I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1058: The third child is born

The candle was burning, and the bright light filled the room.


   The room and the outside of the room are full of people.


   The expressions and states of the people are extremely anxious and panic, and Liushen Wuzhu cannot describe them.


   A person lay on the bed in the room.


   A person who is pale and completely drenched with sweat.


   This person is not someone else, it is the Qingque tribe, the most respected Han Cheng, the son of Han Da, who is the core of the entire Qingque tribe.


   At this time, Han Cheng has long lost the chic and indifferent appearance he used to be. He is lying on the bed with a tired and painful expression.


   With his hands, he tightly grasped the bedding under him, and the veins violently violently appeared on his palms and arms.


   Just from this reaction, we can know how much pain Han Cheng is experiencing at this time!


   Looking at the divine son lying on the bed, with his painful appearance, the Qingque tribe people here in Jinguan City are all anxious like ants on a hot pot.


   Everyone's heart is being tugged fiercely.


   Many people burst into tears, worrying about what happened to the **** of their tribe.


   There are many more people who even want to replace the Son of God with their bodies, to endure this kind of pain, and just ask their Son of God to be fine!


   However, such a thing is obviously impossible.


   No matter what they think, such extreme pain can only be borne by their son...


I don’t know if the prayers in the hearts of the people in the tribe worked, or what happened. Han Cheng, who was extremely tortured and waited like years for his life, was lying on the bed, suffering extremely intense pain. The expression became much more relaxed.


   squeezed the hand that was laying the bed sheet under him, and slowly loosened it, and the bulging veins slowly healed.


   Such a change fell in the eyes of the people who surrounded Han Cheng closely and watched Han Cheng closely. They immediately gave them a group of inotropics, and countless hearts, at this moment, were slightly relaxed.


   "God, son of God, how about it?"


  Mao asked with concern while holding a towel soaked in cold water on Han Cheng's head and face to wipe the sweat off.


"much better……"


   Han Cheng opened his mouth to speak, his whole body became extremely weak and his voice hoarse.


   "I'm fine, don't worry everyone..."


   He managed to squeeze out a weak smile, and said aloud to everyone in the tribe, comforting.


  At the same time, one hand unconsciously released the sheet he was holding, curled up, and wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.


   A sharp-eyed person found that after the **** child's hand left its original position, a hole appeared in the bed sheet held by him.


   This kind of hole that was forced out with his hands made the people who saw this scene tremble in their hearts.


   The things that the son of God experienced not long ago is definitely not as simple as what he said.


   Otherwise, the sheets under him would not be broken by him abruptly!


   Thinking back to the pain he had just suffered, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel palpitations.


   The kind of pain that is so strong that it can make people doubt the pain of life really makes people do not want to experience the second time!


   Fortunately at this time, the pain gradually disappeared.


   With some rejoicing in his mind, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel a little worried.


   Because he was worried, this time it was the same as before. The pain only stopped temporarily, and then a new and unbearable pain would be brewing in the near future!


   At the same time, I am also worried about what is going on and whether I really have a terminal illness.


   Time is in this worry, passing bit by bit.


   The pain that Han Cheng worried about did not happen again.


   This Ling's heart breathed out.


   But after taking a breath, Han Cheng's doubts in his heart did not decrease much.


   He was wondering why his stomach would suddenly hurt like this.


   And this kind of pain is still so long-lasting, and the degree is so strong that it is unbearable.


   Such thinking obviously will not have any results.


   He had already ruled out two very easy to think of because of bad stomach eating and chafing qi.


As for the remaining reasons, he is really not a professional doctor, and he doesn't have any sophisticated equipment. Although this is his own body, he really doesn't know what happened to his body because of what happened. .


   Guessing what disease you have, you can't think about it, or guess it.


  Because I guess a lot and think a lot, I can easily get a lot of illnesses on myself.


   And they are all the kind that is extremely serious, and after getting it, you can basically give up treatment.


   This is actually the same thing as later generations. After getting sick, it is almost the same thing to use mobile phones, computers and other things to search on the Internet according to symptoms to confirm your own symptoms.


   Some people have joked that as long as one is sick and one searches, it basically starts with cancer.


   Of course, although the facts are not so exaggerated, it is a common occurrence to scare yourself and think that your illness is far more terrible than the real situation.


   This is a very real thing.


   If you don’t believe me, you will carefully compare the symptoms of many diseases with your own situation.


   After comparing this way, you will find that you are more than ill, it is almost dying, and there is no need for rescue!


   Similar things, Han Cheng had done before crossing over, and he knew a lot about it.


Because of this, after thinking and meditation here for a while, the more I think about it, the more I feel that I may have some serious illness, and I don’t have any good days to live. The **** son Han Cheng smiled and shook his head. After opening his mouth and yawning, he started. Sleep with your eyes closed and stop thinking about this thing that makes you think more and more uncomfortable.


   The various tossings and patient pains that are so intense that it is doubtful that life has consumed Han Cheng's stamina, so Han Cheng lay here and closed his eyes for a long time before he fell asleep and entered a dream...


   Someone fell asleep, but some could not sleep, or could not sleep.


   The tribe of Green Birds, in the room where Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei live together, the lights are still on at this time.


   The dim yellow oil lamp is burning continuously, and the orange flame is constantly jumping.


   In the room, there is a unique smell of rapeseed oil after being burned through the wick.


   In the past, this smell that seemed very obvious, now in the room where Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei lived together, it has become less obvious.


   This is because there is another smell in the room.


   This kind of smell is not very good, with some slight **** smell.


   On the two small kangs built on the edge of the room, Xiao Wandou and Xiao Xing'er have all fallen asleep separately.


   Bai Xuemei is lying on the big bed belonging to her and Han Cheng.


   Her body was slightly sideways, with one arm, she propped up her head, tilted her head, and looked at the position beside her.


   There are small swaddles made of soft animal skins and linen cloth.


   Among the infancy, there is a little baby sleeping soundly.


   The baby is really very small, the kind that was born not long ago.


   The skin on his face looks wrinkled and lacks luster.


   Little nose inhales, it looks very similar to Han Cheng's nose.


   The hair is very strong, just after birth, it has become very thick.


   Bai Xuemei looked at this little baby who was sleeping beside her, lying in the infancy, with a peaceful and contented smile on her face.


   is full of the radiance of mother's love.


   This child is the third child of Han Cheng and Bai Xuemei.


   After a long period of gestation, today, Bai Xuemei finally gave birth again.


   The gender of this child is the same as Han Cheng and Xiao Wandou.


   This little **** can testify.


   Bai Xuemei lowered her head and looked at the little baby quietly for a while, then turned her head and looked towards the edge of the room.


   looked at the other pair of sons and daughters who were lying on the kang and sleeping soundly.


  , looking back and forth on the faces and bodies of these three children, the brilliance on the face of Bai Xuemei became more intense.


   Before I knew it, I already had three children. This is great!


   Bai Xuemei thought in her heart, the whole person's heart was filled with pride, and an extremely peaceful feeling.


   This is the feeling that belongs to the mother alone when she visits her own children.


   It would be great if Cheng Cheng knew that he had given birth to another child!


  According to Cheng Brother's temperament, he will be very, very happy.


   will definitely make a lot of delicious food for himself and serve it for himself.


   will still hold the baby she just gave birth to watch, the whole person will be silly and can’t stop...


   even secretly fight for food for children...


   After watching the three children around her for a while, Bai Xuemei suddenly remembered living in the distant Jinguan City and busy Han Cheng.


   There was a smile on his face, deep thoughts, but he couldn't stop it.


   In this kind of yearning, there are some sadness and grievances.


   It has been a long time since I saw Brother Cheng.


  When Brother Cheng left, he had just been pregnant, not too long. At this time, he had already given birth to the child, but Brother Cheng still did not come back...


   Although he knew that Brother Cheng was in Jinguan City, leading the people in the tribe, struggling hard to make his tribe stronger.


   But when she thought of these things, Bai Xuemei still felt a little sad.


   If it were not for these children, sometimes, she really wanted to go to Jinguan City with her adult brother and live there.


   Sometimes, it’s really strange.


   In the past, my tribe was far less powerful than it is now. I live with my adult brother, so happy, all day long, the whole person is happy.


   The time at that time was really fascinating.


   Now, my own tribe has become more powerful. There are three tribes alone!


   Among them, Jinguan City is no less than the existence of the tribe of Green Bird.


   But I am not as happy as I was before.


   Sometimes I think about it, Bai Xuemei can't help but want to prevent her tribe from becoming so powerful...


   Of course, these are just some of the thoughts that occasionally appear in her heart when the night is quiet. If such a thing is really realized, she will definitely not agree.


   Thinking back and forth like this for a while, Bai Xuemei remembered some things that happened today.


   Even though this matter has passed for a while, she still feels strange when she thinks about it.


  The matter of giving birth to a child has been carried out twice, so she naturally knows what kind of pain she will encounter when giving birth.


   This time, she is also ready to meet the pain.


   But what is surprising is that this time there is not much pain.


   didn't even feel the pain.


   It wasn't until the amniotic fluid broke that she realized that she was going to have a baby today.


   Then, there was still no pain.


   just lying on the bed, after waiting for a while, the child has already appeared...


   The whole process was surprisingly smooth.


   Even after the child was born, even the umbilical cord of the child was cut off by Xuemei Bai herself...


   Thinking back to what happened before, Bai Xuemei couldn't help being filled with doubts and curiosity.


   How did things become so unusual this time?


  How can such a painful thing as having a child become less painful at all?


   Is it because I have had two children?


   It was because, this time, Brother Cheng was not around, so there was something in the midst of taking care of himself, so that he would not let himself suffer?


   Bai Xuemei was thinking about it here, but she didn't find out the answer, it can be said to be puzzling.


  While she was thinking like this, Han Cheng, who was staying far away in Jinguan City, finally stretched his brows, closed his eyes, and lay there asleep.


   He didn't know such a mysterious thing.


   But even if he really knew it, he wouldn't panic.


   On the contrary, I still feel full of joy.


   One is because I have another child.


  Secondly, I have been away for many years~www.NovelMTL.com~ I have a lot of guilt in my heart for sister Bai Xue and children.


   This kind of thing can appear and make him suffer instead of Bai Xuemei, and he will feel better in his heart.


   I feel that I have done something to help her wife who is far away in the main tribe...






   The child's immature cry sounded in the room.


   was tilting her head, and she was awakened from her contemplation.


   She quickly tossed the mess in her mind aside, stretched out her hand to embrace the little baby by her side, and feed him.


  At this moment, nothing is as important as your own children...



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