I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1054: I heard that the Qingque tribe planted a lot of rice (2 in 1...

Everyone fell asleep in the tribal cave where the fire became very small.

The man who had been very strong before and was using his own actions to silently cheer up the people in the tribe, lying there, covered his cheek with his well-used but extremely tired right arm, and cried silently...

His left arm is basically dead, and he will become a useless person in the tribe...

In the cave hidden by the dim light, besides this person, many people were crying.

It's just that everyone didn't say anything, so it seems that the tribe is still calm and peaceful...


When he got up the next morning, the leader of the tribe took the lead to wake up the people of his tribe.

After everyone in the tribe had eaten, he began to speak loudly.

After a while, the people in the tribe began to turn around.

The leader of this tribe, with most of them, went to find food.

The place where the tribe lived soon became quiet again.

Most of the people go out hunting, only a few old, weak and in poor health stay in the tribe.

Not too far away from the tribal cave, some children are holding harpoons made of tree branches, standing here quietly, staring at the water, waiting for the harpoon.

This time, these children were extremely serious and focused on the fish.

No one will pay attention to whether there are any forgotten ears of rice in the harvested rice fields...

Everything in the tribe seems to be the same as before. People did not stand still because of the misfortune they encountered yesterday.

Did not give up.

They are still working hard to get food.

Unfortunately, things have happened, and life needs to continue.

Being immersed in the unfortunate things that happened before will not make the situation of the tribe better, on the contrary it will only get worse.

People in this tribe don’t know if they have made it very clear.

But this is how they do it...


In a path with a lot of leaves missing, the members of the Red Tiger tribe with food on their backs are marching towards the tribe.

With heavy food on his shoulders, there was not much smile on the face of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

He led the people in the tribe, and continued to move forward in this way.

I don't know how long this situation lasted. Someone in the Red Tiger tribe's team spoke and looked very confused.

After hearing what this person was saying and what it meant, the head of the Red Tiger tribe's complexion suddenly became very difficult to look at.

After a while, the face that was so darkened by the sun turned red again.

He turned his head and looked at the person who had just spoken, who was still very confused at this time, and suddenly he rushed forward, beat this guy fiercely, and tore the person's mouth. The urge to dig into potato shreds!

Fortunately, in the final moments, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe abruptly restrained this impulse!

In fact, not only the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, but the rest of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't help glaring at this guy, trying to pounce on it, and beat this **** guy severely.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy is a member of his own tribe and everyone is a tribe, this **** guy would definitely die miserably!

It's really not that the people of the Red Tiger tribe are too angry, or that they have no restraint.

It's this guy, he can't talk too much, so he can't open the pot and mention the pot!

What he said just now doesn’t mean anything else, but, ‘the people of this tribe just picked up that little rice. Let’s make such a big fire to beat and looting them.

I heard that the people of the Qingque tribe grow a lot of rice. Why doesn't your tribe attack the Qingque tribe?

After attacking the Qingque tribe, won't your tribe get a lot of food?

You can even get some exquisite and valuable porcelain from the Qingque tribe!

At this time, if you say something like this, it would be strange if you don't offend the public!

Some people wanted to point to their noses and yelled at this guy.

Does this not want to attack the Qingque tribe? !

It is really because the Qingque tribe is not easy to provoke, and the past attacks may not be able to move!

Apart from the rest, the horrible little wooden stick that can fly so far and hit the bull's eyes again and again is enough to be frightening. They dare not look down upon the Blue Sparrow tribe or give birth to anything wrong heart of.

If the Qingque tribe is really provoked, you still need to talk about such a thing?

The people of my own tribe have already rushed on!

At least I won't spend a lot of food in exchange for the porcelain bowl of the Qingque tribe...

This kind of thing was originally something that everyone had tacitly said, but at this time, this person said it like this.

Under such circumstances, it would be a strange thing for people in the tribe if they weren't angry into anger!

I have never seen such a ignorant, silly person!

At this time, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, and even Yu, were a little skeptical. This person in his tribe had excreted things in his head!


The head of the Red Tiger tribe, who was in a bad mood, was so excited by this guy that his mood just got worse.

He yelled at this man.

Let him walk well when he is okay, don't talk too much!

After babbling like this, after thinking about it, he put a package on his shoulder and put it on this guy's shoulder for the talkative person to carry it.

He felt that this guy was so talkative and still had the strength to speak, it must be because there were not enough things on his body and he was idle.

Just let him carry more things on his shoulders!

The rest of them turned their heads angrily when they saw that the leader had already scolded this guy, and looked away from this guy.

However, in the following walks, they all automatically distanced themselves from this person.

They don't want to walk with fools.

The people with a lot of burdens on this shoulder suddenly, looking at the people of their own tribe who reacted strangely, couldn't help reaching out and scratching his head.

Did you say something wrong just now?

What I said just now is true!

This tribe just picked up a little rice, but the people from the Qingque tribe planted it directly!

Why should the people of their own tribe hold onto this tribe and turn a blind eye to the Qingque tribe, which is doing more excessively?

This kind of thing made him feel extremely puzzled.

He was forgiven for not understanding.

This matter can be summed up in the next sentence, that is, those who steal the hook will punish the princes who steal the country!

To put it bluntly, it was similar to the world that Han Cheng lived in.

The Senator of Mitty held a packet of washing powder and clamored there, suspecting that a certain country in the Middle East possessed weapons of mass destruction, and then began to send troops to fight.

And the country where Han Cheng's later lives really had this kind of weapon, there was no need to doubt it.

However, the people who had been so arrogant and passionate, who spit out the stars all over the place, were collectively blind, deaf, and unable to speak.

This is the power of the great power, and this is the performance of the motherland after it is strong!

In future generations, Han Cheng has always been proud of and proud of the motherland in which he lives, and feels fortunate to be able to live in this country, and feel at ease.

Now, in this era, he once again feels a little proud of the tribe that has gradually become prosperous and developed under his leadership.

This kind of pride and peace of mind, the rest of the people living in the tribe, I am afraid that there will be more than Han Cheng.

Looking for a soft pinch for persimmon is a common principle in this world from ancient times to the present.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe, in a very peculiar mood, carrying the looted food on their backs, they headed towards their tribe...

Following the actions of the Red Tiger tribe, the tribes living around them suffered immediately.

The tribe that the leader of the Red Tiger tribe met was fortunate and still kept half of its food.

The tribe that was encountered by the rest of the Red Tiger tribe's team was really **** mildew.

The food in the tribe was basically captured by the domineering and powerful Red Tiger tribe.

In some tribes, many people died in this process.

In a short period of time, many tribes were wailing and crying loudly.

Some tribes, after wiping away their tears, tried harder than before to obtain food. Other tribes made the decision to lead the tribe to migrate, find a new place to live, and stay away from the evil tribe of the Red Tiger tribe.

In the past, this decision was very difficult to make. After all, after leaving a familiar place of residence, many things need to be started again.

But now, after this operation of the Red Tiger tribe, these tribes have found that staying in the original place and not leaving is more terrifying and more dead than finding a new place to establish a tribe.

The domineering Red Tiger tribe has not given them any way to survive now!

If someone loses, someone gains.

With the continuous movements of the people of the Red Tiger tribe, large quantities of food have been continuously gathered and filled into the granary of the Red Tiger tribe.

The empty granary that had previously been exchanged for the sacred **** incarnation from the Blue Sparrow Tribe began to be filled one by one under the efforts of the Red Tiger tribe.

Although these foods are not as good as the rice that was paid before, they are still food and can satisfy hunger.

Looking at the food in the granary, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe had an uncontrollable smile.

Her thoughts are not wrong, and she feels the same. The gods will protect her tribe!

My tribe used a lot of food to show to the gods the sincerity of his tribe in treating the gods. Now the return is coming back soon?

If it weren't for the respected gods, who borrowed the incarnation of the gods to enlighten his tribe, how could he think of such a good solution?

If the divine gods were not at work, how could this matter be implemented so smoothly?

How could the harvest be so big?

Thinking of this in my heart, in the face of this iron-clad fact, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe became more pious, and felt more and more that the decision made before to exchange for the incarnation of the sacred **** from the Blue Sparrow tribe was That's correct.

If it weren’t for this time, I would have to look at the food brought back by the people in the tribe. The witches of the Red Tiger tribe would have to return to the house where they lived, and pray to the precious incarnation of the god. It's been a while!

The maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are happy. Many people in the Red Tiger tribe also feel very happy when they see the food that is constantly coming to their tribe.

This feeling of rapid increase in food is indeed very good.

But not everyone will feel happy.

For example, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, and other members of the Red Tiger tribe.

When they see the rapidly increasing food in the tribe, they will indeed feel very happy.

However, when they remembered how these foods came from, when they obtained these foods in their tribes, and the appearance of those who lost these foods, their hearts became uncomfortable again, and they were especially entangled...


In the middle of the Red Tiger Tribe, in the open space that resembled a square, the Red Tiger Tribe maiden with no nose was talking loudly, her face serious, and a little angry.

She stretched out one of her hands and kept pointing at the people in the tribe.

Many people standing in front of her bowed their heads when she was instructed by such a meal. They didn't even dare to speak out, let alone argue with her.

The Red Tiger Tribe maiden made such a big fire because she discovered that some people in the tribe were not active in the process of storing food.

I feel pity for those tribes and feel that my tribe is doing it wrong.

After knowing such things, how can she not be angry?

The people in the tribe were summoned immediately and spoken to the people in the tribe.

The meaning of what she said is summed up: I don't care about other tribes! I just want our own tribe to be good~www.NovelMTL.com~ don't let the people of our tribe be hungry!

As for those tribes, how they should live in the future is not something that their tribe should think about, it is something that the tribes that have been robbed should think about!

They are robbed of their tribes because those tribes are weak, and they should be robbed. They deserve it!

Who makes their tribe not strong?

If those tribes can be as strong as their own tribe, or as strong as the blue sparrow tribe, wouldn't the people of their tribe rob them?

Many of the Red Tiger tribesmen with their heads drooping, when they heard this, they suddenly felt that the witches of their tribe made a lot of sense...

(Thanks to the book friends for entering the pit. I am a primitive person. Thank you for your support. Primitive book will be written until it is finished. No eunuch. This is the promise of Lao Pujie. Thanks again to the book friends for their support. , Also invite capable book friends, who can come to genuine support, subscribe some, after all, the author also has to eat, life is not easy.)

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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