I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1053: It's not fragrant at 1 o'clock... (2 in 1)

After a short while of struggle and hesitation, a child stepped forward and took the package that the evil Red Tiger tribe leader had lost here when he left.

Then open it.

After opening it, the scene inside was revealed.

After seeing the scene inside, these people were stunned on the spot, and some people's eyes widened.

The contents of this package are too surprising, and also too tempting!

What's in it is not by the side, but in their eyes, the rice is extremely precious and delicious!

Faced with such a situation, how could they not be happy?

This adult, who was lying on the ground with one arm bleeding, and could not lift it much, was also surprised.

This unexpected look was quickly replaced by a smile.

Your tribe rarely gets so much rice at once.

Now I got so much at once. Tonight, after the leader and them return, the children in the tribe will be able to relieve their hunger!


He is happy, but it does not mean that the others are happy.

In the cave, an angry and immature cry suddenly sounded.

The parcel dropped by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was handed to the minor who opened it. He shouted, picked up the stretched parcel with both hands, and quickly walked out of the cave together with the rice on it.

Then he used his hand to throw it to the ground.

Such a move caused a few people in the tribe to be stunned, but these minors quickly realized why this minor did this.

And think he did it right.


The minor who returned to the cave empty-handed said to the tribe with anger in his eyes, and said to the person looking at him.

What he meant was that they would not eat the evil things that the Red Tiger Tribe gave!

Stop eating rice!

These children in the tribe, thinking of what happened not long ago, also nodded one after another, expressing agreement with this child's actions and statements.

They really cannot and do not want to eat the rice dropped by the Red Tiger tribe.

The adult half lying on the ground showed an unexpected look.

Then, the corners of the eyes of the man who had just been beaten so hard and didn't cry.

Red eyes.


The adult said so.

What he meant was, don't throw away the rice, but pick it up, the rice is delicious when cooked.


The children in this tribe said so, shaking their heads like a rattle.

What they mean is that they don't eat rice, and they don't want to eat food cooked from rice.


A child said aloud, meaning that the rice was not delicious at all, and it was not as delicious as the wild vegetables cooked by his tribe, so they should not eat such food.

The other children nodded after hearing what the child said aloud, expressing their agreement with what the child said.

People in this tribe, seeing the behavior of their tribe's children, their eye sockets became even hotter, and tears couldn't help but want to flow.

He looked at the children of his tribe, his mouth opened, and he couldn't say a word.

After doing this for a while, he used his uninjured arm, supported the ground hard, and sat up hard.

Then he stood up again.

Seeing this, the children hurriedly walked to his side and reached out to support him.


This male primitive said aloud.

What he meant was to let these children go to spear fish, leave him alone, spear fish for the tribe.

He is fine, don't worry about him.

The children in the tribe were still worried and wanted to continue to come and help, but in the end they still failed to hold back the injured adult primitive man.

They picked up the simple harpoon and walked out of the cave of the tribe, towards the big pond outside the tribe.

In the process of walking, many people will look back.

This injured adult primitive man stood at the entrance of the tribe and looked at them with a smile on his face and a relaxed look.

It was as if not long ago, he had not been severely beaten by the Red Tiger tribesmen, and there was no bleeding on his arm.

Seeing him like this, the children in the tribe felt a lot easier in their hearts.

Began to walk quickly towards the pond.

Because of them, the tribe lost so much stored food today. They now have to use their own efforts to obtain more food for the tribe to make up for the loss as much as possible.


After these minors had walked a little farther, the adult with a relaxed complexion suddenly shrank a lot.

The relaxed expression on his face also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Because of the pain, his body was trembling slightly.

There was blood on his left arm.

Some have dried up, some are new flowing out.

But there are not so many new ones.

He returned to the cave, came in front of a container, lifted the water inside with his right hand, and washed his left arm.

His left arm can't be raised anymore, so he can only move a little bit, swelling in many places is a little scary.

After cleaning the blood on his arm, the primitive man stood up on the stone wall with his right arm that was still intact.

After standing on the spot for a while, the adult walked outside.

After a while, he came outside the cave and stopped.

There was a lot of spilled rice where he stood.

These rice grains were thrown away by the children of their tribe not long ago when the leader of the Red Tiger tribe left.

He stood here and looked at the rice for a while, then sighed, shook his head, and slowly squatted down with his right hand on his knees.

Then he started to use his hands to grab the rice scattered on the ground and grab the animal skins.

He did this very seriously.

After grabbing a large pile of rice, he used his fingers to pick up the rice grains scattered on the ground one by one, and placed them on the animal skin wrappers on the ground.

After a while, the grown-up picked up the rice grains scattered on the ground.

He squatted here, rested for a while, and then began to tie the animal skin with his hands.

The rice is placed on top of the animal skins. If you don’t tie the animal skins first, it’s very difficult to take away the rice on it. Just pick it up with your hands and the rice will spill on the ground.

So even if the hand is very inconvenient, he still insists on tying it up first.

One hand wants to tie up the package, except for a few people with extremely strong skills, the rest of them simply don't have the ability.

For this reason, after trying for a while with his right hand and discovering that it was impossible to do this at all, the adult had to slowly stretch out his left arm, which was injured and could not use much strength.

Reluctantly grabbed a corner of the leather with his left hand, and cooperated with the right hand to wrap and tie the animal skin.

The process was not smooth, and this person took a long time.

Sweat dripped on his forehead.

After a while, the adult, who was holding the package with his right hand, stood up and walked towards the tribal cave with some shaky body.

When he came into the cave, he lowered the package in his hand, squatted down, clasped the pitted stone that fell on the ground with his hands, and worked hard with his body. After a while, he lifted it up.

After finishing this work, the man panted loudly, sweat drenched from his forehead, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

After resting here for a while, the man bent down and unwrapped the package on the ground. After reaching out and grabbing several sticks inside, he picked up the stick that fell from the ground, held it with his hand, and started Pound the rice at once.

The work of pounding rice is a work carried out by holding a wooden stick in both hands, and holding it in one hand, it is really too laborious.

A healthy person, holding it with one hand, after a while, will be tired and unbearable.

Not to mention, this primitive man was severely beaten not long ago.

I didn't hold it for a few times, my face was already full of sweat, and the breath in my mouth became uneven.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Inside the cave, there was such a sound that was much smaller than before.

A male primitive man with one arm basically unable to move and a lot of dust on his body, standing here, holding a wooden stick with one arm, smashing the rice again and again, seemingly unaware of fatigue.

When rice pounding was carried out not long ago, the tribe was full of laughter and laughter. Now when pounding rice is carried out, there is only one person left in the tribe, a person who has suffered a serious injury and is out of control and trembling slightly. Pounding rice again and again here.

He looks extremely weak and exhausted, but he didn't stop much, just pounding rice here again and again...

Time flies by, and before you know it, it's already night.

The smell of food is permeating in the cave that looks a little messy.

This scent is extremely attractive, far from the food that the tribe ate before.

During the day, there were many more people in the cave that seemed empty.

This is the return of people who went to get food elsewhere.

If it was in the past, in the cave of the tribe, there was such a smell of food, the people in the tribe would be extremely happy, the atmosphere would be very good, and it would be as lively as the Qingque tribe for New Year.

But now, the atmosphere in the tribe is very depressed, and it feels dull and breathless.

Many people in the tribe sat quietly like this, or leaned on the rock wall, in a daze.

The hearts of everyone seemed to be crushed by a heavy stone.

After a while, the man who was severely beaten by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and whose left arm could basically be declared abolished, stood up, picked up the bowls from the stack of bowls with his right hand, and gave them one by one. Placed beside a large pottery with food.

The pottery bowl in the tribe is far from enough for one person.

So after a while, the bowls placed here began to become weird.

Some are chiseled out of stone, some are made of wood...

After placing these bowls in place, the man began to use his right hand to hold a very simple wooden bowl with a long handle, and from the large pottery, put the rice in these bowls.

Many people in the tribe looked over, and after taking a look, they twisted their heads to the original position again and continued the previous thing.

Some people feel that they don't understand or are angry.

The tribe has already encountered such bad things, but you still only want to eat? !

How can this be eaten!

This person doesn't care about this, just serve the meal there.

Even his right arm is almost out of sensation, he can't use much strength, holding a spoonful of rice in his hand, it seems to weigh a thousand pounds, and he is still holding the rice calmly.

After a while, he filled all the rice bowls placed here in such a heavy atmosphere.


He put down the things like a rice spoon and greeted the people in the tribe to eat.

The people in the tribe turned their heads to look at him, and then at the food placed there. They didn't speak aloud, but turned their heads back and continued to maintain their previous posture.

This person was stunned.

Then continue to speak to the people in the tribe to eat.

This time, many people just ignored him and didn't even turn their heads.

He shouted three times in a row, but no one came to eat.

After a while, he stopped talking.

He bent over with his already exhausted right hand, picked up a bowl of rice, and walked towards the leader of his tribe, placing it next to the leader.

Then he returned again and continued to hold the bowl with the food, and put it in front of the others.

People in the tribe were silent, and many people's chests were rising and falling sharply.


The leader of this tribe, looking at this pale, severely injured arm, and limping walking, his heart seemed to be filled with a lot of things.

After a while, he finally couldn't stand it anymore and started talking loudly.

After saying this, he reached out and lifted the bowl on the ground, brought it to his mouth, and took a sip.

What he meant was, let the people in the tribe stop being stunned, eat and sleep quickly, and the tribe will go out to find food tomorrow!

After hearing his words and seeing his example again, the people of this tribe began to take action.

Some people started to eat with the bowl at their feet~www.NovelMTL.com~ Some people went straight to the place where the bowl was placed and picked up the bowl to eat.

Some people with a rather sloppy temper, after waiting for a while, also picked up a particularly heavy bowl, and took a sip after a long time...

The few people and children in the tribe also picked up the bowl in their hands. It took a while before they put their mouths on the edge of the bowl and started eating.

I just don't know why, the food that used to be especially sweet in the past doesn't taste good at all at this time.

Not to mention the taste of drinking to the mouth, it also has a tear-gas effect.

Just one sip made the eyes of many people hazy.

Tears were mixed in the steaming food, and they were drunk into the stomach together, making it difficult to swallow.

I will never eat rice again...

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