence for a while.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is undoubtedly a more remarkable person.

What I did in the end also made people feel silent.

But many times in this world, things cannot be distinguished by simple right and wrong, good and bad.

The most fundamental thing is interest, which is the position between each other.

If it wasn't for interest, Han Cheng might be able to meet the witch of the Red Tiger tribe with a smile, and stretched out his hand, holding it together with her very kindly.

But now, the witch of the Red Tiger tribe is dead.

The maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe died, and Han Cheng did not feel happy~www.NovelMTL.com~ Killing has never been a thing that can make people feel relaxed and happy, even if it is an enemy who kills the enemy!

Of course, except for a very small number of people who are no longer in this [new fo] column.

But despite this, Han Cheng has no regrets.

If things can happen again, he will still choose to do so without hesitation!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe will still die!

If necessary, he would even kill the witches of the Red Tiger tribe himself!

Still the same sentence, many things, not about the original mind, not about the rest, only about the interests, only about the position!

Speaking these words bluntly like this may seem cold, indifferent, and unacceptable.

But the truth of the matter is like this!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe died, but this does not mean the end of the matter...

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