I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1070: War on the first day of the year (2 in 1)

The dark night gradually brightened, and when the sky was still dim, the leader of the Liya tribe got up.

Many people from the tribe also got together.

This is not because the leader of the Liya tribe and the people of the Liya tribe are in good spirits and are not sleepy, but because the weather is so cold that they can't sleep at night.

Even if they had worked hard to find the leeward and covered their bodies with beast fur, the cold would inevitably burrow into their bodies.

They got up, but one of them couldn't get up again.

The body of this dead man was injured. Before that, he looked a little better, and everyone in the tribe was happy about it.

However, he did not expect that he would not be able to survive in the end.

Someone in the tribe died, but the members of the Liya tribe did not feel much sadness.

They still do what they do.

Someone added firewood to cook, and the smell of the meal spread far away.

Because of this person's death, the food of the Liya tribe has improved a lot.

It's not that the people of the Liya tribe are too unfeeling, it is true that too many people have died in their tribe these days, and they have also experienced too many deaths.

At the beginning, they would be very sad because of the death of the people in the tribe, and burn it with fire.

But afterwards, with more experience, people in the tribe gradually became numb.

The harsh living conditions made them no longer care about the many sorrows.

Moreover, afterwards, after the proposal of the leader of the Liya tribe, everyone in the tribe agreed collectively.

In the future, people in the tribe will die, they will not be burned as before, but will be used to feed their hunger.

No matter who died, it was handled in this way, even the leader of the Liya tribe himself.

This is no alternative.

If there is a way, no one will do it, after all, they are not abnormal.

In today's situation, the people of the Liya tribe have no other ideas, and it is impossible for them to have other ideas and methods.

You can only do your best to survive.

This has nothing to do with morality, nothing else, only life...


After eating the food and packing up the things, the leader of the Liya tribe began to shout, and then walked in one direction.

The people of the Liya tribe, with their things and weapons, followed behind their leader, and walked forward without a word.

There is not much emotion in their eyes, they look like those rocks in the wild that are blown cold by the wind.

The leader of the Liya tribe, and the people of his tribe, went in the direction he had noticed last night.

In the darkness of yesterday, he noticed that direction, and there was faintly flickering fire, and sometimes he could hear some different sounds.

Such a discovery made him determined to go there and take a look.

Because there is a great possibility that someone is living there!

At the beginning, the leader of the Liya tribe and the people of the Liya tribe tried their best to find prey.

But later, their thoughts gradually changed, and they began to shift their energy from looking for prey to looking for people.

The reason for this is because through time and time again, they found that they can’t get enough to eat just by looking for prey, and that people in the tribe cannot survive.

But finding people is different.

In addition to people themselves, sometimes they can pass people and find food stored by many people.

These are all things that can be used to alleviate hunger, and all can be used to alleviate hunger.

Far more cost-effective than finding prey.

Of course, this thing is also very dangerous to do, it is very likely that people from your own tribe will die because of it.

After all, the same kind are the ones who know the same kind best.

But this is not important to the people of the Liya tribe.

Because no matter who dies or who suffers, the people living in their tribe can get food and live their lives...

Under the leadership of the leader of the Liya tribe, the people of the Liya tribe, who have lived until now, headed in the direction they discovered yesterday...

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"


Here in Jinguan City of the Qingque tribe, everyone cleaned up and dressed up. After waking up, they were all beaming, and they said to each other a happy new year.

The atmosphere of joy, in this chilly morning, permeated constantly.

The three dining halls of the tribe were fully fired, and the aroma of the food radiated with the white mist that spread out.

Today, the Qingque tribe has implemented a meal sharing system.

That is to eat in batches.

However, such a system is useless during the Chinese New Year.

Because during the New Year, there is no important work in the tribe, and people in the tribe need to continue to be busy.

The system of eating in batches based on this is naturally unnecessary.

Moreover, during the New Year, it is a reunion and lively.

If everyone still eats in batches, the sense of excitement will immediately disappear a lot.

Amidst the voices of everyone saying happy new year to each other, in a kitchen filled with laughter and steaming clouds, there is also food coming out of the pot...

On the Jinguancheng Square, everyone was divided into many circles, sitting together, sharing this delicious food together.

The food eaten is not as abundant as yesterday, but it is still very attractive.

The taste is also very good.

After all, with Han Cheng, a foodie from later generations, the cook of the tribe has been trained a lot by him...

While Han Cheng and the others were eating delicious food happily and laughingly, some people appeared in the distance.

These people are covered in messy fur, with disheveled hair.

Dirty hair was scattered randomly.

With some weapons in his hands and behind his back, he breathed white gas in his mouth, while walking, looking around, looking for something.

These people are not bystanders, they are precisely the Liya tribe members who came along the way in the memory last night under the leadership of the leader of the Liya tribe.

The people of the Tooth Tribe looked like a pack of wolves searching for food on the wasteland.


The leader of the Liya tribe said aloud, and then stretched his hand to the distant mountain wall that didn't look very tall.

On the top of the mountain wall, some small black spots can be seen.

After a closer look, you can see that the black spots are actually people.

Such a discovery made the people of the Liya tribe very happy.

Because this shows that they did not look for the wrong thing, they followed the previous direction and found the tribe that exists here!

If you find this tribe, the people of your own tribe can get food again!

With these things in mind, under the leadership of the leader of the Liya tribe, the entire Liya tribe couldn’t help speeding up their pace and walked towards the mountain wall and the food on the mountain wall...

Inside Jinguan City, there was still a lot of laughter, and everyone gathered here for dinner.

After eating for a while, Han Cheng put a lot of vegetables into the bowl, then took the bowl, left his seat, and walked towards the high wall.

Above the wall, someone is guarding here.

Those guarding are also eating.

In fact, not only now, even yesterday, at the 30th year of the year, there were still people guarding on the fence to guard.

The order of being responsible for the vigilance has been arranged long ago, that is, following the order, without targeting anyone.

In order to let those in charge of vigilance not miss such a festive season and join in such a cheerful atmosphere, Han Cheng also made some arrangements specially.

That is the person responsible for guarding during the day and at night, from the original two-shift system to the current four-shift system.

In this way, a person can spend less than half of his time on duty and have more time to participate in the festival.

Such temporary measures will not be cancelled until after the fifth day of the day, and will be restored to the previous state.

Even so, the emotions of those responsible for guarding and vigilance should continue to be taken care of.

So Han Cheng was with everyone below, and after eating half of the meal, he walked up with a bowl.

We greeted these few people who were standing above the wall with a bowl for dinner, and after a few words, we started to eat again.

Although such a move is very subtle, it does not seem worth mentioning, but in the eyes of these people who are guarding the wall at this time, it is not subtle at all.

These people only feel warm in their hearts, and even feel a little hot in their eye sockets.

Because, at such a moment, the most respected son of God did not forget them, and deliberately came up to eat with them...

Asking people to stand on top of the wall for alert is something that the Qingque tribe has never cut off since the wall was built.

Especially in winter when the weather is cold, Han Cheng's arrangements are tighter, not letting people relax.

Because from previous experience, we can know that when the weather is cold in winter, the tribe is most vulnerable to attacks from other tribes.

Because food is not available at this time, some tribes may become out of food, and then have to choose to take risks.

Although the Qingque tribe is already very strong and there are already many people in the tribe, Han Cheng will not relax at all when it comes to safety.

Because although there are many people in the tribe, none of them are superfluous!

No one can be less!

Thinking of these things in his heart, Han Cheng, who was eating out of the wall with his rice bowl, his indifferent gaze suddenly stopped.

Then stared at that place.

Soon, he had determined that those things that appeared in his vision were a group of people!

Moreover, these people are also coming towards their tribe!

Without mobile phones, computers, and thick notebooks, Han Cheng, who has experienced rebirth from thunder and fire, has very good eyesight in this life and is not nearsighted at all.

Therefore, in a short period of time, he not only confirmed that those who came were people, but also basically determined that these people were not older primitive females. They were most likely some who had never been to Jinguan City before. tribe!

"Call some people to come up and see who those people are and what they mean."

Han Cheng took a bite of the meal in his mouth, then said to the person not far away.

After taking a look in the direction Han Cheng was pointing with his chopsticks, this person wanted to open his mouth and shout, but was stopped in time by Han Cheng and asked him to go down and call some people up quietly.

Because this is the first day of the new year, many people in the tribe are still eating, and the noise is too big and not very good, affecting such a good time.

Moreover, not many of these people came, and they looked like more than thirty from a distance.

This number of people is not enough to let the people of their tribe make a big fuss and mobilize the entire tribe.

This person walked according to orders, and within a short while, there were twenty or thirty people, hurriedly picking up the food in the bowl, and following this person on the wall.

Above the wall, there is a place for storing commonly used weapons, where weapons are stored.

After everyone went up, they took out the weapons inside and held them in their hands.

The second brother did not take those weapons.

He picking his teeth, when he came up, he took his accustomed sling up.

In their actions, the members of the Liya tribe had already come, approaching the Qingque tribe infinitely.

Looking at the people who appeared on the mountain wall, the leader of the Liya tribe and the people of the Liya tribe, not only did not feel any fear, but on the contrary, some joyful emotions emerged in my heart. .

Because there are more people here, it means that their tribe will probably get more food!

During this period of time, the cruel living environment and the things experienced have made the leader of the Liya tribe and the people of the Liya tribe become fearless.

After leading the people in the tribe, walking forward for a while, getting closer to the Qingque tribe, and able to see the face of the man standing on the mountain wall, the leader of the Liya tribe~www.NovelMTL .com~ yelled, and rushed towards the Qingque tribe while holding the weapon, without any hesitation.

The rest of the Liya tribesmen who followed followed behind their tribe leaders, yelled, and rushed towards the Qingque tribe together.

The leader of the Liya tribe ran in the forefront, slow at the beginning, and slowly accelerated during the run, getting faster and faster.

He held a sharp weapon in his hand.

This weapon is made of stone obtained from the place near the nest tribe.

This weapon is not so delicate, but the leader of the Liya tribe has not lost it, because this weapon has witnessed many things!

He only held this weapon in his hand, without any other stones behind his back.

Because his previous experience told him that he wanted to sack and kill the people of the rest of the tribe. It would be useless to throw stones at a long distance. If you want to gain something, you still need to rush up and fight at close range. !

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