I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1128: Stealing Home (2 in 1)

"You start from the small road, hurry up all the way, and come to the Red Tiger tribe first!

A large number of people from the Red Tiger tribe, including the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, occupied the place where the Red Tiger tribe lived before returning to the tribe!

After getting there, concentrate your strength to gather the remaining food in the Red Tiger tribe, rely on favorable terrain, and defend!

The Red Tiger tribe cannot get these foods! "

Here in the Tieshan residential area of ​​the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng, who was too late to change his clothes, explained this to the eighty people in front of him.

"You won't defend for too long, at most one hour, you can get there if you chase the person behind you!

Support you! "

"Hurry up!"

After explaining the matter, Han Cheng urged these people in the tribe like this.


The leader of a group of people said loudly, and then led the rest of them, turning around and copying paths to the Red Tiger tribe without stopping.

Go for a sneak attack on the red tiger tribe’s nest!

Seeing these people who were leaving quickly, Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Things in the world are ever-changing, and even Han Cheng himself didn't fully anticipate that today's event would develop to the point it is now.

Many things are arranged by Han Cheng based on what happened.

For example, under his orders, he is heading all the way to the Red Tiger tribe to attack the lair!

Food is an extremely important strategic resource.

Especially when this money has not yet begun to appear and circulate!

So Han Cheng made this arrangement as soon as he reacted.

Taking the lead in taking the food from the Red Tiger tribe and turning it into their own tribe, not only can take the opportunity to increase the strength of their tribe, but they can also attack the Red Tiger tribe extremely effectively.

The blow to the morale of the Red Tiger tribe was also extremely huge.

Han Cheng stood here, looking towards the messy but basically quiet Tieshan residential area for a while, then turned around and walked towards the tribe.

Han Cheng stopped when he walked in front of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe with many blood holes and piles.

After standing here and watching the witches of the Red Tiger tribe in silence for a while, Han Cheng sighed.

"Buy her!"

Han Cheng confessed to those around him.

After confessing such a sentence, Han Cheng kept walking towards the gate of Tieshan residential area under his feet.

After hearing Han Cheng's words, people around Han Cheng didn't react for a while.

I don't know why the **** son of my tribe would treat the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who tried to assassinate him not long ago.

Such a **** guy, shouldn't it be burned in a fire?

Although puzzled in his heart, two people were still separated, dragging the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe with their hands, all the way towards the outskirts of the residential area.

He randomly found a pothole and threw the witch from the Red Tiger tribe into it.

Then he dug up some soil with bronze shovel to cover it, completely covering the body of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe!

After doing this, the two of them stood on it again and jumped to make the soil stronger.

Then one person was ready to go back.

Another person reached out and pulled him.

This person was puzzled and didn't know what his companion wanted to do.

Haven't the two of them already buried the witches of the Red Tiger tribe in accordance with the order of the **** son, haven't the tasks been completed?

What is this guy holding himself to not let him go?

I was thinking this way in my heart, but when I saw this guy who was holding him and not letting him go, he started to untie his clothes!

And it is the clothes of the lower body!

Such a scene fell in the eyes of this doubtful person, and he couldn't help being surprised. The whole person flashed abruptly to one side?

What does this guy want? !

The next moment, the person who stretched out his hand to untie his trouser belt has already given him the answer with practical actions.

A stream of yellow water leaned down from the body of the person who had untied the belt, and landed on the grave of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe that had just been buried.

"This person dared to assassinate the son of God, it is too cheap for her to be buried like this!"

Said this among the people, telling the truth about the matter.

When the man next to him heard this, he immediately felt relieved.

At the same time, a wave of enlightenment and support rose from my heart!

This is so special!

The son of God is kind, forgiving, and able to bury the body of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden after the Red Tiger Tribe maiden did such a thing.

However, the two of you are not gods!

The two of them won't forgive the Red Tiger Tribe maiden for what they did before!

Now, the two of them have buried the corpse of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden according to the order of the son of God, and have completed the order of the son of God, then it doesn't matter if the two of them sit on more other things, right?

Is it better than the current peeing behavior?

"let me do it!"

The person who figured out what was going on and figured it out couldn't help but feel very excited.

Then he threw down his tools and squeezed his companion who had no water to the side.

"I'm getting angry, my urine is yellow, and the smell is so big, let me get rid of it!"

As he spoke, he had already taken out the equipment.

Then a stream of water flowed out and hit the ground, agitating a bubble.

Sure enough, the taste is big and the color is yellow!

After doing this, the two people contentedly picked up the bronze shovel and other tools on the ground, and headed towards the inside of the wall where Tieshan lived together.

"God, we buried her."

After the two men returned to the wall of Tieshan's residential area, they said to Han Cheng who had already put that exaggerated defensive equipment on him.

Most primitive people can't hide things.

Han Cheng only needs to look at the two guys who went out to bury the corpses, and there are guys with uncontrollable joy on their faces, knowing that these two people must have done something else.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to bury a corpse and be happy to be like this!

"You two, what else did you do besides burying the body?"

Han Cheng asked.

At the same time, I suddenly remembered what I had heard about my Qingfeng illiterate empire in the future generations.

It's about after the old woman died, Sun used explosives to dig her grave.

Not only took away many precious burial objects such as gold, jewels and shells, but also the soldiers under his men, and took the opportunity to do something to the old woman.

After thinking of this kind of thing, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel agitated. The eyes of the two guys beside him couldn't help but change...

The two guys in your tribe, wouldn't they have such heavy tastes, did they do these very, very heavy things?

While feeling that the two guys in his tribe were extraordinarily beasts, Han Cheng's heart also developed some strong gossip feelings that could not be specifically spoken to people.

This is probably human dark psychology at work!

The two people who were secretly silly and happy suddenly heard Han Cheng ask such words, and suddenly became unhappy, and their expressions changed directly.

They want to deny, but when facing the son of God, they really don't have the courage to deny what they have done.

Lying to the Son of God will not be forgiven by themselves for themselves.

"God, Son of God, I, we still, have done other things..."

One person stammered a bit, and another person who was also nervous, stood there and nodded in agreement.

"I, we, and even peeed where she was buried..."

In Han Cheng's expectation with some dark mentality, the person who had spoken earlier stammered out the rest of the things they had done.

After speaking, he looked at Han Cheng nervously.


That's it?

When Han Cheng heard what the two of his tribe had said, he was immediately confused.

Is it worth stealing like this?

After being discovered by yourself, you are still very nervous?

Han Cheng didn't know how to comment on these two people in his tribe.

This, this is really a pure-hearted person, honest and cute...

"Forget it this time, don't do it next time!"

The son of Han Da solemnly reprimanded the two people here.

Hearing this, the two people nodded their heads again and again, saying that they would never do it again.

Seeing the two guys who went aside, Han Cheng shook his head vigorously.

Throw these messy things out of my mind.

What kind of mess is it?

A serious person like himself has been misguided to be so serious.

After so fiercely contemptuous in his heart, Han Cheng, who abandoned these unscrupulous thoughts, finally became serious again and put his mind on serious things.

Han Cheng, who was serious, turned his gaze from the open space outside the wall back to the wall.

There are almost a hundred people on the fence with weapons in their hands.

These people all gathered on the four gates of the closed Tieshan residential area.

The purpose is to prevent some people from the Red Tiger tribe who have run away and will kill them again and do some very bad things to the place where their tribe lives.

Not long ago, people were sent to the Red Tiger tribe. Those who stole their homes from the Red Tiger tribe naturally wanted to prevent the Red Tiger tribe from using such a hand against their tribe.

Otherwise, if the two tribes steal each other, it would be really sad!

When Tieshan residential area was being built, Han Cheng directly planned it to be very big.

After all, this place will be an important industrial area in the future, and the planning is too small.

One cannot just look at the present and not plan for the future.

In this case, problems are prone to occur.

Especially when it comes later.

People stand in the present time and look at the future, only to feel that they are very far away from themselves later.

However, only those who have experienced it will know that it will not be far from you later.

Often it’s already here before you start to prepare...

It was quiet here in the Tieshan residential area. When Han Cheng sat on the wall and thought about things with a curled leg, the distance was not quiet.

Because the war that broke out between the Qingque tribe and the Red Tiger tribe is not over yet.

The chase continues.

Chasing all the way, battles happen from time to time.

But what happened was small-scale battles.

Because these people who stayed to fight against the Qingque tribe were either those who had no strength to continue running, or they were intercepted by the Qingque tribe, and lost contact with the large troops on the run. People who run away from chance.

In this chasing battle, not only the people of the Red Tiger tribe and the Qingque tribe, but also the people of the nest tribe were bleeding!

Youchao tribe is located between the Tieshan residential area of ​​Qingque tribe and Honghu tribe. It is a place that must be passed by the road opened.

People who run away often don't think about too many things when they run away.

Therefore, there are many nest tribes who are working underground and have not had time to climb the tree house. They are suffering.

After the people of the Red Tiger tribe rolled over, and the chasing soldiers of the Qingque tribe rolled over, there was a lot of sadness left.

Of those who had not had time to climb the tree house before the sudden incident, four of them died instantly.

Seven others suffered varying degrees...

People with nest tribes are frightened, angry, and sad when faced with this situation.

While the deep sadness rose, there was also a lot of helplessness that rose from the heart.

Who is provoking someone in your own tribe!

Are you about to suffer such a disaster?

I don't know that the fire at the gate of the city has caused the allusion of Chiyu to have a nest tribe, and his heart is full of strong indignation and sadness.

The old priest of the nest tribe looked at the miserable people in his tribe, and the whole person trembled slightly.

What made him tremble was not only the few people who died and wounded in the tribe, but also the terrifying and shocking scene he saw with his own eyes not long ago!

A war broke out between the Red Tiger Tribe and the Green Bird Tribe!

There was a time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ because of some things that happened in their tribe, the old priests of the nest tribe, once thought more than once, if there was a war between the green bird tribe and the red tiger tribe, What a wonderful thing that should be!

In this case, these two huge tribes that are overwhelming their own tribes can be weakened, and the future survival and development of their tribes will become very easy.

However, when this thing really happened like this without warning, the dead people in the tribe with some warm corpses told him clearly that the facts did not seem to be like this!

Even if these two tribes are fighting, their tribe is still vulnerable!

Still can't change the weak facts!


After thinking about this for a while, the old priest of the nest tribe yelled...


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