I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1057: Han Cheng has a stomachache! (2 in 1)

Looking at the scattered rice fields in the rice fields after harvesting, he described himself as the **** son Han Da who had seen the world, and his eyes were about to shine.

Here, two crops of rice can not be planted a year, which is indeed a very regrettable thing.

But now, this regrettable matter seems to have a solution!

This method is to harvest rice from the tribe in the future, instead of harvesting it directly from the root with a sickle as it is now.

Instead, harvest directly from a point below the ear of rice.

The rest of the rice remains there and continues to grow.

Then at this time, harvest a new crop of rice!

Planting seedlings on the rice fields again, the second crop of rice will not be harvested or grow.

But it is still possible to keep the old rice plants and let them re-emerge!

Enough time!

The rice growing in the rice fields is the best testimony!

This small ear of rice, which was squeezed out again, was far less than the first crop, and it was not full enough. A rice ear was about one-third the size of the original ear of rice.

But this is still a very impressive gain!

Especially as the scale of rice cultivation in the tribe continues to expand, and after the rice is spread out in pieces, such a third will become more gratifying and intoxicating!


Staring at the rice growing in the paddy field and thinking about it for a while, God Son Han Da couldn't help laughing.

Such a discovery is much more reliable than relying on the porcelain tiger and slaughtering fat sheep from the Red Tiger tribe.

Moreover, this is a long-term and stable thing.

Faced with such a thing, how could he be unhappy?

"Good! Good!"

The **** son Han Da, who had laughed happily, drew these children to his side, stretched out his hands and stroked their heads in turn, and praised them with smiles.

When a person is happy, he becomes very generous, especially when facing people who make him very happy.

Just like the current son of Han Da.

"Go back and I will bring you lollipops, three for one person!"

After stroking the heads of these children and praising these children one by one, Han Cheng said to these children very boldly.


Hearing the words of God Son Han Da, these people couldn't help but exclaimed, full of surprises.

They really didn't expect that what they did this time could actually make the **** child so happy, and directly said that they wanted to eat lollipops for themselves and others, and it was still the kind of three for one person!

This matter, thinking about it, makes people feel extremely happy and happy!

"When I have dinner in the evening, I will cook it myself, eat with you, and make something particularly good and delicious!"

At this time, the **** son Han Da was completely surprised by this unexpected discovery, making Chong excited.

After just saying the promise of three lollipops, he immediately gave another promise to cook and cook!

The children who were there because they were about to receive such a big reward as three lollipops, and the joyful children, after hearing Han Cheng's words, they were stunned, their faces full of incredible expressions. .

This, this happiness comes too suddenly, this reward comes too big, right?

The son of God personally cooks and cooks for a small group of people alone, which is the highest level and most glorious thing in his tribe.

Think about it, there are so many people in the tribe, but the son of God only makes delicious food for you. After it is done, it is still eating in front of everyone in the tribe.

Accept the envy of everyone in the tribe!

You only need to think about this matter to know how precious and rare it is.

In the past, under such circumstances, the son of God could not cook a few times a year.

Not many people in the tribe can get such a great honor because of their own contributions!

This shows that this is a glorious thing!

Moreover, the people who received this extremely glorious thing in the past were all adults, and no minor has ever received such a reward.

But now, the son of God said he would give such honor to himself and others?

How can this not make them stunned.

Those who can get such honor are those who have made great contributions to the tribe.

I and others are just getting some rice from the harvested rice fields. How can they get such a high treatment and such a great honor?

Han Cheng saw the dumbfounded look of these children, and quickly saw their thoughts.

These children have not yet realized how much food they can get for the tribe in the years to come.

"Rice can grow two crops..."

Han Cheng smiled and explained to these lovely children in the tribe, telling them how much benefit their recent behavior has brought to the tribe!

After hearing what Han Cheng said, the children standing beside Han Cheng became more shocked and stunned.

It turned out that what he and others did unintentionally had such a great value and would have such a great effect on the tribe!

This is really incredible!

Of course, after thinking that in the next time, he and others will eat extremely delicious and rich food made by God’s Son, and enjoy the great glory, the shock and stupefaction in the hearts of these children will soon change. Become a strong joy, and an impatient expectation.

In joy, many children are still looking at their side with reverence, smiling at their son of God.

Speaking of lowness, this matter was actually discovered by the son of God. He and the others only brought back some not very full and small ears of rice for the tribe.

To be able to harvest on such a large scale and obtain a lot of food for the tribe was the idea of ​​the son of God himself...

"Go! Go back to the tribe and tell the people in the tribe the good news!"

The energetic Han Cheng said to the children with a smile.

After a while, Han Cheng, who walked with wind and seemed to have taken steps that his six relatives did not recognize, led these children back to the tribe.

While swiftly giving these children three lollipops, one person took out three lollipops, and at the same time they met some people and said loudly, the great news they had just discovered.

Unsurprisingly, following Han Cheng's report, this great news spread quickly throughout Jinguan City.

After confirming the authenticity of this matter and seeing the rice that grew the second ear of rice, the entire Jinguan City has not completely obtained a large amount of food from the Red Tiger tribe with the small porcelain tiger from Han Cheng and others. He recovered from his joy, and once again fell into a new round of joy.

Perhaps this is the so-called good thing again and again.

The sun sets in the mountains, the autumn insects make noisy noises, and between sunrise and sunset, they arrive at the Qingque tribe Jinguan City again, where there is a dinner time every day.

Everyone in the tribe, eat here.

In the bowls and cylinders of steaming meals, there are some extremely unique aromas, and the spread of the dark jab here is extremely sultry.

The scent came from a small stone table.

To be precise, it spreads from the small pots, bowls, plates, etc. on the small square table.

What is in full bloom here is Han Cheng's time spent a half-day, specializing in cooking for these children.

Around the stone table, there are some stone piers. Sitting on the stone piers, these are the children who have made great achievements.

Han Cheng had implemented this kind of rewards with food, and he had a mature method.

Other than the timing of the meal, the appearance of the dishes, and the taste, let alone the first exquisite stone tables and stools in this tribe, as well as the all-colored porcelain for food, you can see that Han Cheng is in this piece. A lot of thoughts spent on things.

This set of stone tables and stools is not only exquisitely made, but also very particular about the placement.

It is the center of this eating area, and the terrain is higher than the rest of the surrounding areas.

When people sit here to eat, they can easily fall into the eyes of the rest of the surrounding people and attract their attention.

Arouse the envy of the people around, use the delicacies and the glory of these delicacies to arouse the envy of the tribesmen, and guide them to it.

Let the envy in their hearts be transformed into the pursuit of this kind of envy.

Thus, a virtuous circle is formed.

Let the people in the tribe better pursue these through their own efforts.

In this process, people in their own tribe will be able to do a lot more for the tribe.

Even if there were a little bit of things conducive to the development of the tribe, Han Chengdu would feel extremely happy.

Because, a seemingly gratifying result, or a great country, is composed of these many inconspicuous little points!

Han Cheng looked at these few people in the tribe, with envious eyes, the children who seemed a little unnatural but constantly charged towards the food they made, with smiles on their faces.

Don't mention the kind of joy in my heart.


Holding the bowl, Han Cheng watched the children feasting and pulled ordinary meals into his mouth, and couldn't help but let out a ‘um’.

Just a moment ago, his stomach suddenly hurt without the slightest warning, extremely intense.

However, this pain did not last long before it disappeared.

Han Cheng's brows were frowned, and he was already relaxed soon.

He didn't pay much attention to what happened just now. After all, his stomach is an extremely magical thing, and it is normal to have a pain occasionally.

Generally, as long as it is not the kind of constant pain, there is no need to worry too much.

Because, it’s not the fart that causes this kind of short-term pain, but the **** that wants to break free, want to see the world, and pursue freedom...

Han Cheng waited for a while, waited for the pain in his stomach to disappear, and then started eating.

This is really not a major event. The stomach hurts only once, and it doesn't hurt anymore. Until he has eaten, put down the tableware and chopsticks, his stomach doesn't hurt again...

"I go!"

Han Cheng, who has a set of theories and didn’t pay much attention to bellyache, couldn’t help bending down at this moment and covering his belly with his hands. There was some sweat on his forehead. At this moment of effort, It oozes out.

His complexion also became pale in this moment, with a lot of blood less.

Han Cheng couldn't help but uttered a swear word, then clutched his stomach, bent over, moved carefully and as quickly as possible towards the tribe's toilet.

The feeling this time, his uncle is a bit too strong!

Han Cheng came all the way to the toilet and quickly took off his clothes. He squatted here, feeling the pain in his stomach, and gritted his teeth to complain.

However, this pain did not disappear because of Han Cheng's complaints. On the contrary, it became more intense.

For a while, for a while, it's almost endless.

This is the least painful, the most painful, even if he is already in such a painful state, there is still nothing unruly, that upsets his abdomen, breaking out!

This is going to make Han Cheng collapse!

His whole person has also changed from being motionless and stable like an old dog to full of panic and fear.

Isn't it a terminal illness that I have, and wanting to collapse into the middle?

Stomach perforation? appendicitis? Knotted intestines? Tumor?

One by one frightening thoughts flashed through Han Cheng's mind.

The son of Han Da, who seemed relaxed and casual before, is now no longer relaxed and casual.

The level of medical care in this era is really limited. Many diseases that are not fatal in the eyes of later generations can really kill people at this time!

This can't help him not worry, and fear it.

After all, he is just an ordinary traverser who hasn't used any golden fingers. If he encounters such a disease, he will really die!

When Han Cheng’s legs were a little numb, and the whole person was already panicked by the inexplicable pain, the inexplicable but really painful pain in his abdomen gradually eased. Coming down ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Han Cheng's cranky thoughts, and the fears they brought about, also eased.

Han Cheng first wiped the sweat on his forehead with paper, and then cleaned the rest with paper, then got up and headed towards the house where he lived...

Here in Jinguan City, night has fallen, but the light has not been completely annihilated by the darkness.

At this time, it was basically Jinguan City with its lights out, but at this time there were many fires flashing.

The entire Jinguan City became panic at this time, and everyone's hearts were panic.

Fear, at a loss, and anxious, filled everyone's heart.

The reason for this is because the wisest and most respected son of their tribe has a stomachache!

The very strong kind!

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