I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1051: The poor tribe

In the caves of the tribe, there were adults who remained in the tribe long ago, and they were alarmed by the movement made by these minors.

After hearing their excited shouts, they quickly greeted them, wanting to see what happened.

Then I saw these minors, holding some ears of rice in their hands, all excited and yelling.


The minor who held the most ears of rice was talking loudly, and the joy on his face almost overflowed!

What he meant was that they found delicious rice.

Wait a minute to deal with it, and by night, you can add some vegetables and other things to cook delicious food for consumption!

People in the tribe can eat some such delicious food!

These minors standing beside them nodded repeatedly after hearing the words to express their recognition and affirmation of this matter.

Show that they also mean the same.

Looking at the ears of rice in the hands of a few minors, listening to what they said, and then looking at the sincere, simple and expectant smiles on their faces, this one stayed in the tribe, not following the big ones in the tribe. The troops, the adults who went out hunting and getting food, suddenly couldn't help but wet their eyes.

What is this all about!

Not far from my tribal cave is a piece of water, very suitable for rice growth.

Many delicious rice are planted here every year, and many rices are harvested.

Logically speaking, these rice should belong to their own tribe.

After all, this is right next to the cave of his tribe.

However, the tribe guarding this large paddy field does not have the right to harvest rice.

This rice that should belong to your own tribe does not belong to your own tribe, but belongs to the overbearing Red Tiger tribe far away from here!

The rice here is picked up by people from the Red Tiger tribe every year when it reaches maturity.

They guarded so many rice, they can only sneak a little bit of rice to eat.

This still needs to be done very secretly, and always be careful not to let the people of the Red Tiger tribe find it.

My tribe guards such a large rice field, but the rice produced in this paddy field does not belong to my tribe.

What is even more annoying is that in other places, my own tribe borrows water to grow some rice. It also does not belong to my own tribe. It is also something of the domineering Red Tiger tribe!

So that the children of their tribe, gluttonous for rice became what they are now!

Seeing the joy of these children holding a little bit of rice, this adult felt sad for a while.

How could this matter become what it is now?


The adult stretched his hand on his eye socket, rubbed it vigorously, smiled on his face, and said to the children in the tribe.

He is saying that these children are right. Tonight, people from his tribe will eat this delicious food.


After hearing what he said, these minors couldn't help cheering.

Two guys couldn't help but jump up on the spot.

Next, a few people started here, together with this adult, to deal with the rice.

They first took the rice from the ears of rice by hand, one by one.

Then it was put into a stone pit, and the adult was holding a wooden stick with the thickness of a baby's arm and pounding it constantly.

Around him, there were minors squatting in a circle.

These minors watched this scene seriously, with joy and expectation in their eyes.

Whenever some rice pops out of the stone pit, these minors will rush to reach out their little hands, pick them up, throw them back into the stone pit, and refuse to let them go. .

As this person kept pounding, gradually there were more rice, tearing the outer hard shell, revealing the white and tender real body.


There were minors who squatted here and watched carefully, and couldn't help but slobber.

After feeling shocked, quickly inhale to save it.

Such movements and images successfully attracted the attention of the rest of the people present, and made them laugh.

Even the adult who was constantly pounding rice with a wooden stick became uncontrollable.

The atmosphere in the cave suddenly became extraordinarily joyous.


With a crisp sound, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe holding a mace, raised his steps and walked forward.

Where the footsteps have been, a broken tree stick is left.

Behind him, more people from the Red Tiger tribe followed.

With weapons in their hands, these people walked forward with the leader of the Red Tiger tribe. They were all soldiers of the Red Tiger tribe.

Many of them stepped on this stick.

After being exposed to the wind and the sun, the wooden sticks that were not so strong, after being trampled by so many people, completely changed their appearance, breaking into several knots, and many places were trampled out of wood chips.

Looking at the shallow water that appeared in front of him not far away and the open cave not far from the shallow water, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe put the mace in his hand against his shoulder.

There was a smile on his face, because after a while, their tribe could get a lot of food!

But his smile did not last too long.

The reason is also for what will happen next.

The tribe in front of me is a very obedient tribe.

The leader who obeyed to the Red Tiger tribe felt a little embarrassed when he remembered that he was about to take people away from this tribe to take away the food he was looking at.

Of course, even if he was embarrassed in his heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe did not stop at his feet, still walking towards the cave of the tribe in front of him, without much hesitation.

After all, his embarrassment is far from reaching the point where it is more important than getting food.

Thinking like this in my heart, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, with the people in the tribe, walked by the edge of this waters and headed straight towards the cave of this tribe.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As he continued to approach this cave, some voices also spread to the head of the Red Tiger tribe and the people of the Red Tiger tribe behind.

Listening to the voice that came, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe was slightly stunned in the same place, the expression on his face changed a little.

He waited here for a while, and then walked toward the tribe again, much faster than before.


After a while, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe came and carried the mace, and entered the cave of this tribe shortly.

His eyes adjusted slightly to the light in the cave, and the leader of the Red Tiger tribe saw clearly the situation inside the cave.

The scene in front of him made him instantly annoyed, and a wave of anger rushed directly toward the forehead.

He lifted the mace in his hand and shouted loudly.

The sound echoed in the cave, it seemed a bit ‘buzzing’, which exacerbated the momentum,

When the leader of the Red Tiger tribe first came in from outside the cave, the adult who was pounding rice there already knew.

It's just that he didn't care, he just thought it was a member of his tribe, and he came back from outside.

In addition, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe is standing behind his back, making it difficult to see.

Moreover, according to previous years' experience, after harvesting rice, people from the Red Tiger tribe will never come to their tribe.

So he just glanced up slightly, then lowered his head again, and continued to pound the rice with a wooden stick.

After pounding three times in a row, the adult suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The appearance of this person just now does not seem to belong to his own tribe, but rather similar to that domineering tribe.

Thinking like this in his heart, this person subconsciously raised his head again to confirm.

This time, he had some preparations in his heart, so he quickly recognized the identity of this person!

This person is indeed from that domineering and evil Red Tiger tribe!

Moreover, he is the leader of this tribe!

Only in ordinary times, when seeing ordinary people from the Red Tiger tribe, this person was already frightened, and his heart was extremely disturbed.

Now, at this critical moment of pounding rice, I have directly met the leader of the Red Tiger tribe. How can this matter be summed up as a stimulus!

This person, after recognizing the identity of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, was immediately stunned!

Standing stunned.

He obviously wanted to quickly throw away the rice-pounding stick in his hand and quickly hide the rice in these stone pits, but his body was out of his control.

He still stood here without moving, maintaining an extremely surprised and terrified expression.

Those few minors who were happily and dreamed that they could eat the kind of delicious food with a lot of wild vegetables in the evening, plus this small half bowl of rice, were also shocked by this sudden change. Measures.

One by one squatted in place, raised their heads, and their big eyes were filled with fear.

It was at this time that the leader of the Red Tiger tribe burst into a loud shout full of anger.

After the loud shout, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe didn't stop, walked forward two steps full of anger, and came to a few people.

With an empty hand, he grabbed a child's arm and threw the minor two or three meters away with a sudden force.

The child who was swiped fell to the ground and made a ‘Kawa’ sound. Then he lay on the ground and rolled his eyes, unable to breathe.

After a while, he finally took a breath, and slowly came over to breathe.

Then he started crying.

But he didn't cry for long, he just cried twice and stopped abruptly.

What made him stop crying was not from the side, but from intense fear.

During the time he was thrown away and then eased back, more people suffered the poisonous hand of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe.

Several children were pulled over by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, or just thrown away.

For a while, the happy scene disappeared suddenly, and the cave was enveloped by boundless fear.


The wooden stick in the adult's hand fell to the ground.


Such an emergency situation made this person relieved of his inability to control his body.

He shouted and explained to the leader of the Red Tiger tribe who was carrying a mace in one hand and inside the cave of his tribe.

What he meant was that the rice they are getting now is not stolen, but picked up from the rice fields that have been harvested not long ago.

Such an explanation seemed so pale and feeble in front of the leader of the Red Tiger tribe carrying a mace.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe didn't listen to this person's explanation at all.

He himself came here today with a face looking for trouble. Before he came, he was thinking about what excuses he should use to carry out the robbery in a fair manner.

As a result, as soon as I came here, I met people from this tribe who were pounding rice!

This just gave him an excellent excuse, allowing him to find a reason for snatching.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason that he really can't see the people of the other tribes and eat delicious rice.

This thing can only be owned by their tribe!


The leader of the Red Tiger tribe, violently interrupted this man and scolded him!

Then he took a violent step forward again, and then lifted his foot on the rock used to hold some rice and pound it.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe itself was strong, and he was angry at this time. In addition, this tribe was not professional in pounding rice. The stone used was small, so this stone was directly knocked down by the leader of the Red Tiger tribe. .

The rice in it was all spilled onto the ground.

It's rolling down everywhere.

The hulled rice rolled to the ground ~www.NovelMTL.com~ white and dazzling.

This person who maintained a respectful and humble posture, carefully looked at the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, explained the person, looked at the rice scattered on the ground, and slammed his heart, and the whole person was caught on the ground. White, trembling with excitement.

At this moment, many pictures suddenly appeared before his eyes——

There are people from their tribe, driven by the people of the Red Tiger tribe, helping the people of the Red Tiger tribe grow rice in the water.

Some of their tribes worked so hard to help the people of the Red Tiger tribe to harvest rice. Later, the people of the Red Tiger tribe took away all the rice, leaving them no picture.

When people with their own tribe secretly get a little rice to eat, the people in the tribe are unhappy.

Not long ago, these children picked up some forgotten rice from the harvest, looking at themselves full of joy and expectation, and they said that everyone in the tribe can eat delicious food at night...

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