I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1072: Smash iron ore (2 in 1)


There is a sound here.

This is the sound that Han Cheng made when he moved these messy weapons with his stick.

As he pulled, these people in the tribe, randomly discarding the weapons here and piled up together, began to slowly disperse.

Han Cheng's standing here, looking carefully while shaking.

His gaze flicked directly over those weapons made of wood and bones, specifically to see those stone weapons.

The focused look and persistent attitude are especially like looking for plastic bottles in a garbage dump.

A strange shape with some blood stains on it, but it can be used as a weapon, throwing at a long distance, and hitting people.

The stone is brown as a whole, and the color of the broken part is different...

A sharp stone weapon that can be held by hand after being polished, and it looks like one end is polished.

The color is dark brown, preliminary identification, not iron ore...

Han Cheng squatted here with his head down, carefully looking at the stones he pulled out, and some weapons made of stones, for identification and identification one by one.

...A stone weapon made by beating and grinding, the tip is relatively sharp, you can hold it in your hand for stabs, the color is yellow-brown, preliminary identification, not the iron ore you want to find...

Han Cheng's gaze swept over the weapon made of a stone, and then he went to look at the next stone.

A three-flat, four-not-round stone...


and many more!

Just glanced at another stone for a while, Han Cheng suddenly realized something, paused his movements, and quickly moved his gaze to the stone weapon he had just seen.

Over half of this stone weapon was stained with blood.

The natural color is yellowish brown.

This color looks very familiar!

Because of this color, Han Cheng has seen a lot in his later life!

Whether it is rusty nails or rusty steel pipes and many other iron products, after rusting, they all have this color!

Han Cheng, who had searched for iron ore many times to no avail, and had become accustomed to labeling the stone he saw as not iron ore, and then tossed it aside, Han Cheng reacted at this time and turned his eyes to the stone weapon .

After watching this for a while, Han Cheng immediately became excited!

With his little knowledge about iron ore, this weapon made of stone is almost always iron ore!

The iron ore of the heart!

This is the iron ore of the heart!

Once used well, many things can be derived, which can be transformed into higher combat power and greater productivity!

It has a great effect on the development of the tribe!

Thinking with such excitement, Han Cheng suddenly stood up holding the weapon made of stone in his hand.

When I came to a place with water, I rinsed it carefully with water to wash off the blood stains.

After the blood stains were washed away, the entire stone weapon looked clearer and easier to identify.

Han Cheng can basically be completely sure that the piece in his hand is indeed iron ore!

"A few people, bring water, come with me, and rinse these stones and the weapons made of stones."

Han Cheng, who couldn't hold back a smile on his face, held the wet weapon and smiled and said to the person on the side.

The people on the side thought it was the son of God who really didn't know how to value the simple weapons made by this tribe.

Although there was some confusion in my heart, but the son of God asked them to do things, they were still very diligent and positive.

At the moment, carrying water, came to the place where weapons were randomly piled up, and according to Han Cheng's request, these stones and weapons made of stones were washed.

Most people are puzzled, but it doesn't mean everyone is puzzled.

In the process of cleaning these stones and weapons made of stones, some people suddenly remembered the recent long period of time, asking Mao and others to use pottery bowls in exchange for stones back, and the gods like to bring a few with them. Individuals, the act of looking for stones around the tribe for inspection.

When I think of the words that the **** child said before that such a move was to find iron ore that is of great use to the tribe, this person suddenly became enlightened.

Thinking of this kind of thing, looking at the weapon made of stone, the look of being held in the hand by the son of God, reluctant to let go, as well as the uncontrollable smile on the face of the son of God, this person suddenly became excited and happy. .

"Son of God, yes or no, iron, iron ore?"

After all, this person couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and looked at Han Cheng and asked.

I was so excited that I even stuttered.

Han Cheng smiled and nodded vigorously, stretched the weapon made of iron ore in his hand, smiled to this man and a few others, and turned around together after hearing this man’s words. The humanity who looked at him expectantly: "This is it!"

Hearing Han Cheng's affirmative answer, these people suddenly became happy and excited!

They didn't know about iron ore before, but they learned the great significance of iron ore to the tribe from the mouth of the **** child.

Even if they don't know this, they can understand from the attitude of the **** child to iron ore that this thing is very unusual and has a great effect on the tribe.

Because, past facts have proved that things that can be treated like this by a wise son is definitely not an ordinary thing!

It must be something that has a lot of meaning and effect on the tribe!

"Water! Water!"

After a while full of excitement and silly joy, the man suddenly reached out and picked up a stone on the ground that hadn't been cleaned, and the person who was holding a scoop on the side and cooperating with him said this, as if he couldn't wait.

When he was reminded like this, everyone suddenly woke up, accelerated their hands, and began to clean the stones quickly and passionately, without delay.

In such a scene, the smile on Han Cheng's face couldn't help but a little bit more.

Perhaps this is the most fundamental reason why I like this tribe and the people in the tribe.

The weapons carried by these people were not particularly large. At this time, weapons such as wood and bones were removed. Therefore, under the passionate operation of the tribe, the cleaning was completed in a short while.

After doing these things, these people in the tribe did not leave, but stayed here, looking expectantly at the **** son of their tribe, carefully looking at these stones here.

I very much hope that the son of God can find some iron ore that has a very important effect on the tribe from these stones!

I don't know if their expectation has worked. After that, Han Cheng really found three pieces of iron ore of different sizes and shapes from these stones and weapons made of stones.

This kind of thing made everyone, including Han Cheng, very happy.

God's son found the iron ore, and it spread quickly.

Such a great event directly caused the entire tribe to boil over.

The atmosphere that had been destroyed by the people of the Liya tribe who came to attack on the first day of the New Year suddenly became cheerful again.

Even happier than before.

Compared with new clothes, new hats and other things, the iron ore brought by these Yiya tribe people on the first day of the new year is the real happy new year gift!

This gift is too surprising!

Everyone came to watch these good things, although they hadn't seen them before, but had already heard the names, and wanted to see what it looked like.

Iron ore is also a stone. It is neither exquisite nor transparent, so it is natural to see where it goes.

But the onlookers from the tribe were not disappointed.

Because through the many things that the Son of God had done before, they had already understood a lot of truth.

One of the truths is that good-looking things may not really be of great use. On the contrary, many things that look ordinary and can even be called ugly, after being used by some means, can become very useful to the tribe. Good things.

On the square inside the tribe, some of the Liya tribesmen who were being treated by the Qingque tribesmen were not seriously injured, but were still sober.

At this time, I saw these reactions from the Qingque tribe.

Although they did not understand what they were saying, from their reactions and various behaviors, it could be seen that these people in the Qingque tribe were extremely excited.

Look at the way they hold the weapons captured from their tribe. The people of the Liya tribe can easily understand it. These people are so excited because they defeated their tribe.

Although there was fear in their hearts at this time, some members of the Liya tribe couldn't help but complain in their hearts, and felt contempt for the behavior of the Qingque tribe.

So many people beat themselves so little, after winning, they are embarrassed to be so happy and celebrate like this?

In addition, the weapons that you hold as war trophies and cherish endlessly are only made by the people of your own tribe, using stones picked up at will.

That's how you like it.

Look at what you have never seen before!

The people of the Liya tribe, while feeling scared, complained like this in their hearts.


The medical staff of the Qingque tribe violently pulled out the feather arrow that had shot into this person's thigh.

Severe pain suddenly came, causing this person's body to tremble, and he took a sharp breath.

The whole person trembled uncontrollably, no longer caring about the people from the Qingque tribe in his heart, and couldn't help but complain.

"It turns out that the people who came to attack their tribe on the first day of the new year did not come to attack their tribe, but came to give gifts to their tribe!"

At this time, this kind of weird idea emerged in the hearts of many Qingque tribesmen, which made people feel a little bit happy.

As a result, when some people treated these Liya tribesmen who had not yet died, their techniques were much gentler than before, and not as rough as before.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of voices sounded, and the second senior, who had received instructions from Han Cheng, was carrying a hammer to smash these iron ore or weapons made of iron ore.

This approach comes from the tribal smelting process of bronze.

When smelting bronze in the tribe, the big pieces of bronze ore are crushed first, and then they are screened and processed.

Now he is trying to smelt iron ore. Naturally, he has to imitate the way he smelted bronze before.

The Lifang tribe man who had been pulled out of his thigh and was given medicine for anti-inflammatory and pain relief turned his head and looked at what was going on over there.

After seeing these weird people clearly what they were doing, the guy who had been stubbornly contemptuous of the Qingque tribe people not long ago was suddenly very confused.

The eyes are full of circles.

He really couldn't understand the operations of these people in the Qingque tribe.

In the past, when these people faced these weapons of their own tribe, weren't they still extremely rare?

Why did this happen in a blink of an eye?

And it won't work if you smash it, and you smash it so seriously and hard?

Are you so excited when you hit it?

It is just a weapon made of ordinary stone!

As for the start is so cruel?

Next, this person's confusion and wide-eyed things happened again.

I saw the people of the Qingque tribe, and after smashing these stone weapons of their tribe, a fire started in another place.

After the fire burned for a while, the smashed weapons were put between the strange thing and burned with fire.

They are really just ordinary stone weapons, you really don't have to treat them so cruelly!

This person couldn't help speaking out loud.

Of course he didn't say this. It was not just because his wounds hurt at this time and his language was not clear. Even if he really said something, these cruel people would not understand it.

More importantly, he suddenly thought of a terrible thing from this——

The people of this tribe are so vicious in the face of their tribe's weapons, doing so many heinous things.

Wouldn't the people who treat their tribe ~www.NovelMTL.com~ be more vicious.

Obviously, the Qingque tribe tried to smelt iron, and it was not the only person who thought of such a reasonable thing.

Many people in the Liya tribe have understood this extremely scary thing.

They have become more honest, and let the people of the Qingque tribe treat their injuries.

No matter how hard the pain was, he could not make a sound.

This kind of performance made the medical staff of Qingque tribe a little surprised, and couldn't help feeling that these people can really endure the pain.

People in the Liya tribe didn't know the feelings of these medical staff. If they knew it, they would cry out.

Who the **** is not afraid of pain!

Obviously your methods are too scary, okay? !

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