I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1069: The last day of Bluebird's 13 years (2 in 1)

The cold wind blows across the earth, taking away vitality and warmth, leaving only death and coldness.


In such weather, there was a series of loud shouts.

A person with a disheveled hair, waving the weapon in his hand, led the rest of the person with a disheveled hair, waving the weapon in his hand, and rushed towards the others.

This state, and behavior, looks like crazy!

In this cold wind, in this loud shout, people on both sides quickly touched some.

The rusty stone pierced into the body, blooming a little bit of blood.

The temperature in the blood was quickly taken away by the cold wind, making it as cold as a stone pierced into the body.

Amidst the blood splashing, someone staggered to the ground, his staring eyes quickly lost his vitality.

Hollow eyes, staring at the gloomy, empty sky...

As the night fell, the bonfire was burning, and the smell of barbecue was filled with the wind in the night.

The flashing fire light illuminates the faces.

There is very little flesh on the face and lack of rosy.

It is the warm and ruddy fire light that shines on it, adding some luster to these faces.

Everyone gathered here, and no one spoke.

Everyone gobbled up and ate food extremely greedily.

The leader of the Liya tribe and some of the stronger people in the tribe held the roasted meat and bite.

After taking a few bites, I will drink two more bites of the broth...

Barbecue is something that is resistant to hunger, only the leader of the Liya tribe and the strong people in the tribe have a share.

The rest of the people can only drink the broth cooked in clay pots.

In order to make the broth more resistant to hunger, a lot of excavated grass roots were put in the clay pot.

Although there is not much thick broth, and far from roasting meat to endure hunger, it is already a rare delicacy for these people.

Therefore, the last one was extremely greedy, and some people even ooze sweat on their foreheads...

The low-temperature sun rose from the southeast, and the Liya tribesmen who had eaten food again set off from where they were and walked in one direction.

On the ground after they left, burnt ashes and some bones were left behind.

These bones are already incomplete.

They were smashed into pieces with stones, the bone marrow wrapped in them has disappeared.

Although these bones are not complete, they can still see the shadow of something from the remaining outline.

The sun's rays shone down and fell on these broken bones, revealing some dazzling white...

The leader of the tribe with a disheveled teeth, holding a weapon in his hand, leading the people in the tribe, and walking toward the front.

While walking, he constantly looked around.

This is looking for something to eat.

These things can be meat or not meat. As long as they can satisfy their hunger after eating, the leaders of the Liya tribe want them and will not refuse them.

While searching in this way, he is also looking forward to meeting some people.

Because it means that people in their tribe will get a lot of food!

It's not just him who thinks this way, he has such a desire, and the people in the tribe that followed him also have such thoughts.

In the past, the people of the Liya tribe were very kind and would feel uneasy about robbing other tribes.

Before robbing the nest tribe, I still think about taking only part of the food, leaving enough food for the nest tribe to satisfy their hunger, so as to avoid the nest tribe's people from falling into a survival crisis because of lack of food.

However, this kind of kindness, with the cruel reality a little bit cruel things imposed on them, the kindness in their hearts, is quickly fading, and finally disappeared.

With their stomachs and lives under severe threats, when they think about the robbing, not only will they no longer feel ashamed, they will feel unbearable, but they only worry that there will be less robbed.

Those who are listed as looting objects and can be used as food are not only limited to food, but also those who have food!

The cold wind was constantly blowing, blowing the head of the Liya tribe with his turbulent hair.

He led the people in the tribe, walking toward the front, his eyes hidden behind the messy hair, no emotions came out, as if it had become like this wind, everything in the wind has become cold, It has become less temperature...

Time goes by unpreparedly, slow but fast.

There is already heavy snow covering the Green Bird Tribe.

The child who likes rainy days the most is the child, who is drenched in the rain, stomping on the water in the puddle with his feet, and playing with such things is not enough.

Similarly, the person who likes snow most is also a child.

The jubilant child in the snow looks just like the little lamb that was just released from the sheepfold, don't mention the cheerful end of that strand!

In the room where the window paper is pasted, the kang has already been burned, and it is very warm.

The area of ​​snow on the roof was influenced by the temperature in the room and turned into water through the tiles, dripping drop by drop.

In the room, Bai Xuemei held a baby swaddle in her arms and patted gently with her hands.

A little baby fell asleep in the swaddle.

From the baby's eyebrows, you can see some shadows of Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei.

This is the third child of Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei.

Because Han Cheng is not around, this little guy who was born less than three months ago has no name yet.

Bai Xuemei called him "baby egg, baby egg".

This name was learned from Brother Cheng, who lives in Jinguan City in the south.

In the past, Cheng would call children without names like this from time to time.

Bai Xuemei can't pick up the child's name. She will wait until Cheng's brother returns from Jinguan City in the south, before letting Cheng's name start.

Brother Cheng is so wise, he will definitely be able to give his child a very nice name!

Listening to the cheering of the children outside, Bai Xuemei, who was thinking about these things in her heart, couldn't help but once again remembered Brother Cheng, who was far away in the south and did not return...

After a while, she gently placed the sleeping child on the warm Kang, then walked gently to the corner of the room and sat on a small wooden pier wrapped in linen. Then I started to knit the cloth...

Here in Jinguan City, the weather has also become colder. Although there is no snow and no icing, the temperature is still lower than before.

As the temperature dropped, not only did Jinguan City not become bleak, but on the contrary, it became more and more lively.

The faces of people who are busy or not, all have smiles, as if there is something gestating.

Everyone is especially looking forward to it.

What everyone is looking forward to is the year!

Now, the year when Han Cheng was directly transplanted from later generations has become more and more popular.

It has become the most important and most anticipated day for the Qingque tribe.

Han Cheng’s intangible influence here is one aspect, and the most important aspect is that during the New Year, there are enough delicious and fun things, and you can just not work and take a good rest!

There are delicious foods and fun foods, and they can do nothing more openly, without any sense of guilt in their hearts. How can such a festival not be loved by people?

Of course, there are limits to such festivals.

A few days of the year, a short time of relaxation is fine, and it makes people feel relaxed, but if such days are passed for a long time, it will not be.

People just feel that there is no bottom in their hearts, and they are empty and uncomfortable...

Well, even the New Year can't be too long.

The scent of the food is constantly permeating, arousing people's minds.

The cold weather didn't seem to be cold anymore, and the air was full of intoxicating warmth.

The adults are busy inside and out, preparing for the next New Year's Eve dinner.

Although the children don’t have much to do, they are not at all idler than adults, and even busier than many adults.

Constantly running back and forth in the tribe.

Look at this for a while, look at that for a while, and then put together a piece, whispering for a while, there is a burst of joyfulness all over the body...

Han Cheng stood up with the wine bowl, and the rest of the tribe stood up with the wine bowl when they saw it, turning their heads to look in the direction where Han Cheng was, with smiles on their faces.

Although they haven't drunk alcohol yet, many people's faces are already red, as if they are drunk.

"Come on, it's been a hard year, let's drink one! We should eat and drink later, let's celebrate it!"

Han Cheng looked at the people in the tribe and said loudly, with a smile on his face.

Then he sent the hand holding the wine bowl forward, and invited everyone in the tribe to clink glasses for him.

Seeing this, the people in the tribe sent their wine bowls forward and clinked glasses with Han Cheng.

Then, under the leadership of Han Cheng, they brought the wine bowls to their lips and started drinking.

"Began to eat!"

After half of the wine in the bowl was dropped, Han Cheng put down the bowl, sat down and said to the people in the tribe.

Then he picked up the chopsticks in front of him, took a chopstick dish and delivered it to his mouth.

Seeing him move the chopsticks, the people in the tribe began to move the chopsticks.

Among them, the children who drank the sour and spicy wine, and then grinned, moved the chopsticks the fastest.

On the one hand, it is because it is greedy, and on the other hand, it is because I can't stand the taste of alcohol in my mouth, and I urgently need to suppress the smell with vegetables.

Some adults did not move their chopsticks in such a hurry, but took another sip of wine with the wine bowl.

And take advantage of the opportunity to pour the wine from the bowls of children who don't like to drink into their own bowls.

Only then began to pick up the chopsticks to eat the very hearty dishes.

Among them, the braised pork with pots is still the most popular among people in the tribe.

Not long after I started eating, most of the braised pork on top of each rice ring had already gone down, and the speed was extremely fast.

For the people of this era, the extremely rich New Year's Eve dinner made the people of the Qingque tribe Jinguancheng all addicted.

After a meal and wine, the night will come.

The bonfire that had been prepared a long time ago was lit, and a large area of ​​the fire was reflected, glowing red.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers from time to time, gongs and drums rang together, and laughter was in it. It was really joyful, and it was a happy time.

There are also some people who drink a lot when they eat.

At such a moment, I didn't want to go to sleep, so I mixed in with the crowd and rejoiced together and enjoyed this unforgettable time.

The swaying figure, mixed in the crowd, is particularly eye-catching, and that funny appearance will cause a roar of laughter from time to time.

Hearing this laughter, these dizzy drinkers became more vigorous and tried their best to make fun here...

"Unforgettable tonight~ Unforgettable tonight!"

"Regardless of the end of the world and the corner of the sea~"

"The Qingque tribe embraces together~"

"Wish the tribe a good ~ a good tribe~"


The night gradually deepened. Looking at this cheerful scene in the tribe, and thinking about the Wu, Bai Xuemei, her own children, and the people in the Tongshan residential area and the Qinling sub-district, Han Cheng had a lot in his heart. Emotions are surging.

Recalling the experience of watching the Spring Festival Gala many times, Han Cheng finally couldn't help it, and sang this song that many later generations are familiar with.

But while singing, he automatically changed some of the lyrics.

Han Cheng's singing was not loud, and it was obscured by the sound of gongs and drums and the cheers of the people in the tribe.

But gradually, his voice was highlighted.

This is because the people around him noticed that the **** son was singing, and he consciously closed his mouth and stopped his movements along the way. At the same time, he whispered or pulled the sleeve of the person next to him to remind him.

Under such operations, within a short while, the entire square became quiet, and only Han Cheng's singing echoed.

The people around listened carefully to Han Cheng's singing.

Many people were amazed for a while.

Such a nice melody is really attractive!

After hearing the lyrics clearly, everyone in the tribe felt more than just amazing.

Many people think of many things from this lyrics, and the touches in life come to mind at this time.

Especially when I remembered that the tribe became stronger day by day, and the life in the tribe improved day by day, the hearts of these people were even more moved and moved!

The tribe has become stronger and better, and they who live in this tribe feel more and more happy!

"Unforgettable tonight, unforgettable tonight~"

"Regardless of the end of the world and the corner of the sea~"

"The Qingque tribe embraces together~"

"I wish the tribe a good tribe~"


After listening to it for a while~www.NovelMTL.com~ someone couldn't help but sing with Han Cheng in a low voice.

After a while, more people joined the ranks.

The low-pitched singing came together to form a voice, which rang in the night and floated away, containing deep emotions and deep blessings...

Here in the main tribe, Wu, Bai Xuemei, Shishi, Heiwa, etc. are all looking south. On this special day, I miss the son of God who is far away fighting for the tribe, and more people in my tribe...

In a corner leeward, there were several bonfires burning, and some people leaned on the fire and nested here.

Many people's faces are filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Someone couldn't help but look in one direction, which is the direction where the Qingque tribe Jinguan City is located...


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