I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1042: problem occurs! (2 in 1)

In the hall of the house where Han Cheng lived with Wu, Wu was sitting on a round grass mat about four to five centimeters high. His eyes looked a little muddy and blinked. Without blinking, he looked at the stone pillar in the middle of the back wall of the house.

The stone pillars are very simple, full of primitive ruggedness and the vicissitudes of time.

This is the totem pole in the tribe.

The totem depicted above is the totem of the tribe that Han Cheng called the blue bird.

Wu was sitting here, looking at the totem pole quietly, for a long time.

But he still sat here and kept watching.

Wu Wu's mood is very low, and this mood has been going on for a long time.

This is mainly because before, together with Stone and Iron Head, he saw the light waking up from a coma and the whole person gradually began to recover.

Liang was able to wake up from the coma again and was still recovering. As a witch who had been worrying about the tribe, he was very happy.

The reason why he feels disappointed that the whole person is not in the state is not because of Liang's sobriety, but because of something brought by Liang's soberness.

When Liang was awake before, he was very happy, because he felt that it was because through his prayers, the gods did something.

He has never paid attention to his god, but he just doesn't want to pay attention to himself. He will still listen to his prayers and do something for himself.

But now, under the same circumstances, he didn't pray at all, and Liang was still awake, and his state was no worse than when he was waiting for someone to pray before.

This is very telling.

Does the **** really hate himself like this?

Is it so unpleasant to God?

Wu sitting here, thinking about these things in his heart over and over again, his whole heart was extremely heavy.

This person who has believed in the gods for a long time, at this time, was almost shut down by what happened...

In the room full of medicinal smell, Liang once again unplugged the gourd, and scooped out some brown medicinal powder from it with a spoon.

The amount of these powders is less than before.

After a while, Liang raised his neck and poured the medicine powder in the spoon into his mouth. He picked up the half bowl of warm water beside him and drank it.

After a while...


Unsurprisingly, Liang fell to the side once again and was caught by his spouse who was guarding him. The stool sitting under him fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Compared with the previous time, Liang's spouse is much calmer.

She didn't yell in horror this time, but took advantage of the situation and grabbed Mao who fell in her arms. Instead, she used all her strength to straighten her waist and stood up directly holding Liang.

Walking out of the pharmacy, he walked straight to the room where Liang lived, put Liang on the bed, covered the bedding, and let him sleep well.

For Liang's coma again, not only Liang's spouse became indifferent, but many people in the tribe became very indifferent.

Oh, Liang is unconscious again...

This is the basic psychology of the people in the tribe.

In the room, Wu, who was sitting here looking at the totem pole in a daze, couldn't help but twitched after learning that Liang had been in a coma again.

Now the coma is getting more and more smooth, and addicted!

I was cutting the grass outside the tribe, preparing to feed the iron heads of the cattle and sheep raised in the tribe. After hearing the sound, after taking the same medicine and coma, he immediately threw the sickle in his hand and ran into the tribe .

After running a few steps, he stopped again.

Because he remembered Liang's coma after taking such medicines, the situation where tea and rice could not get in, and the things that he could get over without him using a dung scoop for treatment.

After staying in place for a while, Tietou turned around and came to the place where he had just stayed, picked up the sickle he had thrown on the ground, and then began to mow the grass.

On the way to mowing the grass, I remembered that it was placed in the tribal toilet, facing the comatose, but there was no dung scoop that could be useful, and the iron head could not help but feel sad.

"What's the use of this dung scoop~!"

The iron head with a sickle bent over here to harvest the grass for a while, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

After a while, I finally couldn't bear it.

He straightened up with the sickle, facing the distance, shouting loudly.

Excited, with some sorrow in the excitement, it is almost an effect of sadness for the hearer and tears for the listener...

"Liang, what's the use of this medicine?"

In the room Liang was in, Tietou watched Liang's condition getting better and better after waking up from a coma, so he asked suspiciously.

Through his own personal experience, Liang has basically determined that this kind of powder prepared by him with several medicines in a certain ratio will basically cause people to coma for a period of time after being consumed. There are no other adverse reactions.

That is, the period of time when a person wakes up from a coma, he will be weaker and mentally weak, but it only takes longer than the last period of time.

Such experience gained through personal practice, Liang recorded it after several consecutive experiments.

Also recorded together are the ingredients and proportions required for this powder.

At the same time, in order to be able to make people understand that the several medicines used in this powdered medicine are what they are, so as not to let people admit their mistakes, I also used a pen to draw the appearance of these several medicines and attached them to the prescription Behind.

At the same time, the growth habit of the drug and the different appearance before and after flowering and fruiting are also written at the back.

With these records, you don’t have to worry too much about the time this prescription and medicine will be lost.

This method of recording medicines and prescriptions was naturally told by Han Cheng, the **** son of the Qingque tribe from later generations.

As a person who is very obsessed with medical skills and is determined to recognize various medicines and use them to treat diseases, Liang is very interested in the method Han Cheng said.

After obtaining this record method from Han Cheng, Liang felt like a treasure.

However, such a record is very difficult for Liang.

The biggest difficulty is not from words, but from drawing herbs and other medicines.

This is really an extremely challenging thing.

The **** son Han Da himself was tortured to death by paintings.

At that time, the son of Han Da, took some art classes in his later lives, and knew more or less about painting and other things. Even if he was abused, he wanted to grab the ground with his head, let alone Liang. These people don't have any contact at all!

When I first started to touch it, I really wanted to take a picture of the slate in front of me!

Interest is the best teacher, this sentence is not false.

Painting these things is very, very difficult for Liang, but Liang still overcomes it.

Even when it comes to painting drugs, he paints better than Han Chengdu.

For the effect of this powder, Liang not only recorded it, but also told some people in the tribe of the usage he had explored.

Among them, Tietou is an insider.

Because of this, at this time, Tietou asked such words.

In his opinion, such a powder, which is of no use except for making people comatose, is completely a waste product and can only be thrown away. It is best not to touch it.

"If you can't sleep, you can take some powder like this and you can fall asleep."

Facing Tie Tou's words, Liang said quickly.

As a person who worked so hard to make this drug, he didn't want anyone to say that this kind of thing was useless.

This is a use of this drug that he has come up with recently.

As a person who has personally experienced the effects of this drug, he knows the effects of this drug in this respect very well.

Hearing Liang said this, Tietou was stunned.

Obviously, he didn't know that this kind of powder had such a use before.

After stunned, he suddenly showed some admiration. He really did not expect that this kind of useless powder would have such a usefulness.

However, this expression only appeared for a while, and was replaced by some smiles.

"Liang, this kind of thing is useless."

Tietou said to Liang with a smile.

After saying a word, Tietou's expression became a little weird.

In this weirdness, there are also something called wretched things.

"I can't sleep at night, just sleep a few times with my spouse."

Because Tietou said that this thing was of no use to sleep, he felt very unconvinced. After hearing that Tietou said this, he immediately frustrated.

As a person with a spouse, Liang knows the correctness of what Tie Tou said.

After all, he had experienced a lot of things like this before.

In this way, this kind of thing is really useless...


After thinking back and forth in his heart for a while, Liang couldn't help but sighed for a long time, looking very lonely.

I worked so hard for such a long time, and I even had to lose my life for it, but it was later discovered that it was of no use. Such a thing would not be comfortable on anyone.

Liang's state was soon discovered by the iron head sitting aside.

The grin on Tietou's face with some wretched smiles that seemed to have a certain **** child's shadow in it was quickly taken away.

"Liang, it's okay."

He stood up, came to Liang and said to Liang, comforting.

Liang smiled, shook his head, and nodded again.

The lonely look on his face soon disappeared and was replaced by a smile again.

As a person who has the courage to explore the way to taste medicine and walk on the path of a doctor, he has experienced too many things like this.

He didn't know how much he had experienced something more serious than this.

The more experienced, the less sensitive to these things.

Such things as sadness and loss will naturally exist, but they will not last too long and will soon be able to self-regulate.

If this were not the case, Liang would not have reached the point where he is today, with today's achievements.

"Bright! Bright!"

"Bright! Hurry, hurry..."

Two people were talking here, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

Someone yelled in panic and kept yelling, and the voice went out of voice.

Accompanied by such a shout, the sound of rapid footsteps quickly approached here from far and near.

In such a busy voice, a heart-piercing cry can be heard.

Judging from the sound, the person who is crying so miserably and has to lose his breath should be a child.

Just listen to it, and you can immediately determine what these sounds represent-something happened!

As the most mysterious man in the tribe, Liang has encountered many similar emergencies.

After hearing such a movement, he didn't even have a moment of delay, and he bounced off his seat almost as a reflex.

He rushed out of the house without stopping for a moment.

At this moment, the speed that Liang showed made the iron head sitting beside him feel amazed.

He hadn't reflected what was going on at this time, Liang had already jumped out of the house.

The speed is so fast that the afterimages are almost coming out!

As soon as Liang rushed out of the room, he saw Seven or Eight running all the way.

The person who ran in the front was a woman.

She held a child who was struggling and crying in her arms.

This child is about seven or eight years old, one leg is weakly slumped, and blood is dripping down his slumped leg, leaving a little bit of blood in the place he passed.

The woman holding this child is not so strong, and can even be described as thin.

The child in her arms is not much younger than her.

But it was such a woman, in this state, she ran out of wind speed abruptly.

As she ran, she shouted Liang's name loudly, as if she couldn't feel the slightest fatigue at all.

There were some men who came with her, but even these men~www.NovelMTL.com~ are running behind her at this time.

She didn't realize how fast she was and how much potential she was inspired.

She had only one thought at this time, and that was to run quickly with the child in her arms, to find Liang and let Liang treat the child.

"Here! Here! Bring the child into the house!"

Liang glanced over the scene in front of him, and hurriedly shouted like this.

The girl who had just run away almost didn't recognize her, and the rest of them wanted to take over the child, but she became extremely well-behaved.

She slowed down a bit, followed Liang's guidance, carried the child into a clean house, and laid it flat on the bed.

"what happened?!"

Liang asked loudly, and at the same time quickly brought a wide cloth belt from one side, preparing to stop the bleeding...

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