I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1071: Urinate and defecate anywhere, confiscate tools!

(For a book friend, I am a primitive person when I enter the pit, I will give you more rewards)

The two legs of the leader of the Liya tribe were constantly moving back and forth, driving his body, and quickly approaching the wall of the Qingque tribe.

The wall that didn't look very high in the distance before, now looks much more majestic.

Moreover, unlike ordinary mountains, these mountains are too steep, going straight up and down.

The most uncomfortable thing is that the surface of these mountain walls is so smooth that there is no way to climb.

Even so, the leader of the Liya tribe didn't panic at all and was still rushing forward.

Because he believed that when he got there, there would be a way out.

The people of this tribe can climb on such a mountain wall, and the people of their tribe must be able to climb it too!

Everyone is a human being, and no one is noble than anyone else. When the stone in the hand is pierced into the body, it will die the same!

It is unreasonable that these people can come to such a mountain wall, but the people of their tribe cannot.


Facts have proved that the people of their tribe really can't get up to such a mountain wall!

The leader of the Liya tribe, and the people of the Liya tribe who came afterwards, after trying for a while, suddenly became a little desperate.

It is more desperate than facing the nest tribe that caused their tribe to suffer a lot!

Although the place where the nest tribe lives is high, as long as they are close, they can still climb up the tree.

But now, facing these straight up and down mountain walls, they really have no ability to climb up!

However, after experiencing such a long and cruel life, these people in the Liya tribe are no longer the same as when they faced the nest tribe before.

If it were in the past, facing such a situation, the people of the Liya tribe would definitely retreat quickly.

But now, after experiencing so many things, faced with such a situation, the people of the Liya tribe not only did not rush away, they could even walk around here and then again. Under the leadership of the leader, he slowly backed away.

The Shangqingque tribe people on the wall watched the operations of these uninvited guests.

As early as when these people started to rush towards their tribal wall, the Qingque tribe people who stood on it and were ready, already wanted to throw the weapon they were holding against them.

It was Han Cheng who stopped them.

This is of course not that Han Cheng is bad-hearted, but that today is the first day of the new year. Although it doesn't matter what you actually do, I still feel that it is better not to kill in this special day.

Therefore, the above restrained the people in the tribe and did not let them do it immediately.

He wanted to see what these people wanted to do.

If they are not doing too much, just let them leave.

For this reason, the Liya tribe below can leave without a problem after being forced here.

If not, according to the temperament and strength of the Qingque tribe people, there is no such a good past.

Seeing these people who were clearly intending to attack their tribe just now, under the noses of the others, they left swaggeringly. Above the wall, many people from the Qingque tribe felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

But thinking about it, I feel that what the son of God said is very correct.

In such a good day, if oneself and others did something like this, the tribe they got was bloody, and it was very unsightly.

Not only affects the mood, but also affects this holiday somewhat.

It's really cheap for these people!

Many members of the Qingque tribe thought this in their hearts.

The leader of the Liya tribe, with the people in the tribe, walked forward for a while, and looked at the distance between himself and others and those standing on the strange mountain wall. After he felt that it was far enough, Just stopped.

Then he stretched out his hand to untie the animal skins surrounding his lower body.

There were not many indecent things remaining frozen, facing the strange mountain wall and the people on the mountain wall, a yellowish water column surged out.

This is a common trick used by people from the Liya tribe. The purpose is to use this behavior to attract those who are hiding in the cave or in other positions that are not good for attacking, and let them come and attack themselves. Et al.

In this way, the two parties can be pulled to the same level, and their tribe can kill the people of the other tribes!

The rest of the Liya tribe, after seeing their leader's actions, all followed their leader's appearance and started similar operations.

All of a sudden, a series of water columns with different shades of color shot out in the direction of the Qingque tribe one after another.

However, this process did not go smoothly, because some female primitives were showered on their feet...

Although the feet were drenched, the effect was very good.

Standing on the wall and watching this scene, the Qingque tribe people were quickly filled with anger by this behavior.

This kind of behavior is really owed and irritating!

There is no such an insult!

The people in the Qingque tribe were all annoyed for a while, and they all wanted to give these damned guys a good meal.

Just remembering what the Son of God said not long ago, he hesitated, and worried that doing so would not conform to the wishes of the Son of God.


When he hesitated like this, he heard only the sound of a bowstring, and a feather arrow shot away from the wall, aimed at those who were doing excessive things.

"Kill them!"

Many people in the Qingque tribe are still thinking about who this is, and they have such courage. When they dare to do so without getting the order of the **** child, suddenly there is a voice of anger. The shouting sounded.

Listening to the voice, it is their **** son!

Many people turned their heads one after another and looked at the place where the sound was coming. They were seeing their **** son with a bow in one hand and the other pointing at the place where the group of people were, shouting in anger.

After seeing such a scene, the Qingque tribe people who were worried just now, who seemed hesitant, were shocked immediately and never hesitated anymore.

Now they started to shoot arrows and bow, aiming at those damned people!

Brother Er and a few people who like to use slings also filled the slings with stones, and then squeezed them vigorously on top of their heads, screaming, very powerful.

After spinning a few laps quickly, full of energy, and then let go of his hand, a projectile with great strength flew out!

The people of the Liya tribe certainly saw the reaction of the Qingque tribe, but they didn't panic at all.

Because they think they are far enough from the Qingque tribe, according to past experience, these people can't beat them at such a distance!

Even if they brought out many weapons that looked the same as the strange weapons used by the nest tribesmen, the Liya tribes were still not afraid.

Because before, they had seen the power of this weapon in the nest tribe.

Although this strange weapon looks strange, its power is just as powerful. It's just a little farther than a stone thrown by a human hand, and it's not much stronger!

Therefore, facing the people of the Qingque tribe and the Liya tribe who were standing on the wall, bending their bows and shooting arrows, not only did they not feel scared, but they also made their actions even more exaggerated.

Because they feel that the people of the Qingque tribe are already angry, so after they find that they can't beat themselves and others at all, these people will definitely come down from the strange mountain wall and chase them. Fight, and then they can kill these people face to face to get food!


Thinking beautifully in my heart, a round, baby fist-sized copper bullet rushed in the air, directly hitting the place where the leader of the Liya tribe had been shrunk a lot.


At the same time, there was a scream that did not seem to be human.

Almost at the next moment, the bronze bullet appeared from behind the leader of the Liya tribe.

It was stained with some blood, and it bounced on the ground, and then rolled forward a little before it stopped on the ground and stopped moving.

It is calm, but it does not mean that the rest is also calm.

For example, the leader of the Liya tribe hit by it.

At this time, the leader of the Liya tribe was lying on the ground with his hands firmly covering an important position, his body twisted vigorously, and his whole person bowed like a cooked shrimp.

There was red blood flowing out and staining the ground red.

His mouth was open and he made a "hoho" sound, but it was not loud.

Not long ago, he was arrogant to the extreme, and he challenged the people of the Qingque tribe in a fancy way. At this time, he can no longer be arrogant...

It is possible to use this kind of copper bullet against the enemy, and the accuracy of the head is still so high, basically reaching the level of where to hit which point, without asking, you can know who made it!

The second senior took a look at the Liya tribe leader who was extremely distorted on the ground, and then shifted his gaze to the rest of the people who were still standing and not even surrounded by animal skins.

In the process, he had already found a projectile and loaded it into the sling in his hand.

Then he lifted it above his head again without hesitation, and turned it quickly...

In just a moment of effort, the people of the Liya tribe suffered the first wave of arrows and bullets.

There are more than a dozen people recruited in this process.

Among them, like the leader of the Liya tribe, more than half of them belonged to the people who suffered heavy losses in key parts.

The people of the Qingque tribe didn't have such a habit in the past. Unlike Uncle Lu, they always like to greet key parts.

At this time, the reason for such a harsh hand is really because the Lifang tribesmen who have not yet surrounded the animal skins. The behavior just now was too irritating!

I don’t know if I can’t urinate anywhere!

I don’t know if our own tribe people come to feel, do we need to go to the toilet to solve it? !

Don’t you know that you have to confiscate your tools when you urinate and defecate anywhere? !

People from the Qingque tribe, the anger in their hearts is really beyond addictive!

I have never seen such a person who does not care about hygiene!

At the moment, one by one opened their bows and arrows, and shot at these people who were not hygienic at all and whose behavior was very angry.

Under their violent operation, these people in the Liya tribe were directly beaten out.

He and others are clearly so far away from these people, why were they hit? !

After being stunned for a while, someone reacted, and there was no time to utter panic shouts, and there was no time and mind to think about food and other things.

He turned around abruptly, and began to sprint towards the back.

It's just that the strong and powerful legs that used to be, but now they become weak and weak. Not to mention the slow running speed, they always give people a feeling of wanting to fall.

In this situation, there are not even ten people who can react like this!

Most of the others have been recruited, and some of those who have not been recruited have also been stunned and stupefied by this extremely sudden, extremely unexpected, and extremely **** thing.

Standing still, I forgot to turn around and run away!

However, these people who fled did not run far, so they were not running away.

Because the people of the Qingque tribe had already noticed them, and took advantage of the trend to shift the attack.

The bowstring of the claw bow trembled crazily, and the feather arrows shot out quickly, pouring out the anger of the Qingque tribe.

Under the continuous action of these flying feather arrows, the people of the Liya tribe who turned and fled in fright quickly became unable to run and fell to the ground one after another.

It was just a moment's effort, and there was no one standing on the ground in front of the Qingque tribe Jinguan City.

These people who came to look for food saw the food in their eyes.

But these foods are too powerful. Not only did they fail to get the food, but in an instant, they were defeated by these ‘food’...

"Open the door and go out to see some people.

Pay attention, people who go out must remember to put on rattan armor and helmets so that they don’t get injured at this time. "

Seeing that these people had been brought down, Han Cheng looked around for a while, and said this to the people around him after seeing no enemy coming.

Someone is now taking orders to do this.

As these people went down, not only did the number of people on the tribe’s wall not decrease, on the contrary, they increased.

This is because the people eating below heard the movement outside and knew that something bad had happened. Someone came to attack and provoke their tribe, so they speeded up their meal and ate the food in the bowl twice and twice. Finished, and then ran over the fence to help.

According to the scale of manpower here in Jinguan City, people like the Liya tribe are really abundant.

Thirty hits one, no one can use it all.

To borrow a phrase from Lao Li from northwestern Shanxi, Laozi has never fought such a battle of wealth!

Because of this, when arranging things, Han Chengcheng seemed much more casual.

A large number of people stood on the wall for defense, aiming at these people with bows and arrows to prevent them from dying but not stiff, and suddenly violent and wounding.

It is also a warning to see if these people have any accomplices.

After preventing the people of your tribe from leaving the city, there will be people and others killed from other places.

Another group of people wearing armor, holding weapons and ropes in their hands, left the tribe, struggling to the ground and wailing, or wailing while trying to run away, pressed them to the ground with brutal methods. , To tie it up.

These people looked really miserable at this time, especially the leader of the Liya tribe.

Closed tightly, a **** piece, obviously missing some parts.

Except for the endless aches and pains of the whole person, nothing else is left.

There is no longer the arrogant appearance of the previous provocation.

The outside of Jinguan City was very lively at this time, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves was like purgatory on earth.

There are people from the Blue Sparrow Alliance who only joined the Blue Sparrow Tribe last year, wanting to stab these offending tribes to death.

This is because, as the time to join the Qingque tribe continues to grow, these people are increasingly affected.

Unknowingly, pride rose in the heart of such a powerful tribe and some ideas in the tribe.

When confronted with a tribe offender, my thoughts and practices are quite different from those before, unknowingly, a lot more fierce.

On the other hand, I feel that these **** guys in front of me are doing too much!

However, this behavior was quickly stopped by the old members of the Qingque tribe with quick eyes and quick hands.

This kind of behavior, seeing those who have joined the Qingque tribe for not too long, was a bit astonished for a while.

According to the character of the tribe, such a thing shouldn't happen!

"Keep them and see if they can survive.

Those who survive will be treated as slaves to our tribe and work for our tribe! "

The old hand of the Qingque tribe explained this.

For those who are puzzled, this is relief.

And soon there was a deep agreement with this statement.

Compared to killing these people directly, this kind of successfully turning these people into slaves to their own tribe, and then letting these people continue to work for their own tribe, as a means of punishment, is indeed very extraordinary. Cost-effective and relieved...

The people of the Liya tribe were terrified.

This is not just because they have suffered an extremely surprising and devastating attack that they have never encountered before.

More importantly, the horrible and weird person in front of him, after tying them up, carried them into this weird cave.

The past experience told them what terrible things they will suffer in the future.

Before, although I felt that these things were the same.

Whether it is eating the rest of the same kind, or being eaten by someone, it is nothing more than that, there is nothing to fear.

But when I really wait for this moment to really come, when I become the one who is about to be eaten, I will suddenly become afraid...

Han Cheng asked people in the tribe who had received simple medical training to treat their wounds and bandage them, so as to save these people as much as possible.

Just standing here and watching the wounds dealt with for a while, Han Chengcheng left here.

He really couldn't stand it anymore.

Because looking at the injuries of these people always makes him feel the urge to step out of the cold, and the whole person can't help but tremble!

Walking out of the tribe and away from these people, the screams suddenly became much quieter.

Han Cheng felt a lot better.

Outside the tribe, someone was holding things like brass shovel, shackles, and brooms to clean up the blood stains outside the door.

The general procedure is to first use a copper shovel to scoop up the blood-stained soil and put it into the scorpion head on the side.

After the shovel is full, take it to another field.

Then shovel clean soil and padded it.

Step on it firmly with your foot.

Then someone will carry a broom to clean it and smooth it as much as possible.

Of course, apart from blood stains, some strange organs can occasionally be seen on the ground outside.

Although it's not big, but I can't help but feel shocked, and my hips are cold...

Han Cheng stood here and watched for a while, and saw that everyone in the tribe was doing it in an orderly manner. He didn't need to interrupt and command anything at all. After thinking about it, he prepared to return to the tribe.

After walking a few steps back, Han Cheng stopped again and came back to where he stood.

"Where are the weapons these people are carrying?"

Han Cheng asked someone who was holding a copper shovel.

"In the ditch over there, it's too crude and thrown away."

The man answered.

This person has joined the Qingque tribe for less than a year, but his vision has improved dramatically.

In the past, the weapons used by his original tribe were not as good as the weapons of the Liya tribe, but now, facing the weapons of the Liya tribe, he can't match it at all.

Han Cheng nodded, and walked towards the place the man said.

Seeing Han Cheng's behavior, this person couldn't help scratching his head with his hand.

He couldn't understand that the weapons of his tribe were already so advanced and so good, why did the son of God look for the infamous weapons of this tribe.

Han Cheng went looking for the weapons of this tribe, of course, not because he wanted to find a pleasing one among them. After selecting them, he would treat them as seized and treasured them.

It was that he suddenly remembered that most people in this era would use stones, wood, bones and other naturally occurring things to make weapons.

These guys who didn't know where they came from ~www.NovelMTL.com~ attacked the people of their tribe, naturally, they were no exception.

I’m not doing anything else. It’s better to be here instead of going back to the tribe to see the people in the tribe, to heal the wounded invaders, and to experience the chills of the hips. Check it and look for treasure.

It was just to pass the time and not let myself go back to the tribe to suffer such a crime.

As for what useful things can be found from such searching, Han Cheng really has no hope of returning.

After all, as early as before, in order to find iron ore, I had already inspected so many stones specially brought back by Mao and others, and I had never gained anything.

With this feeling, Han Cheng came here.

Simple weapons are randomly piled up here, and many of them are stained with blood.

Han Cheng picked up a relatively clean stick from the side, and started to pull it away at these weapons, a very casual kind...

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