I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1056: Double crop rice? ! (2 in 1)

Having lost the nest tribesmen led by the humpback primitives, they went to the Red Tiger tribe to exchange them, and they were spotted by the Red Tiger tribesmen who were looting wildly.

Someone pointed to the nest tribesmen who left with their own tribe-produced pottery, salt and other things, and proposed to the maidens of their tribe that they would lead some people to the nest tribe, and the nest tribe would also be snatched.

The reasons given are very exciting.

Just as the nest tribe knows the Red Tiger tribe better, the people of the Red Tiger tribe also know the nest tribe better.

They know that the Youchao tribe, who has been insisting on being Erdao dealers, has a lot of food.

They used to look down on these foods, but now, such foods are more conspicuous in their eyes.

Faced with such a tempting suggestion, the red tiger tribe maiden's eyes brightened.

This is indeed a very good suggestion.

Nest tribes are much richer than ordinary tribes.


After a while, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke.

Hearing what she said, the excited Red Tiger tribe man who offered her opinions immediately lost a lot of look in his eyes.

Because the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, as soon as she spoke, she rejected his proposal.

After this disappointment lasted for a while, it gradually disappeared.

Because the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said something more and explained why she made such a decision.

The reason she gave was that the nest tribe was different from other tribes.

If you don't exchange the exquisite pottery produced by the Qingque tribe from them, your tribe will only get a steady stream of food from the nest tribe.

The food obtained from the nest tribe at one time does not seem to be as much as the nest tribe directly robbed.

However, as this matter continues, in the future, the food that your tribe can obtain from the nest tribe must be more than the direct robbing of the nest tribe.

Your own tribe has other tribes to grab, this kind of tribe that will take the initiative to give food to your own tribe, don’t grab it for now...

This person from the Red Tiger tribe felt very reasonable after hearing what his tribe maiden said.

The puzzlement in my heart was relieved at once.

Moreover, he has become more admired for the wisdom of the witches of his tribe.

Miko can think clearly about such things!


After understanding the compliments of her own tribe, the shrine maiden of the Red Tiger tribe showed a pious look on her face.

Using their tribal way, she respectfully bowed towards the room where she lived, with an extremely religious expression on her face.

After doing this, the witch of the Red Tiger tribe straightened up and said such words.

The meaning of what she said was that it was not because of how wise she was. It was the divine incarnation of the gods that was enlightening and leading her.

If it weren't for the incarnation of the divine deity at work, it would be impossible for her to think about these things so clearly in such a short time.

Hearing these words of the maiden of his tribe, this person of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly became solemn and pious.

He turned his head and looked at the room where the maiden of his tribe lived, and then recalled the appearance of the incarnation of the holy god, the whole person seemed to be shrouded in something.

After watching this for a while, he was also full of excitement and reverence towards the room where the Maiden of the Red Tiger tribe lived, and bowed deeply...

Han Cheng and the rest of the Qingque tribe did not know about the series of things that happened in and around the Red Tiger tribe.

At this time, they are all immersed in the joy of harvest.

Those who were immersed in intense joy together were those who stayed behind in Jinguan City.

Food can always bring people a sufficient sense of security, just like in later lives, sufficient money can also bring people a sufficient sense of security.

This time, the gods and the others immediately used a porcelain tiger that their tribe could make without much effort in exchange for so much food. How could they be unhappy?

In the past, many people were worried about the grain reserves during the winter this year.

But now, with such a large number of food supplies, the people who were staying in Jinguan City suddenly became very relieved.

With this kind of food, this winter will definitely be very good!

At least don’t worry, people in the tribe will go hungry!

Looking at the people in the tribe, they were filled with joy and exchanged the food they received back, dried them, put them in the granary, and stored them. Han Cheng’s face was also full of smiles, and the whole person’s heart was Full of joy.

The satisfaction brought by this kind of harvest is really extremely enjoyable.

"The Son of God! The Son of God!"

When Han Cheng was watching the people in the tribe, drying food here and enjoying the joy of harvest, an urgent call suddenly sounded not far away.

Although the shouting voice was urgent, Han Cheng didn't panic at all, because this urgent voice was filled with joy and excitement.

Han Cheng smiled and turned around and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw four or five-and-a-half-year-old minors running towards him like flying.

As he ran, he kept shouting loudly, and his expression of joy and excitement was beyond words.

While shouting, some children raised their arms high and waved constantly.

Some things they held in their hands swayed along with them.

The movements they made quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Many people around here are betting their eyes on them, wanting to see what these children have discovered, which makes them so happy and excited.

Of course, there are also some more experienced people who just looked up a little, then lowered their heads to do their own thing.

As for the children's xinxing, they know very well. This is a group that is very curious about many things and likes to bluff very much.

In many cases, it is just a very small thing that can make them excited and cheer, making a lot of noise.

Han Cheng looked at the running children with a smile, and his attention came to the hands of these children.

These children hold something in their hands. It is obvious that their joy comes from their palms.

Just because of the distance, Han Cheng couldn't see clearly what they were holding.

However, in the next moment, Han Chengcheng knew what these children were holding.



"We found the ears of rice!"

These children shouted with joy, running happily, looking like the little deer in the tribe who had just drunk deer milk and leaped happily.

After hearing this answer, many people around here who heard the movement couldn't help shaking their heads, showing some helpless or such smiles.

Just know that these children like to make a fuss and can't make much famous things.

Just some ears of rice, is it worth the fuss?

The movement made is almost greater than the movement of the **** son when he first encountered rice, which was extremely delicious food!

Han Cheng couldn't help but smile too.

This is really an extremely beautiful and nostalgic age group.

At this age, everything is interesting to see and everything to eat is extremely delicious...

Because I have experienced it from that age, and still miss that period of obscurity, novelty and longing, Han Cheng did not show any contempt, but stood here full of interest, waiting Come with these children and join them to share the happiness that belongs to their age.


These children rushed all the way, with red cheeks, they held the rice in their hands and raised them high, and let Han Cheng look at them like a treasure.

Looking at Han Cheng, the smile on his face increased.

These children are indeed holding ears of rice.

But these ears of rice are not many.

Moreover, the ears of rice are much smaller than those harvested before, and the grains do not seem to be very full.

"Okay, you are doing well!"

Han Cheng smiled and took the ears of rice from the hands of these children. After watching them carefully for a while, he smiled and praised the children who looked at him expectantly.

These children know how valuable food is, and know how to cherish and get food from the tribe. Such behavior naturally requires a lot of praise.

Only in this way can they better stimulate their interest in these things and do these things better in the days to come.

Sure enough, after receiving Han Cheng's praise, these children suddenly became happier, happier than the little deer who had just eaten with their mother.

Some children even immediately pulled the people around them, ready to go to the fields, and then search for rice. They were very energetic!

In many cases, encouraging Dafa is a very good and very practical way.

Han Cheng has already used it to the point of proficiency.

Looking at these energetic children who quickly ran away after receiving his compliment, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile again.

He withdrew his gaze from the children and fell on the rice ears in his hands.

These ears of rice are not big or too many. After removing them all and pounding them, you can almost get half a bowl of rice.

Thinking about this, he walked towards a wall.

In the process of walking, his hands were still moving continuously, using two or three rice rods to bind the rice together, and then hung it on the wall under the eaves, one of the wooden sticks nailed in. on.

He wanted to hang it on the wall and let it be processed after drying for a few days.

Otherwise, it is not easy to directly handle the wet.

Han Cheng, who hung it on the wall and walked a few steps forward, suddenly stopped.

"Wet? Can't handle it?"

Han Cheng muttered this sentence, and the whole person couldn't help being a little confused.

In other words, at this time, the rice has not been harvested long ago. Even if you occasionally encounter some rice that was missed during the previous harvest near the paddy field, shouldn't these rice be dried?

Why is it still wet now?

Thinking with such doubts, Han Cheng turned around, took the rice that had just been hung on the wall in his hand, and observed it carefully.

This is indeed just harvested by people, and it is very fresh.

This, what is going on?

Han Cheng was a little confused as a whole, and didn't understand what the situation was.

After standing here for a while, Han Cheng stepped up and swiftly moved in the direction of the children...

Not close to Jinguan City, there are some paddy fields belonging to the Qingque tribe.

These paddy fields were built by the people of the Qingque tribe after hard work.

In the paddy field, there are many rice stubbles.

This is the trace left after the rice was harvested.

Han Cheng stood on the shore, staring at the paddy field, looking obsessively.

Of course, I'm not looking at these rice stubbles, but looking at some of the best growing rice stubbles.

These outstanding people can also be called survivors.

Because they escaped from the scythe of the blue bird.

However, I didn't hide completely. I did not hide past the fifteenth grade.

After that, the children in the tribe who were searching for the rice fields that had just pulled the rice, picked up the fallen rice ears, and took off the drooping ‘heads’...

However, now, a miracle has happened.

After maturing before, the rice that was pinched by the children of the tribe from the mature ears of rice has now grown a bit taller and has regrown a ‘head’!

Although it is not as good as the original one at the beginning~www.NovelMTL.com~, there are really ears of rice again!

At this moment, Han Cheng looked at the sporadic growth of the rice madly, and he had a lot of thoughts in his heart for a time, full of them!

Rice can be cooked twice a year in warmer climates, and in places with better weather conditions, it can even be cooked three times a year!

However, he never thought about the place where his tribe was located. Just by planting rice, he could achieve twice a year.

Because after the rice matures, the climate is relatively warm, although there is still a long time.

But this time is definitely not enough for people to plant another crop of rice on the land after harvesting for harvest.

For this reason, at the beginning, he did not think about planting rice here twice.

But now, the situation that appeared in front of him because of some accidents seemed to light up a clear way for him to increase his income on a large scale!

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