I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1052: Dropped small package (2 in 1)

People have tempers and have something they care about.

This is true even for people who usually seem extremely honest and bully.

This is the same for this primitive man.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe smashed and spilled some of the rice that the children in the tribe had collected back over and spilled on the ground, which completely annoyed him and made him particularly wronged.

This kind of grievance turned into anger in an instant!

If the rice was stolen by people from your own tribe, then forget it.

But now it's true that the children of my own tribe picked them up!

You still won't let you eat, you are still so overbearing, kick it over!

At this time, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was kicked over, not only the poor little rice, but also the simple smiles and simple expectations of these children.

And the heavy lid in this person's heart to suppress the dissatisfaction in the heart!


The man yelled angrily, jumped up suddenly, and ran into the Red Tiger tribe leader holding a mace!

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe didn't even think that in this obedient tribe, there would be people who would dare to bark their teeth when they were caught by them.

No defense at all.

So caught off guard, he was knocked down to the ground by this person!




While crying, this man screamed loudly, digging his hands frantically on the face and body of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, and hit!

The state of the whole person seemed extremely crazy.

Suddenly, all the members of the Red Tiger tribe inside this tribe cave became stunned.

None of them thought that such a magical and magical thing would happen.

The people of this tribe, who were extremely weak and obedient in the past, actually took the lead at this time, when many of them arrived with weapons, and fought against the leader of their tribe!

This stupefaction caused the leader of their tribe to be beaten several times by this person who burst into tears.


After being beaten several times in a row, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe roared in anger and began to counterattack.

The rest of the stunned Red Tiger tribe were also amidst the roar of their leader. They recovered and rushed forward, pulling their hands to ride on their leader, the cowardly who kept fighting frantically. People.

Some people kicked them directly with their feet.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, so a tiger can't fight a pack of wolves.

This person who was extremely angry and violently beaten by the excessive means of the Red Tiger tribe quickly fell into a disadvantage after the Red Tiger tribe responded.

He was pulled down from the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, surrounded by people, and beaten vigorously, without the slightest strength to fight back!

Among them, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe who got up from the ground was the darkest and most ruthless.

Annoyed into anger, he took a mace and made the people of his tribe flashed to the side, and then looked at the opportunity, facing the arm of the man who had been beaten on the ground and reacted much slower, directly used force Smashed up!

The strength of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was already great, and the mace with wooden nails was extremely sharp.

At this time, a stick fell fiercely, how can it be summarized by a pain!

Going down with a stick, the person who was beaten lying on the ground and reacted a lot slower, his body suddenly became agitated, and he twisted crazy a few times.

There was an extremely deafening howl from his mouth.

The blood shot out in an instant.

Several children in the cave were shivering with fright before, hiding in the place where they were dropped by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, afraid to speak, let alone move.

At this time, seeing such a scene, I don't know where the courage came from.


The child who first found Rice Ears before yelled loudly, crying and ran towards the adult of his tribe who was being besieged.

After running there, he prostrated himself in front of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, and used his body to cover part of the adult body of his tribe who was lying on the ground, while shouting some words.

What he shouted was that they don't eat rice, and only beg the people of the Red Tiger tribe not to beat the adult of their tribe.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe was still angry. He wanted to use the mace he raised again to directly hit the child's head and slam him up, so that he could not move.

But at the moment I was about to do this, something was touched in my heart.

This slight hesitation caused him not to drop the raised mace, but instead kicked it with his feet.

He lifted his foot and kicked the minor directly aside!

The power of role models is infinite.

With this child taking the lead, the remaining children in the cave also overcome their psychological fears and began to get up and run towards the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

They did not launch an attack on the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others, but just like the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, the child kicked flying directly in front of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, using their bodies to cover the red tiger tribe. The leader beat the adult of his own tribe who was unsuccessful.

He shouted not to eat rice.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe stretched out his feet and kicked them down one after another, and then hit the adult with a mace.

The children of this tribe were crying more miserably.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe was about to torture and kill this person who dared to do something against him.

But after seeing those in front of me being kicked away by myself, I ran up again, crawling in front of me again, guarding the adult of their tribe, looking at me pleadingly, and kept saying that they would never eat rice again. A minor, his heart suddenly softened.

The mace held up high can't fall anymore!


He snorted, kicked the adult with his foot up, and then walked past these people.


After bypassing, he said something like this.

The meaning of these words, after being translated, is that because you violated the regulations and ate the rice that belongs to their Red Tiger tribe, their Red Tiger tribe will punish you.

The result of the punishment is to take away half of the food stored by this tribe!

When saying these words, the voice of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was extremely harsh.

It seems that if there is a disagreement, it will be a big killing, and the people of this tribe will be properly repaired.

In fact, after hearing their tribal leader utter such a remark in an extremely severe voice, many of the Red Tiger tribe warriors who followed the Red Tiger tribe leader showed a look of doubt.

Because on the way, the leader of his tribe didn't say that.

What he said was to take away all the food that the tribe could eat, leaving nothing behind.

How come now, what the leader of your tribe said is suddenly different?

Of course, even with doubts in their hearts, under the circumstances at this time, they didn't dare to ask, they just did what their tribal leader said.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe who walked in the innermost cave with his back to the crowd and said such words in an extremely severe voice, the expression on his face was far less severe and inviolable than the voice.

On the contrary, the look on his face still looked lonely.

It is not easy for each tribe to live.

If it were not for the fact that your tribe did not really have much food, the tribe would not survive without doing such things.

After seeing the scene that just happened, he said that he would never **** food from the tribe again.

But there is no way. If they don't **** food from this tribe, their tribe will not survive, and the people in the tribe will die.

Under such circumstances, he must take people with him to do such things.

Being able to say that he can only grab half of the food is already the biggest concession he has made!

This tribe itself is not an opponent of the powerful Red Tiger tribe.

At this time, the main people in the tribe went out to get food, and those who stayed in the tribe were basically old, weak, sick and disabled.

Such a person would never be an opponent of the Red Tiger tribe, who have an advantage in body, weapon, or number.

Therefore, with the order of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, the people of the Red Tiger tribe immediately took action and began to carry the tribe's laboriously to store food.

It's as casual as carrying food from your own tribe.

The child of this tribe, and the adult who was beaten with blood, looked at the scene in horror and helplessness, but did not dare to stop it.

I can only watch, the people of my tribe, hungry, reluctant to eat more, and hard-earned food, are being carried out by these domineering people.

This feeling is really bad, and it makes people feel very desperate and heartbroken.

After a while, the food stored by this tribe was moved about half by the fast-moving Red Tiger tribe.

After seeing this, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe stopped these people in his tribe and stopped letting them carry the food of the tribe.


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, carrying a mace, said this in his mouth, and came outside with the rest of the tribe.

Only a messy cave was left, and there were a few miserable people who stayed in the cave.

Looking at this uncomfortable scene in the cave, among the few people who stayed here, some cried uncomfortably...

Carrying a mace, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe walked outside. He wanted to go with the tribe and carry the food, but he stopped after thinking about it.

He put down the food he was carrying on his shoulders, and then walked to a person next to him.

This person is holding a cow in his hand, and something is tied to the cow.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe came to the cow and untied a small bag of things from it.

Then, carrying a mace in one hand and the small bag in the other hand, he returned to the cave of this tribe.

In the cave, a group of crying people gathered together, and when they noticed someone coming in, they subconsciously raised their heads to look.

Seeing the people who came in were the leaders of the Red Tiger tribe carrying mace, these people were so scared that they didn't even dare to cry.

One by one looked at this cruel guy with horror, for fear that this guy would attack again.

Two children with footprints on their bodies stretched out their arms hard to block the injured adult from their tribe.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe did not raise the mace in his hand again, but threw the small package in his other hand in front of these people.

After staying here for a while, watching a few people, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe turned and left the cave of the tribe without a word.


He came outside again, greeted everyone loudly, and took the lead in carrying the looted food, heading forward, and leaving the tribe.

The rest of the Red Tiger tribe people carried food, or led the cattle **** with the food, and followed the leader of their tribe, heading away.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, carrying a heavy load of food and walking in front, did not have a half smile on his face.

On the contrary, my heart is as heavy as the food on my shoulders.

As early as on the way without people carrying out this matter, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe once imagined taking people with him, obtaining a large amount of food from the rest of the tribe, and then taking it back to the tribe.

At that time, he felt that he would be extremely excited, and he was excited even walking.

After all, he led the people in the tribe and obtained a lot of food.

But now, the scene he had previously imagined really appeared. He really led the people in the tribe and obtained a lot of things from the rest of the tribe.

But the happiness in the imagination did not come as promised.

On the contrary, his mood is still very heavy, and there is no half of happiness.

This transformation ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is the leader of the Red Tiger tribe. Before that, I didn't think of it...

In a messy cave, at the entrance of the cave, two small heads with messy hair appeared.

There are some blood stains on the little head.

These bloodstains flowed from the adult who was beaten by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others in the tribe.

The two small tousled heads watched the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and others leave. The tension and panic in his eyes gradually disappeared a lot, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. .

They quickly turned back into the cave and told the people in the cave the good news that the Red Tiger tribe and others had left.

The people in the cave breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the good news.

Then everyone's eyes were attracted by the small package that was thrown there when the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was leaving...

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