I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1043: The original version of Ma Fei San! (2 in 1)

"Pick the fruit, the branch broke, and fell from the big fruit tree, there is a stone underneath..."

The child's mother was already unable to say anything at this time, just looking at her child with a worried and distressed expression, and Liang's movements.

The answer to this was a man who ran after him, and he also ran a little panting.

In this person's answer, Liang has quickly prepared the tourniquet.

He nodded and said nothing, holding the tourniquet and preparing to tie it up on the thigh of the child's right leg, so that the loss of blood could be reduced as quickly as possible.

However, this process was not smooth. The child who had his leg broken and a large piece of flesh torn apart was constantly crying here, his body was twisting, and he was extremely uncontrollable.

"Hold him down, don't let him move around here!"

After Liang tried twice without success, he spoke to the person next to him.

The people on the side immediately started to hold it firmly.

The cry of the child who was held down became louder and more miserable.

However, Liang remained unmoved, moving his hands quickly, and quickly tied the tourniquet to the thigh of the crying child amidst the child's violent cry.

Having been engaged in this matter uninterrupted over the years, Liang has gradually developed a'stone heart'.

In the face of the howling and struggling of the patient, he was not moved at all.

In the beginning, Liang was not like this. Many times, he would feel unbearable, and his hand movements would slow down uncontrollably.

However, such a momentary softness did not play its due role. On the contrary, it made the patient's condition worse, and later suffered even greater suffering and more sins.

After experiencing similar things several times, in order to be better for the patient, Liang gradually became the "hands and cruel" person today!

With the binding of the tourniquet, the child's injured leg immediately stopped bleeding.

However, the cry of this guy is still not small, his body is trembling constantly, his whole body is soaked in sweat, and his face is not much bloody.

The whole person was shrouded in intense pain and great fear.

And this is just the beginning.

Next, Liang needs to perform a deep cleaning of his wound. After cleaning, he will **** the broken bones together.

Then use needles and gut suture to sew together the wound open by the stone.

After wrapping with linen cloth, use wooden sticks and rope to fix the outside.

It can be said that there are still many sins to suffer.

In this process, the pain to be experienced, even an adult, cannot bear it, let alone a minor!

Liang quickly and carefully washed his hands with salt water and willow water. With a pot of willow water at the back, he came to the side of the minor who was lying flat on the bed.

"Hold him down, don't let him move!"

Liang asked Tietou to hold a special pottery scoop with a ‘open mouth’, and slowly pour salt water onto the child’s wound so that he could wash it by hand.

After explaining these things to Tie Tou, Liang turned his head and confessed to a few people who were pressing the minor.

Several people nodded solemnly, and they had already used their strength unconsciously.


Seeing this, Liang stopped hesitating, and said to the iron head who was ready.

Hearing this, the iron head tilted the hand holding the pottery scoop slightly, and immediately a column of water slid down and landed on the wound below.

When the running water falls, the thick blood is diluted and then taken away by the running water.

They also took away some dirt such as stone debris, dirty tree leaves, dust, grass clippings and so on.

It is very important to carry out this kind of cleaning, which will help the healing of bones and wounds in the future, and reduce the possibility of inflammation as much as possible.

But these are not easy to clean.

The main reason was that the minor's wound was too deep, and there was too much dirt in it, many of which were on the flesh and bones, and it was very difficult to wash away with water.

After rushing for a while, I washed three scoops of water in a row, but there were still a lot of dirty things that were not washed away.

Such a thing is worrying.

Grabbing the wound with his hand to make the iron head brighten, after watching this for a while, he finally couldn't bear it.

He let go of one hand and scrubbed the wound with his fingers.

The pain of the wound itself was extremely unbearable. At this time, Liang stretched out his hand to scrub again. It is conceivable how intense the pain is.

This is really a deep bone marrow pain, which is unbearable.

Even if it was held tightly by a few people, under the stimulation of such intense pain, this minor couldn't help twisting and struggling.

The sound of crying is not like a human voice at all!

The minor's mother cried directly under such circumstances.

The rest of the people involved in the room also couldn't bear it, and felt afflicted.

Even though it was the iron head that often filled people with manure, the hands holding the scoop at this time couldn't help shaking.

And Liang still rubbed his face blankly, hands very steady.

This kind of thing caused everyone in the room to sigh with emotion and admire Liang's cruelty and cruelty.

However, what they saw was only the surface, in fact it was as bright as a dog, and at this time they had become unbearable.

It is really that this minor is too young, and his injuries are too serious, the crime he needs to suffer is too great!

But there is no way. In order to make this minor recover better, he can only choose to do so without any problems in the future!

Thinking like this in his heart, Liang suddenly stopped.

Not because he had thoroughly cleaned the minor's wound, but because he suddenly remembered something.

A good thing that can greatly reduce the pain of this child if it can come true!

"I have a way, which is very likely to alleviate his pain, that is, I have not used it like this before..."

The situation is urgent now, so Liang didn't hesitate, just hesitated a little, and then said the matter.

After hearing what Liang said, the minor who was tortured by the intense pain almost fainted, and the whole person was about to collapse, suddenly came to his spirits, turned his head quickly, and looked at Liang with pleading and hope. I am very hopeful that he can implement the pain relief method he said!

Liang looked at him, then looked at his mother, this female primitive woman with blood stains and tears on her distressed face.

The female primitive understood Liang's words, but she seemed a little hesitant.

What she hesitated about was precisely the kind of method that Liang said had not been verified before.

Out of a mother's concern for her son, she subconsciously perceives the danger in her bright words.

She hesitated for a while, then looked at her child.

From the child's eyes, she saw a deep pleading.

This kind of pleading broke her heart all at once.

The hesitation in my heart disappeared all at once.

"This method really works?"

She looked at the light and asked for confirmation.

"It is very likely to be useful."

Liang said.

He immediately added: "Even if it is useless, it will not endanger human life."

"Use it! Definitely use it, try it soon!"

After Liang said something that would not be life-threatening even if it was useless, the mother who cared about the child immediately agreed.

The reason why she seemed hesitant just now was because she was worried that this unknown and unproven method would endanger the lives of her children.

Now that she learned from Liang that it would not be life-threatening, she naturally agreed to this matter without hesitation.

She also couldn't bear to see her child suffer such a big sin.

After obtaining the consent, there was no hesitation a little bit brighter, turned around and walked quickly to one side, and came down to the place where the gourd was placed. He reached out and picked up one of the gourds, and gave the gourd stopper. Unplugged.

Then he tilted the gourd, and poured out some brown powder from it, holding the bowl in one hand and the spoon containing the powder in the other.

"Drink this thing. After you drink it, you can sleep. After falling asleep, you won't know it hurts."

Liang said to the unhappy minor who was tortured by pain.

This minor is really afraid of being tortured by the pain.

Before this kind of powder, it really took some effort to let him drink it.

But now, he didn't even have any extra hesitation, he opened his mouth to eat it, and then washed it down with water.

I have to say that this kind of medicinal powder, which was made by mistakes of light, is really useful.

It didn't take long for the minor to drink it, and then it worked, and his eyes squinted uncontrollably, which seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

After a while, the eyes were completely closed, and the expression on the whole person's facial expression became calm and calm.

This was the quietest time since he fell from the tree and fell into this shape.

Seeing such a scene, the child, even the mother who was anxious and distressed and shed tears, felt much calmer at once.

The iron head on the side, his eyes widened, look at the child who has calmed down and no longer screams, then look at the gourd, and wash his hands with salt water and willow water again, and prepare to continue to serve this underage. The cleaning is bright, and the whole person looks very surprised.

Obviously, before, he had not thought that this kind of powder, which he thought was useless, would actually have such a great use and such a good effect!

"Iron head, water it."

Said loudly.

After hearing Liang's words, Tietou was taken aback for a moment, and quickly re-ladled a scoop of water, and poured it down slowly towards the wound.

Liang continued to clean the wound with the poured water.

As Liang washes, the sleeping child will twitch a little from time to time.

But I haven't woken up yet, and the crying scene will not appear.

In such a scene, the onlookers in Ling's room couldn't help letting out a long sigh, looking at the bright expression working there, and became more admired.

Before that, none of them thought that this kind of medicinal powder, which they regarded as waste, could actually produce such a big effect!

The injured minor became calmer, so the next thing would become much easier.

With the cooperation of the iron head, Liang thoroughly cleaned the minor's wound.

After cleaning, the broken bones were connected together. After the splicing was neat, the wound was sutured with sterilized needles and gut, layer by layer from the inside out. The progress.

After a while, the wound was completely stitched up.

For this kind of injury, I have seen more and experienced more, and it is very easy to deal with.

After the wound was sutured, he took some powder made of medicine with hemostatic effect and sprinkled it on the sutured wound.

After doing this, I used the linen cloth that had been boiled in boiling water before carefully and carefully bandaged the minor's wound.

After doing this, I found a splint to correct the bones and fixed the minor's leg from a place where there was no wound.

This process seemed a bit cumbersome, but Liang did it in an orderly manner without any chaos.

After a while, these things can be considered to be completely handled.

After doing all these things, Liang straightened up and couldn't help but let out a long breath, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves.

However, this kind of relaxation did not last long. The next moment, Liang became nervous.

He seemed to be thinking of something, and he hurriedly bent down and got close to the minor who was sleeping on the bed~www.NovelMTL.com~ This kind of action made many people in the room irritable. I was shocked, and the heart that had just been let go, immediately raised it.

But Jian Liang touched the child’s wrist and put his finger on the side of his wrist.

After waiting for a while, the tension and solemnity on Liang's face disappeared suddenly and was replaced by joy.

After all, he was the only one who had taken this powder. Some things he didn't know well, and he was worried that some accidents might happen.

Just by touching the pulse of the child, he found that there was no accident, and the pulse was still beating vigorously, so he became relaxed.

The people in the room don't know what happened just now.

However, from Liang’s reaction, I can know that there was nothing unexpected and nothing unexpected happened just now, so I followed to relax...

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