I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1055: "Meow~" (2 in 1)


In the early morning of another day, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe with a mace in his hand yelled to the people behind, and then walked toward the front arrogantly.

Started a new journey.

After the verbal therapy of the Red Tiger Tribe maiden, the status of the Red Tiger tribe leader has changed for the better.

When the entangled things in my heart were let go, the whole person was rejuvenated and became extremely confident, even more confident and more excited than when I first set out.

The rest of the people behind him also screamed and responded with this roar, and then left with him, with their heads high and their chests high, with great momentum.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe stood here, watching the leader of her tribe and others leave, with smiles on her face.

This must be the gods at work. If not, how can one easily eliminate the wrong ideas in the hearts of the people of their tribe and make them as confident as before?

After praising the gods in such a pious manner for a while, the red tiger tribe maiden who was once again purified by the sacred **** incarnation, turned back and went to see the sacred **** incarnation.

Now, she didn't want to leave the sacred avatar for a moment. Every time she stayed with the avatar, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe felt that she had gained some gains, and in a vague way, there were some unspeakable breakthroughs... …


At a place not too far away from the Red Tiger tribe, a lazy cry suddenly sounded.

After a while, some vegetation was swayed and made some subtle noises.

Then the vegetation was separated from the middle, revealing a small head.

This little head is not big, not as big as an adult's fist.

On both sides of the upper side, there is a triangular ear.

The triangle is not very straight yet, it is a bit skewed.

His head is a little higher, with a pair of eyes.

The eyes are yellowish-brown, and the pupil in the middle is somewhat black.

The whole eyes look very smart, like gems, very beautiful.

These eyes are definitely small when placed on a person's face, but when placed on such a small head, they can be called big eyes.

With a pair of big eyes like this on a small face, it looks really cute.

How to look, how to look good.

If you pair it with the beards that grow horizontally on both sides of the mouth, it will be even more charming, and it can almost make some people's hearts cute.

You don't need to do the rest of the actions, just by virtue of this look, you can instantly win fans, successfully capture many people, and successfully grow up to become their masters!

That's right, this creature with fiery red fur is so attractive, and it is born with some master temperament!




A sudden flying stone broke the tranquility here.

This fist-sized stone slammed down in front of this fiery red fur creature.

While smashing some vegetation to the ground, some dust and soil were also stirred up.

This only has just moved with graceful steps, and his whole body reveals the aura of the king, can capture many people, and is a creature with a natural master's aura. It is covered with an agitated spirit, and the hair on its body exploded at this moment. Up!


At the same time, shouts came with anger.

At the same time, more rocks and sticks rushed forward.

The creature that had just exploded its fur, immediately received the exploded fur.

He didn't even have time to call out to express his emotions, and his four legs slammed on the ground and stomped and ran away.

Then he slammed onto the trunk of the tree. On the front and back paws, silver hooks were exposed. They grabbed the tree and climbed up a lot with two hits.

A slip of smoke jumped onto this big tree that needed two or three people to hug it.

In this process, there are still many stones, wooden sticks and other things, chasing after it like a shadow.

Some landed in the clearing, and some smashed onto the tree trunk, banging.

However, these stones and sharp wooden sticks did not eventually hit this small but extremely flexible creature.


Climbing up the big tree with smoke, and after reaching a high enough height, the creatures that were covered with hair, panicked, and ran faster than some reporters just became calm.

It stayed on the branches that were high enough, and shook the fur on its body vigorously.

And by the way, he shook his head, which also grew fiery red hair.

The fiery red hair, like satin, swayed, very elegant and beautiful.

After doing this kind of action and tidying up his appearance, the fiery red creature that climbed up the tree looked up at the bottom and called out to the people standing below, very The way it doesn't care.

Such behavior is undoubtedly a very strong provocation in the eyes of the people below.

Those people who hadn't calmed down were suddenly filled with anger.


In the angry screams of some people, a new round of attacks composed of stones, sticks and other things flew towards the creature once again.

It's just that now this creature has reached a high enough height. These angry stones and other attacking objects are still a long way away from this creature, and they lose their strength and fall powerlessly.

This creature lying on the branch of the tree quietly watched the angry roar of the people under the tree, and threw rocks and other things at it. The hairy tail was still swaying, and it looked very happy and leisurely.

After watching this for a while, the people under the tree couldn't see this **** guy, and gradually became discouraged.

Attacks became rare, and some people started talking, cursing and preparing to let people leave.


This creature lying on the branches of the tree was a little unhappy at this sight.

Haven't seen such a wonderful performance yet, why are you leaving?

When facing these people who were about to leave, she called out loudly.

After attracting the eyes of the people below, he stood up lazily, stretched out his two front paws, and then sank his waist and stretched his waist vigorously.

As he stretched his waist, his mouth opened, he yawned, and his big comfortable eyes narrowed.

Such behavior is undoubtedly extremely challenging.

Those who were about to leave under the tree were immediately angry when they saw this.

So, in the next moment, where it had just calmed down a little, there were shouts again, and many attack weapons such as stones were once again displayed, like a storm.

The guy who appeared to be very lazy just now became interested in seeing this.

He lay on the tree trunk in an instant, with two furry front paws lined up on both sides of his head, and his head stretched forward and down to look around.

The fluffy tail behind the body also stood up, wagging and wagging there, obviously with an indescribable excitement.

Standing under the tree and attacking this thing on the tree, the person who is attacking is not by the side, but the person with the nest tribe.

Because the people of the Red Tiger tribe directly robbed their own tribe and spent a lot of money last time, they exchanged the **** from the Qingque tribe and the usage of ginger, which caused their tribe to be divided into two. Together with the hunched primitive people, they went to other places to build new residences and stayed there.

The people of their own tribe cannot live together as they did in the past.

So people with nest tribes are very annoyed by the Red Tiger tribe.

It's just that they didn't dare to show such annoyance in front of the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

After all, as early as when the humpbacked primitives were still in the tribe, their tribe could not provoke the domineering and powerful Red Tiger tribe.

Now, the humpbacked primitive people and others have left the tribe and went elsewhere. The current population of their tribe’s residence has been reduced by almost half, making it even more difficult to provoke the Red Tiger tribe!

However, being unable to provoke people from the Red Tiger tribe does not mean that they cannot provoke other things related to the Red Tiger tribe.

For example, this head is covered with red hair at this time, it looks very much like a tiger, but it is much smaller than a scary creature like a tiger.

The main reason why the Red Tiger Tribe is called the Red Tiger Tribe is that there are such fiery red creatures near the place where their tribe lives.

This creature is called the Red Tiger by them.

The gods of the Red Tiger tribe were transformed from such creatures.

At the beginning, the people of the Red Tiger tribe respected and admired this kind of small red tiger.

Because this kind of thing will catch mice and eat it.

And the rats that ate tribal food are very abhorrent to the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

But the mouse is too small, extremely cunning, and very good at making holes. It is very difficult to catch. The ancestors of the Red Tiger tribe are very troublesome for this.

Under such circumstances, encountering this kind of red tiger who likes to catch mice for food, the ancestors of the Red Tiger tribe, it is strange to be unhappy!

But after a long time, the people of the Red Tiger tribe discovered that the Red Tiger, which likes to catch mice and eat, is not just that likable.

Because in addition to eating mice, they also like to steal the food accumulated by the tribe, especially meat.

Such behavior is also hated by the people of the Red Tiger tribe.

So later, this red tiger was slowly expelled from the tribe by the ancestors of the Red Tiger tribe.

But after expelling these red tigers from the tribe, the rats in the tribe became rampant once again, and the food was spoiled.

Later, the ancestors of the Red Tiger tribe came up with a very good solution.

This method is to outline the image of the red tiger with lines as similar as possible, and then enshrine it into the tribe.

Trying to use this method to silence the rat of the tribe.

For the ancestors of the Red Tiger tribe, this is indeed a very good solution.

Not only can the rats in the tribe silence their mouths, this kind of animal drawn with lines can't eat the food in the tribe...

Whether this is effective is a matter of the benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.

But one thing is certain.

That is, from then on, the Red Tiger tribe gradually evolved into the gods belonging to their tribe.

In the beginning, my tribe worshipped a creature like the red tiger for what purpose. By now, basically no one knows.

The gods of the Red Tiger tribe have also naturally become those porcelain tigers outlined with lines, or by people of the Qingque tribe, made of Guanyin clay.

But for these living Red Tigers, the people of the Red Tiger tribe still have some feelings.

Under normal circumstances, they would not take the initiative to provoke these red tigers living near the tribe.

Unless they reach the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, they will never fail to use this red tiger as food.

As people who are relatively close to the Red Tiger tribe, people with nest tribes, although they do not know the complicated historical relationship between the Red Tiger tribe and these red tigers, but they still know the Red Tiger tribe and treat these red tigers. It's very unusual.

Think of the name of the Red Tiger tribe and the **** of the Red Tiger tribe, so you can easily get something out of it.

Therefore, the resentment in their hearts towards the Red Tiger tribe was naturally transferred to the Red Tiger who happened to be met by them.

However, the members of the Nest Tribe who wanted to vent their anger in their hearts had already discovered that they and others were really wrong.

They were once again struck by the ruthless reality, and the resentment in their hearts not only failed to vent, on the contrary, they increased a lot.

Because after this trial, they found that they and others, not only could not help the people of the Red Tiger tribe, but even this small red tiger could not do anything about it!

Thinking of it ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is really uncomfortable...

After another volley attack consisting of stones, wooden sticks and other objects, the people with the nest tribe whose tired arms hurt, finally left with a depressed feeling...


The red tiger lying quietly on the branch of the tree watching the play, stood up again when he saw this, and shouted at the nest tribe who had left, wanting them to come back and continue the previous game.

However, the nest tribesmen, who were deeply frustrated, ignored it any more.


Here in the Red Tiger tribe, someone pointed to the nest tribe who had just left in exchange for something from them, and gave his suggestion to their maiden.

His suggestion is simple, that is, the nest tribe is close to their tribe, and they are relatively wealthy. People from their own tribe should take the nest tribe...

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